Monday, April 8, 2024


 h/t - Woodsterman


  1. The eclipse was beautiful today! Time And Date has a schedule of eclipses seen worldwide. Depending on where you live in the USA, the next solar eclipse you can see will be in 2029. On March 24/25, we had a penumbral lunar eclipse. We have another lunar eclipse later this year, followed by a solar eclipse seen somewhere else in the world, and another penumbral lunar eclipse following 2 weeks later. Some sites list the later penumbral lunar eclipse as an almost eclipse, and some list it as an eclipse. I'll have to check Time And Date to get the dates and types of eclipses coming up.

    1. From Time And Date:

      Sep 17–18, 2024 — Partial Lunar Eclipse
      Oct 2, 2024 – Annular Solar Eclipse
      Oct 17, 2024 — Almost Lunar Eclipse (some sites might list this as a penumbral lunar eclipse)

  2. So... you are NERD, Rat? ;-P

  3. Mystere isn't a nerd, he's an imbecile.

    btw, Mystere, why are you whining about me (allegedly) doxxing you?

    Looks to me like you're doxxing yourself.

  4. And cretin... started its jealousy grumbling right away. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  5. Ah... I know who you are -- you are Milhouse, yes cretin? ;-P

    Cretin Milhouse, now you are. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    1. "Cretin" is jealous because I can outsmart him if I choose to, Q. He's still smarting from getting some WhupAss for being naughty. He got slapped in both faces. 🙈 And he has the gall to call the truth "Hate Speech."

      Dervish is quite pitiful too. Notice how he pulled his pants down and made an ass of himself here by exposing himself shamelessly. He can't seem to stop making an ass of himself on Blogger, as you cannot unsee. It's "Cretin" Assface's typical infantile response, Q.

  6. Calling someone a "faggot" is truth? So why do it anonymously instead of always with your account, Mystere?

    1. Hiya Dervish! How are you recovering from the serious WhupAss you got for running smear campaigns on your blogs? Is your Fani sore from the blog whuppings?

    2. You can post images calling me a "faggot", while my new blog -- about how you are harassing me and spewing hate speech -- that gets removed?

      Knowing someone at Google doesn't make you "tough", asshole. That must be what's going on. Because now apparently Mystere can get any blog I create take down.

      Is your friend going to intercept every report I submit about your hate blogs, Mystere?

      Though Google has not yet contacted me about any "copyright infringement" or "unauthorized sales of copyrighted materials" (your completely bs charges re my non-politics blog). Is that still going to happen, asshole?

  7. You know. You reported it. I linked to it above. You are a bad liar. The stats said absolutely no one looked at it. Though we both know you did. I copied over images from your blogs that call me a "faggot". That definitely falls under the Hate speech policy. Which YOU are in violation of. Not me. *I* speak against hate, asshole. You are a bigly hater. What a JOKE this is. Hopefully I can get through to someone at Google who realizes this. I'm going to keep trying, asshole.

  8. Here is another blog for your hit list, asshole. How quickly can you get this one taken down, you piece of shit.

  9. Replies
    1. FJ, I enjoy exploring trails in urban areas and riding to the coast on busses and bicycles. Beaches are awesome.

  10. I'm trying to help Mystere give up his blogging addiction. Maybe he will end up thanking me?

    1. Is Dervish still blowing steam out of his ears over the losses of his "White Gravy" "Whoz Yo Mama" and "Dervish Sanders" hate blogs? Triple headers... Oh my! That must be bigly painful.

  11. I don't have (or ever had) any "hate blogs". I never had any "White Gravy" blog. I saw some blog about White Gravy, but according to the sidebar, the author of that blog was YOU, Mystere.

    Your hate blogs should be taken out, Mystere. You seem confident that isn't going to happen. One of your many enemies might be working to make that happen. Remember that Irl Hudnutt reported you to WordPress and got many of your WordPress blogs removed. LOL.

    Are you going to be putting up any more posts on your new "Miss-Adventures from my Active Bungholes" blog?

    1. What's this about a new blog, Dervish? "Miss-Adventures from my Active Bungholes?"

      And what's this about your boyfriend Irl Hudnutt aka Donald James Bortz III, that guy whose pappy ran a quack medical practice that kept getting sued to the point he sold it while in huge malpractice debts? Yeah, he went after Porky and got his Google Account wiped out for no reason at all, except Donald had contacts at Google who chose to attack him and wipe him out. It took 3 or more years for Porky to open a replacement account, as the clowns who wiped him out were still there for a few years. Porky had given Don Key authorship at Porky's Big Payback. Google made Don the owner. Donkey's Revenge was a contact we made at the MyFoxTV blog sites before Google Blogger. Donkey invited me and Mystere to the blog and made us administrators. We got Porky back on and made sure we had his back.

      I could care less about your "Bunghole" blog.

      By the way, what happened to your Oligarch Stooge Talk blog? What did you smear Willis with to get your gossip hate blog wiped out?

  12. The Bungholes blog was created by you, Mystere. That is your blog, created with the account you use to impersonate me.

    1. What happened to your Oligarch Stooge Talk blog, Dervy? You haven't answered my question. What did you do to steam off Willis Hart? You certainly must have steamed him off to get the boot.

  13. The Bungholes blog was created by you, Mystere. That is your blog, created with the account you use to impersonate me.

    1. Mystere created a new blog? Really? And he created a new account to impersonate you? Really now? This I need to see...

  14. The polls have reversed. As the prophets and prophetesses said, The eclipse played a role in Carbondale Illinois. The dude who said something about a portal in CERN back on April 8, 1964 took his dirt nap on April 8th. He's now spending eternity at Fire Lake.

  15. Hmm. It appears that you, in your fictional account of what occurred re Irl Huddnut above, may have inadvertently revealed the truth. Mystere wrote, "Donald had contacts at Google who chose to attack him..."

    You mean YOU have contacts at Google, Mystere? That's why you're so confident there is nothing I can do about your FALSE reports? Is that what you just admitted, asshole?

    Opening accounts is easy. You know this. You have MANY. Including the ones you use to impersonate me and Les Carpenter. It doesn't take 3 years to create a Google account.

    fyi, Irl Hudnutt is not "aka Donald James Bortz III". I doubt the real Donald James Bortz III has any idea that (in your mentally ill delusions) you think he goes by "Irl Hudnutt" online.

    Similar to how your mentally ill delusions led you to believe my name is Anthony Sanders and I'm a pedophile Juvenile court judge and the owner/operator of a "gay brothel". You need help. Or maybe you just need to prevented from using the internet. Though, without that outlet for your delusions you might start attacking people in real life. You are clearly very seriously mentally ill. The best place for you might be a mental institution.

  16. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  17. In regards to the image at the top of this post, why did you rush out to buy milk and bread, Minus? Milk and bread are essential supplies during an eclipse? What did you do with the milk and bread? Make french toast? You need eggs too. I'd add cinnamon. And you also need some syrup.

  18. It wasn't for the eclipse, it was for the following apocalypse that the eclipse signified.

  19. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Joe... you still bent on explaining trivia to cretin.

    Hope you enjoy it. ;-P
