Saturday, April 27, 2024

RFK, Jr. Have a Listen


  1. Yeah, I like a lot of what he has to say. You think that his candidacy will subtract more votes from Biden over tRump? That's why you're so pro-rfkjr?

    I'm voting Biden. rfkjr can't win. Plus I found his NewSpeaking really offensive. Like "free speech" meaning support of disinformation and lying. rfkjr doesn't know that this bigly benefits republiturds? Makes me think he knows what he's doing. Or trying to do. Which is to get dotard donald elected, not himself.

    Another NewSpeak was his calling support for Putin crushing Ukraine "anti-war". rfkjr is pro-war. PRO Putin winning the war they started and PRO Ukraine losing.

  2. I like RFK, Jr. too. I don't like his green environmental cr*p, but the rest is decent.

    I'd vote for him in the absence of Trump. I'm sure that most Trumpers feel the same way.

  3. But he also said he would raise the minimum wage. And isn't he pro union? Aside from not hating the environment (as you do) aren't those more reasons to oppose him?

  4. I understand the reason for both propositions, and they're valid. Only I hold a different solution. Instead of raising the minimum wage, lowering the maximum wage. And instead of increased unionization, decreased corporatization (a culling of the Struldbruggs). Maybe one day thereby, we'll arrive at a "happy medium".

    Environmentalism seeks to limit a maximum exploitation of the Earth, but I believe that if we implemented my solutions above, it, too, would cure itself. But any such project is also anti-progress.

    For progress can only proceed with ever increasing energy density energy use (as postulated by both Lazare Carnot and the Kardeshev scale).

  5. I'm surprised Dervish isn't having a heart attack over RFK Jr. I thought he'd be slobbering for his butt buddy JoeJoe.

  6. Mystere: I'm surprised Dervish isn't having a heart attack over RFK Jr.

    The reason for your surprise is that you are a moron, Mystere. I'd prefer rfkjr to dotard donald, but the chances of rfkjr becoming president are zilch. It is completely impossible, so why should I even contemplate it?


    Conventional wisdom, backed up by some opinion polls, says that Mr Kennedy, a member of the country's most famous - and Democratic - political family, presents more of a threat to Joe Biden than to the Republican nominee Donald Trump.

    However, other recent surveys, interviews with supporters and a closer look at the issues that animate Mr Kennedy's base tell a different story - that perhaps Mr Trump is the candidate who should be more worried.

    "Given the status of politics in Michigan right now, I would say he's probably more damaging to Trump", said Corwin Smidt, a politics professor at Michigan State University. "But it's a very uncertain situation". link.

    Time for Mystere's heart attack? Naaah. Mystere simply denies facts he doesn't like. Like when Biden is re-elected, he will say the Democrats "stole" the election "again". And when tRump goes to prison, Mystere will call him a "political prisoner".

    fyi, I have ZERO "butt buddies". How many do you have? You're the one who keeps babbling about "butt buddies" and "boifriends".

    1. Hey Dervish, I said it, not Mystere. Your queer fixation on Mystere isn't healthy. You need help for "Mystere Derangement Syndrome."

    2. Dervish mumbles about "Butt Buddies" and "Boifriends" again. Dervish conveniently forgets that his idol JoeJoe Bidet spoke about "Butt Buddies" when he was 0bama's right hand butt boy...oops, I mean "The Veep" ... that's code for Vice Prez...ðŸĶĪðŸĶĪðŸĶĪðŸĶĪðŸĶĪ🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈ðŸĶĨ🙈🙊🙉🐒🐓🐔ðŸĶ…ðŸĶĪðŸĶĪðŸĶĪðŸĶĪðŸĶĪ🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄

    3. So why isn't dotard donald's "butt boy" Mike Pence endorsing tRump for prez in 2024, Mystere?

      Mike Pence: "I will not be endorsing Donald Trump this year".

  7. By the way, what's the deal with your queer fixation on me, Mystere? You seriously need help for your "Dervish Sanders derangement syndrome".
