Saturday, March 9, 2024

TikTok: THE Gap in USIC's Total Information Control (TIC) Program

Adam Mersereau, a one-time Marine, writing for National Review Online, defined total war like this:
The kind of warfare that not only destroys the enemy’s military forces, but also brings the enemy society to an extremely personal point of decision, so that they are willing to accept a reversal of the cultural trends that spawned the war in the first place. A total war strategy does not have to include the intentional targeting of civilians, but the sparing of civilian lives cannot be its first priority. … The purpose of total war is to permanently force your will onto another people group. Limited war pits combatants against combatants, while total war pits nation against nation, and even culture against culture.

Hence the need for Total Information Control. 


  1. tRumpturds want the CCP to control all social media.

  2. Total War its INNER strengthening and mobilization of society.

    And THAT IS what liliPut trying to achive -- to accure tyranic-totalitarian unquestionable powers over RFia.

    Things like winning war... is like cherry on the top of that sweet pie.

    That's why -- RFia WILL NOT stop war(s)... NO MATTER how many and what countries USA would throw under that bus.

    That is -- cretinic strategy in and out.

    Strategy... that will lead to Pearl Harbor 2.0. Or even to re-making North America into postap peisage.

  3. Mystere: tRumpturds want the CCP to control all social media.

    Why would you (as a trumpturd) want that, Mystere?

    1. Mystere, are you here? If you're here Mystere, please tell us you're here, Mystere. Where are you, Mystere? I don't see you here, Mystere. Anyone here see Mystere? Is Dervish high on White China? Has Dervish been sniffing Hunter's crack again for sloppy seconds after Hunter boofed some White China blow?

    2. Why would anyone want a foreign government in control of the United States Of America's infrastructure? That would be a death blow to freedom. The first reply on this blog post came from Dervish Sanders, asserting "trumpturds" want the CCP to control all social media, then walking his comment back by accusing some guy called "Mystere" of writing the first reply. There is something off with this Dervish Sanders guy's mental state. Is Dervish a mentally ill psychopath, fixated on attacking others when he writes something he later gets embarrassed over?

    3. You aren't fooling anyone "Helmut" aka Mystere.

    4. Did I offend you, Dervish Sanders, by asking about your mental state of mind? You posted something at the top, then accused someone you call Mystere of posting what you wrote. You have a very short fuse, which will land you in trouble.

    5. Did Cretin throw another one of his temper tantrums again?


  4. "Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you." - Nietzsche

  5. That is not a problem. AT ALL.

    If that monster will learn daily meditation practice chants "we not monsters, we not monsters, we not monsters... we -- white feathers angels". ;-P

  6. Ever read "Seven Against Thebes? Get used to being a Theban gateway.

  7. This is what the distinguished American diplomat George Kennan wrote in 1987, when the USSR was still around, in his preface to Norman Cousins’s 1987 book, The Pathology of Power: “Were the Soviet Union to sink tomorrow under the waters of the ocean, the American military-industrial complex (MIC) would have to remain, substantially unchanged until some other adversary could be invented.”

  8. Britannica Dictionary definition of PATHOLOGICAL. 1. : extreme in a way that is not normal or that shows an illness or mental problem. He is a pathological liar/gambler. She has a pathological fear of heights.

    The USIC has a PATHOLOGICAL fear of Russia.

  9. \\The USIC has a PATHOLOGICAL fear of Russia.

    Yeah... and Nukes directed at USA... imaginary? ;-P


    I see. I see.

    We'll be waiting for some waking Pearl Harbor 2.0... nukelar incident.

    i only hope that it would not be TOO LATE...

  10. Yeah... and Nukes directed at USA... imaginary? ;-P

    Perhaps if we stopped putting troops on their border they'd reprogram them to target Kyiv, instead. :)

  11. We certainly aren't worried about where France's missiles are targeting.

  12. Trump's reversal [re Tiktok] now is also partially the product of a lobbying campaign connected to a GOP megadonor with connections that reach into Trump’s inner circle.

    The investment company of billionaire Jeff Yass owns 15 percent of ByteDance, which would amount to roughly $40 billion of the company’s $268 billion valuation.

    A billionaire tossed some money his way and he reversed himself. Because he is bigly corrupt.

  13. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

    \\ Yeah... and Nukes directed at USA... imaginary? ;-P

    \\ Perhaps if we stopped putting troops on their border they'd reprogram them to target Kyiv, instead. :)

    Are you idiot?

    What for???

    Even nuking it under Siberia... would have more merit.

    Yes... they are maniacs... but have you seen any maniac that would cut its own hand???

    And China's brand new M.A.D. capabilities? ;-P

  14. China spent over $5.5 million at Trump properties while he was in office, documents show.

    trumpturds want the CCP to control all social media?

    According to the comment Mystere faked from me they do. I asked Mystere why he'd want that but he refused to answer.

    The republiturd party is known to be the arm to the Chinese Communist Party in the USA.

    How do I know? Because (as Minus said) Millions from China flowed into tRump's coffers. That is KNOWN.

  15. Cretin DUNNO how income differs from profit? ;-P

    Seems like... IT is. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    1. Cretin has a new name: "Dervish Pimple Butt Satan Sanders"

  16. China spent over $5.5 million at Trump properties while he was in office, documents show.

    Whereas poor China Joe Biden and his family only got $1.3 million for China favours (not use of properties). So sad, huh?

  17. Minus: Cretin has a new name: "Dervish Pimple Butt Satan Sanders"

    That's what you're calling yourself now?

  18. Minus: \\China spent over $5.5 million at Trump properties while he was in office, documents show\\ Whereas poor China Joe Biden and his family only got $1.3 million for China favours (not use of properties). So sad, huh?

    Joe Biden got ZERO dollars from China for "favours". Hunter Biden earned money doing business deals in China. Hunter Biden isn't a member of the Biden Administration. I don't know why this is ok with you re dotard donald HIMSELF and dotard donald's spawn -- making deals/receiving money WHILE in government -- but -- for Hunter Biden and other Biden family members NOT in government (and NOT Joe Biden) it is "corruption".

    FYI, Penn’s Biden Center has drawn GOP criticism for its Chinese donors, but experts say it’s not unusual. ...educational experts say the growth in donations from Chinese sources is unsurprising for an elite school such as Penn. While such donations to American colleges overall have raised bipartisan concerns about national security, Penn’s overseas support is in line with similar schools during the same time frame.

  19. \\making deals/receiving money WHILE in government -- but -- for Hunter Biden and other Biden family members

    Pin-pon, pin-pon.

    dRump is a heir of known business empire... and businessman... since, forever.

    WHAT business Hunter Biden organized? And successfully leaded???

    Apart of "business" trading with his "heir of American POTUS" face? ;-P

  20. So??//

    No answer from DEMN liar.

    Pre-dick-table. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  21. Qtard: WHAT business Hunter Biden organized? And successfully leaded???

    The investment management firm Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC.

    dotard donald tRump is leading the business started by his father into insolvency. His properties being seized to satisfy what he owes is definitely possible.

    Qtard thinks that is "successful" leading? That is what success looks like to a cretin?

  22. Qtard: No answer from DEMN liar.

    Maybe I should not have answered. Given that your question is not properly attributed. You're asking some demon liar. Is that another of your alter egos?

  23. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Continue-continue showing itself cretin, crein. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  24. \\The investment management firm Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC.

    Organized WHEN???

    Produced WHAT???

    Made profit HOW MuCH? ;-P

  25. Pre-dick-table.

    Cretin DID NOT provided any facts. ;-P


  26. Yeah, I was waiting for the facts. But you're right -- you didn't give any.

    When asked I didn't know who you were talking to because your question was not properly attributed. But then you clarified -- you were asking cretin/yourself.

    So why no answer?

  27. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Perectly cretinic retort! Congrats!


    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
