Saturday, March 9, 2024

How Legit are Maryland Elections?

Jack Gleason, "Challenging Election Irregularities in Maryland"
United Sovereign Americans, a nationwide group dedicated to fair and honest elections, has joined with Maryland Election Integrity, LLC, in filing a lawsuit in Maryland Federal Court against the Maryland State Board of Elections with Judge Stephanie A. Gallagher presiding.
“This action seeks declaratory and injunctive relief from deficient voter registration rolls leading to violations of Federal and state laws, the certification of results from a provably flawed, inaccurate, and obscure process outside the view of impartial witnesses or the public, including the use of voting systems in Maryland that are believed to have void EAC certifications in violation of federal law, and the refusal of the Maryland State Board of Elections to comply with Public Information Act (PIA) requests and Federally required transparency.”
The suit cites multiple federal laws regarding election conduct, including Article 1 Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution, Sections 1 and 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment, the National Voter Registration Act, and the Help America Vote Act.

The lawsuit states:
“Meticulous analysis of the official Maryland State Voter Registration Database reveals a minimum of 79,392 current apparent registration violations…The analysis revealed 1,699 instances of duplicate registrations, 25,084 instances of registrants with questionable inactive status, 3,366 instances of active registrations without a certified US Post Office mailing address, 5,680 instances of active registrants who moved at least 4 years ago, 605 instances of registrations with no residential address, 296 instances of active registrants with a nonstandard address, 1,218 instances of active registrants who are deceased, 883 instances of age discrepant registration (younger than 18 or older than 115), and 40,518 instances of questionable registration date.”
They continue:
“In sum, the voting system error rates are exponentially above the maximum allowable error rates. Inaccuracy and the specter of fraud have irretrievably damaged the reliability and credibility of results. The Maryland State Board of Elections dismissed these concerns without any meaningful review or response and intends to administer and certify Maryland’s 2024 general election under the same inaccurate conditions. Despite mandatory statutory language requiring current and accurate voter rolls, which shall include only the names and registration information of eligible citizen voters, and Maryland law specifying processes to do so, Maryland has failed to keep voter rolls accurate.”
They conclude:
“Plaintiffs allege that voter rolls are highly inaccurate, error rates on the voting systems exceed the maximum allowable error rates, voting systems were not certified correctly, machines have been used that have VOID EAC certifications, large numbers of blank ballots were cast, and the MDSBE is unlawfully withholding evidence of such. This has caused abridgement to their right to vote “[a]nd the right of suffrage can be denied by a debasement or dilution of the weight of a citizen’s vote just as effectively as by wholly prohibiting the free exercise of the franchise” Reynolds v. Sims, (377 U.S. 533). The right to vote is paramount “[e]specially since the right to exercise the franchise in a free and unimpaired manner is preservative of other basic civil and political rights, any alleged infringement of the right of citizens to vote must be carefully and meticulously scrutinized.” Reynolds v. Sims, 377 U.S. 533 (1964). Inaccurate voter registration practices have led to voting system error rates well above the statutory threshold causing dilution of eligible voter’s votes. Use of the ES&S Voting Systems in a noncompliant manner has resulted in dilution of Plaintiff’s votes and has resulted in an impaired election process resulting in concrete harm to Plaintiff’s rights to vote. Denial of Plaintiff’s PIA requests resulted in Plaintiffs not being able to access information in which they are entitled.”
They are seeking an injunction from Judge Gallagher to force the Maryland State Board of Elections to keep accurate voter rolls and enjoining them from certifying any future elections unless voter rolls are updated, registration records are corrected, and the entire voting process is reformed to follow all applicable federal and state laws. They also seek the decertification of the ES&S EVS electronic voting system currently in use.

Finally, they ask the court to establish a Special Master to guide the Maryland State Board of Elections, among other things, to ensure changes are implemented prior to the November 2024 election to verify voters are U.S. citizens, and the ballot custody process is corrected and auditable.

Maryland Election Integrity, LLC, a group of citizen volunteers in Maryland, is led by Kate Sullivan and David Morsberger. They recently filed a report detailing the results of their statewide voter canvass and their examination of Maryland voter rolls.

Their canvas found 58 inaccurate records, which was 15 % of the 383 records surveyed. The Baltimore County canvass found 61 inaccurate records -- 14% of the 418 individuals contacted.

Based on their results, they calculated that the canvass percentages would equate to 5,625 apparent fraudulent votes in the Maryland 2020 general election.

The team also analyzed Maryland voter rolls and found 79,349 current apparent registration violations, 62,075 voting violations in the 2020 general election, and 27,623 voting violations in the 2022 general election.

United Sovereign Americans was born out of New York Citizens Audit, which has produced similar reports about the voter rolls in New York state for 2020 and 2022. Co-founders Marly Hornik and Harry Haury formed United Sovereign Americans to share what they’ve learned about database investigations and legal strategies to ensure fair and honest elections for our country. They now have chapters in over 25 states doing research and preparing lawsuits.

Regarding the Maryland lawsuit, Hornik said “the Maryland action is the first of many lawsuits we will be participating in to force state boards of elections to comply with clearly-defined federal laws that ensure election validity. Without trustworthy elections, the American public will have no confidence in the announced results.”

The Maryland legal action heralds a new wave of federal lawsuits targeting the sloppy conduct of elections as well as lax, or even criminal, management of voter roll databases across the country. Judicial Watch announced their own lawsuit about board of elections conduct in Illinois this Tuesday.


  1. "fair and honest elections" is rightturd NewSpeak for elections where only rightturds win. If Democrats win it has to be due to cheating.

    1. Dervish Sanders March 9, 2024 at 9:35 AM:
      "fair and honest elections" is rightturd NewSpeak for elections where only rightturds win. If Democrats win it has to be due to cheating.

      Assface Dervish reveals the strategy of his CCP Stinktank. The Democrat Party is known to be the arm to the Chinese Communist Party in the USA.

    2. What a moronic assertion. No such thing is "known", Mystere.

    3. Assface just proved how spot on Rattrapper is with his evaluation, which is 100% spot on. Butt Stench Dervish exposed his naked carcass with his liberal oinking.

  2. "social justice" is DemSpeak for "injustice". So, should I have said, "Socially fair and honest elections" so that you could understand what I meant?

  3. \\So, should I have said, "Socially fair and honest elections" so that you could understand what I meant?

    You will NOT sway Double-Thinker with that... ;-P


    You DO NOT think in double-think. ;-P

    And to understand double-think one must think in double-think.

    Bu-ga-gah!!!! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  4. Millions from China to Biden isn't "knowledge"? Who knew?

  5. Qtard: You will NOT sway Double-Thinker with that...

    Talking about yourself in the 3rd person again. Yawn.

    Doublethink like Republicans have a "plan for victory in Ukraine" BUT not voting on that plan. Not even trying to get it voted on?

    Or, aid to Ukraine -- that is actually help for Putin?

    Or, a minority attempt to overthrow democracy by force -- that minority is "The People" and they are "exercising their human right" to cancel everyone else's right to democracy?

    Or, gun violence is bad and you can criticize the US for having so much of it -- but it is totalitarian to not allow people to have whatever weapons they want?

    Or, Republicans have no state power -- even though they control the House of Representatives and a majority of governorships and state governments?

    Or, IT is very concerned about donald tRump being "politically persecuted" -- even though (for IT) donald tRump doesn't even exist!

    Is that the kind of doublethinking the doublethinker is talking about?

    Of course not. Because those were examples of IT's doublethinking.

    Examples I gave. While, when it accused me, gave no examples. Yet IT probably thinks it gave facts and used logic to prove IT's baseless assertion. As is most often the case.

  6. \\Blogger -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

    \\ Millions from China to Biden isn't "knowledge"? Who knew?

    Like... abuse of power (or criminal negligance) can happen ONLY because of bribes. ;-P

    \\Talking about yourself in the 3rd person again. Yawn.

    \\Doublethink like Republicans have a "plan for victory in Ukraine" BUT not voting on that plan. Not even trying to get it voted on?

    Said double-thinker.


    \\Or, aid to Ukraine -- that is actually help for Putin?

    And??? WHEN LAST package of such help was ACTUALLY DELiVERED????

    NOW... in time of BIGGEST VULNERABILITY of liliPut's regime!!!

    Ah... yes... that is ACCIDENTAL... and/or "all because of dRump"...

    Even though 4 BILLIONS $ of POTUS discretion funds... NOT USED.

    ONLY Double Thinking LIAR can call it "aid to Ukraine" -- TOTAL LACK of aid.

    NewSpeak LIAR.

    \\to cancel everyone else's right to democracy?


    And Double Thinking LIAR can call investigation of possible cheating during election -- "canceling everyone's right to democracy".


    \\Or, gun violence is bad and you can criticize the US for having so much of it -- but it is totalitarian to not allow people to have whatever weapons they want?


    Only totalitarian Double Thinker can call YET MORE PROHIBITIONS... a freedom?

    \\Or, Republicans have no state power -- even though they control the House of Representatives and a majority of governorships and state governments?


    Only Double Thinker can call POLITICAL OPPOSITION miserly limited influence... having State Power.

    \\Examples I gave. While, when it accused me, gave no examples.


    MORE examples???

    More than (almost?) EVERY of your babbling HERE, in this blog? ;-P

    \\Yet IT probably thinks it gave facts and used logic to prove IT's baseless assertion. As is most often the case.


    That is what you do, IT. ;-P

    But... as Double Thinking NewSpeaker... you will claim that it was NOT about you, IT. ;-P

  7. Doublethinking cretin doubles down on its doublethink. Yawn.

    1. 🔺Assface Cretin Derpish needs his nappy🔺 after doubling down on his doublethink?😆😆😆😆😆

  8. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Doublethinking cretin doubles down on its doublethink. Yawn.


    \\But... as Double Thinking NewSpeaker... you will claim that it was NOT about you, IT. ;-P


    Or... that was self-referential.

    With such a crazy dude... one never can be sure. ;-P

    1. Assface "Cretin Derpish" is yawning to take his dirt nappy.

    2. Making internet death threats is a federal crime, Mystere.

  9. Qtard: And Double Thinking LIAR can call investigation of possible cheating during election -- "canceling everyone's right to democracy".

    You? You can't be talking about me. I strongly support such investigations. I want the cheating trumpers caught. Democrats too, if they cheat. But Joe Biden didn't tell his supporters to vote twice. While donald tRump did.

  10. Qtard: ALL AS PREDICTED. But... as Double Thinking NewSpeaker... you will claim that it was NOT about you, IT. **moronic laughter**

    "You, IT" -- your alter ego? Yeah, my comment was about "You, IT".

    Qtard: Or... that was self-referential.

    Your comment? Yes. You referenced your alter ego, "You, IT".

    Qtard: With such a crazy dude... one never can be sure. ;-P

    Yes. I agree with your self referential comment. I agree with your assessment of yourself as "crazy", though not "dude". Google says a "dude" is "a man; a guy".

    While you identify as an "IT" -- as you frequently remind us.

  11. \\"You, IT" -- your alter ego? Yeah, my comment was about "You, IT".



    You CRETIN IT... will not be able to devise OWN words... so IT will re-use MUCH SMARTER opponent words ONLY. ;-P

    Continue-continue, cretin, confirming own cretinism. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Your comment? Yes. You referenced your alter ego, "You, IT".


    Cretin babbling with substituting "I" with "you".

    SO... self-referential. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    IT unable to grok it. Because... C-R-E-T-I-N. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  12. No cretin's retorts here? ;-P

  13. There are cretin's retorts right ABOVE.

    You want more? Write them.

    I didn't see anything worth responding to.

    Just babbling about "MUCH SMARTER opponent words". In reference to it's own cretinic comments!

  14. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\I didn't see anything worth responding to.

    Yeah. Because you you are cretin -- have no brains to answer. ;-P


    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  15. \\Just babbling about "MUCH SMARTER opponent words". In reference to it's own cretinic comments!


    And why you repeating after me??? If my words are so cretinic? Ahhh??? :-))))))))))

  16. Qtard: And why you repeating after me??? If my words are so cretinic? Ahhh???

    To mock them. Which I explained many times before. But you NEVER remember. You won't remember this explaining either.

  17. \\To mock them.


    Means... to make oneself looking like cretin? ;-P

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Which I explained many times before.


    You not. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Cause... *I* provided DICTIONARY DEFiNITION of word "explain".

    EXPLAIN | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
    Cambridge Dictionary › ...
    EXPLAIN definition: 1. to make something clear or easy to understand by describing or giving information about it: 2…. Learn more.

    Was you providing some clear and easy to understand description of what your "mocking" is? And why you cretin think it SHOULD work against MUCH SMARTER opponent?


    You never did.

    'Cause -- cretin.

    \\But you NEVER remember. You won't remember this explaining either.


    As I, as MUCH SMARTER opponent revealed with "clear or easy to understand" description -- using COMMONLY UNDERSTOOD definition from dictionary.


    you are cretin, and will CONFIRM it, in a jiffy with some cretinic comment right away. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  18. No cretin's retorts?

    Pre-dick-table. ;-P

  19. Cretin can't see it's own retorts?

  20. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Perectly cretinic retort! Congrats!


    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
