Thursday, February 8, 2024

Putin Propaganda in Prime Time! The Tucker Carlson Interview.

May all those who seek to censor this interview or sanction Carlson rot in Hell where you belong!


  1. Putin Propaganda in Prime Time!

    It's Putin propaganda, yes. Not in prime time.

  2. True. Prime Time would have been Feb of '22 BEFORE Biden and the Necons pushed this war on the World.

  3. Only one antidote to propaganda -- propaganda that pushed into one's mouth forcefully... ad nauseous. ;-P

    So... when new bright 5 minutes of Karlson + liliPut will be Neuralinked into every-merican brains? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  4. I'm still getting through the interview, yet it confirms my previous suspicions. Putin wanted into the "club" and the West shut him out. Our leaders have grown arrogant and we will pay dearly for their hubris.

  5. ps - Unlike Biden, Putin is sharp as a tack.

  6. Putin even has his own derogatory slang for globalism and the globalists... the "golden billion". I think its' suits J F'n Kerry and the Davos men perfectly.

  7. Qtard: So... when new bright 5 minutes of Karlson + liliPut will be Neuralinked into every-merican brains?

    But only trumpturds like Minus FJ will believe it. "It" (as per Qtard's delusions) being the "Demn propaganda" being presented by "Demn" Bi-den supporters Putin and Carlson.

    Minus FJ must be a "Demn" and a "Bi-den" supporter... per qtarted illogic.

    Did Putin thank his puppet Bi-den for cutting off aid to Ukraine? Did he express fear about donald tRump returning to the presidency? Remember that dotard donald said he would end the conflict in 24 hours. Probably by forcing Russia to make concessions. Like giving back all the land they have stolen and paying for the cost of the war. Just by commanding Putin to do it.

    Putin would likely (due to intense fear) say (to dotard donald's demands) "yes, sir". And there would be tears in his eyes :P

  8. Minus: Putin wanted into the "club" and the West shut him out. Our leaders have grown arrogant and we will pay dearly for their hubris.

    Putin wanted to join NATO?

    Google: What are requirements to join NATO?

    New members must uphold democracy, including tolerating diversity. New members must be making progress toward a market economy. Their military forces must be under firm civilian control. They must be good neighbors and respect sovereignty outside their borders.

    Minus thinks Putin is a bigly believer in upholding democracy?

    Google: Is Russia a democracy?

    Russia is categorized as a Consolidated Authoritarian regime in the Nations in Transit 2023, Freedom House's annual study on the state of democracy in the region stretching from Central Europe to Central Asia.

    Maybe the US will join the Warsaw Pact when dotard donald pulls us out of NATO in his second term. Maybe "president for life" donald tRump will send aid to Russia after ending aid to Ukraine.

  9. Minus: Putin even has his own derogatory slang for globalism and the globalists... the "golden billion". I think its' suits J F'n Kerry and the Davos men perfectly.

    Wikipedia: The golden billion theory is a conspiracy theory that a cabal of global elites are pulling strings to amass wealth for the world's richest billion people at the expense of the rest of humanity. It is popular in the Russian-speaking world.

    Google: How rich is Putin.

    The Kremlin claims that Putin earns an annual salary of $140,000. His publicly disclosed assets include an 800-square foot apartment, a trailer, and three cars. But according to some experts, he may be the wealthiest man in the world with assets totaling up to $200 billion.

    Richest man in the world. So he is #1 on the "golden billion" list.

    Putin: $200 billion net worth (estimated).
    Kerry: $250 million net worth.

    Elon Musk has an estimated net worth of $199 billion, so he's right up there with Putin. Putin and Musk must be the leaders of the cabal of global elites are pulling strings to amass wealth for the world's richest billion people at the expense of the rest of humanity.

  10. Putin wanted to join NATO?

    Still haven't watched the interview, I see.

  11. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

    \\ ps - Unlike Biden, Putin is sharp as a tack.

    Even from a grave? ;-P

    That was doubler. For sure.

    Remember? "Kagemusha". ;-)

    \\Putin wanted into the "club" and the West shut him out.

    First Rule of a crooks -- say to losers what they want, what they understand -- and your pockets ALWAYS will be full. ;-P

    Look at DEMNs -- they just saying to cretins that they are smart.

    And how perfectly it working. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Now they ready to trash all World... just for that sweet lie to perpetuate.

    \\Putin even has his own derogatory slang for globalism and the globalists... the "golden billion".


    that's from Andropov's Propaganda rulebook.

    One... it, while being miserly KGB critter was listening in his youth.

    And that... was concocted on the base of Western research from 70s.

    What are The Limits to Growth 1970s?
    The MIT research team that produced “The Limits to Growth” focused on five basic factors that they claimed determined, and therefore ultimately limited, growth on Earth: population, agricultural production, natural resources, industrial production and pollution.

    What the controversial 1972 'Limits to Growth' report got right › news › stories › what-limits-to-...

    \\But only trumpturds like Minus FJ will believe it.

    YOU... repeat liliPut's propaganda. That, about "Ukrainians are nazis".

    Are you trupturd?

    Naaah. You just cretin. Ready to slurp propaganda from ANY source.

    \\Putin would likely (due to intense fear) say (to dotard donald's demands) "yes, sir". And there would be tears in his eyes :P

    Well... there was no tears on Zero-bama's eyes...

    \\Russia is categorized as a Consolidated Authoritarian regime in the Nations in Transit 2023, Freedom House's annual study on the state of democracy in the region stretching from Central Europe to Central Asia.


    Google... just burping out Current Propaganda riff of DEMNs.

    But... cretin Derpy cannot understand it -- because it have poor memory.

    \\Maybe the US will join the Warsaw Pact when dotard donald pulls us out of NATO in his second term. Maybe "president for life" donald tRump will send aid to Russia after ending aid to Ukraine.

    Another word -- will do what Bi-den ALREADY doing?

    Like... go read how many USA parts are STILL found in RFia's weapon.

    Parts... without which its rockets would stop flying.


    They still sold and delivered to RFia. And rockets bombing cities of Ukraine. And Bi-den STILL like that "Ukraine? They don't need planes".

    If that is NOT help... then WHAT???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Bi-den STILL helps liliPut MUCH MORE... than it pretends helping Ukraine (or Israel).

    1. Derpish got tarred and feathered again.πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

  12. Qtard: Look at DEMNs -- they just saying to cretins that they are smart. And how perfectly it working. Now they ready to trash all World... just for that sweet lie to perpetuate.

    Look at republiturds -- they say to cretins that they are smart. And it is working perfectly. Imbeciles like Qtard and Mystere believe. Qtard thinks the "plan for victory in Ukraine" is real. Now the republiturds are ready to trash all the World... just for that sweet lie to perpetuate.

    Qtard: \\But only trumpturds like Minus FJ will believe it\\ YOU... repeat liliPut's propaganda. That, about "Ukrainians are nazis".

    I refute this lie. I always have.

    Qtard: Are you trupturd?

    No. I dunno what a "trupturd" is. trumpturds are supporters of donald tRump. I am not a donald tRump supporter. Qtard thinks I am?

    Qtard: Naaah. You just cretin. Ready to slurp propaganda from ANY source.

    Naaah. I refute propaganda. I am not (like you) ready to slurp propaganda from Putin's or tRump's (or his maga republiturd's) buttholes. Like Qtard slurped up the lie about a "plan for victory in Ukraine".

    Qtard: \\Putin would likely (due to intense fear) say (to dotard donald's demands) "yes, sir". And there would be tears in his eyes\\ Well... there was no tears on Zero-bama's eyes...

    Obama also never said "yes, sir" to Putin.

    Qtard: \\Russia is categorized as a Consolidated Authoritarian regime in the Nations in Transit 2023...\ Yeah. Google... just burping out Current Propaganda riff of DEMNs. But... cretin Derpy cannot understand it -- because it have poor memory.

    Only your alter ego "Derpy" has a poor memory? Not you? Bullshit.

    Qtard: \\Maybe the US will join the Warsaw Pact when dotard donald pulls us out of NATO in his second term. Maybe "president for life" donald tRump will send aid to Russia after ending aid to Ukraine\\ Another word -- will do what Bi-den ALREADY doing?

    Not doing.

    Qtard: Like... go read how many USA parts are STILL found in RFia's weapon. Parts... without which its rockets would stop flying. But... They still sold and delivered to RFia.

    First of all, experts attribute this to re-exports through the countries of Southeast Asia. The second reason is that russia employs a large number of people who smuggle sanctioned electronics into Russia. link

    This is the reason why Russian rockets contain US components. Yet Qtard thinks it is Biden who is sending parts to Russia for their rockets? When components are being resold out of Asia and smuggled into Russia. Because... imbecile.

    Qtard: And rockets bombing cities of Ukraine. And Bi-den STILL like that "Ukraine? They don't need planes".

    No. Joe Biden said to get planes to Ukraine.

    Zelenskyy hails Biden's decision on F-16 jet training for Ukraine. Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has welcomed United States President Joe Biden’s decision to support the training of Ukrainian pilots on US-made F-16 fighter jets, saying it would "greatly enhance our army in the sky".

    Qtard: If that is NOT help... then WHAT????

    Help for Putin from Qtard. Qtard spreads lies about Joe Biden and Democrats. Protects Putin's puppets, dotard donald and the maga republiturds.

    Qtard: Bi-den STILL helps liliPut MUCH MORE... than it pretends helping Ukraine (or Israel).

    Doesn't. Joe Biden does not help Putin at all. Joe Biden helps Ukraine and Israel for real, not pretend. What is pretend is the "plan for victory in Ukraine" cited by the gullible Qtard. Who gullibly believes it to be a real plan.

  13. \\Qtard thinks the "plan for victory in Ukraine" is real.

    Proposed Plan for Victory in Ukraine

    Enclosed is a report from the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the House Armed Services Committee, and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence which aims to answer critical questions about U.S. and allied support for Ukraine and present a proposed plan for victory where we win, and Russia loses. Russia, and an alliance consisting of China, Iran, Iran’s proxies (like Hamas and Hezbollah), and North Korea, are working together to undermine American interests around the world. Their goal is to diminish the U.S. economy, fracture key alliances, and establish a new world order of totalitarianism. The United States has not faced a more dangerous array of adversaries since World War II.

    Russia’s war against Ukraine has become a bellwether to see if the United States and the rest of the free world can stand up to unprovoked aggression. We in Congress have a responsibility to defend freedom from the likes of Russia, China, and Iran. Many of you have questioned why we should support Ukraine, and this report will not only address your questions but will provide you with the information to inform others, especially our constituencies, why our support is needed.

    But... cretin do not want, do not like to be informed.

    IT only like to slurp liliPut's Propaganda. ;-P

    \\I am not (like you) ready to slurp propaganda from Putin's or tRump's (or his maga republiturd's) buttholes. Like Qtard slurped up the lie about a "plan for victory in Ukraine".


    What certain one cretin JUST SAID???!!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    That information from Government website -- is "propaganda from Putin's or tRump's (or his maga republiturd's) buttholes"?????????!!!!! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Definitely C-R-E-T-I-N.


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\I refute this lie. I always have.

    Yeah. You always lying.


    \\No. Joe Biden said to get planes to Ukraine.


    SAME... as when he said "I signing this Lend-Lease Act".

    SAME... neither planes nor even one bullet by that LendLease.

    And if somebody will ask... cretin will answer "it is expired".

  14. I need to admit...

    how levels of cretinism growing in certain one cretin...

    IT now even dissuade information from Government websites...

    good, good I say.

    Let ITS levels of cretinism skyrocket. ;-P

  15. The cretin thinks the "plan for victory in Ukraine" is real because they wrote it down? But Peter Navarro's "Green Bay Sweep" is fiction? Despite him writing it down AND trying to carry it out.

    But the House republican authors of the "plan for victory in Ukraine" are NOT trying trying to carry it out. PROVEN by them not turning into legislation and NOT trying to bring it to the House floor for a vote.

    Qtard: But... cretin do not want, do not like to be informed.

    No, you don't. All IT can say is that the plan exists. BUT it isn't legislation. It has NOT been brought to the House floor for a vote.

    Qtard: IT only like to slurp liliPut's Propaganda.

    Yes. IT does like to do that.

    Qtard: \\I am not (like you) ready to slurp propaganda from Putin's or tRump's (or his maga republiturd's) buttholes. Like Qtard slurped up the lie about a "plan for victory in Ukraine"\\ WAT????!!! What certain one cretin JUST SAID???!!!! That information from Government website -- is "propaganda from Putin's or tRump's (or his maga republiturd's) buttholes"?????????!!!!!

    Cover for republicans who are NOT voting for Ukraine aid. republicans who are NOT trying to get their "plan for victory in Ukraine" to president Biden's desk (in the form of legislation) so he can sign it.

    Qtard: Definitely C-R-E-T-I-N.

    Definitely Yes. You are.

    Qtard: But. Continue-continue, cretin.

    Self encouragement.

    Qtard: \\I refute this lie. I always have\\ Yeah. You always lying. Heh.

    Wrote "you" when it meant "I".

    Qtard: \\No. Joe Biden said to get planes to Ukraine\\ Yeah. SAME... as when he said "I signing this Lend-Lease Act". SAME... neither planes...


    Google: The U.S. and its allies expect the Ukrainian Air Force to achieve initial operating capability with its F-16s by the end of 2024, according to Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs Celeste Wallander, who said pilot training was on track.

    As of right now Ukraine has it's own planes. Though none of the Ukrainian air force pilots are currently trained sufficiently to fly an F16. If they had them now they couldn't fly them.

    Qtard: ...nor even one bullet by that LendLease.

    MANY bullets delivered via congressional funding.

    Qtard: And if somebody will ask... cretin will answer "it is expired".

    Would the cretin say that? I dunno. You sound doubtful.

    Qtard: I need to admit... how levels of cretinism growing in certain one cretin... IT now even dissuade information from Government websites... good, good I say.

    I gather you're talking about the "plan for victory in Ukraine"? It exists. They wrote it down. Not doing anything with it though. NOT turning it into legislation. NOT bringing it to the House floor for a vote.

    But you (a cretin) is trying to "dissuade" it? Which means "persuade (someone) not to take a particular course of action". Your admission that you DON'T want the "plan for victory in Ukraine" to be voted on? Because you DON'T want more aid for Ukraine? Because you want the victory in Ukraine to be Putin's? Yeah, that is what I have suspected ALL ALONG.

    Qtard: Let ITS levels of cretinism skyrocket.

    Yes. Your cretinism seems to be continually increasing.

  16. Q, you made Derpish cry!


    1. Yes Dervish, that one ape was for you. You keep beating your bongos as you go ape-wol.πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

  17. \\Yes. Your cretinism seems to be continually increasing.

    And you as cretin are expert in cretinism, yes? ;-P

    Well, I have a big trust in your expertise, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    You really KNOW the thing. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\I gather you're talking about the "plan for victory in Ukraine"? It exists. They wrote it down. Not doing anything with it though. NOT turning it into legislation. NOT bringing it to the House floor for a vote.

    Cretin cannot grasp that highlighted part -- where Members of Government EXPLICITLY proclaimed PURPOSE of that document, and that is: "and this report will not only address your questions but will provide you with the information to inform others, especially our constituencies, why our support is needed."

    And legislation, proposed to implement this plan... it mentioned in text of that document.


    Cretin CANNOT read complex texts. It can only gobble short moronic propaganda slogans (like that that "Ukrainians are nazis", or "dRump is rapist", or "J6 was insurrection"... and etc).

    Just to regurgitate em... ad nauseum.


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\MANY bullets delivered via congressional funding.

    Yeah. 50 caliber rounds... to stop tanks and hypersonic missiles falling on cities.

    Even Germans with their helmets was more merciful -- helmet for at least can protect.

    While bullets... are useless against tanks and bombs.

    \\As of right now Ukraine has it's own planes. Though none of the Ukrainian air force pilots are currently trained sufficiently to fly an F16. If they had them now they couldn't fly them.

    Bull Shit.

    Ukrainian pilot WAS flying them. Previously.

    In time of previous NATO-Ukraine military excercised.

    And... if Bi-den WOULD NOT postpone that training... with all its might.

    They ALREADY would be flying.

    As well as A-10 Thunderbolts, AH-1 Cobras... and etc absolutely not that different from soviet time planes... which USA have TONS of... wasted as scraps.


    Bi-den puppet NEED to HELP its puppet-master liliPut to the utmost of its abilities... who knows why???

    \\Qtard: \\No. Joe Biden said to get planes to Ukraine\\ Yeah. SAME... as when he said "I signing this Lend-Lease Act". SAME... neither planes...


    Same as with Abramses.

    Asking Google "how many F-16 have Ukraine by NOW!!!"... and answer is -- ZERO.

    And that is the FACT.

    FACT... cretinic liar calling "Lie".

    Well, naturally... cause it IS cretin. And it IS lair.

    Cretinic lair that OPPOSES obvious, visible to everyone FACTS.



    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    The more you writing such stooooopid lies, the more your words look credible... naaaaaah. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  18. \\Qtard: \\I refute this lie. I always have\\ Yeah. You always lying. Heh.

    \\Wrote "you" when it meant "I".


    VERY credible.

    From an obvious cretinic liar that above tried to OPPOSE to Obvious Truth -- that because of Bi-den-puppet postponing delivery -- Ukraine STILL have NO F-16s.



    Such a "truth teller" will not be lying in other places and other cases...

    that was JUST ONE and ONLY lie... naaaaah.

    Lairs lie EVERY time and about EVERY thing.

    Up to becoming NewSpeak liar -- it's when their speach and minds becoming THAT deranged, that they not only start to speak "No" in place of "Yes"... but ALSO, they start THINK that way -- that Truth, it's actually Lie... and vice versa. ;-P


    And IT -- certain one cretinic liar.

    Even ADMITTED it... ITSELF. ;-P

    \\Qtard: IT only like to slurp liliPut's Propaganda.

    \\Yes. IT does like to do that.

    But... of course... in ITS twisted mind, IT thinks that IT said it about opponent. ;-P

    What a cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  19. Why would Biden be "postponing" if he wanted Putin to conquer Ukraine? Why not say "No aid. This is not our fight"? That is what the rightturds are saying. Yet Qtard thinks Biden signed legislation totaling $75 Billion and is requesting $95 Billion more... because he wants Ukraine to lose. And the imbecile actually thinks (in ITs twisted mind) that such an absurd argument is believable.

    Qtard: Cretin CANNOT read complex texts. It can only gobble short moronic propaganda slogans (like that that "Ukrainians are nazis", or "dRump is rapist", or "J6 was insurrection"... and etc).

    Lie. Ukrainians are not Nazis. The others you refer to aren't "propaganda slogans", they are facts. But Qtard dunno what a fact is.

    Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll. Because its object was to prevent a legitimate president-elect from assuming office, the attack was widely regarded as an insurrection or attempted coup d'Γ©tat. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other law-enforcement agencies also considered it an act of domestic terrorism.

  20. \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Why would Biden be "postponing" if he wanted Putin to conquer Ukraine? Why not say "No aid. This is not our fight"? That is what the rightturds are saying.

    Are "rightturds" it's a name of CURRENT State Power.

    Especially that that reside in Pentagon??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Yet Qtard thinks Biden signed legislation totaling $75 Billion and is requesting $95 Billion more...

    IF... Lend-Lease would NOT be "it expired"... it would not matter AT ALL.

    But... WHO made it "it expired"??? dRump unloaded that TON OF POOP into Bi-den's pants??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Well, that what cretin would think. Same as it visivly thinking that some "rightturds" do control State Power in USA.


    \\because he wants Ukraine to lose.


    postponing CRUCIAL element of help... HIMARSes, tanks, planes...

    THAT IS... surely BEST way to help Ukraine to win.

    Totally bonkers cretinic crazy idea.


    You are cretin not for nothing.


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\And the imbecile actually thinks (in ITs twisted mind) that such an absurd argument is believable.


    Cretin YET ONE time admitted how it is impossible to it -- to believe anything in Reality. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Lie. Ukrainians are not Nazis. The others you refer to aren't "propaganda slogans", they are facts. But Qtard dunno what a fact is.

    That mean that you ADMITTING that that CNN reporter you was referring to -- was heinous nazistic liar and liliPut's useful idiot and propagandaist?

    Same as all other DEMNs. ;-P



    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\But Qtard dunno what a fact is.


    YET ONE admitting alter-ego "Qtard" being crazy bonker. ;-P

    \\Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll.

    Whatever even judge said... while not seating in his chair in a courtroom -- that is just AN OPINION of a just another individual.

    How so?

    Because he CANNOT be judged for that words.

    A legal analysis of the rape case against former President ...
    Mahoning Matters › ...
    Donald J. Trump — the once and ... DAVID BETRAS: A legal analysis about the rape and defamation case against former President Donald Trump.

  21. Qtard: \\ Why would Biden be "postponing" if he wanted Putin to conquer Ukraine? Why not say "No aid. This is not our fight"? That is what the rightturds are saying\\ Are "rightturds" it's a name of CURRENT State Power. Especially that that reside in Pentagon???

    They aren't. Why so much aid has gone through so far. It would have been $0 if dotard donald was still president.

    Qtard: But... WHO made it "it expired"??? dRump unloaded that TON OF POOP into Bi-den's pants???

    The Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022 was Introduced in the Senate as S.3522 by John Cornyn (R–TX) on January 19, 2022.

    Joe Biden does not write legislation. Joe Biden did not add an expiration date to the legislation. Maybe the republican John Cornyn did.

    Qtard: Whatever even judge said... while not seating in his chair in a courtroom -- that is just AN OPINION of a just another individual.


    Qtard: How so? Because he CANNOT be judged for that words.

    Another judge should have judged what the judge in the case said? But who would judge the judge that judged the judge?

    Qtard: A legal analysis of the rape case against former President ... Mahoning Matters...\\

    Oh, so Qtard says "sexual abuse, that's no biggie. It wasn't rape, that's just the judge's opinion".

    It was his legal opinion, Qtard. One he gave when dismissing dotard donald's countersuit. Meaning he gave it in court and it is a part of the legal record.

    Means is was NOT "just an opinion of a just another individual".

  22. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: \\ Why would Biden be "postponing" if he wanted Putin to conquer Ukraine? Why not say "No aid. This is not our fight"? That is what the rightturds are saying\\ Are "rightturds" it's a name of CURRENT State Power. Especially that that reside in Pentagon???

    \\ They aren't. Why so much aid has gone through so far.


    31 M1A1 Abrams [To be delivered][575][164]
    45 T-72B tanks (manufactured by Excalibur Army, purchase and upgrade financed by USA) [delivered from December 2022 onwards]

    Infantry fighting vehicles

    186 M2A2 ODS Bradleys [Delivered from April 2023 onwards][576]


    How many tanks does an infantry battalion have?
    The tank battalion provides the ability to mass the effects of 58 M1A1 tanks and 26 Saber missile systems against most threats on the battlefield with the capability to simultane- ously control all combined supporting arms available to the MAGTF.16 Ρ‚Ρ€Π°Π². 2016 Ρ€.

    Marine Corps Tank Employment › Portals › Publications

    Well... this facts saying that USA (under Bi-den liliPut's puppet postponing to help puppet-master liliPut) PROVIDED (yeah, it's obvious fact, it really was provided) but what AMOUNT -- to a ONE *infantry* brigade.

    How many tanks does an armored battalion have?
    US Army tank battalions are usually between 50 and 60 tanks.

    US Sending Nearly a Battalion of Abrams Tanks to Ukraine › 31-abrams-to-ukraine

    COMPARE it with TRUE Lend-Lease... that, that NOT "it expired"!

    In total, the U.S. deliveries to the USSR through Lend-Lease amounted to $11 billion in materials (equivalent to $143 billion in 2022): over 400,000 jeeps and trucks; 12,000 armored vehicles (including 7,000 tanks, about 1,386 of which were M3 Lees and 4,102 M4 Shermans); 11,400 aircraft (of which 4,719 were Bell P-39 ...

    Lend-Lease - Wikipedia
    Wikipedia › wiki › Lend-Lease
    Lend-Lease - Wikipedia
    Lend-Lease - Wikipedia

    \\It would have been $0 if dotard donald was still president.


    That Javelins he have had send... costed $0???? :-))))))))))))))))))

  23. \\Joe Biden does not write legislation. Joe Biden did not add an expiration date to the legislation. Maybe the republican John Cornyn did.


    So Reps are in Power in USA???

    And NOT DEMNs??? ;-P

    And Reps DO WRITE legislation... to "prevent Reps from stopping help"???

    And... "Reps do not can cannot PROPOSE plan of how for Ukraine to win"... even though THEY WRITE legislation -- how to provide Lend-Lease AMOUNT of help.


    That Lend-Lease Bi-den NOT delivered EVEN ONE bullet.

    Because he is NOT postponing help... not saying "Ukraine? They do not need planes", not sending M1A1 Abrams to be used during MOST CRUCIAL time of offensive operation.


    Only mind of cretin could produce such a cretinic ideas. :-))))))))))))))))))))))


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

  24. \\Qtard: Whatever even judge said... while not seating in his chair in a courtroom -- that is just AN OPINION of a just another individual.


    Yeah... you are right.

    Whatever judge while not in courtroom said -- is just irresponsible bullshit. ;-P

    \\Oh, so Qtard says "sexual abuse, that's no biggie. It wasn't rape, that's just the judge's opinion".

    I say???

    Am I a judge? ;-P

    \\It was his legal opinion, Qtard. One he gave when dismissing dotard donald's countersuit. Meaning he gave it in court and it is a part of the legal record.


    \\Means is was NOT "just an opinion of a just another individual".

    Why he not did it in court... then? ;-P

  25. Qtard: That mean that you ADMITTING that that CNN reporter you was referring to -- was heinous nazistic liar and liliPut's useful idiot and propagandaist?

    I admit he told the truth. Based on facts. But you dunno what facts even are.

    Qtard: Whatever judge while not in courtroom said -- is just irresponsible bullshit.

    Said in court.

    Qtard: \\Oh, so Qtard says "sexual abuse, that's no biggie. It wasn't rape, that's just the judge's opinion"\\ I say???

    Yes. You just did. Forgot? Already??? You also called what the judge said "irresponsible bullshit". But you probably forgot saying that too.

    Qtard: Am I a judge?

    Yes. You judged that Lewis Kaplan is a "coward" because he said donald tRump raped E Jean Carroll. Because you (due to cretinism) think he was just voicing his opinion. As opposed to giving instructions to the jury. IN COURT.

    Reuters: Donald Trump cannot argue to a jury assessing damages at the writer E. Jean Carroll's upcoming defamation trial that he did not rape her in the mid-1990s, based on another jury having found that he only sexually abused her, a U.S. judge has ruled. link

    He RULED. That was a court ruling. Means he said it IN COURT.

    Qtard: \\It was his legal opinion, Qtard. One he gave ... in court and it is a part of the legal record\\ Bullshit.

    Yeah. FACTS are "bullshit"... In the mind of the cretin.

    Qtard: \\Means is was NOT "just an opinion of a just another individual"\\ Why he not did it in court... then? ;-P

    HE DID. Jeez, what a moron. Cretin thinks directions to a jury weren't said in court. Well, it is a cretin. So such cretinic ideas come to IT naturally.

  26. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: That mean that you ADMITTING that that CNN reporter you was referring to -- was heinous nazistic liar and liliPut's useful idiot and propagandaist?

    \\ I admit he told the truth. Based on facts. But you dunno what facts even are.

    \\Qtard: Whatever judge while not in courtroom said -- is just irresponsible bullshit.

    \\Said in court.

    Yeah. While by that link given by you it stated properly -- that that comment was give OUTSIDE of courtroom.

    That is how ANTI-FACTUAL your cretinic claims are.

    ALL of em, it seems. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Oh, so Qtard says "sexual abuse, that's no biggie. It wasn't rape, that's just the judge's opinion"\\ I say???

    \\Yes. You just did. Forgot? Already???

    Copy-pasted. Ctrl-Fed.

    Naaah. That excerpt is NOWHERE here to be MY words.

    Only your cretinic claim/lie. ;-P


    \\Yes. You judged that Lewis Kaplan is a "coward" because he said donald tRump raped E Jean Carroll.


    Not saying that in court... but then blurting it out to a benevolent reporter.

    That is what common sense calls cowardice. ;-P

    And how that was "judgment"??? There is nothing hard or questionable. Just pure Truth.

  27. \\Reuters: Donald Trump cannot argue to a jury assessing damages at the writer E. Jean Carroll's upcoming defamation trial that he did not rape her in the mid-1990s, based on another jury having found that he only sexually abused her, a U.S. judge has ruled. link

    \\He RULED. That was a court ruling. Means he said it IN COURT.


    You cretin just confirmed own cretinism.

    Of course judge did CORRECT logical judgment. Decision of a court that dRump "sexually abused" once... CANNOT be accounted as DEFINITE proof that he not raped her at all...

    But... same time that is NOT judgment that he DID raped her. Per se.

    But... instigated by DEMN propaganda cretins DUNNO about logic and such subtle differences...

    That's why we need judge -- to many idiots out there. Ready for lynching. On the base of their cretinic "judgment". ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\It was his legal opinion, Qtard. One he gave ... in court and it is a part of the legal record\\ Bullshit.

    \\Yeah. FACTS are "bullshit"... In the mind of the cretin.


    Go demonstrate that fact.

    Cite or give a link to a court ruling. ;-P

    But... you are cretin, Cretins UNABLE to do that. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Memorandum Opinion Law and Legal Definition

    Memorandum Opinion is a brief opinion of a court that announces the result of a case without extensive discussion. There is no elaboration because the decision follows a well-established legal principle or does not relate to any point of law. It is a unanimous appellate opinion that succinctly states the decision of the court. A memorandum opinion is not subject to appeal by the dissatisfied party. These opinions are usually unpublished and cannot be cited as precedent.

    Is an opinion a judgment viewpoint or statement?
    An opinion is a judgment, viewpoint, or statement that is not conclusive, rather than facts, which are true statements.

    Opinion - Wikipedia › wiki › Opinion

    DC Court of Appeals Opinions and MOJs
    District of Columbia Courts (.gov) › o...
    The court publishes opinions in cases that provide both the litigants and the trial court with guidance, create new law, or interpret statutes or concepts.

    Guidance for Petitioners: After Trial
    United States Tax Court (.gov) › ...
    A Memorandum Opinion addresses cases where the law is settled or factually driven. A Memorandum Opinion can be cited as legal authority, and the decision can be ...

    Legal opinion
    Wikipedia › wiki
    In the majority of US cases, the judges issue a memorandum decision that indicates how state or federal law applies to the case and affirms or reverses the ...

    Here. I did your job for you. ;-P

    As obviously seen from it -- that piece of paper was just to cover losers ass. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And it DO NOT states "it was rape... because *I* great and mighty Judge judged so"... because, that coward knows damn well -- that it will be judged for such unruly judgment.

  28. ""That claim could not have been made in 2019 because the statuteof limitations almost doubtless would have expired long before. But the claim was made possiblein 2022 by the enactment that year of New York’s Adult Survivors Act (the “ASA”)""

    Nonretroactivity. A law can only be applied to an act that occurs after the law was adopted. This is a well-established legal principle, derived from the adage that ignorance of the law is no excuse.

    Non-retroactivity - The Practical Guide to Humanitarian Law
    The Practical Guide to Humanitarian Law › content › article › n...

    What is New York's Adult Survivors Act? The Adult Survivors Act, signed by Gov. Kathy Hochul in 2022, lifted the state's statute of limitations for one year to allow adults to file civil lawsuits for sexual misconduct no matter when it occurred.

    What's next for New York's Adult Survivors Act - The 19th News
    The 19th News › 2023/12 › new-york-adult-surviv...

    JUST FOR THIS CASE, obviously. ;-P

  29. "" he lunges at me, pushes me against the wall, hittingCase 1:22-cv-10016-LAK Document 212 Filed 07/19/23 Page 6 of 59
    7myhead quite badly, and putshis mouth against mylips. I am so shocked I shove him back and start laughing again.""

    Ha-ha-ha... does not look like behavior of a person being raped... on the base of numerous examples from Hollywood movies and crime scene series.

    Women there crying, screaming... trying to run away, crawl away. Struggle.

    But NOT laughing. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    ""he opens the overcoat, unzips his pants, and, forcing his fingersaround my private area, thrusts his penis halfway — or completely, I’m not certain— inside me. ""

    ""8•“[Iwas][s]tampingand tryingto wiggle out from under him. But he hadpulled down my tights and his hand went -- his fingers went into my vagina""

    That is called "lying as a witness". :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    “A. I said, you are not going to believe what just happened. I just needed to tell her.I said I met Donald Trump in Bergdorf’s. We went lingerie shopping and I was so dumb I walked in a dressing room and he pulled down my tights.”. . . Q. What else did you say?A. Well, she asked me, she said, after she heard he had pulled down my tights, she asked me, did he insert his penis?I said yes. And then Lisa said the words: Probably why I called her. She said he raped you. He raped you, E. Jean. You should go to the police. I said: No way. Then she said: I will go with you.

    It looks more like sexual adventurism... than rape... as again, it shown in Hollywood movies and series.

    That's about "common definition" of word "rape".

    Q. What did she say happened after they got to the lingerie department?
    A. He said, Why don’t you try this on? And she, continuing sort of the jokey banter that they had, she said, Why don’t you try it on?

    DEFINITE sexual play.

    With a stranger to boot.

    Even whores are much more restrained. They ask money before such playing. ;-P

    My sense is that she engaged him, or vice versa, because that's not uncommon for E. Jean.


    Definitely sexual pleasures seeker.

    PS Well. I am not interested any more.

    PPS Sham trial. Period. Yawn.
