Thursday, February 8, 2024

Mitch, Schumer's b*tch, tossed into a ditch...

What the US Diet based on BigAg Processed Foods and Corporate Consumerism Buys You... 6 Years Less Life.


  1. "What the US Diet based on BigAg Processed Foods and Corporate Consumerism Buys You... 6 Years Less Life".

    That isn't what the graph shows. It says decreased life expectancy in the US is due to covid 19.

    And that is due to covid 19 misinformation spread by magaturds being prevalent in the US. You spread that misinformation here on this blog.

  2. Covid 19? Or Biden's Covid policies preventing truthful and potentially life saving information from reaching the American people?

  3. ...and please, show us a single Covid fact that I got wrong and has proven to be "misinformation".

  4. My record shows that I was much closer to the ground truth of Covid than all the masked fools and "vaccine" trumpeters combined.

  5. Minus: Biden's Covid policies preventing truthful and potentially life saving information from reaching the American people?

    tRump's covid policies did that.

    Minus: My record shows that I was much closer to the ground truth of Covid than all the masked fools and "vaccine" trumpeters combined.

    wtf? You have been following the rightturd playbook of flooding the zone with misinformation. In your opinion not enough people died and are dying.

  6. ...because YOU are the one continuing to KILL them with mRNA mutations!

  7. Me? Personally? Why am I not aware that I've killed people? How did I kill these people with "mRNA mutations"?

  8. \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Minus: Biden's Covid policies preventing truthful and potentially life saving information from reaching the American people?

    \\ tRump's covid policies did that.


    If that is covid policies... that's Bi-den's policies.

    But... if they did bad -- they are dRump's one. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Another word -- it depends on the phase of the Moon. :-)))))))))))))))))0000

    Or... current riff of DEMN propaganda.

    Then cretins repeating in their DEMN Double Think. :-))))))))))))))))))000

    \\Me? Personally? Why am I not aware that I've killed people? How did I kill these people with "mRNA mutations"?

    Well... Yawn... you constantly forgetting things... maybe because of that vaccines? ;-P

  9. Dervish is still pushing "harmless" Covid vaccines. @@

    95% of Americans will never take another no matter how bad Covid gets. The cure is deadlier than the disease.

  10. Qtard: Yeah. If that is covid policies... that's Bi-den's policies.

    Imbecile thinks tRump's covid policies are Biden's covid polices. Because... imbecile.

    Qtard: But... if they did bad -- they are dRump's one.


    Qtard: Another word -- it depends on the phase of the Moon.

    It has absolutely nothing to do with that. NOTHING.

    Qtard: Or... current riff of DEMN propaganda.


    Qtard: Then cretins repeating in their DEMN Double Think.

    Yeah. Cretins like you repeating moronity like tRump's and Biden's covid policies being the same.

    Qtard: \\Me? Personally? Why am I not aware that I've killed people? How did I kill these people with "mRNA mutations"?\\ Well... Yawn... you constantly forgetting things...


    Qtard: ...maybe because of that vaccines?


    Minus: The cure is deadlier than the disease.

    It isn't. That is pure moronity.

    Based on reported COVID‐19 deaths, vaccinations prevented an estimated 14.4 million deaths (95% credible interval [Crl] 13.7–15.9) from COVID‐19 in a year.

    Clearly covid is WAY deadlier. Especially given that the vaccines are SAFE.

    COVID-19 vaccines approved by the FDA meet rigorous testing criteria and are safe and effective at preventing serious illness, hospitalization and death.

    No Evidence Excess Deaths Linked to Vaccines, Contrary to Claims Online. 4/17/2023.

  11. Cardio-Vascular diseases are WAY up... (but don't say "vaccine"). Excess deaths worldwide are way up (stop tracking at CDC post-Covid) Evidence keeps stacking up in the embalming parlours (but it's all normal according to Pfizer and Moderna).

    Your stupid defense of Fauci is killing people, Dervy. Wake tF up!

  12. Minus: ...and please, show us a single Covid fact that I got wrong and has proven to be "misinformation".

    Quote: "The cure is deadlier than the disease".

    That has been proven wrong and is proven misinformation.

    Minus: Cardio-Vascular diseases are WAY up...

    Quote: ...heart inflammation is an extremely rare side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine. In fact, heart inflammation is much more common if you get the COVID-19 virus. It's highly recommended everyone 6 months and older get the COVID-19 vaccine to protect themselves, their families and their communities.

    Minus: Your stupid defense of Fauci is killing people, Dervy.

    My smart defense of Fauci has killed 0 people. The spreading of disinformation about the vaccines (which you do on this blog) is what is killing people.

  13. \\Qtard: But... if they did bad -- they are dRump's one.



    What a stark and staunch admission. ;-))))))))))))))))))))))

    Or... that was just a NewSpeak "No"? ;-P

    \\Qtard: Or... current riff of DEMN propaganda.


    NewSpeak "Yes".


    \\COVID-19 vaccines approved by the FDA meet rigorous testing criteria and are safe and effective at preventing serious illness, hospitalization and death.

    Only... that testing was speedup... by Biden.

    Oh, No... that was dRump doing... so Bi-den could then use that result and brag about "providing results". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\My smart defense of Fauci...


    Mindless repeating DEMN propaganda chants... very smart.

    Actually, no. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  14. Fauci: A) Made the Covid-19 virus and B) developed a harmful cure. How are ALL the deaths NOT his fault?

  15. Qtard: But... if they did bad -- they are dRump's one\\ Yes. What a stark and staunch admission.

    I always admit the truth.

    Qtard: Or... that was just a NewSpeak "No"?

    No. I don't use NewSpeak. I say what I mean.

    Qtard: Or... current riff of DEMN propaganda\\ No\\ NewSpeak "Yes".

    No. I don't sue NewSpeak. I say what I mean.

    Qtard: Yawn.

    Yes, your lies about how I'm continually talking in NewSpeak (when I never am) are tiring.

    Qtard: \\COVID-19 vaccines approved by the FDA meet rigorous testing criteria and are safe and effective at preventing serious illness, hospitalization and death\\ Only... that testing was speedup... by Biden\\ Oh, No... that was dRump doing... so Bi-den could then use that result and brag about "providing results".

    Joe Biden had a plan for mass distribution of the vaccines while tRump did not. Biden bragged about his OWN results.

    Trump administration had no coronavirus vaccine distribution plan ... "The process to distribute the vaccine, particularly outside of nursing homes and hospitals out into the community as a whole, did not really exist when we came into the White House", President Joe Biden's chief of staff, Ron Klain, said...

    Qtard: \\My smart defense of Fauci...\\ Yeah. Mindless repeating DEMN propaganda chants... very smart. Actually, no.

    Cretin calling facts "propaganda" again. Yawn.

    Minus: Fauci: A) Made the Covid-19 virus and B) developed a harmful cure. How are ALL the deaths NOT his fault?

    Because neither A nor B happened. That is tinfoil hat nuttery.

    btw, if the vaccines are harmful, why did dotard donald spend 10 billion to develop them at Warp Speed?

    The Trump administration quietly took around $10 billion from a fund meant to help hospitals and health care providers affected by Covid-19 and used the money to bankroll Operation Warp Speed contracts ... The Department of Health and Human Services appears to have used a financial maneuver that allowed officials to spend the money without telling Congress... link

    Why not tell Congress? Because it was a Big Pharma giveaway by Big Pharma stooge, dotard donald?

  16. If you check the Big Pharma investment record, you'll discover that their "stooge" was Tony Fauci.

    Disclosures show $794,369 in gains in the Fauci stock, bond, and money market portfolio during 2020. The total value of Dr. Fauci’s investment account was $8.4 million and his wife’s investments totaled another $2.1 million.

  17. Anthony Fauci, Big Pharma's LONG-TERM "inside man" in the Deep State bureaucracy.

  18. Indeed, the process has been so widely commented upon that one writer postulated a common life cycle for all of the attempts to develop regulatory policies. The life cycle is launched by an outcry so widespread and demanding that it generates enough political force to bring about establishment of a regulatory agency to insure the equitable, just, and rational distribution of the advantages among all holders of interest in the commons. This phase is followed by the symbolic reassurance of the offended as the agency goes into operation, developing a period of political quiescence among the great majority of those who hold a general but unorganized interest in the commons. Once this political quiescence has developed, the highly organized and specifically interested groups who wish to make incursions into the commons bring sufficient pressure to bear through other political processes to convert the agency to the protection and furthering of their interests. In the last phase even staffing of the regulating agency is accomplished by drawing the agency administrators from the ranks of the regulated."

  19. Garrett Hardin's "Tragedy of the Commons" rolls ever onwards...

  20. And war... is cure for that "tragedy"? ;-P

  21. \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: But... if they did bad -- they are dRump's one\\ Yes. What a stark and staunch admission.

    \\ I always admit the truth.



    When you are pressed into a corner by MUCH smarter opponent with FACTS that even such //NewSpeak//\\Lair\\ cannot found a way to oppose.



    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\No. I don't use NewSpeak. I say what I mean.

    Lying... as always. ;-P


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Joe Biden had a plan for mass distribution of the vaccines while tRump did not. Biden bragged about his OWN results.


    Because while dRump was on duty... there was NOTHING to distribute. :-))))))))))))))))))))))00

    \\Biden bragged about his OWN results.


    "Results"... it "achieved"... after being in While House for HOW long?

    One week? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0


    Same time.

    And SOMEHOW.

    When he DECLARED withdrawal from Afganistan... AFTER being in office for HALF A YEAR...

    is, SOMEHOW again, is NOT his "results"... but "dRump's fault". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Quantum Uncertainty at play... or what??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Why not tell Congress? Because it was a Big Pharma giveaway by Big Pharma stooge, dotard donald?

    And that was NOT Big Pharma that DEVELOPED vaccines??? And needed some reimbursment for that. To start producing it IN BIG NUMBERS all around the world???

    Of course -- not. In mind of cretin.

    That was all Magic of Bi-den. That just CAME... and just in a week of sitting in that Oval room... produced vaccines, and even made em in big number... enough to distribute.

    What a Magic Fit!!!

    Bi-den really is The Best... Demon. ;-P


    It seems like it LOST all that magical power. After that.

    And was not able to deliver any more of such a magical results.

    Or... that is just SHORTSPANNED magic??? That works only while Bi-den Demon is in its FIRST week in the office? And after Rep POTUS to boot? ;-P


  22. war... is cure for that "tragedy"

    I'm told it saved Western banking...

  23. Qtard says no distribution plan was needed because there were no vaccines. That is why dotard donald's administration didn't formulate one. Because apparently they forgot "Operation warp speed". Thought vaccines were never coming so why do any planning.

    Yet, at the SAME time, vaccines were ready to go. Exactly one week after Joe Biden took office. And Joe Biden took credit for what tRump forgot he did.

    And, again, Qtard thinks its absurdities are believable. Because it is a cretin. Proven, yet again.

  24. \\


    And how do you think, are Xi and his cohort are smart(stupid?) enough to fix it... that same way? ;-P

    \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard says no distribution plan was needed because there were no vaccines. That is why dotard donald's administration didn't formulate one. Because apparently they forgot "Operation warp speed". Thought vaccines were never coming so why do any planning.


    Your alter-ego "Qtard" definitely can think that way -- that nasty-nasty-wrong dRump... facilitated creation of vaccines ASAP... just to POSTPONE or even PREVENT it from distribution... :-)))))))

    That crazy cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\And Joe Biden took credit for what tRump forgot he did.

    And to cretin it do not come up that thought -- that DEMNs just LIED... about absence of any such plan from dRump administration?

    Just to start brag that that is ONLY THEIR decision.

    \\ And, again, Qtard thinks its absurdities are believable. Because it is a cretin. Proven, yet again.


    Your alter-ego "Qtard" definitely are cretin -- one who believe and and every DEMN propaganda -- merely babbling of any DEMN.

    Deems it as "being facts". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  25. Qtard: And to cretin it do not come up that thought -- that DEMNs just LIED... about absence of any such plan from dRump administration?

    No, you (the cretin) do think "Demns" lie constantly. Even though NOBODY in the former dotard administration said, "no, there was a plan". The evil Demns blatantly lied without fear of ANYONE disputing such an easily proven lie. Sure, that's believable. Not.

    Qtard: Your alter-ego "Qtard" ... That crazy cretin.

    Yeah, a crazy cretin that continually claims IT is my alter ego.

    Qtard: Your alter-ego "Qtard" definitely are cretin...

    Cretin who's English is very bad. Cretin keeps writing "your" when IT should have written "My".

    Qtard: who believe and and every DEMN propaganda -- merely babbling of any DEMN. Deems it as "being facts".

    YOU said there wasn't one. Because the vaccines weren't ready yet, so no distribution plan was needed. That was YOUR claim. Now you say the Biden administration lied -- the tRump administration did have a plan. Means Qtard lied about there being no plan -- because one wasn't needed. That, or Qtard admits it was wrong. Qtard saw the plan. IT decided it didn't need to provide any proof of its existence. Or (more likely) Qtard didn't see any plan. Just decided there must have been one. Because? Demns lie.

    Means... mere delusions of Qtard is deemed by Qtard as "being facts".

    Qtard: that nasty-nasty-wrong dRump... facilitated creation of vaccines ASAP... just to POSTPONE or even PREVENT it from distribution...

    Postponed... due to incompetence. Not prevented. Yes. That is what happened.

    That is one of those facts that mystify Qtard. Thinks IT can deny by calling such facts "Demn propaganda".

  26. \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: And to cretin it do not come up that thought -- that DEMNs just LIED... about absence of any such plan from dRump administration?

    \\ No, you (the cretin) do think "Demns" lie constantly.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, you are right... that was not lie. That was DEMN Honesty.

    WHY anyway Reps SHOULD be giving ANY of their plan documents to DEMNs???

    Can they trust DEMNs their plans will be executed by DEMNs?

    And NOT branded as "DEMNs ONLY plans"???


    One really need to be cretin... to think that answer to all that could be "Yes". ;-P


    Continue-continue, cretin.

    \\Even though NOBODY in the former dotard administration said, "no, there was a plan".

    What for???

    For waterfalls of DEMN propaganda lies... oh, sorry, DEMN Honesty of course... unleashed on em???

    In Twain's "How I runned for Governor" style.

    \\ The evil Demns blatantly lied without fear of ANYONE disputing such an easily proven lie. Sure, that's believable. Not.

    Not believable?

    Though they do it all of the time.

    Like their lie about "Ukrainians are nazis" and etc.

    Or... just recent case -- calling dRump "rapist", though that is by "extended standards"... judge itself did not had any guts to back that claim in court.

    That "extended standards" -- that is JUST ANOTHER example of DEMN Honesty -- redefinition meaning of words just on the spur of a moment.

    \\Qtard: Your alter-ego "Qtard" ... That crazy cretin.

    \\Yeah, a crazy cretin that continually claims IT is my alter ego.

    Ah... sorry. Alter-person Qtard... it seems are one which answered to me here. ;-P

    Please, give proper monikers -- so I would be able to distinguish you from other alter-persons who write under that one nickname.

    \\Cretin keeps writing "your" when IT should have written "My".


    You are. ;-P

    \\YOU said there wasn't one. Because the vaccines weren't ready yet, so no distribution plan was needed. That was YOUR claim.


    That is obvious -- there was no vaccines ready in 2020.

    \\Now you say the Biden administration lied -- the tRump administration did have a plan.

    Well... do I, or... just anybody -- should believe to that bullshit claim -- that dRump SPEEDUP develpment of vaccines... TO NOT speedup their distribution????

    After winning in elections.

    But... one need to be winner... to make into legislation any such plans.

    First things going first.

    \\Just decided there must have been one. Because? Demns lie.

    Why that question even appeared???

    \\Means... mere delusions of Qtard is deemed by Qtard as "being facts".

    Reality itself. And Common Sense.

    Why Rep administration SHOULD be having ANY plans, and even MORE -- share em with DEMNs... to which they just lost elections?????


    Only your delirious alter-ego "Qtard" could come up with such preposterous ideas.

    And deem em as "being fact".

    IT... showed it many-many times.

    Like with "Ukrainians are nazis". Or "dRump is guilty". Or... whatever. ;-P

    \\Postponed... due to incompetence. Not prevented. Yes. That is what happened.


    I could agree with it.

    dRump lost elections due to incompetence... and that prevented him from using that that he developed vaccines... for publicity.


  27. Qtard: WHY anyway Reps SHOULD be giving ANY of their plan documents to DEMNs???

    Because such documents are the property of The People. Not turning over the property of The People documents they own to the next administration is stealing.

    Qtard: Can they trust DEMNs their plans will be executed by DEMNs?

    It doesn't matter. That is for the next administration to decide. To use or not use any plans devised by a prior administration.

    Qtard: And NOT branded as "DEMNs ONLY plans"???


    Google: Who owns the work you create when working for a company?

    Answer: Even if an employee creates new intellectual property as part of their job, the employer owns that intellectual property.

    Qtard: One really need to be cretin... to think that answer to all that could be "Yes".

    One would really need to be a cretin to think that answer to all that could be "No".

    Qtard: But. Continue-continue, cretin.

    Self encouragement.

    Qtard: \\Even though NOBODY in the former dotard administration said, "no, there was a plan"\\ What for???

    To get credit. The ONLY reason (according to you) for them to come up with a plan to distribute vaccines. As opposed to SAVING LIVES.

    Qtard: For waterfalls of DEMN propaganda lies... oh, sorry, DEMN Honesty of course... unleashed on em???

    Oh, so Republicans never say "no, that's a lie" because they are too afraid of Democrats' response.

    Qtard: In Twain's "How I runned for Governor" style.

    Yeah, that style. A style in which the person being lied about says nothing. Instead they silently agree. Republicans do that all the time **sarcasm**

    Qtard: \\ The evil Demns blatantly lied without fear of ANYONE disputing such an easily proven lie. Sure, that's believable. Not\\ Not believable?

    No. Not in the least.

    Qtard: Though they do it all of the time.

    They don't.

    Qtard: Like their lie about "Ukrainians are nazis" and etc.

    republiturd lie.

    Qtard: Or... just recent case -- calling dRump "rapist", though that is by "extended standards"... judge itself did not had any guts to back that claim in court.

    No. That was said by the judge IN COURT.

    Qtard: That "extended standards" -- that is JUST ANOTHER example of DEMN Honesty -- redefinition meaning of words just on the spur of a moment.

    No. That was the judge's ruling IN COURT.

    Qtard: Your alter-ego "Qtard" ... That crazy cretin\\ Yeah, a crazy cretin that continually claims IT is my alter ego\\ Ah... sorry. Alter-person Qtard... it seems are one which answered to me here.


    Qtard: Please, give proper monikers -- so I would be able to distinguish you from other alter-persons who write under that one nickname.

    There are no "alter-persons who write under that one nickname". I have never written anything as an "alter person" known as Qtard. Because YOU are Qtard.

    Qtard: \\Cretin keeps writing "your" when IT should have written "My"\\ Yeah. You are.

    Wrote "you are" when "I am" would be the truth.

    Qtard: \\YOU said there wasn't one. Because the vaccines weren't ready yet, so no distribution plan was needed. That was YOUR claim\\ Yeah. That is obvious -- there was no vaccines ready in 2020.

    A distribution plan was also not ready. Because the dotard administration decided the states should be in charge of distribution.

    Qtard: \\Now you say the Biden administration lied -- the tRump administration did have a plan\\ Well... do I, or... just anybody -- should believe to that bullshit claim -- that dRump SPEEDUP develpment of vaccines... TO NOT speedup their distribution????

    Yes. Because that is what happened.

    Qtard: After winning in elections.


    Qtard: But... one need to be winner... to make into legislation any such plans.

    That does not mean they could not devise a plan. Knowing one would be needed.

    Qtard: First things going first.

    It is called planning ahead.

    Qtard: \\Just decided there must have been one. Because? Demns lie\\ Why that question even appeared???

    Because that was your claim.

  28. Qtard: \\Means... mere delusions of Qtard is deemed by Qtard as "being facts"\\ Reality itself. And Common Sense.

    Qtard dunno what reality is. And Qtard has no common sense.

    And "Qtard" is you. I didn't just make an "admission" re "my alter ego Qtard". Because "Qtard" is not my alter ego.

    Qtard: Why Rep administration SHOULD be having ANY plans...

    To save lives.

    Qtard: ...and even MORE -- share em with DEMNs... to which they just lost elections?????

    Because they have no choice. Such plans are work product and belong to their employers (We The People). They are required by law to "share" everything.

    Qtard: Definitely. Only your delirious alter-ego "Qtard" could come up with such preposterous ideas.

    Definitely only YOUR delirious alter-ego "Qtard" could come up with such preposterous ideas.
    And deem em as "being fact".

    Qtard: IT... showed it many-many times. Like with "Ukrainians are nazis".

    They aren't.

    Qtard: Or "dRump is guilty".

    He is.

    Qtard: Yeah. I could agree ... dRump lost elections due to incompetence... and that prevented him from using that that he developed vaccines... for publicity.

    "Publicity". Yeah, that IS the only reason. Definitely not to save lives. Because tRump does not care about saving lives. I agree with you.

  29. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: WHY anyway Reps SHOULD be giving ANY of their plan documents to DEMNs???

    \\ Because such documents are the property of The People. Not turning over the property of The People documents they own to the next administration is stealing.

    Said cretin that tried to dissuade plan of victory of Ukraine.


    \\Qtard: But. Continue-continue, cretin.

    \\Self encouragement.

    Say cretin, you probably think that this retort of its is so smart? :-))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\Even though NOBODY in the former dotard administration said, "no, there was a plan"\\ What for???

    \\To get credit.

    For what???

    For something that IT previously claimed being "irrelevant".

    And even "Answer: Even if an employee creates new intellectual property as part of their job, the employer owns that intellectual property.

    Means -- something ONE cannot CLAIM owning. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    Usual thing for cretin -- to contradict itself. ;-P

    \\The ONLY reason (according to you) for them to come up with a plan to distribute vaccines. As opposed to SAVING LIVES.

    And HOW plans that CANNOT be executed... can save anyone's life????

    \\Oh, so Republicans never say "no, that's a lie" because they are too afraid of Democrats' response.

    That would be not some ethereal Republicans in your imagination.

    But some miserly clerk... that would risk possibility to have a job... in government, or even ever.

    \\Qtard: In Twain's "How I runned for Governor" style.

    \\Yeah, that style. A style in which the person being lied about says nothing. Instead they silently agree. Republicans do that all the time **sarcasm**

    Go reread that text. ;-P

    But you will not.

    Cause you are cretin.

    Readin even such short novellas is too much for your minuscule brains. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\ The evil Demns blatantly lied without fear of ANYONE disputing such an easily proven lie. Sure, that's believable. Not\\ Not believable?

    \\No. Not in the least.

    Of course.

    Because you are cretin. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Or... just recent case -- calling dRump "rapist", though that is by "extended standards"... judge itself did not had any guts to back that claim in court.

    \\No. That was said by the judge IN COURT.

    And where's link or excerpt from Court Judgment? ;-P

    Only thing circulating in news is that that it was "sexual abuse".

    \\There are no "alter-persons who write under that one nickname". I have never written anything as an "alter person" known as Qtard. Because YOU are Qtard.


    Crazy people do all kinds of preposterous claims. Talking about/with nonexisting people. Recalling non-happened. Forgetting or misinterpreting real things.

    And you are crazy cretin not for nothing, IT. ;-P

    You do all of that, IT.

    Which proved with you own words, IT. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Which IT keep forgetting that IT written here, in this blog.


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Entertaining me. ;-P

  30. \\Wrote "you are" when "I am" would be the truth.


    That's it.

    That is what you did, IT. ;-P

    \\A distribution plan was also not ready. Because the dotard administration decided the states should be in charge of distribution.

    And what's so bad about it?

    That is clearly democratic and reasonable decision -- as states have more knowledge about their means and needs.

    But... obviously, that is anathema for totalitarians. They think that ALL people need to be controlled from ONE center. At ALL time.

    \\Yes. Because that is what happened.

    And not elections in result of which dRump lost?

    And KNEW about it. So there was not reasons for him to care about such things -- he would nit be able to order anymore.

    Means... he DID NOT though that he WILL stay in power.

    Means... he DID NOT planned any "insurrection". ;-P


    NOW you proved it. Independently.

    \\That does not mean they could not devise a plan. Knowing one would be needed.

    As we resolved in other threads -- having plans, and putting em into legislation and execution -- is not actually one and the same thing.

    ESPECIALLY... if one do not have State Power.

    \\Because that was your claim.

    What claim????

    \\ Anonymous Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: \\Means... mere delusions of Qtard is deemed by Qtard as "being facts"\\ Reality itself. And Common Sense.

    \\ Qtard dunno what reality is. And Qtard has no common sense.

    Oh... that alter-ego of yours. ;-P

    I know. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\And "Qtard" is you.

    Got some... ANY proofs? ;-P

    \\Because they have no choice. Such plans are work product and belong to their employers (We The People). They are required by law to "share" everything.

    Same as their brains? ;-P

    \\"Publicity". Yeah, that IS the only reason. Definitely not to save lives. Because tRump does not care about saving lives. I agree with you.


    Like Bi-den don't do the same.


    Like when he DO NOT give to Ukraine ENOUGH tanks, planes, shells and etc...

    Which would DEFINITELY save lives... but, would NOT generate some good publicity.

    Very needed for elections...
