Wednesday, February 21, 2024

FREE Julian Assange!!!!!

When George Soros famously shorted the the pound sterling in like ’92 or whatever, which led to him writing “The Alchemy of Finance” where he said that Alchemy is not interested in truth like the scientific method, it’s interested in operational success.” The method he said that they used to do the Alchemy of Finance was reflexivity.

The Deep State (USIC) fears the Truth.  And they want to extradite Assange to the US so that they can be CERTAIN that the Truth NEVER comes out.  Assange threatens all future Alchemy payments to the US Intelligence Community (USIC) for operational successes that require the obfuscation of Truth.


  1. So why didn't donald tRump pardon his fellow Putin puppet Assange when he had the chance? I've asked this question before, but Minus ALWAYS dodges it.

  2. He can't pardon non-US citizens being held in foreign countries.

  3. He can only order a Reaper drone strike on them.

  4. So, donald tRump (while president) offered a pardon to Assange even though he had no power to pardon him?

    Assange’s lawyers alleged that during a visit to London in August 2017, congressman Dana Rohrabacher told the WikiLeaks founder that “on instructions from the president, he was offering a pardon or some other way out, if Mr Assange … said Russia had nothing to do with the DNC [Democratic National Committee] leaks".

    Did Assange's lawyers lie? Did Assange lie to his lawyers?

  5. Minus: He can't pardon non-US citizens being held in foreign countries.

    That is false according to congressman Dana Rohrabacher...

    In September 2017, the White House confirmed that Rohrabacher had called the then chief of staff, John Kelly, to talk about a possible deal with Assange...

    “I told him that Julian Assange would provide information about the purloined DNC emails in exchange for a pardon".

  6. You confuse prosecutorial discretion for a pardon. One goes before. The other, after a trial.

  7. Like here. "Get the latest vaccine information from the CDC" ...cuz only 'oficialista' recommendations from CDC are "true".

  8. ^^belongs in different thread on Big Tech censorship/ warning labels^^

  9. Minus: You confuse prosecutorial discretion for a pardon. One goes before. The other, after a trial.

    By "you" you mean Dana Rohrabacher?

    Or do you mean donald tRump?

    PARDONED: Mathew Golsteyn, U.S. Army. Premeditated murder (charged, not tried or convicted).

    PARDONED: Michael T. Flynn for Making false statements to Federal investigators (pardoned before he was sentenced).

    PARDONED: Stephen Bannon. Conspiracy to commit wire fraud; conspiracy to commit money laundering (pardoned without a trial).

    And Predisent dotard donald also pardoned a number of other people who were NOT sentenced (see here).

    dotard donald didn't get your meme "one goes before" regarding these people.

    Does that mean those pardons are invalid?

  10. Re "dotard donald didn't get your meme" ... "meme" should be "memo".

    Assange targeted by U.S. and Trump over his WikiLeaks exposures, lawyer says. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was targeted by the U.S. over his exposure of state-level crimes, and Donald Trump had requested options on how to deal with him, his lawyers said on Tuesday as they battle to stop his extradition from Britain. ... In 2021, Yahoo News reported CIA officials had drawn up options for Trump's administration for dealing with Assange while he was in the London embassy.

    "Senior CIA officials requested plans, the president himself requested on being provided with options on how to do it and sketches were even drawn up," the lawyer said on Tuesday. link

    Re prosecutorial discretion, predisent dotard donald said "PROSECUTE HIM!"

    I guess he wasn't very appreciative of the help provided to him by Assange. Well, he never is. Often throws people under the bus when they are no longer useful to him.

    Are you angry with tRump for initiating the extradition of Julian Assange?

    There were even discussions about assassinating Assange in 2017. Apparently CIA director (and loyal trumpturd) Mike Pompeo wanted Assange dead.

  11. He can pardon foreigners in British Courts, too? Who knew?

  12. There is nothing impossible... for totalitarians.

    Human Rights -- they call em non-existing.

    Laws -- not important.

    Facts -- flexible to suit totalitarian's needs.

    Even Reality itself... naaaah, that, they CANNOT control. ;-P

    That's why they trying to ignore and teach EVERYONE to ignore... Reality itself.

  13. Dervish laughs and asks why Trump didn't pardon Assange and Snowden in the middle of an Impeachment. What a maroon!

  14. Dervy to Trump, "Act independently while I hold this gun to your head!"

  15. Why doesn't Biden pardon Assange? Is he afraid that the USIC would send all their Biden family corruption files to the House impeachment inquiry?

  16. tRump pardoned lots of people right before he left office. He could have pardoned Assange but chose not to. And, yes, the pardon would only apply to any US charges. But there would be nothing to extradite him to the US in regards to if tRump had pardoned him.

    Qtard: That's why they trying to ignore and teach EVERYONE to ignore... Reality itself.

    Self referring talks. Qtard is definitely reality-challenged.

  17. \\Self referring talks. Qtard is definitely reality-challenged.

    Your alter-ego "Qtard"?

    Yeah, IT is. ;-P

    That's why you have SO many alter-egos.

    Because that syndrome -- split-personality disorder -- arises BECAUSE of some uneasy challenges served to onebody from Reality. ;-P

    And that makes that onebody to "split". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))0000

  18. Qtard: Your alter-ego "Qtard"? Yeah, IT is. ;-P

    No. I do not have an alter-ego called "Qtard".

    Qtard: That's why you have SO many alter-egos.

    Cretin thinks zero is "so many".

  19. \\No. I do not have an alter-ego called "Qtard".


    And you are NewSpeak liar and cretin.

    Easy to deduce result. ;-P

    But... for smart dudes, not for cretins like you. :-)))))))))))))))))))))0

  20. Qtard: And you are NewSpeak liar and cretin.

    Wrote "you" instead of "I".

    Qtard: Easy to deduce result.

    Yeah. The result is a comment that says the opposite of the truth.

    Qtard: But... for smart dudes, not for cretins like you.

    Wrote "you" instead of "me".

  21. \\Qtard: And you are NewSpeak liar and cretin.

    \\Wrote "you" instead of "I".


    And you CONFIRMED that you are liar and cretin. IMMEDIATELY. And with your OWN words.

    Liar... cause your words "Wrote "you" instead of "I"." are obvious, not based on ANY facts or logic LIE.

    And cretin... because you obviously think that such an obvious lies WOULD NOT be seen through by much smarter opponent.

    And would make him... what exactly??? "Buy" such an obvious lie? Became upset? Emotional? Totally broke? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    It deserve only sheer homeric laughing. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))





    Continue-continue, cretin. ;-P

    \\Yeah. The result is a comment that says the opposite of the truth.


    Very wise observation.

    Result -- your cretinic comment. That contains only opposite to the truth cretinic lies. ;-P

    VERY self-referential of yours. ;-)



    You are cretin... so able only produce self-referential cretinism -- your cretinic lies that scream about your cretinism. ;-P

  22. Qtard: And you are NewSpeak liar and cretin\\ Wrote "you" instead of "I"\\ Yeah.

    Thank you for admitting it.

    Qtard: And you CONFIRMED that you are liar and cretin. IMMEDIATELY. And with your OWN words.

    No. I wrote no words confirming that. I didn't write "We are both liars and cretins". Only you are.

    Qtard: Liar... cause your words "Wrote "you" instead of "I"." are obvious, not based on ANY facts or logic LIE.

    They are based on facts. The fact that you are a liar and a cretin.

    Qtard: And cretin... because you obviously think that such an obvious lies WOULD NOT be seen through by much smarter opponent.

    Thank you. I agree, I am a much smarter opponent. Though only compared to you. A much dumber opponent.

    Qtard: And would make him... what exactly??? "Buy" such an obvious lie? Became upset? Emotional? Totally broke?

    I dunno who you're talking about. What "him"? Someone became upset, emotional and totally broke? Huh? Gibberish.

    Qtard: But. Natural. You are cretin... so able only produce self-referential cretinism -- your cretinic lies that scream about your cretinism.

    Self referring talks.

  23. \\Qtard: And you are NewSpeak liar and cretin\\ Wrote "you" instead of "I"\\ Yeah.

    \\Thank you for admitting it.


    And as always -- cretin confirming own cretinism... with cutting quote into meaningless pieces.

    While FULL quote are.


    And you CONFIRMED that you are liar and cretin. IMMEDIATELY. And with your OWN words.

    Liar... cause your words "Wrote "you" instead of "I"." are obvious, not based on ANY facts or logic LIE.

    And cretin... because you obviously think that such an obvious lies WOULD NOT be seen through by much smarter opponent.

    And would make him... what exactly??? "Buy" such an obvious lie? Became upset? Emotional? Totally broke? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    It deserve only sheer homeric laughing. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  24. \\No. I wrote no words confirming that. I didn't write "We are both liars and cretins". Only you are.

    IF... you'd admitted being liar -- that would be Truth. ;-P

    But... you are LIAR -- liars, they DO NOT say truth.

    That is OBVIOUSLY known to everyone idea.

    Well... except such cretins like IT R.

    \\They are based on facts. The fact that you are a liar and a cretin.


    Your miserly factless babbling of a cretinic liar. ;-P


    \\Thank you. I agree, I am a much smarter opponent. Though only compared to you. A much dumber opponent.


    \\I dunno who you're talking about. What "him"? Someone became upset, emotional and totally broke? Huh? Gibberish.


    Just CONFIRMED your cretinism -- with demonstrated INABiLiTY to understand TEXT as whole. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And you trying to call ITSELF "much smarter opponent"??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    What a crazy cretin.


    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Confirming own cretinism... in each post.

  25. No cretinic retorts here? ;-P
