Thursday, February 22, 2024

A German Assessment of Geopolitics and the Ukraine War


  1. General Harald Kujat, the former Chief of Staff of the German armed forces and Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, warns that the US and NATO instigated the Ukraine War to destroy Russia... link

    And, according to Putin, Poland forced Nazi Germany to invade it.

    Putin: It was them, who, while pursuing their mercenary and exorbitantly overgrown ambitions, laid their people, the Polish people, open to attack from Germany's military machine, and, moreover, generally contributed to the beginning of the Second World War.

    "the US and NATO instigated the Ukraine War to destroy Russia" is the same kind of BS.

    The aggressors -- they are the REAL victims.

    Well, rightturds pull this BS all the time.

    White men are the REAL oppressed peoples.

    Christianity is the REAL discriminated against religion.

    Democrats (party that gets over 80 percent of the African American vote) are the REAL racists.

    Spreaders of disinformation, they are the REAL truth tellers.

    donald tRump (who effed with the PO to slow down mail-in ballots and then tried to overthrow a democratic election to stay in office) is the REAL victim of Joe Biden the REAL cheater (even though all the recounts validated Joe Biden's win).

    dotard donald isn't the REAL insurrectionist for sending his minions to the Capitol, it is Nancy Pelosi (or Nikki Haley) for staging a "parliamentary coup" after instigating "a fedsurrection".

    Republicans are the REAL champions of Ukraine who are "storming the White House" demanding more aid, while and Joe Biden and Democrats (while BIGLY funding Ukraine's self defense) are the REAL Putin puppets.

    The bigly corrupt donald tRump (tax cheat and Putin puppet) is the REAL "Mark Twain running for governor" style victim of Democratic smears aka he is just like Alexei Navalny.

    dotard donald is the REAL victim of Russian collusion at the hands of Hillary Clinton (who faked data theft from the DNC server with help from the Ukrainian owner of CrowdStrike) and John Brennan who ordered spying on dotard donald's campaign.

    dotard donald is the REAL non-Alzheimer's patient. It is Joe Biden who plays Super Mario Kart to stave off dementia.


    And so on and so on. republiturds keep piling on the lies, believing the repetition eventually will get people to (if not believe) to doubt.

    And, when the Left fights back, republiturds screech, "we are being censored!" and "our free speech rights are being violated!" and "we are the REAL victims!!!".

  2. Dervy, you seem totally pumped up with American Kitsch today... did someone "provoke" you?

  3. What sort of "Do-Gooding" will you perform today? Eliminate "white privilege"?

  4. Face it, people are *ss-holes. And you, like me, are just an *ss-hole.

  5. To be an *hole... it'd need to have brain. ;-P

  6. \\Putin: It was them, who, while pursuing their mercenary and exorbitantly overgrown ambitions, laid their people, the Polish people, open to attack from Germany's military machine, and, moreover, generally contributed to the beginning of the Second World War.


    liliPut's propaganda puppet LIKE to cite it's master.

    To give it MOAR coverage.


    \\Spreaders of disinformation, they are the REAL truth tellers.


    Under your cretinic standards (NOT based on FACTS) of "truth telling".


  7. Qtard: liliPut's propaganda puppet LIKE to cite it's master. To give it MOAR coverage.

    What Putin said is bullshit. Does that anger you -- to call YOUR master's words BS?

    Qtard: \\Spreaders of disinformation, they are the REAL truth tellers\\ Yeah. Under your cretinic standards (NOT based on FACTS) of "truth telling".

    YOUR standards.

    Qtard: Yawn.

    Yeah. More lies from you. That definitely deserves a "yawn".

  8. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  9. But.

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  10. Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Showing itself cretin. ;-P

  11. No more showing off with cretinism?

  12. Cretin thinks displaying cretinism is "showing off"? I am not surprised.


    Thanky-thanky, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
