Wednesday, January 3, 2024

The Politicization of "Science"


  1. Thanks Republicans.

  2. he truth is Dave Dubya is you are a sniveling coward with the cognitive ability of a Hyena A disgrace to yourself and a cancer that will ultimately destroy you. Potentially the BEST thing that could happen to you. Your hatred and sickness must be growing unbearable You have reached the level of being a POS. .

    Your sick obsession with attacking Donald Trump , as well as Shaw’s with baseless accusations simply exposes you for what you are. A hollow base individuall whose purpose is lost on everybody but yourself.

    Have another hate filled day in your pathetic existence. The world after all needs Jackasses like you for comparative purposes. You have succeeded in placing YOURSELF in the Gutter, .also know as Shaw’s Shit House BRAVO, job well done.

  3. \\The Politicization of "Science"

    Better say where and when it was not. :-))))

    Like making Galileo to betray his own findings.

  4. Exactly. Peter Thiel tells of when his mentor won a Nobel, he thought he'd be finally be free to pursue science independently. He soon learned how mistaken he was.

  5. That's what I like about Tony Heller. He exposes the gatekeepers fraud.

  6. Minus: Tony Heller ... He exposes the gatekeepers fraud.

    He doesn't. He is a bigly fraud perpetrator.

  7. The new House speaker, Mike Johnson, knows how he will rule: according to his Bible. When asked on Fox News how he would make public policy, he replied: “Well, go pick up a Bible off your shelf and read it. That’s my worldview".

    Religious bonkers in Galileo's time = republicans of today.

    The Tony Heller climate change deniers of today would have been among those accusing Galileo of heresy.

    The sun revolves around the Earth = climate change is a hoax.

  8. ^^Forgot to put his brain back in after washing...^^

  9. No Data Manipulation at NOAA. ... John Bates, a former NOAA scientist [said] ...there was “no data tampering, no data changing, nothing malicious” involved with his colleagues’ study. “It’s not trumped up data in any way shape or form"...

    ...there’s no evidence to support the [House science] committee members’ accusations of data manipulation. link

    It is you who has been brainwashed, Minus.

  10. Isn't Peter Thiel a racist? I read that somewhere. Or he associates with White Supremacists at least.

  11. It's not trumped up... it's "adjusted".

  12. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ No Data Manipulation at NOAA. ... John Bates, a former NOAA scientist [said] ...there was “no data tampering, no data changing, nothing malicious” involved with his colleagues’ study. “It’s not trumped up data in any way shape or form"...

    What is the hockey stick graph of global warming?
    Hockey stick graph (global temperature) - Wikipedia
    The term hockey stick graph was popularized by the climatologist Jerry Mahlman, to describe the pattern shown by the Mann, Bradley & Hughes 1999 (MBH99) reconstruction, envisaging a graph that is relatively flat with a downward trend to 1900 as forming an ice hockey stick's "shaft" followed by a sharp, steady increase ...

  13. NOAA are the chief temperature "adjusters". "The old thermometers weren't registering the temperatures accurately...."

  14. Minus: NOAA are the chief temperature "adjusters". No Data Manipulation at NOAA.

  15. = Liars Anonymous and Cloak of Gyges member.

  16. Climate Feedback: NOAA does not fraudulently adjust data to create the illusion of a global warming trend. It is not true that data adjustments have falsely created the appearance of a global warming trend. Adjustments to temperature datasets are routinely performed to remove sources of error. Without these adjustments, the global warming trend since the late 1800s would in fact appear greater than it actually is. Many independent datasets support the accuracy and necessity of these adjustments.

    Minus: = Liars Anonymous and Cloak of Gyges member.

    You say this because you hate facts. Like Qtard. It is another fact hater.

  17. "oficialista" data fudging isn't fudging.... LOL!

  18. Without these adjustments, the global warming trend since the late 1800s would in fact appear greater than it actually is.

  19. Imbecile do not and cannot, and absolutely care NOT about what Objective Reality IS.


  20. For the last minute amusement, can derpish sadners SAY IT -- what profession, or some job accomodation IT IS? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Means, what work imbeciles still can do... and be payed for.

    I bet on some government payed one. ;-P

  21. Qtard: Imbecile do not and cannot, and absolutely care NOT about what Objective Reality IS.

    Your confession. But we already knew that about you.

    Qtard: Means, what work imbeciles still can do... and be payed for.

    I dunno. Will you tell us?

  22. oh, imbecile Derpish SADners revealed that it DUNNO what job is, what paychecks is.

    So? He might be dweller of an asylum -- have no need to work. Well, it can't anyway. :-)))))))))))))))))))))0

  23. Why say "might"? You dunno if you live in an asylum or not? Because your mind is too far gone?

  24. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Imbecile still thinking that its imbecilic backbites can make opponent ANYTHING but laughing. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))0


    I will read "You dunno if you live in an asylum or not?" and will start doubting MYSELF... that *I* might be really are one who are imbecilic crazy dude here... :-)))))))))

    Naaah. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But, continue-continue.

    Demonstrating self-revealing imbecility. ;-P

  25. Dr. Caligari, your cabinet has been found....

  26. Qtard: I will read "You dunno if you live in an asylum or not?" and will start doubting MYSELF... that *I* might be really are one who are imbecilic crazy dude here...

    No. You are so imbecilic and so crazy that you will NEVER think that. Even though it is the truth. You dunno what the truth is -- nor do you care.

    Minus: Dr. Caligari, your cabinet has been found...

    ...says the brainwashed trumpturd cultist.

  27. \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: I will read "You dunno if you live in an asylum or not?" and will start doubting MYSELF... that *I* might be really are one who are imbecilic crazy dude here...

    \\ No. You are so imbecilic and so crazy that you will NEVER think that. Even though it is the truth. You dunno what the truth is -- nor do you care.


    Said imbecile that still can't grok what FACTS IS.

    And how they relate to Objective Truth.

    Even less, that Objective Truth is ONLY Truth possible. In this Universe. ;-P

    But, continue-continue.

    Entertaining me with its lame imbecilic backbites. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

  28. No imbecilic backbites here??? :-)))))))))))))))))))0

  29. Yes. The 2 comments right above. They are both imbecilic.

  30. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    All need to believe to this imbecilic lies of imbecilic liar. :-)))))))))))))))))

    Not to their lying eyes. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  31. Nobody should believe your lies.

  32. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    Continue-continue. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
