Saturday, December 30, 2023

If he only...


  1. Now THAT was ABSOLUTE GENIUS!😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

  2. Based on the title (without watching) I'll guess it's about tRump?

    1. tRump looks like Biden? When you fixate on the naked bottoms of men without seeing faces, they could theoretically look the same. Dervish is obviously fixated on Rumps, as shown by his capitalizing the R in Trump's name.

    2. Mystere is obviously fixated on rumps. He's always raving about how pleasurable sex in the "endo" is.

    3. Dervish's queer fixations on men's private parts resulted in his emergency surgery reported by the Loftus Party comedy sketch on Friday.

  3. knowledge is a bit like coffee... you must taste to know.

    1. Dervish loves the coffee beans pooped out of monkeys. Liberals say those beans are a delicacy amongst coffee. Personally, I wouldn't dare try monkey poop coffee.


      Dervish must be drinking this kind of liberal coffee. Or perhaps he consumed a bunch of coffee cherries, taken dumps, collected the beans and roasted them himself.

    3. I only drink the finest of coffees, Mystere. tRumpturds drink cat turds and enjoy every last drop.

    4. I don't drink coffee at all, Mystere. I don't like it. The comment about drinking cat turds was written by you. Must be an admission.

    5. Dervish Sanders December 31, 2023 at 8:50 AM
      "I only drink the finest of coffees, Mystere. tRumpturds drink cat turds and enjoy every last drop."

      Dervish Sanders December 31, 2023 at 8:56 AM
      "I don't drink coffee at all, Mystere. I don't like it. The comment about drinking cat turds was written by you. Must be an admission."

      Dervish backtracks his retort 6 minutes later after realizing he told a truth. Dervish loves being a weasel and drinking "weasel coffee", "cat poop coffee", "monkey poop coffee" or whatever else it's called.

    6. Sure... I "backtracked" from a comment YOU wrote. What a moron.

      Though you did admit that "tRumpturds drink cat turds and enjoy every last drop".

      That is a "truth", you say? Are you enjoying a hot cat turd beverage right now, Mystere?

  4. You're claiming the video you posted is "knowledge"?

    Looks to me like it is misinformation that disparages our fantastic president, Joe Biden.

    It would be believable if it was about tRump. He surely is our dumbest president ever.

    1. Dervish Sanders December 30, 2023 at 12:27 PM
      "Based on the title (without watching) I'll guess it's about tRump?" "It would be believable if it was about tRump. He surely is our dumbest president ever."

      Boy, Derpish, you really seem to want more chronic pain. Be careful what you wish for.

    2. Mystere has chronic pain from years of untreated endo pain. He should go to the doctor for untreated endo STDs but he's to embarrassed.

    3. From Dervish's hate blog comments section:

      "Dave Miller May 25, 2023 at 7:58 PM
      Derv... just checking on you. You alright??


      Dervish Sanders June 14, 2023 at 9:48 PM
      No. I haven't felt like blogging due to depression caused by the death of several members of my family. I'm sure this will make Mystere (if he reads it) very happy.

      I just posted something (and decided to check out this tread, which is why I'm seeing your comment) but there probably won't be many new posts going forward.

      According to Mystere, I have an "ailing meemaw" named Barbara. I do not know anyone named Barbara. Both of my grandmothers died a long time ago.

      Dervish Sanders June 15, 2023 at 2:39 PM
      I've also been laid low by some serious health problems that have resulted in misery due to chronic pain. Possibly brought about as a result of curses Mystere is trying to throw my way. Not that I believe in curses, but (if they are real) Mystere is definitely trying to inflict them upon me. I've been told that the Angel of death might be coming for me soon."

      ⏫Proof that Dervish is filled with plenty of hate.⏫

    4. You fake-quoted me, Mystere.

    5. Mystere proves AGAIN he is filled with hate for Progressives.

  5. The video (which I have now watched) is all lies. Is that why Mystere calls it "genius"... He likes those lies and thinks they made a good song?

  6. If dotard donald only had a brain... LOL.

  7. Mystere: Dervish confesses to drinking grotesque things.

    I confessed to NOT drinking gross things. Such as coffee.
