Thursday, January 25, 2024

Selling Moochelle in 2024...'s going to take the PT Barnum of Politics for Democratic Party Elites to Sell Moochelle as a Viable Candidate, which explains the return of Jon Stewart.

"No Daily Show Viewers, You Don't Need a Presidential Primary and Democratic Selection Process to Vet Your Candidate, Joe Biden's donors already DONE ALL THAT Hard Work FOR you!  You're ALL Just OUR candidate's Rubber Stamp and the LAUGH TRACK for the Trump Campaign!  And You all know which part of THAT We're "seriously" focused on!"

Two weeks before Jon Stewart announces his return to hosting The Daily Show until election day in November....

The president’s reelection effort is starting to fill out.

President Joe Biden’s campaign is tapping a veteran of Jon Stewart’s old show and a top aide from a progressive stalwart in the latest move to build out its national staff.

The reelection campaign is set to announce on Saturday two new hires, one to its research and one to its communications teams.

Andy Crystal, who previously led research at The Problem with Jon Stewart and Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj, will be the campaign’s research director. Lauren Hitt, who most recently served as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-N.Y.) communications director, will be a senior national spokesperson for the campaign. Kevin Munoz, who was one of the first Biden reelection staffers, will be made senior national spokesperson.

Their hires, shared first with POLITICO, underscore the haste with which the reelection is now bringing operatives on board as the general election nears. The Biden campaign also announced battleground states director and top aides in North Carolina last week.

The hiring spree comes shortly after some Democratic operatives began complaining that the campaign had yet to build out its staffing operation, particularly in swing states, fast enough. The Biden campaign, at the time, downplayed those concerns, stressing that they were positioned to make new hires in key spots when the time was needed.

“We’re excited to welcome Andy and Lauren to the already talented and fierce communications team working to reelect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris,” Michael Tyler, Biden’s communications director, said in a statement shared with POLITICO. “I’m also proud to recognize Kevin’s invaluable role representing our campaign since launch and communicating the president’s vision directly to voters.”
Note: As an undergraduate, Lauren Hitt began her career working on the 2012 Obama re-election campaign.



  1. 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

  2. Why would someone who isn't running need to be "sold"? The imaginary "Moochelle" isn't running for potus, nor is Michelle Obama. The nominee will be the incumbent president, Joe Biden. The guy who kicked dotard donald's ass in 2020. 306 to 232 in the Electoral College. Also, Joe Biden won the popular vote by 7 million over the Orange Turd.

    Given the fantastic job he has been doing as president, why would he not seek a second term? One can speculate that he might want to retire due to his age, but he has said he's running again. While Michelle Obama has said she does not want the job. But Minus says everyone is lying.

    Why? If Joe Biden wanted to retire and "pass the torch" to Michelle Obama, why not announce that? Michelle Obama is very popular on the Left. People like her and would be happy to vote for her. Yet (for some reason) you think dishonest trickery is necessary. Because (for some unknown/unexplained reason) she wouldn't get through the primary "vetting" process.

  3. I subscribe to Moochelle's Presidential "Only Fans" page. She'll be the nominee all right. You can take THAT to the CBDC ATM.

  4. That there is a Michelle Obama "presidential only fans" page is a Minus FJ delusion.

  5. Members only means "members only", Dervy.

  6. Someone is scamming you. I give them my congrats 👏👍

  7. Yeah, Moochelle Obama, next presidential-wannabee of the United States.

  8. In the grifting world, it's called "The Big Con". In football it's more like a "statue of liberty" play.

  9. You're the one who said you're paying 10k a month to view a fake Michelle Obama "presidential only fans" page.

  10. ...but you're the one spending countless valuable hours supporting a fake president-in-name-only.

  11. "president" tRump? I don't support him.

  12. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

  13. Trump isn't the president, so you now admit that the election was stolen and that he should be...

  14. Minus: you now admit that the election was stolen and that he should be...

    I admit the 2016 election was stolen and tRump never should have been president. I also admit tRump tried to steal the 2020 election but failed. Lastly I admit tRump is trying to steal the 2024 election.

  15. How's he stealing it in 2024, Dervy? By making himself too popular and making people revile Biden as a tyrant?

  16. Getting help from Putin again.

    republiturd voter suppression laws.

    HOW could dotard donald make himself too popular? Being the worst president of all time, a rapist, a corrupt businessman and a White Supremacist leads to popularity?

  17. Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

  18. The only help Trump has gotten in the 2024 election are indictments highlighting the partisan corruption of the DoJ. Every indictment increases his likelihood of Trump's election by about 1%. The American people hate the hubris and abuse off power.

  19. Holding criminals accountable isn't an "abuse of power".

    Just over half -- 52% -- think Trump should have been charged with a crime in this case [J6 insurrection] while 32% said he should not have been. And a plurality of Americans (49%) said Trump should suspend his presidential campaign...

    ...42% of Americans said the documents-related charges were very serious and 30% saw the hush money-related charges as very serious,link

    "Trump should suspend his presidential campaign" because criminals shouldn't be running for president.

    The American people hate tRump's hubris and abuse off power.

  20. Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

  21. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Holding criminals accountable isn't an "abuse of power".


    Because calling people under Presumption of Innocence "criminals" IS Abuse of Power.

    \\Just over half -- 52% -- think Trump should have been charged with a crime in this case [J6 insurrection] while 32% said he should not have been. And a plurality of Americans (49%) said Trump should suspend his presidential campaign...


    Percentage of cretins following DEMN propaganda.


    \\"Trump should suspend his presidential campaign" because criminals shouldn't be running for president.


    TOTALLY alike to how it was depicted in Mark Twain's "Running for Governor"

  22. Totally UNLIKE it was depicted in Mark Twain's "Running for Governor". Because, in that fiction story, Mark Twain's competitors told ridiculous lies about him. While in the case of dotard donald, people are telling the point-to-reality truth about him.

    Qtard: Because calling people under Presumption of Innocence "criminals" IS Abuse of Power.

    Having an opinion and voicing it is an "abuse of power"? When the person with the opinion has no power? Of course that is what the imbecile thinks. Because it is an imbecile.

    In the cretin's mind ordinary people not in government have power that allows them to get an innocent man convicted (somehow) while people elected to government (but in the opposition party) somehow have no power.

    IT thinks conviction in the court of public opinion means conviction by an actual court. Explaining why OJ Simpson was convicted of murdering Nicole Brown Simpson. Oh, wait... that didn't happen.

    The killer went free even though he killed two people. So you might get your wish and dotard donald will go free and become the next president for life. You did say the charges will go poof. So why are you so worried?

    Because you know he's guilty? Well, if it were smart it could see obvious guilt. But IT isn't. IT is dumb. IT see guilt where there is none. Like with Joe Biden. IT thinks Joe Biden is "stalling" aid to Ukraine when Joe Biden is working hard to get Ukraine the aid it needs to defend itself against the Russian invaders.

  23. \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Totally UNLIKE it was depicted in Mark Twain's "Running for Governor". Because, in that fiction story, Mark Twain's competitors told ridiculous lies about him. While in the case of dotard donald, people are telling the point-to-reality truth about him.

    Yeah... like that he is "rapist".

    Though verified in the court evidences show in all certainty -- that that was (if it was) sexual adventurism. Like in "Sex and city" series.

    \\Having an opinion and voicing it is an "abuse of power"? When the person with the opinion has no power? Of course that is what the imbecile thinks. Because it is an imbecile.

    Yeah... totalitarian cretin DO think that people in democratic country do not have power. Though democracy MEANS "rule/power of the people".


    That totalitarian cretin and ITS cretinic lies. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))0


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
