Thursday, January 25, 2024

Anybody Still Believe that the US Border ISN'T a Political Issue?

h/t - Woodsterman


  1. Derpish plans to make a killing out of it. He's getting more outhouses on his property in Paris to accommodate the migrants he's housing. 69 new outhouses on his dump to drain into his swamp...

  2. Mystere is fixated on 69ing. That's one of him and his husband's favorite activities.

    1. Dervish is fixated on Mystere. Dervish hallucinates when he and his gay brothel client engage in his queer acts.

  3. "The fact that [Trump] would communicate to Republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn't want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame Biden for it is really appalling", Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) told CNN. link

    It's been the Republican playbook for a long time... feign outrage over the border, refuse to do anything about it, blame Democrats.

  4. Trump did no such thing. Romney was all "hearsay", he NEVER talked to Trump. He simply took what Mitch McConnell told him and added some speculation.

    The real reason is that Mitch "Biden's B*itch" didn't want to fund hotels and free transportation for illegals in NYC and LA and get absolutely no
    "border control" in return.

  5. ps - I'm 99.99% sure that McConnell didn't talk to Trump either.

  6. \\It's been the Republican playbook for a long time... feign outrage over the border, refuse to do anything about it, blame Democrats.

    And since when DEMNs and Leftists especially DO USE it? ;-P

    Well... useless thing to ask brainless cretin... but still. :-))))))))))))))

    \\He did.

    Showed to me dudette on a bidet. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Well... commercial.

    But, made me uninterested... in any factual claim cretin tried to pose.

    Blame DEMN Google, cretin. ;-P

  7. Trump did no such thing.

    Trump told Johnson not to compromise... to let the Democrats compromise. Had they done so Trump would have told him to "Make the Deal".

    THAT is the "Art of the Deal".

  8. What Lindsey Graham calls the "best deal that they're ever going to get" (from Democrats) simply applies to this particular moment in time that will allow his UKRAINE FUNDING BILL to get moved.

    The current deal being offered is one for desperate suckers like Lindsey Graham, who'd sell out his mother for another $1m Ukrainian donation to the John McCain Leadership Institute (he'd take a 10% "finders fee" commission).

  9. One thing you can count on in the hyper-real MSM, whenever the Senate fails to do its' job, it's Trump's fault!

  10. At some future point in time Democrats will cave and give republiturds 100 percent of what they want? Who knew?

    "will allow his UKRAINE FUNDING BILL to get moved"

    Is that the FAKE "Plan for Victory in Ukraine" that the cretin Qtard thinks Democrats voted NO on and that Joe Biden would refuse to sign?

    All Dems need to do is completely cave and the Ukraine funding will go through? What would that look like? Would it make it legal for Greg Abbott's SS to murder migrants? Or (as per an old FreeThinke comment) turn back migrants at the border using flame-throwers?

    In addition to the razor wire in the Rio Grande they'll add land mines?

    You have proof of your "finder's fee" allegation?

  11. "let me know what I can do to help you with bohner".


  12. \\Trump told Johnson not to compromise... to let the Democrats compromise. Had they done so Trump would have told him to "Make the Deal".

    Too bad.

    Trump still do not know Rules of Compromise of 21st century -- DEMNs(religious bigots) DO NOT compromise.

  13. \\What Lindsey Graham calls the "best deal that they're ever going to get" (from Democrats) simply applies to this particular moment in time that will allow his UKRAINE FUNDING BILL to get moved.


    That is all are mere setup by Bureaucratic Mastermind Bi-den.

    He wanted to postpone and maybe even to withdraw help to Ukraine... but, it will be beyond obvious if he'd do it openly. So, he encapsulated it into intrigue "see, it's Reps who don't want it".

    How do *I* know?



    That NOT worked EVEN ONE day... though was advertised EXACTLY AS THAT -- as counter-measure for "what is Reps will be blocking help to Ukraine?".


    When that blocking happened... "Lend-Lease" no more present.

    How... convenient.

    But... Bi-den are state bureaucrat for so long... not for nothing. I hope it warming his dirty empty shell of a larva maggot.

  14. Either that... or DEMNs are DEMN idiots. ;-P

  15. \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ At some future point in time Democrats will cave and give republiturds 100 percent of what they want? Who knew?

    At expense of lives of innocents... in Ukraine, in Israel (Palestine it's part of Israel) and elsewhere.

    Because they all are larva maggots, that feeding on corpses.

  16. NMP...

    The "best deal ever" would have LEGALLY allowed millions more illegals to flood the country every year PLUS 1.5 million more legal immigrants per year....

    What a deal!

    Working mans wages should fall at least $2/ hour.

  17. Qtard: That is all are mere setup by Bureaucratic Mastermind Bi-den.

    A mastermind with Alzheimer's?

    I don't know why all this trickery would be necessary... If Democracts and republiturds are in agreement. Both think Putin should have Ukraine.

    Though the imbecile Qtard thinks Republicans want to help Ukraine (why they are formulating plans for victory and storming the White House demanding aid) while Democrats are only pretending to want to help Ukraine.

    Qtard: At expense of lives of innocents... in Ukraine, in Israel (Palestine it's part of Israel)...

    Accomplices are innocents? Though Qtard probably does not remember calling them "accomplices". Might ask for a quote. But attack me because I didn't remember writing the word "in" that one time.

  18. \\Working mans wages should fall at least $2/ hour.

    As was in time of when America was Great???

  19. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: That is all are mere setup by Bureaucratic Mastermind Bi-den.

    \\ A mastermind with Alzheimer's?

    You tell. ;-P

    \\I don't know...


    Because you are cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: At expense of lives of innocents... in Ukraine, in Israel (Palestine it's part of Israel)...

    \\Accomplices are innocents?

    Accomplices in what??? ;-P

    Will totalitarian puppet/parrot repeat liliPut's Propaganda here?

    That Ukrainians are n*** and etc...

    \\Though Qtard probably does not remember calling them "accomplices".

    Obviously... that is cretin's alter-ego "Qtard".

    Because cretin constantly claims that it dunno this or that, and don't remember this or that... while claiming that "Qtard did it"... while it factually confirmed that that "Qtard" writing under account Dirty Liar SADners. ;-P

    And *I*... DO remember it, perfectly -- that that was MY words... but not about Ukrainians or Israelis... but about HAMAS foot soldiers... hiding behind the back of their Palestinian relatives, their own mother, little sisters and brothers...

  20. Qtard: Palestinian relatives, their own mother, little sisters and brothers...

    All accomplices according to you. But now you deny your own words? "My words meant something else"?

    Qtard: \\I don't know...\\ Yap. Because you are cretin.

    Out of context fake quote. Typical tactic of a liar.

    Qtard: while it factually confirmed that that "Qtard" writing under account Dirty Liar SADners.

    That any of your lies have been "factually confirmed" is your cretinic delusion.

    Minus: What a deal!

    You will never get the deal you want. No Democrat will vote for it. republiturds will get rid of the filibuster when dotard donald is president for life?

  21. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00000

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  22. Self encouragement.

  23. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00000

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  24. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00000

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0
