Tuesday, January 9, 2024

How do you spell "F.B.I. Orchestrated Fedsurrection"?

The DOJ spells it "P.R.O.B.A.T.I.O.N."

Free the J6 Hostages!
D.O.J. Outs Itself as Biden Campaign's Official Covert GESTAPO Arm!
The PSYOP continues...


  1. It's spelled "t-i-n-f-o-i-l h-a-t".

  2. You wear yours for protection against actual thought? Shouldn't you wear it "inside" your skull then?

  3. That called "entertain a thought". AFAIK.

    Imbeciles... unable to do that.

    Why you abusing imbecile, Joe?

    Yawn. :-))))

  4. Tinfoil meninges....

    Maybe it's the brain lining that makes an imbecile, Q.

  5. Doktor Minus has diagnosed what ailes both himself and Qtard? Unfortunately it is an untreatable condition.

  6. \\Maybe it's the brain lining that makes an imbecile, Q.

    Primitives/parasites -- do lose brains... even neural cells AT ALL. ;-P

    That's not medicine. That's EVOLUTION.

    See... how this little parasite -- BiFi -- even LOST ability to produce some potent verbal poison. ;-P

  7. Imbecile thinks "butt face" is abbreviated "bi-fi". Even though neither "butt" nor "face" is spelled with an "I".

    I seriously doubt the imbecile even knows what is being discussed. Yet, like before (when we were discussing Jack Smith), Qtard feels the need to butt in anyway.

    If I say we were talking about the "Ray Epps" tinfoil hat conspiracy theory, Qtard will likely reply, "I wasn't talking about any Ray or any Epps".

    Thus proving itself to be an imbecile. One that can not follow along. Due to it being a total moron.

  8. Minus: QED.

    Indeed. Your tinfoil hat nuttery has definitely been demonstrated.

    Apparently dotard donald was in on the conspiracy. He is the one who sent his supporters to the Capitol. So, obviously (if the conspiracy is true) he coordinated with the FBI. Told them they needed instigators at the Capitol to encourage the people HE SENT to enter the building. Otherwise they they would have peacefully protested outside and never went in. Sure.

    FEDsurrection = beyond moronic conspiracy theory.

  9. On J6 Nancy Pelosi needed a parliamentary reason ("emergency") to end the session calling for a debate on electors. She got it. With a "bombing" of RNC and DNC HQs, and a fedsurrection in the Capitol.

    So who were the bombers? Why haven't they been caught? What happened to the cell phone data? Why didn't the known organizer of the fedsurrection get jail time?

    It all makes sense.

  10. Minus: On J6 Nancy Pelosi needed a parliamentary reason ("emergency") to end the session calling for a debate on electors.

    Why? Joe Biden won. Mike Pence didn't dispute the electors. There were objections when the presidency was stolen from Al Gore. Al Gore didn't become president as a result of those objections.

    Minus: So who were the bombers? Why haven't they been caught?

    How should I know? That doesn't mean there was a conspiracy. But I bet, if the person had been caught, you'd be putting forward the SAME conspiracy theory.

    Minus: Why didn't the known organizer of the fedsurrection get jail time?

    Because it is imaginary. It didn't happen.

    Ray Epps cooperated with authorities. Why should he get jail time for disorderly conduct? If he is an FBI agent, where is the evidence proving it?

  11. Mike Pence didn't dispute the electors.

    He was the ONLY Republican present in the session? Who knew? And thanks to Nancy's "emergency", they were never even heard.

  12. Ray Epps not only cooperated with authorities, he was employed by them.

  13. Minus: He was the ONLY Republican present in the session? Who knew?

    The 147 Republicans Who Voted to Overturn Election Results.

    The emergency didn't stop these 147 representatives from objecting.

    Wikipedia: Objections to the electoral votes had virtually no chance of success, as Democrats had a majority in the House of Representatives and, although the Senate had a Republican majority, there was no majority for overturning the election results. link

    HOW do you think the emergency aided Joe Biden in having his victory confirmed? HOW would dotard donald have retained the presidency had the mob not attacked the Capitol (and there were no pipe bombs at the RNC and DNC)?

    Minus: And thanks to Nancy's "emergency"...

    A violent mob attacking the Capitol isn't an emergency? Then why did Josh Hawley run away?

    Also, it was dotard donald's emergency. He sent the violent mob. The FBI didn't send them.

    Minus: Ray Epps not only cooperated with authorities, he was employed by them.

    Hard evidence? No, there is none. Because he wasn't. He cooperated because his fellow trumpturds are framing him. That caused him to wake the f*ck up to how crazy you are.

  14. "Objections to the electoral votes had virtually no chance of success..."

    "Virtually no chance," or after Nancy's parliamentary move, ABSOLUTELY no chance?

  15. What parliamentary move? As I noted above, 147 republicans still voted to overturn the election results.

  16. The Parliamentary moves preventing Republican member motion challenges to halt certification and investigate voting irregularities at the January 6, 2021 session that ended with Emergency Evacuation...

    A: The crisis was created to eliminate the motion challenges to halt the certification and to begin voting to look into voting irregularities and fraud

    FACTS: The two motions were completely legal and constitutional under at least two constitutionally recognized procedures… procedures that would REQUIRE the house to pause the certification and then vote to determine whether the motions of suspend could move forward.

    ♦ Q3: What was so important to refuse this motion and the subsequent votes to suspend the electoral certification?

    A: It was important to remove that process entirely and continue the fraud and certify the fraud with no detractors on record. This effectively gives no standing for a SCOTUS ruling appeal! Understand this. If those two motions, even just one had successfully been voted EVEN IF THE MOTIONS were DENIED IN VOTE, this gives those who presented them with STANDING FOR A CONSTITUTIONAL LEGAL ARGUMENT BEFORE SCOTUS.

    ♦ Q4: Could this have been done some other way other than creating a crisis/protest?

    A: Unlikely. In order to prevent those two motions, requires that speaker of the house, minority leaders, and the president of the congress (vice president of the United States: Pence), to NOT BE PRESENT IN THE CHAMBERS.

    Once the capitol police and other “law enforcements agents” informed the speaker and these three other individuals, Pelosi UNILATERALLY UNDER EMERGENCY RULES, suspended the business of the congress. This protest was necessary. The crisis was created because there is no other way to suspend the business of certification UNILATERALLY. By creating a crisis invokes emergency procedures. No other circumstances other than war or mass simultaneous explosive diarrhea can create such unilateral speaker delivered suspension of the certification.

  17. Minus: The crisis was created to eliminate the motion challenges to halt the certification and to begin voting to look into voting irregularities and fraud.

    Why did donald tRump create the crisis then? He knew no voting irregularities or fraud would be found? He wanted to be able to continue falsely claiming the election was stolen from him?

  18. What reputable website did you source that from?

    Wasn't that authored by a Conservative Treehouse tinfoil hatter?

  19. Donald gave a speech that Nancy used to send FBI agents into his crowd and direct the onlookers into a pre-planned riot. It was Plan B. Plan A were the fake bombs planted at DNC/RNC HQs.... but that conveniently was swapped out for Plan B.... the fedsurrection.

  20. \\Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Imbecile thinks "butt face" is abbreviated "bi-fi". Even though neither "butt" nor "face" is spelled with an "I".

    Thank you for revealing your inner thought process here, imbecile. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    As this self-admission.

    \\Thus proving itself to be an imbecile. One that can not follow along. Due to it being a total moron.

    \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

    \\ The Parliamentary moves preventing Republican member motion challenges to halt certification and investigate voting irregularities at the January 6, 2021 session that ended with Emergency Evacuation...

    More then that... that was tactic tested on Ukraine first. ;-)

  21. The facts of what happened on J6 were posted by Regitiger.

  22. Qtard: Thank you for revealing your inner thought process here, imbecile.

    I did not abbreviate "butt face" as "bi-fi". That was YOU. therefore the "inner thought processes" you refer to are yours. The "inner thought processes" of an imbecile.

    Qtard: As this self-admission\\ thus proving itself to be an imbecile. One that can not follow along. Due to it being a total moron.

    I wrote that. And I was talking about you. Therefore it is not a "self admission".

    Minus: The facts of what happened on J6 were posted by Regitiger.

    But what you refer to is lies, not "facts". And who is "Regitiger". Is that a first or last name? Or an alias used by an online liar?

  23. Nancy heard and voted on the objections to 2020 election illegalities and electors? Who knew?

    Facts is Facts.

  24. Minus: It all makes sense.

    Only if you're wearing a tinfoil hat.

    Minus: Donald gave a speech that Nancy used to send FBI agents into his crowd and direct the onlookers into a pre-planned riot.

    The riot WAS preplanned. Not by Nancy Pelosi and the FBI, but by the Proud Boys and other White Supremicist groups. dotard donald told them to stand by. Remember? The insurrection is what they were standing by for

    Minus: It was Plan B. Plan A were the fake bombs planted at DNC/RNC HQs....

    I agree. That was the plan to get Pence to flee so Grassley was left to preside. Then Grassley would have done what Pence refused to do.

    Minus: ...but that conveniently was swapped out for Plan B.... the fedsurrection.

    The FBI wanted Pence to flee so Grassley would take over and execute the Green Bay Sweep?

    The Green Bay Sweep was intended to implement a strategy laid out by the Eastman memos for the purpose of overturning election results such that Donald J. Trump would be designated as president for a second term.

    Yeah, I think you might be right. Given how pro-tRump the FBI is.

  25. Minus: Nancy heard and voted on the objections to 2020 election illegalities and electors?

    Nancy Pelosi should have done what Pence refused to do? Which was to steal the election from Joe Biden? Why the f*ck would she have done that?

  26. The emergency precluded the required "bolded" actions. 127 objections were raised. That's more than the 1/5th required. Hence the required "emergency".

    January 6, 2025—Congress counts the electoral votes
    Congress meets in joint session to count the electoral votes. The Vice President, as President of the Senate, presides over the count and announces the results of the Electoral College vote. The President of the Senate then declares which persons, if any, have been elected President and Vice President of the United States.

    If any objections to the electoral votes are made, they must be submitted in writing and be signed by at least one-fifth of the members of the House and one-fifth of the Senators. If objections are presented, the House and Senate withdraw to their respective chambers to consider the merits of the objection(s) under procedures set out in Federal law. Only two grounds for objection are acceptable: that the electors of the State were not lawfully certified under a Certificate of Ascertainment, or that the vote of one or more electors has not been regularly given.

    If no Presidential candidate wins at least 270 electoral votes (a majority of the 538 available votes), under the 12th Amendment to the Constitution the House of Representatives decides the Presidential election. If necessary, the House would elect the President by majority vote, choosing from among the three candidates who received the greatest number of electoral votes. The vote would be taken by State, with each State having one vote. (The District of Columbia does not vote because it doesn't have voting members in the House of Representatives.)

    If no Vice Presidential candidate wins at least 270 electoral votes (a majority or the 538 available votes), under the 12th Amendment the Senate elects the Vice President. If necessary, the Senate would elect the Vice President by majority vote, choosing between the two candidates who received the greatest number of electoral votes. Each Senator would have one vote.

  27. When they "reconvened" after the emergency... Mitch's b*thches threw in the UniParty towel. Parliamentary coup maneuver "successful".

  28. ..No further need to sort out the "electors" to be recognized.

  29. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: Thank you for revealing your inner thought process here, imbecile.

    \\ I did not abbreviate "butt face" as "bi-fi". That was YOU. therefore the "inner thought processes" you refer to are yours. The "inner thought processes" of an imbecile.

    Imbecile just bent over CONFIRMING own imbecility with doubling down on imbecilic backbites.


    You are SO reliable! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Qtard: As this self-admission\\ thus proving itself to be an imbecile. One that can not follow along. Due to it being a total moron.

    \\I wrote that. And I was talking about you. Therefore it is not a "self admission".


    Like that is not you are one who showing imbecility here?

    Like that is not you are one who "can not follow along" --- say anything in regard to Evolution mentioned.

    Like that is not you are one who can't do it "Due to it being a total moron." ;-P

    All facts DO point in your direction.

    And your tryes to bent it somehow -- is just IN FULL ACCORDANCE with previous evidences of IT being imbecilic LIAR.

    TOO. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\The riot WAS preplanned. Not by Nancy Pelosi and the FBI, but by the Proud Boys and other White Supremicist groups. dotard donald told them to stand by. Remember? The insurrection is what they were standing by for


    And where's ANY proofs???

    Just "somebody-somebody saying something-something", because "believe US, WE are experts"...

    \\I agree. That was the plan to get Pence to flee so Grassley was left to preside. Then Grassley would have done what Pence refused to do.


    Whose plan???

    May I see it... even if as a scratch on some piece of paper???????

    \\January 6, 2025—Congress counts the electoral votes

    Back from the Future??? ;-)

  30. Minus: Parliamentary coup maneuver "successful".

    No, it failed. Because Pence didn't flee allowing Grassley to take his place.

    Qtard: Yeah??? And where's ANY proofs??? Just "somebody-somebody saying something-something", because "believe US, WE are experts"...

    The proofs were presented in court and several Proud Boys were convicted based on the proofs. We discussed it previously. But you obviously don't remember.

    Qtard: Huh??? Whose plan??? May I see it... even if as a scratch on some piece of paper???????

    Inability to follow along AGAIN! I already linked to the plan in my comment above.

    It was Peter Navarro's plan. He called it The Green Bay Sweep. It was published in a book available on Amazon.

    Can you see it? I dunno. Hysterical blindness may prevent you. Your reply makes it clear you don't believe it exists.

  31. \\The proofs were presented in court and several Proud Boys were convicted based on the proofs. We discussed it previously. But you obviously don't remember.


    Or... you could provide some FACTS. Like FACTUAL quotes.



    That is just an anti-factual babbling of imbecile. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\It was Peter Navarro's plan. He called it The Green Bay Sweep. It was published in a book available on Amazon.

    Imbecile do not get it. How "plan to escape from a prison" scratched on the back of envelope, by actual prisoners trying to escape DIFFERS from some peace of fiction?

    Yes, of course.

    Cause it is imbecile -- to discern what is real and what is imaginary -- too hard for it. :-))))))))))))))))))

    Well. I'll provide dictionary definition... which imbecile will habitually ignore anyway.

    Will try to babble that they are untrue? Doesn't matter? Because he know "better Truth"??? :-))))

    noun [ C ]

    a police officer whose job is to discover information about crimes and find out who is responsible for them

    detective story

    meanings of detective and story

    noun [ C ]

    someone whose job is to discover information about crimes and find out who is responsible ...
    See more at detective

    noun [ C ]

    a description, either true or imagined, of a connected serie

  32. So that is a "no"? You can't see it? Even though I gave you two links? Well, that is not a surprise. Hysterical Blindness again.

  33. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Imbecile doubling down on own imbecility.

    You just ADMITTED that you can not get difference between story based on FACTS (like police detective providing evidences in court room) AND some irresponsible babbling of a fiction writer. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But. Continue-continue. ;-P

  34. Qtard: You just ADMITTED that you can not get difference between story based on FACTS (like police detective providing evidences in court room) AND some irresponsible babbling of a fiction writer.

    This is DEFINITELY an example of writing "you" when "I" was meant. Peter Navarro's book wasn't published as a work of fiction. The Green Bay Sweep was a real plan he devised to steal the 2020 election for donald tRump. It just wasn't able to be deployed because Pence wouldn't cooperate and then refused to flee (so Grassley could take his place and use the plan).

  35. What might the imbecile's response be? Maybe, "I wasn't talking about any Peter or any Navarro"?

    Or it might just laugh moronically. And then drool with self-satification.

  36. \\This is DEFINITELY an example of writing "you" when "I" was meant. Peter Navarro's book wasn't published as a work of fiction.

    Imbecile doubling down on own imbecility. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    It showing that it believes to MERE words of... just anybody "believe me, it's not fiction, it's Truth". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0


  37. Qtard: It showing that it believes to MERE words of... just anybody "believe me, it's not fiction, it's Truth".

    I said the book was published as nonfiction, moron. That is an indisputable point to reality fact. That they attempted to execute Navarro's Green Bay Sweep is also an indisputable point to reality fact.

    You, as a crazy person, are unable to discern reality from your delusions.

  38. \\I said the book was published as nonfiction, moron.


    I *ALREADY* agreed with it. ;-P

    Here ---->> \\Qtard: It showing that it believes to MERE words of... just anybody "believe me, it's not fiction, it's Truth".



    Nonfiction is literature that, regardless of the subject matter, has a simple goal: to provide information. It should be based on facts and conclusions of the author's research or expertise, as opposed to the creativity of the author's imagination.

    Means. Author of "nonfiction" -- DO NOT OBLIGED to provide FACTS in same way as Police Detective OBLIGED to provide facts, facts and only facts... in court.

    And will be subjected to criminal persecution -- if he'd fail it.

    \\That they attempted to execute Navarro's Green Bay Sweep is also an indisputable point to reality fact.


    That it was written in some book, by somebody-somebody who claimed "believe me, I'm an expert!". :-)))))))

    SAME... as zillions of other "nonfiction" books about truth behind JFK death, abduction of aliens, secrets of piramids of Egypt and very-very-true fotos of bigfoots... :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    \\You, as a crazy person, are unable to discern reality from your delusions.


    Thank you.

    Fot providing YET ONE stark confirmation of use "you" instead of "I". ;-P

  39. Qtard: I *ALREADY* agreed with it. Here ---->> \\Qtard: It showing that it believes to MERE words of... just anybody "believe me, it's not fiction, it's Truth".

    You lie. I do not believe that. Peter Navarro is a liar. His book is chock full of lies. I never said I believed it to be truth.

    I only said that his book is where he lays out his plan (The Green Bay Sweep) to steal the presidency for donald tRump. That the plan exists and there was an attempt to execute it -- those are points to reality facts.

    Qtard: Thank you. Fot providing YET ONE stark confirmation of use "you" instead of "I".

    Lie. I provided no such confirmation. You (NOT me), as a crazy person, are unable to discern reality from your delusions.

  40. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    All need to believe to this imbecilic lies of imbecilic liar. :-)))))))))))))))))

    Not to their lying eyes. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  41. Nobody should believe your lies.

  42. Factual Truth -- it's lies???

    Well, in accordance with one who use NewSpeak. ;-P

    It is.

  43. That must be your confession.

  44. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    Continue-continue. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  45. I've seen Peter Navarro on TV many times arguing that his "Green Bay Sweep" was Constitutional and confirming that Pence was supposed to have used it. So it was not a fictional plan but a REAL plan.

    Minus: ..No further need to sort out the "electors" to be recognized.

    Because that had already been sorted out. This is why many of the tRump fake electors have been prosecuted.
