Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Will Gyges Drop His/ Her Cloak?

2024 (D) Election Primary:
The Old Bait & Switch
...or How the Elites Foil Populism (aka - Democracy)
Meanwhile, on NH Faux-(D) Primary Day...


  1. How can someone be a "challenger" when their so-called challenge has a zero chance of success? It's more likely Nikki Haley will be the Republican nominee than for any Joe Biden challenger to be the Democratic nominee.

  2. Moochelle will be the DNC Convention nominee.

  3. Michelle Obama will not be the DNC Convention nominee. 99.9 percent chance.

    There is a 0 percent chance anyone name Moochelle will be the DNC Convention nominee.

    But that doesn't have anything to do with this conversation, given that she isn't a challenger. More like a successor, if Joe Biden "passes the torch" to her. But that isn't going to happen.

    What is going to be the conspiracy theory that explains why not when it doesn't happen?

    Like before the 2020 election when you said there was no way Joe Biden would win. Then, when he did win, it had to be because of massive cheating.

    What will the "Moochelle didn't become the nominee because..." conspiracy theory be?

    Because I definitely do not expect you to admit being wrong when she is not the nominee.

  4. So Democrats don't believe the Trump-Biden General Election polls...

    from the RealClearPolitics latest averages...

    Trump 47.3
    Biden 43.5
    Trump + 3.8

  5. Joe Biden will drop out. You can take THAT to the bank.

    Beside's, Barrack's polling Dem donors now. I hear that they're VERY favourable for Moochelle.

  6. ...the "white guy" in the contest from Cali... won't get them the turnout nrequired.

  7. Because I definitely do not expect you to admit being wrong when she is not the nominee.

    ...and I KNOW that you won't admit to being wrong come late August, when she is.

  8. ...like Moochelle could ever survive the "vetting" of a competitive primary. 2024 reprises 2008... but w/o ANY candidate vetting. Another year of "Affirmative Action" Presidencies. @@

  9. The DNC and Chicago billionaire donor rubber stamp razzle dazzle...

  10. Minus: ...and I KNOW that you won't admit to being wrong...

    Denying reality is what trumpturds and qtards do. I'm not a reality denier.

    Minus: ...like Moochelle could ever survive the "vetting" of a competitive primary...

    Why not? Is she secretly Kenyan?

    Cult members deem an Orange buffoon, failed businessman and failed president to be "qualified" and Minus thinks that is "vetting". I would laugh, but it is not funny.

    Minus: Another year of "Affirmative Action" Presidencies.

    The U.S. Constitution states that the president must: Be a natural-born citizen of the United States. Be at least 35 years old. Have been a resident of the United States for 14 years.

    The Minus version says the president must also be White and male?

    She is far more qualified (and could do a infinitely better job) than dotard donald.

    "Affirmative Action Presidencies" = the White Supremacist view. I dunno how you can keep denying it. Why not proudly admit it?

  11. Minus: ...and I KNOW that you won't admit to being wrong...

    Denying reality is what trumpturds and qtards do. I'm not a reality denier.

    Minus: ...like Moochelle could ever survive the "vetting" of a competitive primary...

    Why not? Is she secretly Kenyan?

    Cult members deem an Orange buffoon, failed businessman and failed president to be "qualified" and Minus thinks that is "vetting". I would laugh, but it is not funny.

    Minus: Another year of "Affirmative Action" Presidencies.

    The U.S. Constitution states that the president must: Be a natural-born citizen of the United States. Be at least 35 years old. Have been a resident of the United States for 14 years.

    The Minus version says the president must also be White and male?

    She is far more qualified (and could do a infinitely better job) than dotard donald.

    "Affirmative Action Presidencies" = the White Supremacist view. I dunno how you can keep denying it. Why not proudly admit it?

  12. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

    \\ Joe Biden will drop out. You can take THAT to the bank.


    Some problems during "prostate cancer" treatment... and viola!

    Well. Anyway. That taunts while that not happened -- is all what you'd have Joe.

    Because just that moment it'll happen -- that cretin and whole all bunch of em... that cretins will start crying "WE ALWAYS WAS SAYING THAT MAMA is OUR POTUS". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Totally 1984. ;-P

  13. \\Denying reality is what trumpturds and qtards do. I'm not a reality denier.

    Ough yeah???? :-)))))))))))))))))))))00

    Like when you was crying "but dRump is guilty"... even though he not in jail EVEN. ;-P

    Heh... and why you stopped that howling, ah??? ;-P

    Because DEMN Propaganda changed its narrative -- seeing that trials not gone that swiftly.

    And moved to some other things.

  14. Yeah, and Qtard referred to all defendants facing charges as "criminal". Revealing that its concern for "presumption of innocence" is totally phony. Because it's only concern is Putin's puppet (dotard donald) not facing accountability.

  15. Oh yeah?

    And you can confirm that with factual quotes and flawless logic???

    Naaaah. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

  16. Or... that was just babbling of crazy cretin about its alter-ego "Qtard"? ;-P

  17. The cretin Qtard pretends to not remember what it said. Again. Yawn.

  18. I'm sure that Moochelle Obama will make a fine President. She's got to be better at reading a teleprompter than Joe.

  19. Minus: I'm sure that Moochelle Obama will make a fine President.

    One problem -- to get elected president you have to run for president. Or be the VP when the potus dies. Or be speaker of the house when the potus and vp die. There is no way Michelle Obama can become president. None of those (ways to become president) apply to her.

    Aside from the fact that there is no such person as "Moochelle Obama".

  20. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ The cretin Qtard pretends to not remember what it said. Again. Yawn.

    Your alter-ego "Qtard"? ;-P

    Most definitely. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  21. Most definitely not. I don't have any alter ego "Qtard". You are Qtard.

  22. Yawn.

    Counter-factual. ;-P

    And cretin showed its stubbornness to continue counter-factual lies, so why THIS TIME it should be any truth???

    Why anybody should believe to such an obvious lies? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  23. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ The cretin Qtard pretends to not remember what it said. Again. Yawn.

    And WHOSE words is THIS???

    \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Anyway, I said from the start that I didn't remember ever writing "I believe in facts".

    Oh, yes... SAME "cretin "Qtard"" THAT "pretends to not remember what it said".

    And writing under Nickname... oh, yes -- Derpish SADners. :-)))))))))))))))))))))00

    Very Sad, indeed. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0000

    Same old and sad cretin. That pretend that it do not remember OWN words.

    Saying that some "Qtard" have written em. When it pointed to it -- that it is ITS OWN cretinic ramblings. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  24. Qtard: \\I didn't remember ever writing "I believe in facts".

    I didn't remember using the word "in". While you don't remember a LOT of what you write. Much more than one word. Like calling all Palestinians "accomplices". Even though that discussion went on for quite awhile. Now you don't remember. Say your words meant something else.

    Qtard: Saying that some "Qtard" have written em. When it pointed to it -- that it is ITS OWN cretinic ramblings.

    Lie. That never happened. Imbecile thinks me quoting it, that is "ITS OWN cretinic ramblings"?

    Like calling Palestinians "accomplices". Imbecile does not remember saying it (many times). Even though it falsely accused me of being an antisemite for not agreeing with IT'S words.

    No somehow they are my words? In the imbecile's cretinic mind?

  25. "Now somehow they are my words".

    And there are ZERO comments on this blog written under the nickname "Derpish SADners".

  26. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00000

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  27. Qtard: Continue-continue, cretin.

    Self encouragement.

  28. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000
