Monday, January 22, 2024



  1. BI-DEMONomics. ;-P

  2. de·mon /ˈdēmən/

    1. an evil spirit or devil, especially one thought to possess a person or act as a tormentor in hell.

    "he was possessed by an evil demon".

    synonyms: devil, fiend, evil spirit, fallen angel, cacodemon, incubus, succubus...

    2. a forceful, fierce, or skillful performer of a specified activity.

    "Joe Biden is a demon cook".

    synonyms: genius, wizard, expert, master, adept, virtuoso, maestro, past master, marvel, prodigy, star, wunderkind, hotshot, wiz, whiz, whiz kid, buff, ninja, old hand, pro, ace, something else, something to shout about, something to write home about, dab hand, maven, crackerjack...

    Obviously the commenter above agrees "Joe Biden is a genius president".

    Bidenomics is already delivering for the American people. Our economy has added more than 13 million jobs -- including nearly 800,000 manufacturing jobs -- and we’ve unleashed a manufacturing and clean energy boom.

    None of this progress was an accident or inevitable -- it has been a direct result of Bidenomics. And rather than taking us back to the failed trickle-down policies of the past, President Biden is committed to finishing the job and continuing to build an economy that finally works for working families -- with better jobs, lower costs, and more opportunity.


  3. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  4. Demons all around.

    :-)))))))))))))))))))))))) = Qtard's "no". And seriously, does Qtard post laughter more than I post "no"? I think so. By a lot.

  5. Now cretin trying to accuse me in laughing. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00000

    It makes me laugh only more, MORE, MoAR!!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  6. \\None of this progress was an accident or inevitable -- it has been a direct result of Bidenomics.


    While it based in Rising Dent AKA Borrowing from Children.

    And Pump It Like Crazy... in presence of Green Deal. Also it, AKA Let Children to dug out Our Shit.


    Migration of capitals from Europe. Because of War. So??? Is it your admission CRETIN, that your "genius De-mon" started that war??? To achieve SUCH intended effect?

    You know... that is plausible -- if take into account how hard that "genius De-mon" trying to PROLONG it... at the cost of Ukrainian children lives. And Europe economical stagnation.

    Good call.

    EXACTLY what genuine evil spirit would like to do.

  7. "genius De-mon" must be what Qtard calls Vladimir Putin. Or maybe congressional republiturds who are blocking Ukraine aid? They are all "genius demons"?

    Sounds like Qtard appreciates what these demons are doing. Given that it praises them by calling them geniuses.

    "Good job killing those kids / letting those kids die". Does that sum up Qtard's sentiments?

    btw, I'm not talking about any "alter ego" of mine. I point this out given the imbecile continually thinking (due to its defective brain) that I'm talking about myself when I am talking about it.

  8. \\Or maybe congressional republiturds who are blocking Ukraine aid?

    IF... De-mon would be genuinely concerned to help Ukraine -- he'd found a way.


    It do not corroborate with ALL previous behavior of De-mon:

    1. Proposing to president of Ukraine to run away.

    2. Signing Lend-Lease... but NOT sending EVEN ONE bullet by it.

    3. Saying "Ukraine? That do not need planes".

    4. Giving Abramses... when offensive practically ended (and I STILL heard NOTHING about their use... must be YET ONE "you can have it, but you cannot use it" order, at work)

    5. And now it... through its talking head ordering to Ukraine "go play from defense" -- means, go send your soldiers to die under Russian bombs and artillery... while unable to retaliate.

    And that is just shortlist from news...

    That's FACTS. AKA parts of Reality -- immediately perceivable.

    But what can answer cretin, liar and liliPut's parrot??? Yes -- only miserly cretinic babbling.

    Yawn. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  9. Qtard: IF... De-mon would be genuinely concerned to help Ukraine -- he'd found a way.

    If the Republican "plan for victory in Ukraine" was REAL they would find a way to bring it to the floor for a vote.

  10. Yeah... like by storming White House... taking POTUS hostage... and signing that act with his hand??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00000

  11. Well... I like it.

    How you silently agreed that all other facts are true... maybe you really ABLE to "believe in facts"... still. ;-P

    Naaaah. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  12. Qtard: like by storming White House... taking POTUS hostage...

    There is no act. The office that would need to be stormed is that of the republiturd Mike Johnson. Force him to bring a bill to the floor for a vote. Except there is no bill. Because the Republican "plan for victory in Ukraine" is fake.

    Qtard: How you silently agreed that all other facts are true...

    Why would I do that when they are largely false?

  13. \\Because the Republican "plan for victory in Ukraine" is fake.

    Link was given.

    But cretin retorts to not seeing.

    Because? Because it is cretin which "believes in fact"... instead of having guts/brains to know em.

    \\Why would I do that when they are largely false?

    YET ONE self-revealing demonstration how cretin and liar treats FACTS.



    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

  14. Qtard: Link was given. But cretin retorts to not seeing.

    That is a imbecilic lie. I can see it. You (due to imbecility) do not understand what I mean (or pretend not to). It's fake in that they wrote it -- but have not turned it into any legislation. Have not presented it to Mike Johnson to bring to the floor for a vote.

    Only legislation passed by both Houses can be delivered to the president for his signature. Or veto. There is no legislation. I very seriously doubt they will ever produce any legislation based on their FAKE plan.

    Qtard: Because? Because it is cretin which "believes in fact"... instead of having guts/brains to know em.

    Qtard only THINKS it "knows" facts. It lacks the brains to know the "facts" it thinks are facts are NOT.

    For example, when Qtard says "YET ONE self-revealing demonstration how cretin and liar treats FACTS", it is talking about NON facts. The imbecile Qtard thinks its lies and distortions are "facts".

    Qtard: Yeah... like by storming White House... taking POTUS hostage... and signing that act with his hand???

    Again. THERE IS NO ACT. The president signing this plan would be completely meaningless. His signature on the "plan for victory" would not create law. That is not how laws are created. Qtard dunno this because it is an imbecile.

  15. \\That is a imbecilic lie. I can see it.

    Self-referring talks? ;-P

    Then, I'm glad to admit your admission -- that you see own imbecility. Though, you are complete cretin. ;-P

    \\You (due to imbecility) do not understand what I mean (or pretend not to). It's fake in that they wrote it -- but have not turned it into any legislation. Have not presented it to Mike Johnson to bring to the floor for a vote.

    Cretin dunno what word "plan" mean?

    \\Qtard only THINKS it "knows" facts. It lacks the brains to know the "facts" it thinks are facts are NOT.

    Yeah. Your alter-ego "Qtard". Are you one who have written that -- self-admition. I... pleased to meet you -- such a truth-revealer, about itself. ;-P

    \\The president signing this plan would be completely meaningless. His signature on the "plan for victory" would not create law. That is not how laws are created. Qtard dunno this because it is an imbecile.

    Cretin happily CONTRADICTS itself... how that could be????

    Well, yeah... if that is DIFFERENT alter-egos type this or that BS -- it's quite plausible. ;-P

  16. Qtard: Self-referring talks?

    No. I was referencing the link you claimed I didn't see.

    Qtard: ...that you see own imbecility. Though, you are complete cretin.

    I see your imbecility. There is no "own imbecility" for me to see.

    Qtard: Cretin dunno what word "plan" mean?

    No, you obviously do not.

    "an intention or decision about what one is going to do".

    Did they do it? No. That is why the plan is fake.

    Are they going to do it (draft legislation based on their plan and urge the Speaker to bring it to the floor for a vote)? I doubt it. Get back to me when they do. Until then I call BS on this fake plan.

    Qtard: \\Qtard only THINKS it "knows" facts. It lacks the brains to know the "facts" it thinks are facts are NOT\\ Yeah. Your alter-ego "Qtard". Are you one who have written that -- self-admition.

    I have no alter ego Qtard. "Qtard" is your nicname. When I use it I am referring to you.

    Qtard: I... pleased to meet you -- such a truth-revealer, about itself.

    Qtard is a heinous liar.

    Qtard: Cretin happily CONTRADICTS itself... how that could be????

    Your babbling makes no sense. Maybe it will explain what it thinks this contradiction was?

    Qtard: Well, yeah... if that is DIFFERENT alter-egos type this or that BS -- it's quite plausible.

    Self-referring talks?

  17. \\Self-referring talks?

    Ha-ha... cretin learned new taunt... Naaaaah. :-))))))))))))))))))))))0

    It just trying to repeat after much smarter opponent... as that parrot.


    \\Your babbling makes no sense.


    Natural for cretin thing -- to not understand. Obvious things.

    That's why it is... cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))000

    \\Maybe it will explain what it thinks this contradiction was?

    What for?

    Cretin will not grok it anyway. ;-P

    \\Qtard is a heinous liar.

    Yeah. I know, I know... that truth about your alter-ego "Qtard". ;-P

    \\I have no alter ego Qtard. "Qtard" is your nicname. When I use it I am referring to you.

    Oh, yeah??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    And what that "hicname" should be? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\Did they do it? No. That is why the plan is fake.

    So... when Committee on Foreign Affairs of USA proposing some plans...

    that is NOT plans for ALL USA or even coalition of countries to perform...

    but only for that same Committee on Foreign Affairs to do????????? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And WHERE I'd be able to observe such cretinism... if not here, not from this cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\I see your imbecility. There is no "own imbecility" for me to see.


    Because you showing cretinism. Not imbecility. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  18. Qtard: Natural for cretin thing -- to not understand. Obvious things.

    Lie. There was no obvious contradiction.

    Qtard: What for? Cretin will not grok it anyway.

    I understand there was no contradiction. Proven by your failure to say what it was.

    Imbecile blames me for not understanding it's delusions.

    Qtard: that is NOT plans for ALL USA or even coalition of countries to perform...

    The republican "plan for victory in Ukraine" is not for ALL USA or even coalition of countries to perform. It would HAVE to be written up as legislation, voted on, passed by both Houses of Congress, then signed by president Biden.

    The imbecile is obviously too dumb to understand this.

  19. \\ Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ Qtard: Natural for cretin thing -- to not understand. Obvious things.

    \\ Lie. There was no obvious contradiction.


    Cretin reads "obvious things". AND. Cretin babbling "obvious contradiction".

    Because it is cretin. Obviously.



    \\The republican "plan for victory in Ukraine" is not for ALL USA or even coalition of countries to perform. It would HAVE to be written up as legislation, voted on, passed by both Houses of Congress, then signed by president Biden.

    \\The imbecile is obviously too dumb to understand this.

    Don't try to call itself "imbecile". As we already confirmed that U R cretin.

    That cretin that higher tried to babble "why that Reps NOT voted for that plan?".

    And naaah.

    I will not be providing links or quotes.

    I don't care.

    IT -- is self-admitted cretin. With 100% credibility -- based on its own words.

    No interest to investigate it further.


  20. Qtard: I will not be providing links or quotes.

    That is no surprise. Given that it didn't happen. So there are no links or quotes you could give.

  21. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  22. Qtard: Continue-continue, cretin.

    Self encouragement.

  23. Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000
