Thursday, November 23, 2023

Democratic Party NewSpeak Strikes Again...

Complete & Utter Failure = Success!!!!


  1. Josef Robinet Biden Junior ist der beste Präsident der USA.

  2. It looks like Qtard is so desperate for attention it had to travel over to Lisa's blog to insult Dave Dubya and Les Carpenter. What a dope. It's probably pretty boring living in an asylum for the mentally ill though. Maybe we should feel sorry for it? If it wasn't such an a-hole.

    btw, I agree with you about Joe Biden, Mystere. He is a great president. But I dunno why you decided to praise Biden using your fake "Dervish Sanders" account.

  3. Dervy's channeling Hitler now. It had to happen eventually.

    1. Alle begrüßen den allmächtigen Kaiser Adolf Joseph Hitler, den besten Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika! Heil Biden-Hitler! Heil Hitler-Biden!

  4. You're the Hitler fan, not me.

    1. My mommy used Adolf Hitler's sperm stash to get pregnant with me.

    2. You wrote it... So it's your confession. You are a spawn of Hitler, Mystere?

  5. Is that why you still drive an Oldsmobile 88?

    1. Joe Biden hat den schönsten stinkend üppigen Arsch aller Zeiten.

  6. \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ It looks like Qtard is so desperate for attention it had to travel over to Lisa's blog to insult Dave Dubya and Les Carpenter. What a dope. It's probably pretty boring living in an asylum for the mentally ill though. Maybe we should feel sorry for it? If it wasn't such an a-hole.

    Derpy's delusions? :-)))))

    Lisa??? Whozzat???

    But... I'm glad that you decided to start telling to us about your time spent in asylum.

    Please, continue. ;-P

    Was it like in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"???

  7. Gone consulting with asylum peers again?

  8. You're an idiot. I have to keep telling you I can't do something "again" that I have never done once. It's impossible.

    1. Uh Oh! Mir geht Les Carpenters Marihuana aus. Es ist mein Lieblingsgeschmack von allen; Es kommt aus dem Arschende eines schwulen Wildschweins.

  9. Yeah. And you telling Truth. Always. :-)))))))))

    In a NewSpeak.

    Like crying "I NEVER said it"... to your own words... even just said. :-))))))))))

    And. Perfect Cringing!

  10. Qtard: And you telling Truth. Always.


    Qtard: In a NewSpeak.


    Qtard: Like crying "I NEVER said it"... to your own words... even just said.


    Qtard: And. Perfect Cringing.

    Self encouragement again. Yawn.

    1. Dervish Sanders December 2, 2023 at 11:01 AM
      "Uh Oh! Mir geht Les Carpenters Marihuana aus. Es ist mein Lieblingsgeschmack von allen; Es kommt aus dem Arschende eines schwulen Wildschweins."


      "Uh, oh! I'm running out of Les Carpenter's butt end grown marijuana. It is my favorite flavor of all; It comes from the ass end of a gay boar."

      No wonder why Dervish comments in German.

    2. I never have. All the German comments are your fake ones.

  11. It amazes me that we still have black Americans defending the democrat party.....the party of slavery, jim crow, the kkk, lynching and the Civil War......this article details the continuous destruction against the black American community by the democrat party......
    The democrats have trapped black children in generational poverty and crime, and their policies have led to the deaths of 10s of thousands of black children every year.....
    And blacks still vote for the democrats...
    To sum it up, since 1964, Democrat policies that are ostensibly intended to benefit blacks have, instead, impoverished them, broken up their families, ravaged their communities with unchecked crime, and left their children illiterate and uninformed. These inculcated societal problems have spread to Hispanics, too, but they’re a little less vulnerable to them because they don’t have the blacks’ long, tangled history with the Democrats.
    But Democrats aren’t done. Most recently, in the name of equity, Democrats are using their war on children’s education to reinstate…segregation. It’s not just for college dormitories anymore. According to the Wall Street Journal:

  12. \\Qtard: And you telling Truth. Always.


    NewSpeak "No".

    \\Qtard: In a NewSpeak.


    NewSpeak "Yes".

    How I can know it???


    \\Qtard: Like crying "I NEVER said it"... to your own words... even just said.


    That is Outright Lie. Counter-Factual one. Anybody can perform search by this site/blog and confirm HOW MANY times you (someone under nickname and account Dervish Sadners) screached: "I NEVER said it". To DENY saying what you obviously JUST said/have written in a comment post.

    Or... just YET ONE NewSpeak "Yes". ;-P

  13. Qtard: And you telling Truth. Always\\ Yes\\ NewSpeak "No".


    Qtard: In a NewSpeak\\ No\\ NewSpeak "Yes".


    Qtard: How I can know it?? HERE ... Like crying "I NEVER said it"... to your own words... even just said\\ No\\ That is Outright Lie.


    Qtard: Counter-Factual one. Anybody can perform search by this site/blog and confirm HOW MANY times you (someone under nickname and account Dervish Sadners) screached: "I NEVER said it". To DENY saying what you obviously JUST said/have written in a comment post.

    They can't. Because I have never done that.

    Qtard: Or... just YET ONE NewSpeak "Yes".


  14. Surprise! Surprise! The Only American Hostage Released by Hamas Just Happens to be... the Niece of a Big Democrat Donor Who Bought Hunter Biden's "Art"

  15. Derpy didn't find any better retort... then just outright double-down on NewSpeking???

    What an idiot. :-)))))))

  16. Are you Cretian? Or just cretin??? :-))))))))

  17. Yup.

    Because you cretin.

    Thank you for such a swift confirmation! :-))))))

  18. A crazy person is thanking itself for swiftly confirming it is a cretin.

  19. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Perfect Cringing!

    Please, continue-continue. :-)))))

  20. More self encouragement. Yawn.

  21. :-)))))))))))

    Gift that just keep giving. :-)))))))

    1. :-)))))))))))

      Geschenk, das einfach weitergibt.: -)))))

      Alle heißen den allmächtigen Kaiser des Universums Kaiser Adolf Joseph Hitler-Biden zum besten Weltführer aller Zeiten! Ich fühle mich begeistert meine rosigen fetten Arsch!!! Heil Biden-Hitler! Heil Hitler-Biden!

    2. ∆∆ Mystere loves Hitler ∆∆

    3. Mystere silently agrees that he loves Hitler?

    4. Hitler was a GREAT man, Assface Dervish. Hitler is in Heaven with God. God rewarded his servant with the biggliest mansion of all as a thank you for all of Hitler's good deeds in life.
