Sunday, November 26, 2023

America's "Hobson's Choice" Political System


from Wiki:

Hobson's choice is a free choice in which only one thing is actually offered. The term is often used to describe an illusion that multiple choices are available. The best known Hobson's choice is "I'll give you a choice: take it or leave it", wherein "leaving it" is strongly undesirable.

The phrase is said to have originated with Thomas Hobson (1544–1631), a livery stable owner in Cambridge, England, who offered customers the choice of either taking the horse in his stall nearest to the door or taking none at all.


An oil portrait of Thomas Hobson, in the National Portrait Gallery, London. He looks straight to the artist and is dressed in typical Tudor dress, with a heavy coat, a ruff, and tie tails
Portrait of Thomas Hobson in the National Portrait Gallery, London

According to a plaque underneath a painting of Hobson donated to Cambridge Guildhall, Hobson had an extensive stable of some 40 horses. This gave the appearance to his customers that, upon entry, they would have their choice of mounts, when in fact there was only one: Hobson required his customers to take the horse in the stall closest to the door. This was to prevent the best horses from always being chosen, which would have meant overuse of the good horses.[1] Hobson's stable was located on land that is now owned by St Catharine's College, Cambridge.[2]

Early appearances in writing[edit]

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first known written usage of this phrase is in The rustick's alarm to the Rabbies, written by Samuel Fisher in 1660:[3]

If in this Case there be no other (as the Proverb is) then Hobson's choice...which is, choose whether you will have this or none.

It also appears in Joseph Addison's paper The Spectator (No. 509 of 14 October 1712);[4] and in Thomas Ward's 1688 poem "England's Reformation", not published until after Ward's death. Ward wrote:

Where to elect there is but one,
'Tis Hobson's choice—take that, or none.[5]

So who shall it be, America?  DJT or Genocide Joe?  Which stands nearer the political UniParty's L->R stable door?


  1. Who is "Genocide Joe"? I thought the president was sleepy and/or crooked? Who is being genocided?

  2. You tell me. I'm just supporting Democrats from the river to the sea.

  3. donald tRump has come out against Nuttenyahoo's bomb the shit out of Gaza strategy?

    1. Dervish Sanders December 1, 2023 at 2:00 PM

      "...Nuttenyahoo's bomb the s**+ out of Gaza..."

      Showing your true colors, eh Adolf Dervish Hitler Sanders? Your rabid hatred against Jews has shown up right here. Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit see your hate filled retorts, Dervish. Are you going to blame your scapegoat "Mystere" by accusing him of hijacking your name? 🤡🤡🤡🤡😥🤬"oh-hoho! oh-hoho! That EEEEVILL BIG MEANIE Mystere hijacked my name and wrote that bigly mean comment!!! oh-hoho! oh-hoho!🤬🤬🤬😥🤬😥🤬😥🤬😥🤬😥🤬😥🤬F*** you, Mystere!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬 oh-hoho! oh-hoho!" 😥🤬😥🤬😥🤬😥🤬😥🤬😥🤬😥🤬😥🤬😥🤬😥🤬😥🤬😥🤬🤡🤡🤡🤡

      🔺Poor Derpy! 🔺

    2. Before I forget, Adolf Dervish Hitler Sanders, attacking one of God's chosen leaders brings on His wrath and judgement against you. Your attack against BiBi shows how much you love and worship Satan.

    3. 😆😆😆😆😆Hey Q-Anon, that's a hilarious Dervish impression you wrote! 😆😆😆😆😆 "oh-hoho! oh-hoho! That EEEEVILL BIG MEANIE Mystere...F*** you, Mystere!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬 oh-hoho! oh-hoho!" 😆😆😆😆😆

      Bad news for you, Derpish: earlier, I took a screenshot of your hate filled retort.😆😆😆😆😆

    4. Mystere: Bad news for you, Derpish: earlier, I took a screenshot of your hate filled retort.

      That's impossible... I didn't write or publish a "hate filled retort".

      Nuttenyahoo isn't "one of God's chosen leaders". He's a rightturd many Israelis no longer support. The sooner they get rid of him the better.

  4. Of course not. Why would he?

    There are no "good outcomes" for the Pseudostinians. If the Israeli's don't kill them all, the Jordanians (real Palestine from the '48 partition) will.

  5. So donald tRump is "genocide don"?

  6. One thing's certain, he's not a wind-shift driven approval seeking whore like Genocide Joe.

  7. Yeah, Genocide donald lost the popular vote twice and is looking to lose it a 3rd time.

    1. Dervish Sanders December 1, 2023 at 2:30 PM:
      "So donald tRump is "genocide don"? Yeah, Genocide donald lost the popular vote twice and is looking to lose it a 3rd time. 🤡🤡🤡oh-hoho! oh-hoho! oh-hoho! oh-hoho!🤡🤡🤡"

      Who did your figment of imagination exterminate, derpish?

      {🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡Dervish Sanders} "oh-hoho! oh-hoho! oh-hoho! oh-hoho! Genocide donald tRump has come out for Genocide Nuttenyahoo's bomb the s**+ out of Gaza, oh-hoho! oh-hoho! oh-hoho! oh-hoho!"🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

    2. Genocide donald tRump and Genocide BiBi Nuttenyahoo are war criminals who baselessly attacked Hamas for no reason at all.

    3. Dervish Sanders December 3, 2023 at 10:23 AM:
      "Genocide donald tRump and Genocide BiBi Nuttenyahoo are war criminals who baselessly attacked Hamas for no reason at all."

      Your hatred against Jews is showing big time, Dervish Sanders. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡"oh-hoho! oh-hoho! oh-hoho! oh-hoho! That EEEEVILL BIGLY MEANIE Mystere hijacked my name and wrote that bigly mean comment!!! oh-hoho! oh-hoho! oh-hoho! oh-hoho!"🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡😆😆😆😆😆

    4. You think Nuttenyahoo is a war criminal, Mystere? Hamas attached Israel, dummy. That's the basis for what they're doing now. Though Hamas did get help from their accomplice Nuttenyahoo. I definitely think he needs to answer for his government's bigly intelligence failure.

      When did donald tRump attack Hamas? Are you sure he didn't praise them? He did say Hezbollah is smart.

    5. Dervish Sanders December 3, 2023 at 12:58 PM: "oh-hoho! oh-hoho! oh-hoho! oh-hoho! Nuttenyahoo is a war criminal, Mystere. Hamas attached Israel, dummy. oh-hoho! oh-hoho! oh-hoho! oh-hoho! That's the basis for what they're doing now. Though Hamas did get help from their accomplice Nuttenyahoo. I definitely think he needs to answer for his government's bigly intelligence failure. oh-hoho! oh-hoho! oh-hoho! oh-hoho!

      When did donald tRump attack Hamas? Are you sure he didn't praise them? He did say Hezbollah is smart. oh-hoho! oh-hoho! oh-hoho! oh-hoho!"

      Hamas attached Israel, Dervish? Really? What did Hamas attach Israel to, Dervish? What did they use to attach Israel with, Dervish? Did a gay Hamas soldier attach Israel to the butt end of a male camel by shoving a pin up the rectum?

      You really pushed your queer fantasy to a new level of low, raunchy and stupid, Derpish.

    6. Mystere: "What did Hamas attach Israel to, Dervish? What did they use to attach Israel with, Dervish? Did a gay Hamas soldier attach Israel to the butt end of a male camel by shoving a pin up the rectum?

      A gay Hamas soldier shoved a pin up the ass of one of his male camels and attached Israel to it! Does that satisfy your fantasy, faggot Mystere?

  8. And still became POTUS? ;-P

  9. The "popular vote" and $2.00 will get you a Venti at some inexpensive Starbucks, Dervy.

  10. \\Dervish Sanders said...

    \\ You think Nuttenyahoo is a war criminal, Mystere? Hamas attached Israel, dummy.


    Dervish Sadners is ILLITERATE dumb ass. ;-P

    His ma-zer spanked its ass too lightly, for its grammatical mistakes. :-)))))

  11. Hamas attacked Israel.

    One wrong letter means I'm illiterate? What does that make you, a person whose comments are riddled with spelling errors?

    What do I care what you think anyway. You dunno even know what "illiterate" means.

  12. Perfect Cringing! ;-P

  13. No. Your cringing stinks.

  14. :-))))))))))))))))))))

  15. Qtard pulled a Charlie Gordon. It falsely accused me of cringing. Then, when I pointed out it's stupid mistake, Qtard laughed at itself. Is your IQ also 68?

  16. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

  17. I will take that as a "yes". Thanky for admitting you have a very low IQ.

  18. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    Continue-continue. ;-P

  19. No. I don't want to.

  20. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Ready to admit being dumb dummy Derpy? ;-P

  21. Looks like the answer to the question you asked yourself is no. Well, you asked your alter ego "Derpy". Derpy (you) didn't answer. Not in writing. Maybe Derpy whispered the answer in your ear? Said "no, I am super duper genius".

  22. Please, do report more of that "wispering in your ear" delusion. ;-P


  23. Asking yourself? Admitting mental illness, but saying you like it?

  24. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    "You" instead of "I". Again! :-)))))))))))))))0

  25. I don't like your mental illness. It's annoying.

  26. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0
