Thursday, October 5, 2023

This Halloween, Dress as a SCARY Russian Troll Farm Worker! BOO!

Or Better.... a Brainless Zombie MAGA Supporter!!!!!!!!   
Donald Trump is the AI controlling MAGA Zombies.  As such he has become IMMORTAL!  "BRAINS....!"
Of Course, this is all NOT Election Interference Nor a VIOLATION OF THE HATCH ACT.!!!!  It's just DOJ's "Precautionary Insurrection Suppression", a Division of the New PRECRIME Unit.


  1. Minority Report? ;P

  2. Except they channel liberal opinion instead of truth.

  3. Running for president is a "get out of jail free" card? Obviously dotard hoped so. He's being prosecuted anyway. As Mitch McConnell said, "he hasn't gotten away with anything, yet".

  4. Running for president is a "get out of jail free" card?

    No, but actually "being" President can be, especially when you get indicted for doing your job (as indicated by Trump's DC J6 filing).

    As for the court ordered dissolution of his business' in NYC...

  5. Minus: ...when you get indicted for doing your job.

    His job (as the outgoing president) was to facilitate the peaceful transfer of power. He did not do that. He was not doing his job. He tried to illegally hold onto power. The case will not be dismissed.

    And Eric thinks the fraud should be excused because the tRump organization has employees? They can apply for unemployment. All laws governoring corporations aren't be abolished because enforcing them could negatively effect employees. That's stupid.

  6. His job was to report election integrity issues to the voters. Seems none have been resolved.

  7. \\His job (as the outgoing president) was to facilitate the peaceful transfer of power. He did not do that. He was not doing his job. He tried to illegally hold onto power. The case will not be dismissed.

    And you have proofs? And will put it in jail?

    Instead of try of political assasination... through making bad publicity -- Mark Twain style?

    Then, in what way you, DEMNs ANY BETTER then MAGA, I wonder. :-)))

    \\Minority Report? ;P

    I meaned that cyberpunk movie. With Tom Cruse. ;-P

  8. I meaned that cyberpunk movie. With Tom Cruse. ;-P

    Me too. Instead of channeling the 3 "visionaries" in the sensory deprivation tank, they channel "liberal opinions".

    There was plenty of proof of fraud, almost all of which was subsequently scrubbed from the internet and prevented from being further investigated. Dinesh D'Souza made a movie showing some of the proof (2,000 Mules), but the MSM refused to review it and pooh-poohed it. The Court cases were all rejected in the 60 day period between the election occurring and the fraudulent President taking office.

  9. Minus: Dinesh D'Souza made a movie showing some of the proof...

    No. He didn't. The 2k Mules fakeumentary has been bigly debunked.

    "The entirety of the claim rests on cell phone location data, which doesn't remotely show that people were actually using the drop boxes (it doesn't have the granularity to show that, as opposed to just walking or even driving by)", said Kenneth R Mayer, Professor of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison... link

  10. \\Me too. Instead of channeling the 3 "visionaries" in the sensory deprivation tank, they channel "liberal opinions".

    That is... not needed.

    That in the nature of us humans -- to pretend being blind. ;-P

  11. Muh-Russia was actually debunked. But keep pretending vote fraud doesn't exist. Cuz pretty soon we won't be voting anymore. We'll be fighting instead.

  12. You say "muh-russia" was debunked? I dunno what "muh-russia" is. It must not have anything to do with tRump colluding with Russia, because that was proven to have occurred.

    It is still occuring. trump's claim that he would end the war in Ukraine is his appeal to Putin for help. "Help me get back in White House, Putin. I will help you conquer Ukraine".

    No need for me to pretend voter fraud doesn't exist. It doesn't. Voter fraud has been debunked over and over.

  13. \\tRump colluding with Russia, because that was proven to have occurred.

    By something-something said by someone-someone? :-)))

    \\It is still occuring. trump's claim that he would end the war in Ukraine is his appeal to Putin for help. "Help me get back in White House, Putin. I will help you conquer Ukraine".

    And Zero-bama admission "I'd be more free to help you" NOT!!! :-)))))))

    \\ Voter fraud has been debunked over and over.

    But ONLY when it DEMN side fraud.

    When it Rep side... it ALWAYS CNFIRMED.

    Yes, De-Ru-Pi? ;-P

  14. No, Republicans are always SUPPRESSING the vote, like asking for IDs before voting in an election and insisting that signatures get verified on absentee ballots before counting them... and not allowing votes received AFTER election day to be counted. @@

  15. And dying finger in unwashable ink even? ;-P

  16. Qtard: \\tRump colluding with Russia, because that was proven to have occurred\\By something-something said by someone-someone?

    By facts laid out by specific people.

    Qtard: \\It is still occuring. trump's claim that he would end the war in Ukraine is his appeal to Putin for help. "Help me get back in White House, Putin. I will help you conquer Ukraine"\\And Zero-bama admission "I'd be more free to help you" NOT!!!

    Barack Obama never made that "admission".

    Qtard: \\Voter fraud has been debunked over and over\\But ONLY when it DEMN side fraud. When it Rep side... it ALWAYS CNFIRMED.


    Qtard: Yes, De-Ru-Pi? ;-P

    Oh, excuse me. You asked your alter ego. What's your alter ego's answer?

    Minus: No, Republicans are always SUPPRESSING the vote...

    Yes. But you're admitting it?

  17. \\By facts laid out by specific people.

    Means lies of some specific people?

    \\Barack Obama never made that "admission".

    YET ONE "fact" you "believe in"? ;-P


    NewSpeak "Yes"? :-)))

    \\Oh, excuse me. You asked your alter ego. What's your alter ego's answer?

    And with whom you talking, derp? ;-P

  18. Qtard: Means lies of some specific people?

    Truth told by them.

    \\Barack Obama never made that "admission"\\YET ONE "fact" you "believe in"?

    Sure. I believe that never happened. I read the quote you gave. Then your "what zerobama really mean" -- but it wasn't what he meant. Or his name. You did the same thing with the Pelosi quote you gave.

    Qtard: \\No\\NewSpeak "Yes"?


    Qtard: \\Oh, excuse me. You asked your alter ego. What's your alter ego's answer?\\And with whom you talking, derp?

    I was talking to the person whose comment I quoted. Who are you talking to? Yourself again?

  19. \\Qtard: Means lies of some specific people?

    \\Truth told by them.

    And you KNOW that is Truth, because? ;-P

    Let me guess first? Because you "believing"? Yes??? :-))))

    \\\\Barack Obama never made that "admission"\\YET ONE "fact" you "believe in"?

    \\Sure. I believe that never happened.

    YOUR OWN admission. ;-P

    \\I read the quote you gave. Then your "what zerobama really mean" -- but it wasn't what he meant. Or his name. You did the same thing with the Pelosi quote you gave.


    Because, as you said itself "I believe that never happened." :-))))))

    There is a FACT... a whole video with Pelosi. With HER OWN WORDS.

    But... you don't want to believe to that FACT.


    \\Qtard: \\No\\NewSpeak "Yes"?


    Confirmation with NewSpeak "Yes". :-))))

    \\I was talking to the person whose comment I quoted. Who are you talking to? Yourself again?

    How should *I* know?

    That is YOU are one who typing-in all that absurd claims like "I NEVER said it", "I believe in facts" and etc BS.

    I. Just trying to find some logic behind it.

    While basing my efforts on common, fixed in dictionaries, meanings of words.

    And my knowledge about how people's brains working. ;-P

    And about their desires... like this desire this all your dirty accusations -- would be about me. Would paint me in YOUR feces.

    But it do not stick. ;-P

  20. Qtard: Means lies of some specific people?\\Truth told by them\\And you KNOW that is Truth, because? Let me guess first? Because you "believing"? Yes??? **moronic laughter**

    I saw a lot of it that took place in public. Confirmed by tRump himself. Like "Russia, if you're listening", the tRump tower meeting (confirmed by donald Jr and donald Sr), that he lied about having no business in Russia, deference to Putin, etc.

    I believe my own eyes and ears.

    Qtard: \\Barack Obama never made that "admission"\\YET ONE "fact" you "believe in"?\\Sure. I believe that never happened\\YOUR OWN admission.

    OK. Because it didn't. I rejected Qtard's "what zerobama really mean".

    Qtard: \\I read the quote you gave. Then your "what zerobama really mean" -- but it wasn't what he meant. ... You did the same thing with the Pelosi quote you gave.\\Because? Because, as you said itself "I believe that never happened".

    Because it didn't.

    Qtard: There is a FACT... a whole video with Pelosi. With HER OWN WORDS. But... you don't want to believe to that FACT.

    Lie. I do believe it. It is a fact. I never said it wasn't. I said I rejected Qtard's "what Pelosi really mean".

    Qtard: QED!

    NewSpeak? What Qtard really means is that its fake evidence proves I can "believe away" facts?

    Qtard: \\No\\NewSpeak "Yes"?\\No.\\Confirmation with NewSpeak "Yes".


    Qtard: \\I was talking to the person whose comment I quoted. Who are you talking to? Yourself again?\\How should *I* know?

    Hearing a voice in your head that has no name?

    Qtard: That is YOU are one who typing-in all that absurd claims like "I NEVER said it", "I believe in facts" and etc BS.


    Qtard: I. Just trying to find some logic behind it.


    Qtard: While basing my efforts on common, fixed in dictionaries, meanings of words.


    Qtard: And my knowledge about how people's brains working.


    Qtard: And about their desires... like this desire this all your dirty accusations -- would be about me. Would paint me in YOUR feces.


    Qtard: But it do not stick.

    Because you are immune to facts.

  21. Minus: No, Republicans are always SUPPRESSING the vote...

    Yes. But you're admitting it?

    Preventing illegal votes from being cast and counted isn't voter suppression. It's a common sense and centuries old traditional measure for the prevention of voter fraud.

  22. e lied about having no business in Russia

    Sound's like Biden talking about Hunter's business dealings... that are contradicted by over 20,000 e-mails.

  23. \\Qtard: Means lies of some specific people?\\Truth told by them\\And you KNOW that is Truth, because? Let me guess first? Because you "believing"? Yes??? **moronic laughter**

    \\I saw a lot of it that took place in public. Confirmed by tRump himself. Like "Russia, if you're listening"...


    Because you are moron. And your moronic "common sense" tingling and conveing to you -- that deals, especially with such security and secrecy loving counter-agents as KGB heir liliPut... can be done in such a public way. :-)))))))

    \\deference to Putin, etc.

    But Zero-bama who said "I'll be more free to help you, but after election". Zero-bama who pressed Reset Button... not guilty? ;-P

    \\I believe my own eyes and ears.

    Facts gone away sobbing... for you stopped believing em... solely. :-)))))

    \\OK. Because it didn't. I rejected Qtard's "what zerobama really mean".

    So what if you "rejected"???

    There is FACT -- Zero-bama DID embelished liliPut for his war against Georgia.

    Thousands of people was killed. In their homes.

    But... no sweat. Go press Reset Button... and NO consequencies.

    IS THAT what you DEMNS call "moral"?

    \\Qtard: \\I was talking to the person whose comment I quoted. Who are you talking to? Yourself again?\\How should *I* know?

    \\Hearing a voice in your head that has no name?


    I dunno which voices in your head YOU listening... when you writing such an absurdity.


    I'd like to know more. About that choir of voives in your dumb head.

    So, continue-continue. ;-P

    And bunch of NewSpeak "Yes" after that.

    Yawn. ;-P

  24. Qtard: There is FACT -- Zero-bama DID embelished liliPut for his war against Georgia.


    Minus: Facts gone away sobbing... for you stopped believing em... solely.


    Qtard: And bunch of NewSpeak "Yes" after that.

    Minus: ...contradicted by over 20,000 e-mails.

    Cite one.

  25. Correction: gibberish above was authored by Qtard, not Minus.

  26. \\Dervish Sanders said...
    Qtard: There is FACT -- Zero-bama DID embelished liliPut for his war against Georgia.


    Idiotic LIE again.

    Ok, Google DID Zero-bama, I mean Obama pressed Reset Button with liliPut, I mean Putin?

    Russian reset - Wikipedia › wiki › Russian_reset
    The Russian reset was an attempt by the Obama administration to improve relations between the United States and Russia in 2009–2013. Hillary Clinton and Sergey ...

    \\Minus: Facts gone away sobbing... for you stopped believing em... solely.


    Of course. YOU R idiot.

    Idiots do not grok metaphors. ;-P

  27. Qtard: Idiotic LIE again.

    Yeah. Your lie was idiotic.

    Qtard: Ok, Google DID Zero-bama, I mean Obama pressed Reset Button with liliPut, I mean Putin?

    wtf does that have to do with your lie that "Zero-bama DID embelished liliPut for his war against Georgia"?

    Google... What does it mean to embellish something? -- "to make beautiful with ornamentation".

    Maybe you can explain how Obama "embelished liliPut for his war against Georgia"??

    He imposed sanctions. Sanctions are "ornamentations"? They made the war against Georgia "beautiful"?

    Qtard: Russian reset - The Russian reset was an attempt by the Obama administration to improve relations between the United States and Russia in 2009–2013.

    So what? Improved relations would have been bad? donald tRump wanted better relations with Russia. Yet Qtard has never criticized tRump for that.

    Qtard: Facts gone away sobbing... for you stopped believing em... solely. \\Gibberish.\\Of course. YOU R idiot. Idiots do not grok metaphors.

    I can't groke Qtard gibberish. Even if Qtard's delusions tell it gibberish is a "metaphor".

  28. \\Yeah. Your lie was idiotic.

    And you can QUOTE? And EXPLAIN? What and where, and WHY that is a lie?

    Naaah, you can't.

    Means, that is jus another of of your mere bablings, shallow derping, miserly lies. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Ok, Google DID Zero-bama, I mean Obama pressed Reset Button with liliPut, I mean Putin?

    \\wtf does that have to do with your lie that "Zero-bama DID embelished liliPut for his war against Georgia"?

    Because that's exactly what Zero-bama DID... when he presses that Reset Button. ;-p

    Your Captain Obvious.

    \\He imposed sanctions.


    \\So what? Improved relations would have been bad? donald tRump wanted better relations with Russia. Yet Qtard has never criticized tRump for that.

    Improving relations with terrorist and manslaughter?

    Yeah, why that is bad. That is good. For AMORAL DEMNS.

    To build heir wellbeing on corpses of innocent.

    Well... you was saying all of this time... that dRump COLLUDED with Rush'A.

    But now you caliming that it... "wanted better relations".

    That is... stark inner contradiction.

    Which makes opaque all your previous LIES.

    Well... dRump tryed to improve relations with Little Rocket Man Un too... and that was idiotic.

    Didn't I said that here?

    Well, probably because I didn't have a chance. As pandering to a tyrnats -- it's your UniParty behavior. ;-P
