Thursday, October 5, 2023

Laugh? Time??? h/t- Woodsterman


  1. Warning signs of White Supremacy = think racism is funny. Minorities do all those things.

    Warning signs of republiturdism = think Zelinsky should be murdered. Is that how tRump (if "reelected") would end the war in 24 hours? Have Zelinsky assassinated?

  2. Ah, trust Dervy to "mind read" his way into absolute stupidity.

  3. What "mind reading"?

  4. All of it. You used the word "think" in all your examples. And how would you know what they thought, if you weren't attempting to read their minds?

    ie - I don't think that racists find racism "funny" I think they find it 'deadly serious". And I don't know a single Republican that wants to see Zelinsky murdered. They just want him out of their pockets.

  5. ...we'd reserve the thoughts of murdering to the people that let him in to those pockets.

  6. I viewed the meme you posted. When you tell me what you're thinking -- I don't need to read your mind. Not that I can. Unlike Qtard. It is an expert mind reader. Is ALWAYS able to say what I (and others, like Nancy Pelosi) "really mean".

    We give lots of weapons to Benjamin Netanyahu. Are we going to kill him?

    Why would we kill Zellinsky? Why suggest he falls into the same category as those listed above him?

    Google says "In 2020, the US sent $11.6 billion in military aid to 157 different countries". Did we kill all 157 rulers?

    If Zellinsky is like bin Laden (a terrorist) why wouldn't we kill him?

    "...we'd reserve the thoughts of murdering to the people that let him in to those pockets"...

    Sounds like a threat. Maybe the Secret Service should investigate Minus? Certainly some of the "we" Minus refers to are plotting (or will plot) to kill politicians. Or just call them or email them threats that has (or will) get them in a lot of trouble.

    "I don't think that racists find racism "funny" I think they find it 'deadly serious".

    Don't you mean "WE find it deadly serious"?

  7. Did we kill Qaadaffi directly? No, we caused his death, we didn't murder him. As for Zelinsky, I suspect he'll suffer aa similar fate. He isn't making many friends amongst the Russians.

    ps - I say whaat I mean, and obviously, so do you.

  8. \\And I don't know a single Republican that wants to see Zelinsky murdered. They just want him out of their pockets.

    And not liliPut?

    Zelensky costs to you miserly billions.

    LiliPut -- trillions. And even more, if you'd continue playing dumb and will not subjugate him.

    \\Is ALWAYS able to say what I (and others, like Nancy Pelosi) "really mean".

    Pelosi are Humptey dumptey too???

    Means -- here words DO NOT mean what they mean in commonly and publicly availabale dictionaries... but something else? ;-P

    \\Don't you mean "WE find it deadly serious"?

    You and your alter-ego(s)? :'-)))))

    \\ps - I say whaat I mean, and obviously, so do you.


    He habitually disowns its own DEMN words with high-pitched scream "I NEVER said it"...

  9. Every "news" story today is some "new revelation" about something someone (never identified) said that Trump said in the distant past.

    That's news?

  10. THAT's Hillary Clinton programming the rubes.

  11. Qtard: He habitually disowns its own DEMN words with high-pitched scream "I NEVER said it"...

    Only when Qtard fabricates a quote. Or insists "what Derpy really mean". Otherwise, no.

    Disowning it's own words is Qtard's behavior. Like [Durham said] "dRump collusion with Rasha FAKE". Attributed it to John Durham. Then attributed it to an imaginary reporter. Or [Derpy chanted] "Freedom it's slavery!". Then it admitted that it lied, and it was actually quoting George Orwell.

    This from the moron who claims that overthrowing democracy is a "human right". And that John Locke had a "locked brain". Says I can't quote Locke because he's dead. But it quotes Orwell. Even though Orwell is dead. Also Orwell was a Democratic Socialist, yet somehow all his warnings apply to me -- someone who is also a Democratic Socialist.

    fyi, you couldn't possibly be hearing any high pitched screaming from me, given that Blogger doesn't transmit sound. And I'm typing, not talking. Or screaming.

    Auditory hallucinations are commonly experienced by those with psychiatric disorders and can be seen in up to 75% of people with schizophrenia. It is also caused by brain tumors, common types of street drugs (e.g., MDMA, LSD), alcohol use, and epilepsy.

  12. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    Every "news" story today is some "new revelation" about something someone (never identified) said that Trump said in the distant past.

    \\That's news?

    Mark Twain

    Running For Governor - American Literature › author › short-story
    Mark Twain is before the people as a candidate for Governor, he will condescend to explain how he came to be convicted of perjury by thirty-four witnesses ...

    ""PERJURY.--Perhaps, now that Mr. Mark Twain is before the people as a candidate for Governor, he will condescend to explain how he came to be convicted of perjury by thirty-four witnesses in Wakawak, Cochin China, in 1863, the intent of which perjury being to rob a poor native widow and her helpless family of a meager plantain-patch, their only stay and support in their bereavement and desolation. Mr. Twain owes it to himself, as well as to the great people whose suffrages he asks, to clear this matter up. Will he do it?

    I thought I should burst with amazement! Such a cruel, heartless charge! I never had seen Cochin China! I never had heard of Wakawak! I didn't know a plantain-patch from a kangaroo! I did not know what to do. I was crazed and helpless. I let the day slip away without doing anything at all. The next morning the same paper had this--nothing more:

    SIGNIFICANT.--Mr. Twain, it will be observed, is suggestively silent about the Cochin China perjury.

    [Mem.--During the rest of the campaign this paper never referred to me in any other way than as "the infamous perjurer Twain."]


    PS Yawn!

    PPS Know your roots!

  13. Q, "Do you beat your wife?"

    Headline, "Wifebeater Q denies beating his wife."

  14. Yap!

    1300, defamacioun, "disgrace, dishonor, ill repute" (senses now obsolete), from Old French diffamacion and directly from Medieval Latin deffamation, from Latin diffamationem (nominative diffamatio), noun of action from past-participle stem of diffamare "to spread abroad by ill report, make a scandal of," from dis-, ...
    Etymology, origin and meaning of defamation by etymonline › word › defamation

    Old as this world.

    Yawn. ;-P

  15. If the people have no reasons to vote FOR you, give them plenty of reasons to vote AGAINST your opponent.

  16. Qtard: LiliPut -- trillions. And even more, if you'd continue playing dumb and will not subjugate him.

    And how are we going to "subjugate" him? Invade Russia, capture him? Reelect donald tRump? tRump will demand Putin's subjugation and Putin will be scared and submit?

    Minus: this case, mostly FABRICATED reasons.

    Joe Biden is corrupt -- he took bribes. He weaponized the DOJ to go after his political opponent who was just "doing his job" by attempting a coup? Those fabricated reasons?

  17. Reality is coming on fast, Dervy. The liberal frame that sustains your fantasy "safe space" is collapsing. Das Ding/ La Chose is coming for you.

  18. \\And how are we going to "subjugate" him?

    If you don't know... then wait for a little longer -- and it will teach you. ;-P

  19. Qtard thinks we should nuke them before they nuke us?

  20. If you think that THEIR children deserve to live... and yours not... you can CONTINUE to ignore that death threats.

  21. I can continue to ignore their death threats because of our OHIO Class SSBNs. As long as they're at sea, the death threats are empty threats.

  22. And how many OHIO Class helped you to prevent 9/11?
