Thursday, September 28, 2023

Alternative Media: America's Samizdat!

h/t  - Woodsterman (
Joos van Craesbeeck, "A Man Surprised")



1. the clandestine copying and distribution of literature banned by the state, especially formerly in the communist countries of eastern Europe: "a samizdat newsletter"


  1. "Alternative media" is a human rights violation!

    ...the spread of disinformation can cause harm to a range of human rights, some more than others:

    The right to free and fair elections (Article 25, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights [ICCPR]): For an election to be free and fair, voters need to have accurate information about the parties, candidates and other factors when they vote. Incorrect information may influence the way that individuals vote...

    The right to health (Article 12, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights): Inaccurate information about health care and disease prevention, such as false information on risks associated with vaccines, may deter people from taking healthcare decisions that protect their health, putting them (and others) at greater risk. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, health-based mis- and disinformation increased vaccine hesitancy and negatively impacted public health in nearly every country worldwide.

    The right to freedom from unlawful attacks upon one’s honour and reputation (Article 17, ICCPR): Disinformation often relates to a particular individual -- particularly political and public figures, as well as journalists -- and is designed to harm that person’s reputation.

    The right to non-discrimination (Articles 2(1) and 26, ICCPR): Disinformation sometimes focuses on particular groups in society -- such as migrants, or certain ethnic groups—and is designed to incite violence, discrimination or hostility. link

  2. Prediction: Qtard, who is fake-concerned with the "human right" to overthrow a democratic election, won't give a shit about this...

  3. "Alternative media" is a human rights violation!"

    Yep, that's what Stalin said too. "Read Pravda. It means "Truth"".

  4. btw - Why do we still fund Radio Free Europe?

  5. "Freedom it's Slavery!"?

    Like prol Derpy could chant something else. :-)))

    \\The right to free and fair elections (Article 25, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights [ICCPR]): For an election to be free and fair, voters need to have accurate information about the parties, candidates and other factors when they vote. Incorrect information may influence the way that individuals vote...

    Like when that party leader say that all what they want to "sell" to voters to be elected it's Hope?

    \\The right to freedom from unlawful attacks upon one’s honour and reputation (Article 17, ICCPR): Disinformation often relates to a particular individual -- particularly political and public figures, as well as journalists -- and is designed to harm that person’s reputation.

    Like for example... "dRump did it"? "dRump is guilty"? EVEN while court NOT decided its verdict.

    \\The right to non-discrimination (Articles 2(1) and 26, ICCPR): Disinformation sometimes focuses on particular groups in society -- such as migrants, or certain ethnic groups—and is designed to incite violence, discrimination or hostility. link

    Like... White Suremacists? ;-P

  6. Fake quote. I have never changed any such thing.

    Fake quote. Nancy Pelosi never said that.

    Totalitarian Qtard would love for opinions to be illegal.

    Yes. Like White Supremacists inciting violence.

  7. "Changed" should be "chanted". Autocorrect must have "fixed" what I wrote.

    Minus: "Read Pravda. It means "Truth"".

    Stalin? Sounds like donald tRump to me.

    donald tRump: "What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening"... aka "Only believe what I say".

    Or... (in qtardese) "don't believe Demn propaganda".

  8. \\Anonymous Dervish Sanders said...
    Fake quote. I have never changed any such thing.


    And THIS --> "Alternative media" is a human rights violation!

    NOT YOUR WORDS... you NEVER said it!!! :-))))))

    Even THOUGH it is VERY FIRST sentence in this thread. Under SAME name.

    I though that is NOT possible to show EVEN MORE idiotic denial... BUT YOU DID IT!!!!!


    And, continue-continue.

    \\Fake quote. Nancy Pelosi never said that.

    And that is about DIRECT word-to-word transcript. Of a video. With undispitable Pelosi. On very reputable channel.

    That is sheer power of "I believe in facts", yes De-Ru-Pi?

    It allows you to dismis Reality right away.

    Continue-continue like that.

    Little piggy.

    \\Totalitarian Qtard would love for opinions to be illegal.

    And you tryed to pretend that that "Qtard" you mentioning DEMN often recently... that is not name of your alter-ego??? :-))))))

    \\"Changed" should be "chanted". Autocorrect must have "fixed" what I wrote.

    Or... maybe that was Big Brother's Censure.

    How dare you, to "correct" Big Brother? ;-P

  9. LP: Like for example... "dRump did it"? "dRump is guilty"? EVEN while court NOT decided its verdict.

    The idiot who says it is a foreigner from far far away didn't write the above words? Those are the words I was responding to. Yet the idiot from far far away says I wrote those words?

    Means... "I never said it!" is what the idiot from far far away is chanting -- not me.

    LP: And that is about DIRECT word-to-word transcript.

    Lie. It is not.

    LP: It allows you to dismis Reality right away.

    Qtard is talking about itself again. Yawn.

    FYI, you are Qtard. That is YOUR nickname. You are not my "alter ego". Qtard is trying to run away from the nickname it EARNED.

    LP: Little piggy.

    Idiot that refers to itself as "smart aces" reveals it's alter ego.

  10. NOT YOUR WORDS... you NEVER said it!!! I though that is NOT possible to show EVEN MORE idiotic denial... BUT YOU DID IT!!!!! Congrats-congrats!

    I thought it was not possible for you to exhibit an even more delusional state of mind... but you did it! Congratulations!

  11. Delusional?

    NewSpeak AGAIN? :-))))


    I just DUNNO, HOW me percieving THAT YOUR WORDS in the very beginning of this thread:

    ""Dervish Sanders said...
    "Alternative media" is a human rights violation!""

    is ANYHOW...


    characterized by or holding false beliefs or judgements about external reality that are held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, typically as a symptom of a mental condition.

    "hospitalization for schizophrenia and delusional paranoia"

  12. \\Yet the idiot from far far away says I wrote those words?

    And you can GIVE a QUOTE... of MY WORDS???

    Not Edited.

    Not Cutted OUT of context.

    Where'd *I* would do something like that -- that what YOU doing. ;-P


    Cause... but, you know, already. What the cause is. ;-P

    \\LP: And that is about DIRECT word-to-word transcript.

    \\Lie. It is not.

    You are FREE to expalin -- how Pelosi's words is NOT Pelosi's words.


    You will continue showing itself banal idiot. ;-P

    \\LP: It allows you to dismis Reality right away.

    \\Qtard is talking about itself again. Yawn.

    \\FYI, you are Qtard. That is YOUR nickname. You are not my "alter ego". Qtard is trying to run away from the nickname it EARNED.

    Yap-yap-yap. :-)))))


    As always.

    Tinsy little problem here.


    NOT able to demonstrate HOW it is FACT of Reality.

    Like by giving PERFECTLY CORRECT QUOTE of MY words...


    Only showing with YOUR BEHAVIOR... with babbling YOUR OWN words (under nickname Dervish Sanders, of which you never disagreed being yours) all kinds of dlirious counter-factual bulshit. ;-P

    As always.

    That is YOUR delirious delusions, Derpy. ;-P

    \\LP: Little piggy.

    \\Idiot that refers to itself as "smart aces" reveals it's alter ego.


    MY little piggy. ;-P

  13. Qtard: Delusional? NewSpeak AGAIN? **moronic laughter**

    No. You're clearly delusional. As per the definition you posted.

    ...characterized by or holding false beliefs or judgements about external reality that are held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, typically as a symptom of a mental condition...

    That definitely describes you.

    Qtard: Because... I just DUNNO, HOW me percieving THAT YOUR WORDS in the very beginning of this thread: ""Dervish Sanders said... "Alternative media" is a human rights violation!"" is ANYHOW... delusional...

    You perceived them as meaning the same as "Freedom it's Slavery!"... Which they don't. Except to someone who is delusional.

    Qtard: \\Yet the idiot from far far away says I wrote those words?\\And you can GIVE a QUOTE... of MY WORDS??? Not Edited. Not Cutted OUT of context. Where'd *I* would do something like that -- that what YOU doing. Naaah.

    YOUR words: "Freedom it's Slavery!". Quoted already.

    Qtard: Cause... but, you know, already. What the cause is.

    No. I have no idea what the cause of your delusions is. Brain tumor? Just born with a defective brain?

    Qtard: \\And that is about DIRECT word-to-word transcript\\Lie. It is not. You are FREE to expalin -- how Pelosi's words is NOT Pelosi's words.

    Pelosi's words ARE her words. Your words are not Pelosi's words. I looked at the transcript you gave. Trusted (without verifying it myself) that it is accurate. BUT... what you say she said... it does not match up to the transcript.

    You tried to pull the trick of (again) "what she really mean"... and then say your words ("what she really mean") were her words. Well, you continue to do that to me. So, no surprise.

    Qtard: But. You will continue showing itself banal idiot.

    In your delusional perception. Which I don't give a shit about.

    Qtard: It allows you to dismis Reality right away.\\Qtard is talking about itself again. Yawn. FYI, you are Qtard. That is YOUR nickname. You are not my "alter ego". Qtard is trying to run away from the nickname it EARNED\\Yap-yap-yap. **moronic laughter** But. As always. Tinsy little problem here. YOU. NOT able to demonstrate HOW it is FACT of Reality.

    I AM. You gave a "nickname" to me of "Derpy". You gave a "nickname" to Putin of "liliPut". You gave a "nickname" to Russia of "Rasha". Also "Rush'A".

    I gave a nickname to you. Called you "Qtard". Because YOU called yourself "Q". And because you have called liberals "libtards". A nickname you responded to for awhile. Until you decided you no longer wanted to. So you came up with a moronic explanation of "Qtard" being my "alter ego".

    After you ran away from "Q". Stopped using it. So I should stop calling you "Qtard"? I'm not going to. YOU are Qtard. Qtard is not my "alter ego".

    Qtard: Like by giving PERFECTLY CORRECT QUOTE of MY words... But. Only showing with YOUR BEHAVIOR... with babbling YOUR OWN words (under nickname Dervish Sanders, of which you never disagreed being yours) all kinds of dlirious counter-factual bulshit.

    Why would I disagree that I posted under the name "Dervish Sanders"? Are you disagreeing that you ever posted as "Q"?

    Qtard: As always. That is YOUR delirious delusions, Derpy.

    "Derpy"... that's your alter ego? If "Qtard" is my alter ego, then WHY wouldn't "Derpy" be yours?

    Qtard: Little piggy.\\Idiot that refers to itself as "smart aces" reveals it's alter ego.\\Continue-continue. MY little piggy.

    More self encouragement.

  14. Scott Adams deconstructed Dervy's primary basis for "evidence" and "facts" today BIGGLEY. I felt bad for Dervy.

  15. \\"Derpy"... that's your alter ego? If "Qtard" is my alter ego, then WHY wouldn't "Derpy" be yours?

    Because such a facts. ;-P

    But, you are widiot who dare to neglect fcts with its imbecilic credo "I believe in facts".

    So... you can continue your idiotic tryes to use MY based on factual evidances -- QUOTES of your words -- as your own idiotic back-bites.


    My little imbecile. ;-P

    \\Why would I disagree that I posted under the name "Dervish Sanders"?

    Why you crying "I NEVER said it", then??? ;-P

    Because you sre idiot?

    Or... you can propose some more wise EXPLANATION?


    \\... YOU. NOT able to demonstrate HOW it is FACT of Reality.

    \\I AM.

    Yep. You are. I'm glad that you ABLE to admit that obvious and open fact. ;-P

    But... it'll be not for long. :-)))))))

    \\I gave a nickname to you. Called you "Qtard". Because YOU called yourself "Q". And because you have called liberals "libtards".

    And of course... you can SUPPORT this your claim... with factual quotes?

    Naaah. :-)))))))

    \\So you came up with a moronic explanation of "Qtard" being my "alter ego".

    Nased on your behavior -- you tolking about some "Qtard" doing what you do. ;-P

    \\After you ran away from "Q". Stopped using it. So I should stop calling you "Qtard"? I'm not going to. YOU are Qtard. Qtard is not my "alter ego".


    You made so many counter-factual wishi-washi claims.

    So now I do not assess your words as ANY reference to ANYTHING real. Only as references to that bullshit your mind filled to the brims.



    Do me more pleasure. From observing your merry idiotic mind fooling around in this blog.

    \\Qtard: But. You will continue showing itself banal idiot.

    \\In your delusional perception. Which I don't give a shit about.

    That's perfectly O.K.

    And in full accordance with my expectations.

    So, continue-continue.

    And never stop. :-)))))

    \\You tried to pull the trick of (again) "what she really mean"... and then say your words ("what she really mean") were her words. Well, you continue to do that to me. So, no surprise.


    Now I understand your disdaon toward dictionaries. And definitions.

    As they ALWAYS are some "what it really mean"... with "some other words".

    Now it have some inner logic.

    Even if moropnic one. :-)))))


  16. \\Pelosi's words ARE her words. Your words are not Pelosi's words. I looked at the transcript you gave. Trusted (without verifying it myself) that it is accurate. BUT... what you say she said... it does not match up to the transcript.

    Like when she said: "what I care about is winning elections"?

    Can it be MORE obvious??? Than her own words -- what she really CARE about? ;-P

    NOT Climate change. NOT Social justice. NOT Peace in all of the World.


    She care ABOUT *WINNING* ELECTIONS! Period.

    Or what? Your moronic cry: "She DIDN'T SAID that!!!" -- have, must have, could have MORE credibility THAN her OWN WORDS???!!!

    And to win that ellection she... what she DO proposing, actually?

    Some climate refinment? No.

    Some socilal justice programs? No.

    Some peace establishing procedures? No.

    HER OWN WORDS. Again. Are "to be a
    a messenger of Hope""

    How many years from borth have that Pelosi? How many years she recide in Politics of USA?

    And ALL what she can propose to voters. All what she can come up with. All what shw thinking can help her to achieve that her openly stated goal -- reminding to you again, winning in elections.

    Is "being messanger of Hope"???

    \\YOUR words: "Freedom it's Slavery!". Quoted already.

    FAKE quote. Yawn.

    You placed it in "" which by grammatic rules mean direct words of a person.

    But that is Bull's Shit.

    It was NOT my direct words.

    That was QUOTED excerpt from famous book "1984" written by Oruel.

    FAKED quote.

    And YOUR direct lie -- that that is directly MY words.

    As always.

    On the contrary.

    That. There. Above. In the beginning of that thread -- it clearly are direct WORDS of certain someone who writing under nickname "Dervish Sanders".

    And RIGHT AFTER moniker of starting of a comment of that certain someone.

    Which... ELIMINARES ANY possible or impossible misreadings.

    That is:"""Dervish Sanders said...
    "Alternative media" is a human rights violation!

  17. Dervy prefers news that's kept "SECRET" and occassionaly leaked by one-sided partisans at the WaPo and NYT and confirmed by anonymous sources to FACTS, Q.

  18. Qtard: \\If "Qtard" is my alter ego, then WHY wouldn't "Derpy" be yours?\\Because such a facts.

    "Such a facts"? Gibberish.

    Qtard: But, you are widiot who dare to neglect fcts with its imbecilic credo "I believe in facts".

    No. I do the opposite. You neglect facts. Dismiss them by labeling them "Demn propaganda".

    Qtard: So... you can continue your idiotic tryes to use MY based on factual evidances -- QUOTES of your words...

    FAKE quotes are not "fact based evidence". "What Derpy really mean" -- when it is NOT what I mean is not "fact based evidence".

    Qtard: Continue-continue. My little imbecile.

    More self encouragement.

    Qtard: \\Why would I disagree that I posted under the name "Dervish Sanders"? Why you crying "I NEVER said it", then???

    Because you keep faking quotes from me.

    Qtard: Because you sre idiot? Or... you can propose some more wise EXPLANATION?

    Because you keep faking quotes from me.

    Qtard: YOU. NOT able to demonstrate HOW it is FACT of Reality. I AM.

    You DON'T KNOW what "facts" and "reality" are.

    Qtard: Yep. You are. I'm glad that you ABLE to admit that obvious and open fact.

    I get it. You're NewSpeaking. "Obvious and open fact" means obvious lie. And "admit" means deny.

    Qtard: But... it'll be not for long.

    0 minutes, 0 seconds, 0 milliseconds.

    Qtard: \\I gave a nickname to you. ...because you have called liberals "libtards"\\And of course... you can SUPPORT this your claim... with factual quotes?

    Denying of things you know you said again. Yawn.

    Qtard: Naaah **moronic laughter**

    Right. Because I told you awhile ago I'm done playing your "quotes" game.

    Qtard: Nased on your behavior -- you tolking about some "Qtard" doing what you do.

    Talking about what YOU do.

    Qtard: You made so many counter-factual wishi-washi claims. So now I do not assess your words as ANY reference to ANYTHING real. Only as references to that bullshit your mind filled to the brims.

    YOU are talking about yourself. Again. Yawn.

    Qtard: So. Continue-continue. Do me more pleasure. From observing your merry idiotic mind fooling around in this blog.

    More self encouragement. Idiot talking about pleasuring itself.

    Qtard: But. You will continue showing itself banal idiot.\\In your delusional perception. Which I don't give a shit about\\That's perfectly O.K. And in full accordance with my expectations. So, continue-continue. And never stop.

    More self encouragement. Promises of never stopping idiocy. I believe it.

    Qtard: \\You tried to pull the trick of (again) "what she really mean"... and then say your words ("what she really mean") were her words. Well, you continue to do that to me\\Aha! Now I understand your disdaon toward dictionaries. And definitions.

    Impossible. That is your disdain, not mine.

    Qtard: As they ALWAYS are some "what it really mean"... with "some other words". Now it have some inner logic. Even if moropnic one.

    Talking about yourself again. Your behavior of rewriting dictionary definitions. Cherry picking definitions it likes. Adding to definitions so word means what you want it to mean. Twisting people's words (like Pelosi). To arrive at "what they REALLY mean". When they don't mean what you say they do.

    Qtard: \\...what you say she said... it does not match up to the transcript\\Like when she said: "what I care about is winning elections"?

    Because, if you don't win you can't enact your agenda. Which IS doing something about climate change. Doing something about social justice. Opposed by republiturds. None of these can be acted on unless first you WIN.

    Qtard: Can it be MORE obvious??? Than her own words -- what she really CARE about?

    Obvious to me. Not obvious to you.

  19. Qtard: NOT Climate change. NOT Social justice. NOT Peace in all of the World. Naaah. She care ABOUT *WINNING* ELECTIONS! Period.

    That's your fake quote. Created by adding "period", when that isn't what she said.

    Qtard: Or what? Your moronic cry... "She DIDN'T SAID that!!!" -- have, must have, could have MORE credibility THAN her OWN WORDS?!

    Lie. "Period" is NOT her own word. You added "period". Your moronic cry -- "her own words" -- when those are NOT her own words.

    Qtard: And to win that ellection she... what she DO proposing, actually? Some climate refinment? No.


    Some socilal justice programs? No.


    Qtard: Some peace establishing procedures? No.

    Hmm. So the totalitarian lover is in agreement with North Korea. North Korea also thinks Nancy Pelosi destroys peace.

    Qtard: HER OWN WORDS. Again. Are "to be a be messenger of Hope".

    No surprise Qtard believes hope is bad. Because rightturds run on stoking fear. Hope, that's bad. Voters need to be motivated with FEAR. That's the rightturd mantra.

    Qtard: How many years from borth have that Pelosi? How many years she recide in Politics of USA? And ALL what she can propose to voters. All what she can come up with. All what shw thinking can help her to achieve that her openly stated goal -- reminding to you again, winning in elections.

    Bullshit. She championed and fought for actual legislation to achieve Democrat's goals. Not just proposing and passing "hope" bills. Never passed any legislation that said "people should just hope things will get better".

    Qtard: \\YOUR words: "Freedom it's Slavery!". Quoted already\\FAKE quote. Yawn.

    Those are your words! Now it screeches "I didn't say it!". Yawn.

    Qtard: You placed it in "" which by grammatic rules mean direct words of a person. But that is Bull's Shit.

    FACT. YOU wrote it.

    Qtard: It was NOT my direct words. That was QUOTED excerpt from famous book "1984" written by Oruel.

    Lie. There is no such person as "Oruel". And you attributed it to ME, not the book 1984.

    Qtard: FAKED quote. And YOUR direct lie -- that that is directly MY words.

    TRUE quote. YOU wrote those words. You did NOT attribute them to Orwell.

    Qtard: In the beginning of that thread -- it clearly are direct WORDS of certain someone who writing under nickname "Dervish Sanders". And RIGHT AFTER moniker of starting of a comment of that certain someone. Which... ELIMINARES ANY possible or impossible misreadings.

    So what? I never denied writing that. Now you're quoting me and faking denails from me. Because? You can't help it. As a heinous pathological liar.

    Qtard: That is:"Dervish Sanders said... Alternative media is a human rights violation!

    I included a link that explains why. I excerpted text from the linked-to-article that explains why. I never wrote "Freedom it's Slavery!". I never chanted it. You lied. Now you are ADMITTING you lied. It's from 1984. And was NEVER chanted by me.

    btw, I said you wouldn't give a shit. I was wrong. You do give a shit. You LIKE the human rights violations that come about as a result of lies created by the "Alternative media". You like these human rights violations VERY MUCH. Want MORE of them.

  20. \\Blogger -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
    Dervy prefers news that's kept "SECRET" and occassionaly leaked by one-sided partisans at the WaPo and NYT and confirmed by anonymous sources to FACTS, Q.


    Seems like it.

    But it... just a phenomenology. While I like more in-depth explanations. ;-P

    \\"Such a facts"? Gibberish.

    ...such are facts.


    \\No. I do the opposite. You neglect facts. Dismiss them by labeling them "Demn propaganda".

    Facts that are OPEN, OBVIOUS referemce to Reality?

    Or your moronic NewSpeak version of "facts". Such a "facts" one can "believe in" them? ;-P

    \\Qtard: So... you can continue your idiotic tryes to use MY based on factual evidances -- QUOTES of your words...

    \\FAKE quotes are not "fact based evidence".


    As ever.

    Are FREE to show.

    How that quotes of your words was "faked".


    You never do.

    Because that is moronic lie.

    Damn too obvious and counter-factual, to be defended.

    \\ "What Derpy really mean" -- when it is NOT what I mean is not "fact based evidence".

    Are you Hamptey-Dumptey? ;-P

    Nobody care what you think you meaned when you blurted out this or that bullshit -- only what EXPLICITLY SAID/WRITTEN words could mean.

    In accoradnce with meaning in widely known dictionaries.

    To give such a big, no, enormous, discounts to your moronity -- we have nothing in common for that. You can ask it from your familiy members. Or you can hire someone who'd listen to your idiotic blurts while being payed a pile of money for agreeing with it.

    Here. Nobody have ANY obligations. To give you such discounts.

    \\Qtard: Continue-continue. My little imbecile.

    \\More self encouragement.

    And you assessing it this way... because you doing it to yourself? ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\Why would I disagree that I posted under the name "Dervish Sanders"? Why you crying "I NEVER said it", then???

    \\Because you keep faking quotes from me.


    Give a quote. ;-P

    \\Qtard: YOU. NOT able to demonstrate HOW it is FACT of Reality. I AM.

    \\You DON'T KNOW what "facts" and "reality" are.

    Not something one can believe or not believe in. ;-P

    See. Easy-peasy.

    And self-evidant. :-)))))

    But Derpy the Idiot have problems with discerning it?


  21. \\Qtard: Yep. You are. I'm glad that you ABLE to admit that obvious and open fact.

    \\I get it. You're NewSpeaking. "Obvious and open fact" means obvious lie. And "admit" means deny.


    And WHAT was that "obvious and open fact"? In context of this quote?

    \\... YOU. NOT able to demonstrate HOW it is FACT of Reality.

    \\I AM.

    So... You just ADMITTED that your this "I AM"... was "obvious lie".

    Congrats, Derpy. ;-P

    For admitting being liar. :-))))))

    \\Qtard: \\I gave a nickname to you. ...because you have called liberals "libtards"\\And of course... you can SUPPORT this your claim... with factual quotes?

    \\Denying of things you know you said again. Yawn.

    You... trully are complete unconvertible idiot. :-))))))

    Still thinking that such idiotic gaslighting would work on me. :-))))))

    But... continue-continue. That is most fun. ;-P

    \\Right. Because I told you awhile ago I'm done playing your "quotes" game.

    And with that admitted incapable of racional discussing.


    Do you think I forgot? :-))))))

    Like above you apparently thought that I could forgot my own words.

    Judging by itself, little derp?

    Have problems with memory?

    \\Qtard: Nased on your behavior -- you tolking about some "Qtard" doing what you do.

    \\Talking about what YOU do.

    Well... if that'll be true... you'd be able to give QUOTES. ;-P

    Buit you apparently CAN'T. :-)))))

    \\Qtard: You made so many counter-factual wishi-washi claims. So now I do not assess your words as ANY reference to ANYTHING real. Only as references to that bullshit your mind filled to the brims.

    \\YOU are talking about yourself. Again. Yawn.


    If that'll be true... you'd be able to give PRECISE QUOTES of MY words.

    But you can't. ;-P

    What an unbelivable idiot you are. :-))))))

    Still not able to get it.

    After YEAR of it being EXPICITLY explained to... it.

    To the level not having agency of intellect.

    \\More self encouragement. Idiot talking about pleasuring itself.

    Continue-continue. :-)))))

    \\Talking about yourself again. Your behavior of rewriting dictionary definitions.


    And you can QUOTE it?

    Naaah. :-)))))

    \\Qtard: \\...what you say she said... it does not match up to the transcript\\Like when she said: "what I care about is winning elections"?

    \\Because, if you don't win you can't enact your agenda.

    And ALSO... you won't be able to continue abusing Power. ;-P

    And ALSO... not able to protect from persecution for your follies.

    And etc.

    And please... remind me -- what HER agenda is?

    Ah, I recall it -- "to be messanger of Hope". ;-P

    Obviously... she'd not be able to be "messenger of Hope"... without having state Power, isn't it? :-)))))

    Because to "give Hope" to a people... one need to have big club of police state, isn't it?

    It's totalitarian idea -- to "give Hope" to a people, even if AGAINST their will... but who cares, isn't it?

    \\Which IS doing something about climate change.

    Oh yeah.

    And in that transctipt she was talking about climate change, and I FAKEd it?

    Oh, no... there is NO such word EVEN. ;-P

    \\Qtard: HER OWN WORDS. Again. Are "to be a be messenger of Hope".

    \\No surprise Qtard believes hope is bad.

    Served by some political crooks? Most surely it is.

    Because they do it FOR THEIR OWN benefit. NOT yours.

    But Idiot Derpy dunno. Have poor brain. And that's why believes to a crooks.

    \\Bullshit. She championed and fought for actual legislation to achieve Democrat's goals.


    To win in elections.

    Again and again. ;-P


  22. \\Not just proposing and passing "hope" bills. Never passed any legislation that said "people should just hope things will get better".

    Of course.

    Because NO money could be assigned as a budget for such bill. ;-P

    So... they need to devise more crooked bills. Ones where such ""people should just hope things will get better"" would not be so DEMN apparent. :-))))

    Like Build Back Better bill. ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\YOUR words: "Freedom it's Slavery!". Quoted already\\FAKE quote. Yawn.

    \\Those are your words!

    HOW??? is that MY words???

    When I propertly attributed it as citation? And even EXPLAINED, that that is EXACTLY what I have mean. To such a staunch dumbass.

    But NO, it still doubling down on it.

    \\Qtard: You placed it in "" which by grammatic rules mean direct words of a person. But that is Bull's Shit.

    \\FACT. YOU wrote it.

    What an idiot. :-)))))))

    When in text, author need to depict some OTHER person have said. It places it in "". To show that that is NOT his own words, but direct words of that person.


    When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.'

    \\Lie. There is no such person as "Oruel". And you attributed it to ME, not the book 1984.


    And that was a question.

    \\"Freedom it's Slavery!"? <--- SEE, question mark!!!

    How question could be "attributed to you"... without doing it explicitly. Only your grammar teach could know, I presume. :-))))))))

    \\Qtard: FAKED quote. And YOUR direct lie -- that that is directly MY words.

    \\TRUE quote. YOU wrote those words. You did NOT attribute them to Orwell.

    That is widely known citation.

    Google knows it very well for example.

    As any literate and intellectually developed person.

    Not such derp as you are, it seems.


    \\So what? I never denied writing that. Now you're quoting me and faking denails from me. Because? You can't help it. As a heinous pathological liar.


    And this below was written by some ninja-hacker, who faked your comment. ;-P

    \\Dervish Sanders said...
    Fake quote. I have never changed any such thing.

    \\I included a link that explains why.


    Freedom of Speach and Freedom of Thought IS NOT human right for such a totalitarian wannabe. But "protection from disinformation" -- is.

    You that explanation ONLY CONFIRMS that conclusion.


    You will start crying "it's not what I mean". Again.


    \\ I never wrote "Freedom it's Slavery!".

    But YOUR words.

    \\Dervish Sanders said...
    "Alternative media" is a human rights violation!

    mean just the same.

    ESPECIALLY after that EXPLANATION you so proud of giving. ;-P

    Because having alternative media -- it's Freedom of Speach granted human right.

    But you... opposing to it. Calling it "violation".

    IN the SAME SENSE as that words "Freedom it's Slavery!" was used -- to sway people that they DO NOT need their freedoms.

    \\It's from 1984. And was NEVER chanted by me.

    In that exact wording?

    Probably not. Though I have NO means to know it -- what you do and say in real life, not on this blog.


    You showed that your mindset is compatible with it -- many-many times, in this blog.

    Your Captain Obvious.

    \\btw, I said you wouldn't give a shit. I was wrong. You do give a shit. You LIKE the human rights violations that come about as a result of lies created by the "Alternative media". You like these human rights violations VERY MUCH. Want MORE of them.


    I like Freedom of Speach Very Much.

    As well as any and all of Human Natural Rights... for people to thrive on.

    And for that... I even agree to allow such a deceptive NewSpeak narratives as you (and your puppetier liliPut) using. ;-P

    With calling human rights --- "violations". Or calling freedom fighters --- "Nazis". And etc.

  23. Qtard: So... they need to devise more crooked bills. Like Build Back Better bill.

    You know nothing about it. Said (though it did not pass) that it should have provided money to a private company to upgrade Hawaii's electric grid. Even though it provided zero money for anything because it did not pass. And, even if it had, money would have been for publicly owned (not privately owned) infrastructure.

    So, you saying it is crooked is meaningless. You don't know shit about it.

    Qtard: When I propertly attributed it as citation?

    Lie. You did later. Not initially. Even then you falsely attributed it to someone you called "Oruel". Then you attributed it to someone else who never existed you called "Orwel".

    Qtard: That is widely known citation.


    Qtard: \\It's from 1984. And was NEVER chanted by me\\In that exact wording? Probably not.

    No wording close to that. Well, thank you for admitting you lied. At least.

    Qtard: \\"Alternative media" is a human rights violation!\\mean just the same.


    Qtard: Because having alternative media -- it's Freedom of Speach granted human right.

    I wrote "alternative media"... in quotes. I was referring to media that lies to people. I'm not opposed to actual alternative media. One that presents another point of view. That isn't a human rights violation. Article I quoted makes that clear. Still Qtard defends media that lies to people. Even said people WANT that (to be lied to).

    But, yeah, lying is free speech. Why the "alternative media" (the kind you like because it tells lies) hasn't been shut down by the government.

    Qtard: But you... opposing to it. Calling it "violation".

    And you're supporting it -- saying "lies, that's what people want".

    Qtard: IN the SAME SENSE as that words "Freedom it's Slavery!" was used -- to sway people that they DO NOT need their freedoms.

    No. People are free to believe lies. Same as people are free to point out the lies. But Qtard dislikes that freedom. Dislikes it very much.

    Qtard: I like Freedom of Speach Very Much.

    Qtard likes the freedom to lie very much.

    Qtard: As well as any and all of Human Natural Rights... for people to thrive on.

    "Thrive on" by overthrowing democracy. Qtard's NewSpeak... "Fascism -- it is to be thrived on".

    Qtard: And for that... I even agree to allow such a deceptive NewSpeak narratives as you (and your puppetier liliPut) using.

    As you (and your puppeteer Putin) using.

    Qtard: With calling human rights --- "violations".

    Calling lies violations.

    Qtard: Or calling freedom fighters --- "Nazis". And etc.

    Calling them what they call themselves.

  24. \\Calling them what they call themselves.

    From mere words of some "very honest" reporter?

    \\Calling lies violations.

    Then... you might shut out your own brains -- cause that is all what you do here -- spreading lies.

    Like that flyes do spread deseases.

    \\As you (and your puppeteer Putin) using.

    And of course you can EXPLAIN -- how???

    Naaah. :-)))))

    \\Qtard: As well as any and all of Human Natural Rights... for people to thrive on.

    \\"Thrive on" by overthrowing democracy. Qtard's NewSpeak... "Fascism -- it is to be thrived on".


    PERFECT EXAMPLE of NewSpeak totalitarian schmukler trying to use to subvert and destroy Human Right and Democracy.

    \\Qtard: I like Freedom of Speach Very Much.

    \\Qtard likes the freedom to lie very much.


    And this Derpy will start screaming "I NEVER said it" -- that DIRECT and OMNIOUS LIE.

    When I will refer to this excerpt -- where it DIRECTLY stated that "Freedom of Speach" is "freedom to lie"... to it.

    \\No. People are free to believe lies. Same as people are free to point out the lies. But Qtard dislikes that freedom. Dislikes it very much.

    Yap. You are perfectly right here -- I trully dislike... when some people use that flaw of people -- readiness to believe in lies. To rule over them through spreading lies and "pointing out lies"... through false narratives and propaganda.

    \\And you're supporting it -- saying "lies, that's what people want".

    Well... that's your own words here. JUST ABOVE cited. That "People are free to believe lies."

    So... I just admitting that fact. Neither "support". Nor condemn it.

    As it is pointless -- to fight against fact.

    \\But, yeah, lying is free speech. Why the "alternative media" (the kind you like because it tells lies) hasn't been shut down by the government.

    Only totalitarian government would like to do that. And do.

    Like Rush'A. Like China.

    And totalitarian wannabe Derpy showed YET ONE time... it's disdain that USA government STILL not like that. STILL not able to "protect" people from such "violations".

    Yes, De-Ru-Pi?

    But we know what you'll screach back. "I support Democracy! And I want to PROTECT it!", yes? ;-P


    That is what EVERY DAMN totalitarian calls itself -- "protectors of democracy, saviors of the people"... and etc.

    \\I wrote "alternative media"... in quotes. I was referring to media that lies to people.

    And who are you to decide?

    You... who not able to grok definition of fact EVEN. ;-P

    \\Even said people WANT that (to be lied to).


    Why do people going in church? If not because they want that lie -- that "death is not the end"?

    Or... why they going to baloot boxes? If not because they want to lies of politicains?

    Even though ALL PREVIOUS history showed it with full certainity.

    \\No wording close to that. Well, thank you for admitting you lied. At least.


    I asked question.

    And you confirmed it. With certainity.

    That even though you DO NOT use slogan (and I never claimed that you do, in the first place... or, you can work your butt out -- and FIND the correct quote, to base you accusation... which are completely false, otherwise) "Freedom its Slavery" BUT... you showed that you ALL OUT proponent of that IDEOLOGY of NewSpeak.

    \\Qtard: That is widely known citation.


    Not among idiots. For sure.

    \\Qtard: When I propertly attributed it as citation?

    \\Lie. You did later. Not initially. Even then you falsely attributed it to someone you called "Oruel". Then you attributed it to someone else who never existed you called "Orwel".

    And you can confirm this empty claim with CORRECT QUOTE???


    \\You know nothing about it.


  25. IsaiaH Berlin, "Letter to George Kennan"

    What I take you to say, and what I should have said myself if I had had the wit or the depth, is that the one thing which no utilitarian paradise, no promise of eternal harmony in the future within some vast organic whole will make us accept is the use of human beings as mere means--the doctoring of them until they are made to do what they do, not for the sake of the purposes which are their purposes, fulfillment of hopes which however foolish or desperate are at least their own, but for reasons which only we, the manipulators, who freely twist them for our purposes, can understand. What horrifies one about Soviet or Nazi (or DEMOCRAT} practice is not merely the suffering and the cruelty, since although that is bad enough, it is something which history has produced too often, and to ignore its apparent inevitability is perhaps real Utopianism--no; what turns one inside out, and is indescribable, is the spectacle of one set of persons who so tamper and "get at" others that the others do their will without knowing what they are doing; and in this lose their status as free human beings, indeed as human beings at all.

  26. \\about Soviet or Nazi (or DEMOCRAT} practice

    People do that to themself.

    Go read that story about Red Khmers and Pol Pot.

    That people DID IT to themself.

    As always. As everywhere. As ever... :-((((

  27. The Jews deported themselves to the concentration camps? Or just the collaborators?

  28. Jews?

    I properly stated what I point at -- Pol Pot's practices -- as most destiled version of "demn-OK-rats-ism".

    Jews... they though anout themself as Germans. Some even tryed to enter SS.

    Until it was explained to em.

    "Jedem das Seine"

    It's like voilence inside family...

  29. Or like that Easten Ukraine Russians... you showed so much care about, here.
    As about "victims of nazis".

    Now Rush'A showing to em their place -- that they are "not true Russians".

    And as such -- need to die on the battlefield, to prove their worth...

    or even better -- die there to the very last one. For the glory of True Russians.

    Which recide in Mos-Cow... and consist of all kinds of non-ethnic-Russian minorities from here and there.

    Like propagandists that brag about being Jews for example.


    That is logic of Being Empire -- it cares NOT about ethnicity. (empire just using your liberal DEMN narrative... for deception)

    Only about LOYALTY.

    Who are loyal, and make it expand and prosper -- are First Class citizens.

    Those who SERVE to that first class... well, they can recide near and have some breadcrumbs from their table.

    All others... their either slaves. Or gonna be slaves... sooner or later. When empire's troops will come to conquire em.

  30. Qtard: I properly stated what I point at -- Pol Pot's practices -- as most destiled version of "demn-OK-rats-ism".

    Properly? No. Improperly. Because you lied.

    btw, most American Jews are Democrats. You think they vote Democratic because they're Pol Pot fans? Sounds antisemitic to me.

  31. I think that the problem in East Ukraine began because Ukrainian nationalists thought that Russian speakers weren't "true Ukrainians". They even sought to outlaw their language....

  32. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    I think that the problem in East Ukraine began because Ukrainian nationalists thought that Russian speakers weren't "true Ukrainians". They even sought to outlaw their language....


    liliPut's propaganda chant.

    And WHERE you know it from? Why you dunno about history of Ukraine???

    How your achieved that "knowladge"???

    Let me guess... you dunno. Just listened some vid on YouTube.

    Truthful Vid. Yes? ;-)

    \\They even sought to outlaw their language....

    If you'd know History of Ukraine even for a little (like through Timoty Snider -- american).

    You'd know that that is Ukrainian language was outlawed. For century.

    SAME as Irish, Welsh and Scoth langs in British empire -- because that is what ANY empire do.

    And then... you'd be able to discern -- that calling try to return Ukrainian language thwarted through colonialist politics back into use "outlawing Russian" -- that is nasty-nasty-wrong imperialistic narrative.


    You dunno.

    You just like to believe that some fake vids from Youtube are truthful...

    Well, whatever.

    \\Dervish Sanders said...

    \\Properly? No. Improperly. Because you lied.


    Want to be in opposing stance so much?

    Like you are know anything about it. :-)))))

    So... who is Pol Pot? (without asking Google)? ;-P

  33. Qtard dunno anything about it. Democratic policies save lives. republican polices cost lives.

  34. from Wiki:
    Language policy in Ukraine is based on its Constitution, international treaties and on domestic legislation. According to article 10 of the Constitution, Ukrainian is the official language of Ukraine, and the state shall ensure the comprehensive development and functioning of the Ukrainian language in all spheres of social life throughout the entire territory of the country. Some minority languages (such as Russian and Belorussian) have significantly less protection, and have restrictions on their public usage.

    The 2012 law On the principles of the State language policy [uk] granted regional language status to Russian and other minority languages. It allowed the use of minority languages in courts, schools and other government institutions in areas of Ukraine where the national minorities exceed 10% of the population.[1][2] The 2012 law was supported by the governing Party of Regions and opposed by the opposition parties, who argued that the law undermined the role of the Ukrainian language, violated Article 10 of the Constitution,[2][3][4] and was adopted with an irregular procedure.[5][6] Immediately after the 2014 Ukrainian revolution, on 23 February 2014, the Ukrainian Parliament voted to repeal the law. This decision was vetoed by the acting President Turchynov.[7][8] In October 2014, the Constitutional Court started reviewing the constitutionality of the 2012 law[9] and declared it unconstitutional on 28 February 2018[10]

    In April 2019, the Ukrainian parliament voted a new law, the law "On supporting the functioning of the Ukrainian language as the State language". The law made the use of Ukrainian compulsory (totally or within quotas) in more than 30 spheres of public life, including public administration, electoral process, education, science, culture, media, economic and social life, health and care institutions, and activities of political parties. The law did not regulate private communication. Some exemptions were provided for the official languages of the European Union and for minority languages, with the exclusion of Russian, Belarusian and Yiddish. [11][12] The Venice Commission and Human Rights Watch expressed concern about the 2019 law's failure to protect the language rights of Ukrainian minorities.[12][13]

    Following the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, on 19 June the Ukrainian parliament passed two laws which placed restrictions on Russian books and music. The new laws ban Russian citizens from printing books unless they take Ukrainian citizenship, prohibit the import of books printed in Russia, Belarus and the occupied Ukrainian territories, and prohibit the reproduction in the media and public transport of music performed or created by post-1991 Russian citizens, unless the musicians are included in a "white list" of artists who have publicly condemned Russian aggression against Ukraine.[

    If you're not on the "white list", that means you're on a "black list". Exclusion of Yiddish means... anti-semitism.

  35. Born to a Ukrainian Jewish family, Zelenskyy grew up as a native Russian speaker in Kryvyi Rih, a major city of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast in central Ukraine.

  36. You mean he's a self-hating Jew? Russia and Germany had plenty of them.

  37. He's a Russian speaking Jew. I don't think he hates himself. But you say he's a Nazi collaborator? More proof that Putin was right -- Ukraine does need to be denazified? You think this because (as per Qtard) you believe the "Demn propaganda"?

  38. Qtard... What an idiot!

  39. He learned Russian as a second/ third language? Who knew? I thought that Ukrainian was his second language and English his third.

    Or maybe his parents spoke Ukrainian, but he "chose" to speak Russian first, instead? The guy must have a 160 IQ.

  40. \\Dervish Sanders said...
    Qtard dunno anything about it. Democratic policies save lives. republican polices cost lives.

    And you know it, because?

    You did research? You have knowledge in that sphere and have read researches of your peers?

    Or... that is just some "informastion" you got through your DEMN-Ok-rattik sources? ;-P

    \\Some minority languages (such as Russian and Belorussian) have significantly less protection, and have restrictions on their public usage.


    Go trace revision page. And you'd be able to track that Russian troll that made that insertion of lie.

    First... Belorussian is NEASRLY EXTINCT in Belorus itself... because of heavy foot of Big Brother... that soon will reabsorb it BACK into Great Mother Rush'A.

    Second... Russian that is NOT "language of minority". THERE MORE then 100 millions of native speakers. And they living in a country THAT ALREADY ARE -- biggest in the world.

    If being UNIQUELY BIG counts as "being minor"... Well.... :-))))))

    \\passed two laws which placed restrictions on Russian books and music. The new laws ban Russian citizens from printing books unless they take Ukrainian citizenship, prohibit the import of books printed in Russia, Belarus and the occupied Ukrainian territories, and prohibit the reproduction in the media and public transport of music performed or created by post-1991 Russian citizens, unless the musicians are included in a "white list" of artists who have publicly condemned Russian aggression against Ukraine.[

    Have you read that books? Have you listened to that music?

    It contains mostly propaganda -- that Ukraine and Ukrainains do not exist. And etc.

    Would you ALLOW such books??? From agressor and enemy. In time of a WAR???

    "Mein Kampf" was one of bestsellers in USA? In after 1941???

    And NOT on a black list???

    \\Exclusion of Yiddish means... anti-semitism.

    Bullshit Propaganda addition.


    Yiddish... though are historical language of one of groups of Jews.

    But that group was INSINERATED in Nazi concentration camps furnaces.

    So virtually nobody talk/read in it on that lands -- Eastern Europe.

    ANY MORE. :-(
