Friday, August 11, 2023

What Really Happened on J6?


  1. What really happened? trumpturds attacked the Capitol. Tried to stop the counting of the Electoral College votes. Not that complicated.

  2. Or... that is what Demn Propaganda talking...

    Do idiot Derpy know about arsoning of Reichstag, and historical similarities?

    Of course not... it's idiot. And will start screaming "you call demns nazis"... providing more hilarity here, with its merry idiotic tricks. ;-P


  3. First the J6 attack on the Capitol was like the American revolution and the rioters were the new "fathers founders". Then the J6 attack on the Capitol was like the Boston Tea Party. Meaning (in both cases) the rioters did it, but were justified in doing so. It was their "human right" according to the idiot Qtard.

    NOW the J6 attack on the Capitol is like the Reichstag fire? Meaning the rioters are being framed. They were just "walking by street" and entering a free admission building. They did nothing wrong. Or maybe a few rioters did. But the others were waived into the Capitol by Capitol police officers. That this was an insurrection is "Demn propaganda".

    Which is it Qtard? Because it can't be both. Which false narrative does Qtard (and Minus FJ) like better? fyi, only rightturds like Qtard and Minus FJ believe either of these BULLSHIT narratives. The truth that the J6 rioters were attempting an insurrection is OBVIOUS to all who are paying attention. All people who haven't allowed their brains to be infected by idiotic anti-democracy/pro-tRump rightturd propaganda.

    It isn't the Democrats who are the Nazis in this scenario. It is the republiturds. Hitler "used [the fire] as a pretext to claim that Communists were plotting against the German government". Here the claim by the Nazis (republiturds) is that the Communists (Democrats) plotted against the Fuhrer donald tRump by framing his supporters for being the arsonists (rioters). When it was (as per your absurd conspiracy theory) Nancy Pelosi who denied National Guard troops offered by dotard donald.

  4. J6 was a parliamentary coup d'etat successfully planned, rehearsed, and then exercised by a UniParty parliamentary cabal (Pelosi/ McConnell). The subsequent Congressional hearings were conducted to cover-up and bury the parliamentary maneuvers that REQUIRED an "emergency" (capitol attack) in order for successful enactment (and players like Ray Eps to coordinate and props like fake pipe bombs at DNC/RNC HQs) Unfortunately, the punishment of the designated J6 scapegoats continues.

  5. Dervy, how's the hunt for J6 DNC/RNC pipe-bombers going? Got any suspects yet after all the cellphone data magically got corrupted?

  6. btw - More law enforcement officers were injured during the BLM riots in DC than on J6. Yet all those arrested had their charges dropped... whilst Democrat lawmakers raised bail money.

  7. So it was donald tRump's fault? HE called his supporters to Washington DC. HE instructed them to march to the Capitol. This (imaginary) plan by Nancy Pelosi and the FBI to incite the rioters to enter the Capitol... donald tRump was in on it?

    How can there be a "coup" to not install the candidate that LOST?

    SUCH STUPIDITY. Tinfoil hat nuttery.

    Ray Epps is suing Fox Nooz. He is not a fed. Not an "agent provocateur".

    Quote: The Ray Epps conspiracy theory — that he was an undercover FBI agent who ginned up the Jan. 6 Capitol attack — was fueled in part by the fact that he was at the Capitol that day but was never charged. However, according to Epps' newly filed defamation lawsuit against Fox News, charges are coming.

    That would obviously be an unwelcome development for Epps, but also for the dubious theory pushed by ex-Fox News host Tucker Carlson that prompted Epps' suit. The plaintiff, a Donald Trump supporter from Arizona, claims in his filing that the Department of Justice told him in May that it planned to seek criminal charges against him, two and a half years after the Capitol attack. [7/13/2023]

  8. \\First the J6 attack on the Capitol was like the American revolution and the rioters were the new "fathers founders". Then the J6 attack on the Capitol was like the Boston Tea Party. Meaning (in both cases) the rioters did it, but were justified in doing so. It was their "human right" according to the idiot Qtard.

    ALL history made by people... which was going AGAINST rules and laws of their time.

    Beheading kings. Burning palaces. Drawning "nobels".


    Derpy either I-D-I-O-T... which dunno History.

    Or... it is miserly totalitarian wannabe, who trying to oppose to Freedom of the People.

    Or both. ;-P

    \\NOW the J6 attack on the Capitol is like the Reichstag fire? Meaning the rioters are being framed.

    And they not?

    We have "smoking gun" evidances of "stop the counting of the Electoral College votes"???

    Or ANYTHING at all that counts as reasons in court trial.

    Like having motive, means, plans???


    All we can see -- it's only Demn Propaganda Narrative...

    and try to pump it up in media.

    Demn media. Like CNN.

    Oh... sorry... CNN it's "righturd propaganda" media. Oh-yeah. :-)))))))))))

    \\ That this was an insurrection is "Demn propaganda".

    Where's court verdict??? For very least...

    \\J6 was a parliamentary coup d'etat successfully planned, rehearsed, and then exercised by a UniParty parliamentary cabal (Pelosi/ McConnell). The subsequent Congressional hearings were conducted to cover-up and bury the parliamentary maneuvers that REQUIRED an "emergency" (capitol attack) in order for successful enactment (and players like Ray Eps to coordinate and props like fake pipe bombs at DNC/RNC HQs) Unfortunately, the punishment of the designated J6 scapegoats continues.

    Well... that looks like conspiracy theory too. ;-P

    Fighting shit with shit... I deem it no wise strategy.

    But... well... I admit that choice of weapon is a free and personal choice.

    \\Which is it Qtard? Because it can't be both.

    Since what time? :-))))))))))))))

    All History CONSIST of such happenstances.

    When plans of different sides do collide. ;-P

    \\Which false narrative does Qtard (and Minus FJ) like better?

    You mean your and Joes?

    Dunno. ;-P

    And don't care. :-))))))))))))))))))))

    \\The truth that the J6 rioters were attempting an insurrection is OBVIOUS to all who are paying attention.


    "The truth is that there was Jesus... and it, IS the son of Gawd" (c)


    "The truth is that there is Allah... and it, IS one and only true Gawd" (c)


    "...there is Osiris..."


    "...%^*)(%..." (scribed on he walls of some dungeon... still not dechifered... but by all means that is YET ONE thing that "is OBVIOUS to all who are paying attention.")

    Only... *I*, don't. ;-P

    \\ All people who haven't allowed their brains to be infected by idiotic anti-democracy/pro-tRump rightturd propaganda.


    "All people who not allowed their brains to be infected... by talks of infidels" (tm)


    \\It isn't the Democrats who are the Nazis in this scenario.

    "Nazis... will be calling... itself... anti-nazis" (tm)

    \\So it was donald tRump's fault? HE called his supporters to Washington DC.

    And... it shouldn't? ;-P

    While that is beyond obvious strategic move for each and every leader in democratic country.

    All people who haven't allowed their brains to be infected by idiotic anti-democracy/pro-tRump rightturd propaganda.

  9. Qtard: ALL history made by people... which was going AGAINST rules and laws of their time. Beheading kings. Burning palaces. Drawning "nobels". So???

    So... Joe Biden isn't a king. He is a democratically elected president.

    Qtard: Derpy either I-D-I-O-T... which dunno History.

    Qtard dunno history. Keeps comparing the overthrow of democracy and replacing it with fascism to overthrow of monarchy and replacing it with democracy.

    Qtard: Or... it is miserly totalitarian wannabe, who trying to oppose to Freedom of the People.

    Qtard is totalitarian wannabe who opposes freedom of The People. PROVEN by its support for overthrowing democracy. Hatred for democracy (expressed over and over by Qtard) versus love of democracy and freedom of The People to choose the leader they want (expressed by ME over and over). The facts speak for themselves.

    Qtard: Or both. ;-P

    Agreed. Qtard is both a totalitarian wannabe and a total idiot.

    Qtard: \\NOW the J6 attack on the Capitol is like the Reichstag fire? Meaning the rioters are being framed\\And they not?


    Qtard: We have "smoking gun" evidances of "stop the counting of the Electoral College votes"??? Or ANYTHING at all that counts as reasons in court trial.

    Yes. HUNDREDS of trials. HUNDREDS of convictions.

    Qtard: Like having motive, means, plans???

    Yes. Proven with convictions in court for seditious conspiracy. Motive, means and plans -- all PROVEN in court. With defendants convicted and sentenced to long prison sentences.

    Qtard: Naaaah. All we can see -- it's only Demn Propaganda Narrative...

    All we can see is that Qtard is an idiot. Trying to spread the counterfactual trumpturd propaganda narrative.

    Qtard: and try to pump it up in media. Demn media. Like CNN. Oh... sorry... CNN it's "righturd propaganda" media. Oh-yeah.

    According to Allsides (media bias rating website) CNN leans left. Remember, however, that they held a townhall for donald tRump. Filled the audience with trumpturds. That was definitely an example of CNN spreading rightturd propaganda. Minus FJ called it the "best townhall ever".

    Qtard: \\That this was an insurrection is "Demn propaganda"\\Where's court verdict??? For very least...

    Qtard doesn't give a shit about court verdicts. Said (about upcoming trials of donald tRump) "fair trial, my ass". Will prove it does not give a shit when I point out that there have been court verdicts. J6 defendants have been convicted on charges of seditious conspiracy.

    Wikipedia: Nine Oath Keepers have been found guilty of seditious conspiracy to stop the presidential transition of Joe Biden. In May 2022, three Oath Keeper members pled guilty to this charge. In November 2022, leader Stewart Rhodes and Kelly Meggs, a leader in Florida, were convicted of this charge. Rhodes was later sentenced to 18 years and Meggs to 12 years. In January 2023, four more Oath Keepers were convicted of this charge. ... In June 2022, five Proud Boys leaders, including their former chairman Enrique Tarrio, were similarly charged. In October, a 6th Proud Boy leader pled guilty to seditious conspiracy, as well as a weapons charge, as part of a cooperation agreement. On May 4, 2023, Tarrio and three of the other Proud Boys leaders were found guilty of seditious conspiracy. link

  10. Qtard: \\MFJ: J6 was a parliamentary coup d'etat successfully planned...\\Well... that looks like conspiracy theory too. Fighting shit with shit... I deem it no wise strategy. But... well... I admit that choice of weapon is a free and personal choice.

    Fighting facts with shit. Why does Qtard say it does not deem it wise? Qtard does it all the time.

    Qtard: \\Which is it Qtard? Because it can't be both\\Since what time? All History CONSIST of such happenstances. When plans of different sides do collide...

    Plans of Democrats (and a few republicans) was to count the Electoral College votes. Plans of republiturds and mob send by donald tRump? Stop the count.

    Qtard: \\Which false narrative does Qtard (and Minus FJ) like better?\\You mean your and Joes?

    No. I meant among the false narratives put forward by Qtard.

    Qtard: Dunno. And don't care.

    Qtard's Escape. Deploys the "don't care" dodge.

    Qtard: \\The truth that the J6 rioters were attempting an insurrection is OBVIOUS to all who are paying attention\\Yap-yap-yap. "The truth is that there was Jesus... and it, IS the son of Gawd" (c) OR "The truth is that there is Allah... and it, IS one and only true Gawd" (c).

    Religious bonker Qtard brings up religion again. Despite it NOT being relevant to the conversation. Qtard's Escape AGAIN. Falsely equating religious belief to belief due to evidence and facts supporting the conclusion.

    Qtard: OR "...there is Osiris..." OR "...%^*)(%..." (scribed on he walls of some dungeon... still not dechifered... but by all means that is YET ONE thing that "is OBVIOUS to all who are paying attention.") Only... *I*, don't. ;-P

    Qtard doesn't pay attention. I believe it. Why it is frequently confused.

    Qtard: \\All people who haven't allowed their brains to be infected by idiotic anti-democracy/pro-tRump rightturd propaganda\\Yap-yap-yap. "All people who not allowed their brains to be infected... by talks of infidels" (tm)

    "Demns" to Qtard are the "infidels". repubilturds tell the "truth". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Qtard: \\It isn't the Democrats who are the Nazis in this scenario\\"Nazis... will be calling... itself... anti-nazis" (tm).

    Exactly. Why Qtard denies Nazis identify as trump-supporting republicans. Self admitted Nazis, Minus FJ for example. Though done under the guise of being a "joke" (I think). Like "president for life" donald tRump being a "joke". Qtard is a Nazi too? A fact it will confirm by denying being a Nazi? Claim it is anti-Nazi?

    Qtard: \\So it was donald tRump's fault? HE called his supporters to Washington DC\\And... it shouldn't? ;-P

    For what reason?

    Qtard: While that is beyond obvious strategic move for each and every leader in democratic country.

    The election was over. No more need for "strategy". Time to concede and congratulate opponent. If it was so obvious, why had no potus losing candidate ever done it before? Qtard proving (once again) that it is an idiot.

    Qtard: \\All people who haven't allowed their brains to be infected by idiotic anti-democracy/pro-tRump rightturd propaganda.\\ **Qtard has no response**

    Looks like Qtard is silently agreeing about its brain being infected.

  11. \\So... Joe Biden isn't a king. He is a democratically elected president.

    So... do dRump. ;-P

    \\Qtard dunno history. Keeps comparing the overthrow of democracy and replacing it with fascism to overthrow of monarchy and replacing it with democracy.

    And what's the problem IT sees... with such a conmparation? ;-P

    Go, elaborate it... logically. :-)))))))))))))000

    Naaaah. IT... CAN'T.

    \\Qtard is totalitarian wannabe who opposes freedom of The People. PROVEN by its support for overthrowing democracy.

    And that "PROVEN" confirmed with ANY fact??? Like factual quote???

    Naaaah. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\ Hatred for democracy (expressed over and over by Qtard) versus love of democracy and freedom of The People to choose the leader they want (expressed by ME over and over). The facts speak for themselves.


    What exactly facts??? Where? When?

    In a delirious delusional Derpy's brain? Yap? :-)))))))))))))))

    \\Agreed. Qtard is both a totalitarian wannabe and a total idiot.

    Derpy talking about/with its alter-ego? ;-P

    \\Qtard: \\NOW the J6 attack on the Capitol is like the Reichstag fire? Meaning the rioters are being framed\\And they not?


    By a chance. Watched movie

    Richard Jewell (2019) - IMDb › title
    Security guard Richard Jewell is an instant hero after foiling a bomb attack at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, but his life becomes a nightmare when the FBI leaks ...

    GO!!! Show yourself idiotic hypocrite AGAIN.

    Go, Claim that that is not based on reality. ;-P

    \\Yes. HUNDREDS of trials. HUNDREDS of convictions.

    For "stop the counting of the Electoral College votes" EXACTLY???

    \\Yes. Proven with convictions in court for seditious conspiracy. Motive, means and plans -- all PROVEN in court. With defendants convicted and sentenced to long prison sentences.

    You are always free to give FACTUAL quotes and direct links here.

    I... DO NOT deny you to do that. ;-P

    Only YOUR IDIOCY... do. :-)))))))))))))))))))00

    \\All we can see is that Qtard is an idiot. Trying to spread the counterfactual trumpturd propaganda narrative.


    And where's you facts? ;-P

    Those you "believe in"? Or just any? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\According to Allsides (media bias rating website) CNN leans left. Remember, however, that they held a townhall for donald tRump. Filled the audience with trumpturds. That was definitely an example of CNN spreading rightturd propaganda. Minus FJ called it the "best townhall ever".


    You mean that CNN is "rightturd media"?

    \\Wikipedia: Nine Oath Keepers have been found guilty of seditious conspiracy to stop the presidential transition of Joe Biden. In May 2022, three Oath Keeper members pled guilty to this charge.

    Well... they was not that adamant as that Richard Jewell, it seems.

    Or FBI just improved their skills of "persuagion"... in this quarter of century. ;-P

  12. \\Fighting facts with shit. Why does Qtard say it does not deem it wise? Qtard does it all the time.

    I opposed FJ... but you NOT happy again.

    Means... that all screaching about me not opposing FJ... was just a hypocritical screaching.

    Isn't it, Derpy?

    Well... we discussed this point ALMOST a YEAR already.

    That you standards of admitting what IS fact. Like "I believe in facts".

    They... just retarded. And biggly idiotic. And religiously-junky. ;-P

    So... yeah.

    YET ONE confirmation that Derpy is an idiot. AGAIN. :-))))))))))))))

    \\Plans of Democrats (and a few republicans) was to count the Electoral College votes. Plans of republiturds and mob send by donald tRump? Stop the count.

    And that confirmed?

    Which what facts?

    That they was roaming streets? That they was trying to come into PUBLIC building, entrance into which NOT fordiden?

    \\Qtard: \\Which false narrative does Qtard (and Minus FJ) like better?\\You mean your and Joes?

    \\No. I meant among the false narratives put forward by Qtard.

    And HOW I could know what that "false narratives put forward" mean???

    If IT... do not give PRECISELY CORRECT quotes?

    And either trying to subvert, mangle and edit out into needed direction... fake quotes.

    Or... completele baseless lying, idiotic lies, some phantasmagorically gibberish... accusations.

    \\Qtard's Escape. Deploys the "don't care" dodge.

    Whatever. I don't care.


    \\Religious bonker Qtard brings up religion again. Despite it NOT being relevant to the conversation.

    Exactly relevent. Behavior of my opponent -- Derpy the Idiot.

    Is stunningly resembles that of religious nutters. ;-P

    \\Falsely equating religious belief to belief due to evidence and facts supporting the conclusion.


    Like idea of "believing in facts".

    Or idea that "somebody-somebody who said something-something" it's fact... about anything else apart from that somebody-somebody FACTUALLY created some soundwaves or writing/typing.


    As Religious Nutter showing.

    Like when they claim "Gawd did it! Gawd said it!"... on the base of some TWO millenum old scribing... which was rewritten and mangled many times in ages. And author of which -- unknown.

    THAT SAME LEVEL... of "factuality". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And ignorance of Reality. ;-P

    \\Qtard doesn't pay attention. I believe it. Why it is frequently confused.


    That is factual (based on all observation of Derpy's behavior and analysing its writing) -- that Derpy prone to persieving as FACTS... it's bonkery delusions. Have problems with cognitive biases, which do not allow it to understand that Reality -- that is not what IT "sees". ;-P

    \\"Demns" to Qtard are the "infidels". repubilturds tell the "truth". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Hmmm??? And from where it comes??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    There was admitting of ONLY ONE fact... when "republiturds" stated something truthfully.

    Well... it's not big... but I saw NONE from Demns... like from Derpy here.


  13. \\Exactly. Why Qtard denies Nazis identify as trump-supporting republicans. Self admitted Nazis, Minus FJ for example.


    Where's that example??? Where is FACTUAL quote confirming that claim?



    Just Derpy's delusions it "believes in" as FACTS. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Though done under the guise of being a "joke" (I think).


    Is it FACT?

    Or YOU just "think" that it is?


    Or... maybe YOU just "believe in"... that that is FACT???

    \\Like "president for life" donald tRump being a "joke".

    Well... he is not that young, dRump. So dying while on the post... would make him "president for life"... effectively.

    Same as Bi-den.

    \\Qtard: \\So it was donald tRump's fault? HE called his supporters to Washington DC\\And... it shouldn't? ;-P

    \\For what reason?

    For that reason that he is democratically chosen politicain? Who needs constant feedback and support from his voters?

    Or... is it TOO DEMN hard to understand... for this miserly totalitarian wannabe? ;-P

    \\The election was over. No more need for "strategy". Time to concede and congratulate opponent. If it was so obvious, why had no potus losing candidate ever done it before?

    And what was reaction od Dems on lose of El Gore??? ;-P

    Even I... foreigner from far-far-away, know such trivia.

    \\Qtard: \\All people who haven't allowed their brains to be infected by idiotic anti-democracy/pro-tRump rightturd propaganda.\\ **Qtard has no response**

    \\Looks like Qtard is silently agreeing about its brain being infected.



    Remarkable idiotic. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    To claim something like that -- even though IT GAVE quote with my response to it, JUST ABOVE.

    To claim -- TOTALLY FALSELY and by forging idiotic fakery -- that there was no. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Thank you, Derpy.

    And please, continue-continue. Showing itself such an idiot.

  14. Qtard: \\All people who haven't allowed their brains to be infected by idiotic anti-democracy/pro-tRump rightturd propaganda.\\ **Qtard has no response**\\Looks like Qtard is silently agreeing about its brain being infected\\

    THIS ONE. Remarkable!!! Remarkable idiotic. **moronic laughter** To claim something like that -- even though IT GAVE quote with my response to it, JUST ABOVE. To claim -- TOTALLY FALSELY and by forging idiotic fakery -- that there was no. **moronic laughter** Thank you, Derpy. And please, continue-continue. Showing itself such an idiot.

    Bullshit. I did give a quote. With my words Qtard copied and pasted. Followed by no response from Qtard. Maybe Qtard intended to respond to my words but forgot? Or it might be that Qtard intended to silently agree. How would I know? I responded to what Qtard wrote -- which was nothing.

    There was no "forging" whatsoever. THAT is a qtarded lie.

    Qtard: And please, continue-continue. Showing itself such an idiot.

    Qtard shows itself to be an idiot. With its false allegations of forgery. False allegations of "idiotic fakery". When I cut and pasted from Qtard's comment. I did add "**Qtard has no response**", but that is because there wasn't one.

    Just my words... followed by nothing. Nothing I interpreted to be silent agreement. Or else Qtard would just have ignored the comment. As opposed to copying and pasting my words -- but writing nothing in response to them.

    As for the rest of what Qtard wrote, maybe I will get around to answering it at a later date. Maybe not. I am definitely not "silently agreeing" with anything Qtard wrote, however. Silently disagreeing -- for now.

  15. \\Bullshit. I did give a quote. With my words Qtard copied and pasted. Followed by no response from Qtard.


    Ctrl-Fing, inserting that excerpt into search filed. 6 of 6 results found.

    1st -- from Derpy's comment from "August 12, 2023 at 9:45 AM".

    2nd and 3rd -- from my comment from "August 13, 2023 at 3:10 AM"


    3rd one not answered... cause it was ANSWERED under 2nd mentioning.

    And 3rd was just an artifact of editing...

    What an I-D-I-O-T that Derpy is :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\There was no "forging" whatsoever. THAT is a qtarded lie.

    Ctrl-Fing again.

    There is comment from "August 13, 2023 at 12:19 PM". Derpy's one.

    Where Derpy commenting on MY comment under that excerpt in question. 2nd one as showing Ctrl-F.

    Trying to claim that I "never commented and therefore silently agreed" ABOUT excerpt WITH my comments Derpy itself QUOTED....

    That's remarkable level of idiocy.

    And I admitted it. ;-P


    For I-D-I-O-T Derpy it NOT ENOUGH... IT, wants to showing EVEN MORE remarkable idiotcy... it seems. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    What an idiot.


    \\Qtard shows itself to be an idiot. With its false allegations of forgery. False allegations of "idiotic fakery". When I cut and pasted from Qtard's comment. I did add "**Qtard has no response**", but that is because there wasn't one.

    \\Just my words... followed by nothing. Nothing I interpreted to be silent agreement. Or else Qtard would just have ignored the comment. As opposed to copying and pasting my words -- but writing nothing in response to them.

    Derpy is REALLY that microcephalis turd... that CANNOT hold that much text into his memory...

    And/or have THAT SHORT attention span.


    grasp it that it Copy-Pasted excerpt that IT just copy-pasted beforehand???

    That is... qualities of imbeciles -- O.K. :-))))))))))))))))))))))

  16. No Derpy's ravings? ;-P
