Friday, August 11, 2023

More Funding Requested for Endless Ukrainian Proxy War...

Samantha Aschieris, "U.S. Aid to Ukraine Amounts to $900 Per American Household"
Congressionally approved aid for Ukraine has cost each U.S. household hundreds of dollars, Heritage Foundation budget expert Richard Stern says.

“The formal aid packages alone amount to a staggering $113 billion—roughly $900 per American household and almost 12 times the spending cuts promised by House leadership in the annual spending bills,” Stern, director of The Heritage Foundation’s Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget, said in an email to The Daily Signal, Heritage’s news outlet.

“As with all new federal spending,” Stern added, “this $113 billion spending spree was added to our national debt and will cost more than $300 in interest costs per household over the decade. Of course, we’ve given more aid than that, but haven’t paid the bill on it yet.”

Congress already has greenlighted over $113 billion in “aid and military assistance to support the Ukrainian government and allied nations” since Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine in February 2022, according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

“As the war in Ukraine becomes a prolonged conflict, Americans are rightly growing skeptical of sending more taxpayer dollars and equipment from our depleted armory,” Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts told The Daily Signal in a written statement.

Washington has failed to address their concerns, explain our nation’s strategy in the war, or enact basic oversight for our aid,” Roberts said. “If Congress can’t fix those fundamental issues, they have no business sending more money into the fog of war.”

According to the Congressional Budget Office, the U.S. had about 127.9 million households during fiscal year 2022, which ended last September, making the estimated cost for the approved aid to Ukraine per American household about $884.

President Joe Biden’s administration is preparing to ask Congress for supplemental funding for Ukraine, CNN reported Monday.

After returning from their August recess, some members of Congress want to provide more funding for Ukraine in a bill providing hurricane relief to Americans.

“Estimates of what the administration will request vary wildly from $10 billion to $70 billion, which demonstrates that no one knows what to request because they don’t know what they will do with it,” Heritage Foundation national security expert Victoria Coates told The Daily Signal in an email.

“Until we get clarity on a strategy I would be very cautious about voting in support,” said Coates, vice president of Heritage’s Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy.

Ryan Walker, acting executive director of Heritage Action for America, the think tank’s grassroots arm, noted that Americans continue to struggle with rising consumer prices.

“Inflation remains high, families are struggling to make ends meet, and the credit rating for the United States was just downgraded,” Walker told The Daily Signal in a written statement. “Still, the Biden administration is demanding that American taxpayers spend billions more of their hard-earned money to blindly fund another international conflict without any clearly defined U.S. strategy, timeline, or oversight of aid.”

Walker added:

Before Congress can even consider the idea of additional aid, they must address the demands of the American people, which include public accounting of how previous funding has already been spent, a clearly articulated plan for American involvement and liability for their paychecks, impacts on the American military and its ability to confront adversaries, and assurances of further commitments from European partners.

Lastly, the American people do not want to see this aid jammed through with budget gimmicks. Instead, they want these minimum requirements met and any legislation to be considered on its own merits as standalone legislation and paid for without sending American families further into debt. Biden’s request falls flat on nearly all of these demands.

A majority of Republican and independent voters say they oppose additional U.S. aid for Ukraine, according to polling data released Saturday and first reported by The Daily Signal.

By a margin of 54% to 29%, Republicans say they don’t want Congress to provide funding and supply weapons to Ukraine. Among independents, opposition jumps to 56% and support is a mere 17%.

Scott Rasmussen conducted the national survey of 1,000 voters Aug. 2 and 3.

Overall, a plurality of American voters—43% to 38%—oppose more U.S. aid to Ukraine.

Voters are divided by party, with 59% percent of Democrats supporting congressional approval of more aid and 24% opposed, Rasmussen said.

The poll also surveyed voters on Biden’s handling of the Russia-Ukraine war. Americans expressed dissatisfaction with the commander-in-chief with just 31% of voters rating his performance good or excellent. An overwhelming 61% gave Biden either fair or poor marks.


  1. Haven't you been saying (many times) that Russia was on the verge of winning? How can the war continue after Russia wins?

  2. There is plenty of countries of Europe to continue conquest.

    Your Captain Obvious.

    That is Demn Propadanda Joe subcepted to believe in too -- that that is just a war against Ukraine, USA can freely (virtually) leave battle any time.
    That that is NOT continuation of Cold War, in which liliPut trying to snatch its revenge... for the "greatest geopolitical catastrophe"...

  3. The Ukrainian "Spring offensive" has taken the disputed territories back? Who knew? How can the war continue once Ukraine has its' country back?

    Future preictions. Wars. Hot. Cold. Hot. Cold. Hot. Cold.


  4. ps - Wasn't the "War to End All Wars" won in 1918?

  5. Qtard: That is Demn Propadanda Joe subcepted to believe in too...

    WTF? It is republiturd propaganda.

    President Joe Biden is a Democrat. "Demn propaganda" is working against what the USA's DEMOCRATIC president (and all congressional Democrats) are in favor of (helping Ukraine)?

    Though Qtard's counterfactual narrative is that it is republiturds who want to help Ukraine (they storm the White House to demand it) and it is Democrats who are opposed. Proof Qtard does not care about truth or facts. ONLY spinning a narrative (no matter how absurd) that everything is the fault of "Demns".

  6. \\The Ukrainian "Spring offensive" has taken the disputed territories back?

    "Spring offensive"??? With Abramses coming in autumn? ;-)

    Maybe... there somewhere where your USA "spring offensive"... err, D-day and Okinava... in 1941. ;-P

    You know... I know MUCH MORE about your USA army WW2... through your documantaries.

    While you know virtually nothing (I presume) about Eastern Front...

    \\WTF? It is republiturd propaganda.

    And CNN it's the media of republiturds? ;-P

    Oh, shuddup, will you??? Or you wanna make me to die... from laughing so much??? :-)))))))))))))))))

    \\President Joe Biden is a Democrat.

    Is it? ;-P

    \\"Demn propaganda" is working against what the USA's DEMOCRATIC president (and all congressional Democrats) are in favor of (helping Ukraine)?

    Idiots tend to shoot their own feet. Frequently.

    liliPut started a "swift and winning" war it cannot win.

    dRump riled up its followers to riot around Capitol.

    Bi-den... proposed to the president of sovereign state to flee...

    Miserly idiots, idiotic tricks. ;-P

    \\Proof Qtard does not care about truth or facts.

    "Proof" you can confirm with factual quotes? Naaaah. :-)))))))))))))))))

    \\ONLY spinning a narrative (no matter how absurd) that everything is the fault of "Demns".


    'Cause ONLY TRUE narrative... that everything is fault of dRump... fresh poop in Bi-den's pants EVEN.

    'Cause Bi-den... that prince... ss, do not poop. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  7. \\The Ukrainian "Spring offensive" has taken the disputed territories back? Who knew? How can the war continue once Ukraine has its' country back?

    Well... you are in a perfect (historical,strategical, what not?) trap of the side playing from defence.

    While it's IMPOSSIBLE to win sitting behind walls of castle.

    Attack is the best *DEFENSIVE* strategy.

    Thing you knew perfectly well in Cold War times...

    but, somehow forgot...

    and that is, intriguing and interesting to behold.

    That's it.

  8. Sorry, I'm a Cold War baby. I've "forgotten" nothing. That you and a few we-placed but delusional NeoCons allowed yourself to be drawn into a Hot War is NOT on me. Scoop Jackson's boys were always good anti-communists. But Russia isn't communist anymore.

  9. Only America has the "supply/ logistics train" necessary to maintain them. Their "unsustainable" in Ukraine.


  11. Qtard: And CNN it's the media of republiturds?

    Huh? Is that what Qtard is asserting? Qtard can Link to ANY CNN article in which pro-Putin/republiturd propaganda is being spread?

    Qtard: Oh, shuddup, will you??? Or you wanna make me to die... from laughing so much???

    I don't say things like -- "I don't care" or "Yawn" or "I don't give a damn shit". Those are Qtard quotes. Why the f*ck is Qtard laughing if it is so bored and not caring about what is being discussed? Qtard should shut up. Go away. Go to a doctor to find out why it breaks out in unexplained laughter constantly.

    Qtard: \\President Joe Biden is a Democrat\\Is it?

    What is "it"? I was talking about President Joe Biden -- who is a "he", not an "it". Qtard thinks Joe Biden isn't a Democrat? What does Qtard think Joe Biden is?

    Qtard: \\"Demn propaganda" is working against what the USA's DEMOCRATIC president (and all congressional Democrats) are in favor of (helping Ukraine)\\Idiots tend to shoot their own feet. Frequently.

    Democrats are voting to fund the self-defense of Ukraine even though that isn't what they want? They want Ukraine to surrender? We know that is what Qtard thinks. But Qtard is an idiot. Qtard shoots it's own feet frequently?

    Qtard: liliPut started a "swift and winning" war it cannot win.

    Not according to republiturds. Not according to Minus FJ.

    Qtard: dRump riled up its followers to riot around Capitol.

    He did. This is one of the indictments that Jack Smith will be disclosing soon.

    Qtard: Bi-den... proposed to the president of sovereign state to flee...

    Did not.

    Qtard: \\Proof Qtard does not care about truth or facts\\"Proof" you can confirm with factual quotes? Naaaah.

    Gave the quote. Qtard's assertion that republiturds were "storming the White House" to demand more aid for Ukraine. Asked (many times now) for a link to a news article confirming there was "storming". Proof Qtard has refused to provide. Qtard forgot it made this claim?

    Qtard: \\ONLY spinning a narrative (no matter how absurd) that everything is the fault of "Demns"\\Yeah. Cause ONLY TRUE narrative... that everything is fault of dRump... fresh poop in Bi-den's pants EVEN.

    Fresh poop in donald tRump's diaper is definitely the fault of donald tRump. Fresh poop in Joe Biden's pants doesn't exist. How can something that doesn't exist be anyone's fault?

    Qtard: 'Cause Bi-den... that prince... ss, do not poop.

    Of course not. But only because "prince Bi-den" doesn't exist. Joe Biden's title is "president".

    As per the US constitution, "Article I, Section 9, Clause 8: No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State".

  12. \\...China IS.

    Rush'A is a proxy of China -- what can be simpler?

    But, did you proclaimed Cold War on China? Or you waiting for some "Checkpoint Charly" incedent? (see, I KNOW your history)

    \\Qtard: And CNN it's the media of republiturds?

    \\Huh? Is that what Qtard is asserting?

    Is sentences with question marks "?" are assertions????

    Ah, grammar-boy??? :-))))))))))))))))))))

    Or, just regular idiot-hypocrite boy.

    \\Qtard can Link to ANY CNN article in which pro-Putin/republiturd propaganda is being spread?

    YOU gave that link.

    About "Ukranians asre NAZIS".

    And we agreed -- that is liliPut propaganda point.

    More then one though not able to hold inside your deficient brain?

    Is that the reason you are idiot? :-))))))))))))))))

    \\Why the f*ck is Qtard laughing if it is so bored and not caring about what is being discussed?

    Bored from lack of any logic... but excitedly entertained by sheer thrill of relentlesly shameless idiocy flying circus stunts... performed by flying pig Derpy. %)))))))))))))0

    What can be simpler?

    \\Qtard should shut up. Go away. Go to a doctor to find out why it breaks out in unexplained laughter constantly.

    Totalitarian wannabe trying to scream "go away". AGAIN.

    But it will be claming that it was just a "suggestions".

    Thought it knows damn well -- how close such "suggestions" are to briching Freedom of Speach...

    Those totalitarians wannabe... they cannot help it. To show their true colors.

    \\What is "it"? I was talking about President Joe Biden -- who is a "he", not an "it".

    Is it?

    \\What does Qtard think Joe Biden is?

    Well... some saying that liliPut... is a mushroom. ;-P

    \\Democrats are voting to fund the self-defense of Ukraine even though that isn't what they want?

    Ukraine do not need self-defence. It need protection from Nuclear Weapon.

    Protection... USA promiced in exchange for losing its Nukes.

    \\They want Ukraine to surrender?

    Does it mean surrender, when leader of a state taking refuge?

    Was it what Bi-den proposed to the leader of the state called Ukraine?

    Wasn't there countless "suggestions"... which propose to Ukraine to betray own people and to sign "peace treaty" with agressor?


  13. \\We know that is what Qtard thinks. But Qtard is an idiot. Qtard shoots it's own feet frequently?

    And??? We know it from some FACTUAL QUOTES???

    Or... that is again "we know it... from some wirlwinds in an idiotic hypocrite Derpy brain"?

    \\Not according to republiturds. Not according to Minus FJ.

    And, Quotes?

    \\He did. This is one of the indictments that Jack Smith will be disclosing soon.

    Aha... "to be continued..." as in that soap sitcoms. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Bi-den... proposed to the president of sovereign state to flee...

    \\Did not.


    What an idiotic lie. To an apparent FACT.

    Befitting such an idiot.


    \\Gave the quote. Qtard's assertion that republiturds were "storming the White House" to demand more aid for Ukraine.


    The Washington Post
    Republicans demand that U.S. send more aid to Ukraine after …
    More than two dozen Senate Republicans are demanding that President Biden do more to aid war-torn Ukraine and arm its forces against …

    The Washington Post…
    Republican senators push for faster spending of …
    Republican senators are urging the Biden administration to move more quickly to spend funds authorized to blunt the global toll of the war in Ukraine, singling out the delivery of U.S ...


    I was forced to use for that.

    Google... was SILENT on that issue. ;-P

    Guess, conclusions is apparent. But not for the demn-junky Derpy. Which happy to feed on Demn Propaganda.

    \\Fresh poop in donald tRump's diaper is definitely the fault of donald tRump.

    Links? Links? Links?

    \\Fresh poop in Joe Biden's pants doesn't exist. How can something that doesn't exist be anyone's fault?

    Because Bi-den is a prince... -ss, and they not poop? ;-P

  14. Qtard: \\Qtard can Link to ANY CNN article in which pro-Putin/republiturd propaganda is being spread?\\YOU gave that link\\About "Ukranians asre NAZIS".

    Lie. Never gave a CNN link that said "Ukranians asre NAZIS". Or "Ukrainians are NAZIS" (correct spelling). Story I linked to concerned the Azov Battalion.

    Qtard: And we agreed -- that is liliPut propaganda point.

    Did not agree. Disagreed.

    Qtard: More then one though not able to hold inside your deficient brain? Is that the reason you are idiot?


    Qtard: \\Why the f*ck is Qtard laughing if it is so bored and not caring about what is being discussed?\\Bored from lack of any logic... but excitedly entertained by sheer thrill of relentlesly shameless idiocy flying circus stunts... performed by flying pig Derpy.

    "Flying pig Derpy" exists only in Qtard's delusions.

    Qtard: \\Qtard should shut up. Go away. Go to a doctor to find out why it breaks out in unexplained laughter constantly\\Totalitarian wannabe trying to scream "go away". AGAIN. But it will be claming that it was just a "suggestions".

    Yes. Because it can't be anything else. Given that I have no power to make Qtard go away. Stop Qtard from screeching about being bored or not caring. Yet not going away on its own accord. Which I would think it would want to. Unless it is lying about being bored or not caring.

    Qtard: Thought it knows damn well -- how close such "suggestions" are to briching Freedom of Speach...

    Don't know. Because it isn't.

    Qtard: Those totalitarians wannabe... they cannot help it. To show their true colors.

    Helpful suggestion to go away has nothing to do with totalitarianism. Qtard thinks it does because it is an idiot.

    Qtard: \\What is "it"? I was talking about President Joe Biden -- who is a "he", not an "it"\\Is it?

    Qtard wants to check? See Joe Biden's junk? Maybe fondle it? To make sure it isn't fake?

    Qtard: \\What does Qtard think Joe Biden is?\\Well... some saying that liliPut... is a mushroom.


    Qtard: \\Democrats are voting to fund the self-defense of Ukraine even though that isn't what they want?\\Ukraine do not need self-defence.

    Ukrainians disagree.

    Qtard: It need protection from Nuclear Weapon. Protection... USA promiced in exchange for losing its Nukes.

    No ability to stop Putin from firing nukes. If he decides to do that. Only power to dissuade. Let him know consequences would be severe. Which USA and NATO allies have done.

    Qtard: ...surrender... Was it what Bi-den proposed to the leader of the state called Ukraine?

    Never proposed.

    Qtard: Wasn't there countless "suggestions"... which propose to Ukraine to betray own people and to sign "peace treaty" with agressor?

    Yes, there was. From rightturds. Minus FJ suggests it often.

    Qtard: \\We know that is what Qtard thinks. Democrats ... want Ukraine to surrender. We know that is what Qtard thinks\\We know it from some FACTUAL QUOTES??? Or... that is again "we know it... from some wirlwinds in an idiotic hypocrite Derpy brain"?

    So Qtard admits Democrats want Ukraine to win? Giving F-16s and Abrams tanks to help? Despite saying otherwise (many times) previously?

  15. Qtard: liliPut started a "swift and winning" war it cannot win\\Not according to republiturds. Not according to Minus FJ.\\And, Quotes?

    Qtard doesn't pay attention. Doesn't know (even though Minus FJ has said it many times) that he thinks Russia will defeat Ukraine? Not my problem. Qtard refuses to pay attention and refuses to go away. Proudly declares it doesn't know and doesn't want to know. Yet calls *me* an idiot. Will likely babble more about me being a "totalitarian" trying to take away its free "speach" rights.

    Just because I think Qtard burging in saying "I don't know what I'm talking about (and don't want to know) but you're wrong" is stooopid. Helpfully suggest Qtard go away to avoid further embarrassment/revealing of its idiocy.

    Qtard: \\He did. This is one of the indictments that Jack Smith will be disclosing soon\\Aha... "to be continued..." as in that soap sitcoms.

    Qtard will have to wait to see charges go *poof*. Or (if convicted) declare trial rigged and USA like Nazi Germany.

    Qtard: Bi-den... proposed to the president of sovereign state to flee...\\Did not\\**moronic laughter** What an idiotic lie. To an apparent FACT. Befitting such an idiot. Yawn.

    Truth. Befitting a smart person who pays attention.

    Qtard: \\Gave the quote. Qtard's assertion that republiturds were "storming the White House" to demand more aid for Ukraine\\ Here. But. I was forced to use for that. Google... was SILENT on that issue.

    Minus FJ would call these republicans "deep state uniparty RINO neo-cons". "Real" republicans (aka trumper republiturds) are AGAINST funding Ukraine aid. "Storming" to demand cutting aid to zero.

    Qtard: Guess, conclusions is apparent. But not for the demn-junky Derpy. Which happy to feed on Demn Propaganda.

    republiturd-junky Qtard is happy to feed on republiturd propaganda.

    Qtard: \\Fresh poop in donald tRump's diaper is definitely the fault of donald tRump\\Links? Links? Links?

    Qtard gave no links when he accused Joe Biden of pooping in his pants. WHY should I give links?

    Qtard: \\Fresh poop in Joe Biden's pants doesn't exist. How can something that doesn't exist be anyone's fault?\\Because Bi-den is a prince... -ss, and they not poop?

    Baby prince might poop in its pants. Or incontinent child or adult prince. But this is irrelative, given that Joe Biden isn't a prince. Also not a baby or incontinent.

  16. \\Lie. Never gave a CNN link that said "Ukranians asre NAZIS". Or "Ukrainians are NAZIS" (correct spelling). Story I linked to concerned the Azov Battalion.

    That is... the same.

    LiliPut's propaganda EASILY inflates "some of Ukrainians are nazis" INTO "ALL Ukrainians are nazis"...

    As well as any other.

    \\Qtard: And we agreed -- that is liliPut propaganda point.

    \\Did not agree. Disagreed.

    Protecting liliPut? ;-P

    \\Qtard: More then one though not able to hold inside your deficient brain? Is that the reason you are idiot?


    I deem it as "Yes!". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\"Flying pig Derpy" exists only in Qtard's delusions.


    And that "delusions" exist in a form of FACTUAL comments of certain someone commenter who was calling itself "honorary judge"... but after being pointed to it, changed it's nickname. ;-P

    Strange "delusions", indeed. NOT. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Yes. Because it can't be anything else. Given that I have no power to make Qtard go away. Stop Qtard from screeching about being bored or not caring. Yet not going away on its own accord. Which I would think it would want to. Unless it is lying about being bored or not caring.

    Idiot's try to think? ;-P

    Priceless, just priceless. :-))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Thought it knows damn well -- how close such "suggestions" are to briching Freedom of Speach...

    \\Don't know. Because it isn't.

    I like watching liar struggling in a tenets of own lies.;-P

    \\Qtard: Those totalitarians wannabe... they cannot help it. To show their true colors.

    \\Helpful suggestion to go away has nothing to do with totalitarianism. Qtard thinks it does because it is an idiot.

    Aha... the same as beating people with rubber sticks that is just helpful scratching them to relive from itch?


    Perfectly what totalitarian could devise to say... to cover its nastiness.

    \\Qtard: \\Democrats are voting to fund the self-defense of Ukraine even though that isn't what they want?\\Ukraine do not need self-defence.

    \\Ukrainians disagree.

    And you know it... from what sources exactly???

    That Ukrainians DO NOT want to win... and only want to "self-defend"????

    With losing lifes, territories, economical resources.

    \\Qtard: It need protection from Nuclear Weapon. Protection... USA promiced in exchange for losing its Nukes.

    \\No ability to stop Putin from firing nukes.

    And? When? And why? USA LOST that ability???

    In time of Cold War it was present. Where did it disappeard???

    \\Let him know consequences would be severe. Which USA and NATO allies have done.


    That's why Rush'A's plains has cought in airspace of NATO countries frequently?


  17. \\Qtard: ...surrender... Was it what Bi-den proposed to the leader of the state called Ukraine?

    \\Never proposed.

    Fleeing of the leader of state -- do not mean surrender? Who knew... :-))))))))

    \\Qtard: Wasn't there countless "suggestions"... which propose to Ukraine to betray own people and to sign "peace treaty" with agressor?

    \\Yes, there was. From rightturds. Minus FJ suggests it often.

    Well... do they pose themself as "helpers of Ukrainians"?

    \\So Qtard admits Democrats want Ukraine to win?

    It's impossible to know what people want... only what they DO.

    \\Giving F-16s and Abrams tanks to help?

    And??? Where that F-16s and Abramses?

    Poland... for example, ALREADY have em. Even though they have NO dare need of it.

    Means... any "problems we need to sort out" -- is a DEMN lie.

    \\Qtard doesn't pay attention. Doesn't know (even though Minus FJ has said it many times) that he thinks Russia will defeat Ukraine? Not my problem. Qtard refuses to pay attention and refuses to go away. Proudly declares it doesn't know and doesn't want to know. Yet calls *me* an idiot. Will likely babble more about me being a "totalitarian" trying to take away its free "speach" rights.

    \\Just because I think Qtard burging in saying "I don't know what I'm talking about (and don't want to know) but you're wrong" is stooopid. Helpfully suggest Qtard go away to avoid further embarrassment/revealing of its idiocy.



    \\Qtard: Bi-den... proposed to the president of sovereign state to flee...\\Did not\\**moronic laughter** What an idiotic lie. To an apparent FACT. Befitting such an idiot. Yawn.

    \\Truth. Befitting a smart person who pays attention.


    Lying hypocrite. Idiot which thinks it "smart". To babble such an apparent lies. To repeat after propaganda. And etc, and etc, and etc... :-))))))))))))))

    \\Minus FJ would call these republicans "deep state uniparty RINO neo-cons". "Real" republicans (aka trumper republiturds) are AGAINST funding Ukraine aid. "Storming" to demand cutting aid to zero.


    that's your inner political brawls.

    \\Qtard: \\Fresh poop in donald tRump's diaper is definitely the fault of donald tRump\\Links? Links? Links?

    \\Qtard gave no links when he accused Joe Biden of pooping in his pants. WHY should I give links?

    You... was not hesitating talking about "Fresh poop in donald tRump's diaper". ;-P

    \\Baby prince might poop in its pants. Or incontinent child or adult prince. But this is irrelative, given that Joe Biden isn't a prince. Also not a baby or incontinent.

    Neve heard about "princesses don't poop"? :-))))))))))))))))

  18. Qtard: \\Lie. Never gave a CNN link that said ... "Ukrainians are NAZIS" ... Story I linked to concerned the Azov Battalion\\That is... the same.


    Qtard: LiliPut's propaganda EASILY inflates "some of Ukrainians are nazis" INTO "ALL Ukrainians are nazis"...

    Inflates? You mean conflates? No. Invasion (said Putin) was to free Ukranian people from Nazi rule. Or the Russian-speaking ones, at least. They were being murdered (said Putin). Obviously (as per Putin's narrative) not ALL Ukrainians are Nazis. No Ukrainian non-Nazis to "liberate" if this was Putin's narrative.

    Qtard: \\Qtard: And we agreed -- that is liliPut propaganda point\\Did not agree. Disagreed\\Protecting liliPut?

    Refuting Putin's lies -- not with more lies, but with the truth. Ukraine government not filled with Nazis. Ukraine military not filled with Nazis. Some self-identifying Nazis in Azov battalion. There are probably more self identifying Nazis in Russia.

    Qtard: More then one though not able to hold inside your deficient brain? Is that the reason you are idiot?\\Gibberish\\I deem it as "Yes!". **moronic laughter**

    Yes, Qtard wrote gibberish? Surprising confession.

    Qtard: \\"Flying pig Derpy" exists only in Qtard's delusions\\...that "delusions" exist in a form of FACTUAL comments of certain someone ... who was calling itself "honorary judge"... but after being pointed to it, changed it's nickname.

    Never used the "nickname" "honorary judge". Qtard used the nickname "Q". But after being pointed to it, changed its nickname. Most likely due to embarrassment over being outed as a Trekkie.

    Qtard: FACTUAL comments of certain someone...

    I *DO* make factual comments. Thank you for admitting that. Qtard makes non-factual comments. Will it admit that too? Then we'd be getting somewhere.

    Qtard: Strange "delusions", indeed. NOT.

    Not strange that a deluded idiot denies delusions. At all.

    Qtard: \\...I have no power to make Qtard go away. Stop Qtard from screeching about being bored or not caring. ...\\Idiot's try to think? Priceless, just priceless.

    Qtard's tries to think end in failure. Almost every time.

    Qtard: Thought it knows damn well -- how close such "suggestions" are to briching Freedom of Speach...\\Don't know. Because it isn't\\I like watching liar struggling in a tenets of own lies.

    Truth teller continuing to tell the truth (Me). No "struggling" required. Qtard struggles to maintain its false narrative. When it hasn't been prevented from speaking. Though Minus FJ could (if he wanted) delete Qtard's comments. Qtard would scream out its free "speach" rights being infringed on then? Report Minus FJ to the police?

    Qtard: Those totalitarians wannabe... they cannot help it. To show their true colors\\Helpful suggestion to go away has nothing to do with totalitarianism\\...the same as beating people with rubber sticks that is just helpful scratching them to relive from itch?

    No. Like Qtard saying it is itchy and me suggesting Qtard itch itself.

    Qtard: Perfectly what totalitarian could devise to say... to cover its nastiness.

    No "nastiness" to cover. Helpfulness.

    Qtard: Ukraine do not need self-defence\\Ukrainians disagree\\And you know it... from what sources exactly???

    Zelensky Thanks U.S. In Speech To Congress. The Ukrainian president thanked the United States for sending artillery...

  19. Qtard: That Ukrainians DO NOT want to win... and only want to "self-defend"???? With losing lifes, territories, economical resources.

    Self-defending is winning. Lives, territories and resources already lost.

    Qtard: It need protection from Nuclear Weapon. Protection... USA promiced in exchange for losing its Nukes\\No ability to stop Putin from firing nukes\\And? When? And why? USA LOST that ability???

    As soon as Russia acquired nuclear weapons.

    Qtard: In time of Cold War it was present. Where did it disappeard???

    Something that was never present can't disappear.

    Qtard: \\Let him know consequences would be severe. Which USA and NATO allies have done\\Yeah??? That's why Rush'A's plains has cought in airspace of NATO countries frequently?

    Impossible. A plain is "a large area of flat land with few trees". Russian plains can't be in any airspace. Only in Russia on the ground. Because a "plain" is the ground. The ground can't fly.

    If you mean Russian PLANES, then (when that happens), the country whose airspace is invaded send up their own planes. Force Russian planes to retreat.

    Qtard: ...surrender... Was it what Bi-den proposed to the leader of the state called Ukraine?\\Never proposed\\Fleeing of the leader of state -- do not mean surrender? Who knew..

    President Biden never proposed that Zelensky flee. US said it would help if that is what Zelensky decided to do. It was Zelensky's decision. Zelensky said he would not flee so Joe Biden said USA will help. President Biden had no authority to demand Zelensky stay and fight.

    Qtard: Wasn't there countless "suggestions"... which propose to Ukraine to betray own people and to sign "peace treaty" with agressor?\\Yes, there was. From rightturds. Minus FJ suggests it often\\Well... do they pose themself as "helpers of Ukrainians"?

    Helpers of Putin.

    Qtard: \\So Qtard admits Democrats want Ukraine to win?\\It's impossible to know what people want... only what they DO.

    OK then. Democrats helping Ukraine to win. But Qtard will continue criticizing. Say helpers are "posing as helpers". Also defending those who say USA should not help. Does Qtard want

    Ukraine to receive help? Seems to me like it does not. Wants ALL help withdrawn so Ukraine has no choice but to surrender.

    Qtard: Giving F-16s and Abrams tanks to help?

    Yes. That makes Qtard angry?

    Qtard: And??? Where that F-16s and Abramses?

    Being delivered. During the George W bush's war in Iraq soldiers didn't get the armor they needed. As per (at the time) secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld, "You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time". US soldiers died due to this lack of armor. Qtard thinks US government should be expected to act faster for Ukrainian soldiers than it did for US soldiers?

    Qtard: Poland... for example, ALREADY have em. Even though they have NO dare need of it. Means... any "problems we need to sort out" -- is a DEMN lie.

    Poland ordered (and paid for) tanks from USA. USA is delivering promised tanks. That deal worked out. Deal for Ukraine to get tanks in process. What is the lie? Tanks for Poland deal should have been cancelled? Send the tanks to Ukraine instead? Logistics still would have to be worked out. Who says this would be faster way to get tanks to Ukraine? Qtard knows? What's Qtard's proof?

  20. Qtard: \\...Qtard burging in saying "I don't know what I'm talking about (and don't want to know) but you're wrong" is stooopid. Helpfully suggest Qtard go away to avoid further embarrassment/revealing of its idiocy.\\Gibberish. Yawn.

    Qtard is confused again. Yawn.

    Qtard: \\Qtard: Bi-den... proposed to the president of sovereign state to flee...\\Did not\\**moronic laughter** What an idiotic lie. ... Yawn\\Truth. Befitting a smart person who pays attention\\Lying hypocrite. Idiot which thinks it "smart". To babble such an apparent lies. To repeat after propaganda. And etc...

    Qtard babbles obvious lies. Repeats rightturd propaganda. Like "republicans storming White House demanding more aid for Ukraine"... while (at the same time) NOT offering Ukraine help for self defense (how it excused Minus FJ saying he doesn't give a f*ck about Ukraine).

    Qtard: \\Minus FJ would call these republicans "deep state uniparty RINO neo-cons". "Real" republicans (aka trumper republiturds) are AGAINST funding Ukraine aid. "Storming" to demand cutting aid to zero\\Whatever... that's your inner political brawls.

    Important distinction. Ignored by Qtard because it doesn't serve its false narrative.

    Qtard: \\Fresh poop in donald tRump's diaper is definitely the fault of donald tRump\\Links? ...\\Qtard gave no links when he accused Joe Biden of pooping in his pants. WHY should I give links?\\You... was not hesitating talking about "Fresh poop in donald tRump's diaper".

    YOU were not hesitating in talking about false rightturd accusation that Joe Biden is inconvenient. Poops his pants. When people who have worked with donald tRump have confirmed that he poops his diapers.

    Noel Casler: I've seen Trump snort Adderall, sh*t himself..." link.

    Qtard: \\...Joe Biden isn't a prince. Also not a baby or incontinent\\Never heard about "princesses don't poop"?

    Joe Biden isn't a princess.

  21. \\Qtard: \\Lie. Never gave a CNN link that said ... "Ukrainians are NAZIS" ... Story I linked to concerned the Azov Battalion\\That is... the same.


    Not in the eyes of idiots like you.

    Demn-junkies, I saw enough time, that was repeating that liliPut's lie that Ukrainins are nazis and need to be denazified... because they read it in Demn media, lik that CNN article Derpy gave.


    \\Some self-identifying Nazis in Azov battalion.

    Witnessed by some biasded reporter, which DID NOT provided RAW data that it true, and we need belive to its words.

    But I, I am not Demn-junky to belive "somebody-somebody who saying something-something", especially if it some biased Demn reporter...

    \\Qtard: More then one though not able to hold inside your deficient brain? Is that the reason you are idiot?\\Gibberish\\I deem it as "Yes!". **moronic laughter**

    \\Yes, Qtard wrote gibberish? Surprising confession.



    But that is... Derpy, which said "Gibberish" here.

    What a moron.

    \\Never used the "nickname" "honorary judge".

    Googled "site:* distinguished judge "dervish sanders""

    Atavism and the Evolution of Social Relations... - Farmers Letters › 2015/08 › atavis...
    The Honorable, Esteemed And Distinguished Judge Dervish Sanders (A High IQ Individual) · The Mega MAGA Times · Thersites Corner.

    Zizek's 'Against' National Autarchy, Yet "Non-Prescriptive" › 2017/09 › zizeks-...
    The Honorable, Esteemed And Distinguished Judge Dervish Sanders (A High IQ Individual) · The Mega MAGA Times · Thersites Corner.


    Very big difference. "Honorary" and "honorable".

    \\Qtard: FACTUAL comments of certain someone...

    \\I *DO* make factual comments.

    No. ;-P

    You FACTUALLY DID... that moronic basdeless delusional comments... which anybody can witness being FACT.


    \\Qtard: Strange "delusions", indeed. NOT.

    \\Not strange that a deluded idiot denies delusions. At all.

    Gibberish, as it is. :-))))))))))))))

    Idiotic inability to grasp context. Indeed. ;-P

    Or... did you meaned to admit being "deluded idiot" here?

    Well, anyway... gibberish. Inability to grasp context.

    \\Qtard's tries to think end in failure. Almost every time.


    Like idiot Derpy can judge, anything like that. :-))))))))))))

    \\Truth teller continuing to tell the truth (Me).

    What it believes to be truth? ;-P

    \\Qtard struggles to maintain its false narrative.


    That there is that "bl_ack magic" called Logic of Aristotle.

    Which revered as method to come to truthful conclusions by smart people for over 2000 years already.

    But... Wisest of the Wise Derpy... in its Unmesurable Wizdom... calls it "false narrative".


    \\No "nastiness" to cover. Helpfulness.

    Denm-Junky NewSpeak?

    \\Zelensky Thanks U.S. In Speech To Congress. The Ukrainian president thanked the United States for sending artillery...

    "but calls for more"... in Derpy's own links. ;-P

    \\Qtard: That Ukrainians DO NOT want to win... and only want to "self-defend"???? With losing lifes, territories, economical resources.

    \\Self-defending is winning. Lives, territories and resources already lost.



    \\Qtard: It need protection from Nuclear Weapon. Protection... USA promiced in exchange for losing its Nukes\\No ability to stop Putin from firing nukes\\And? When? And why? USA LOST that ability???

    \\As soon as Russia acquired nuclear weapons.



    It "acquired nuclear weapons" in the beginning of Cold War. Cold War happened because it "acquired nuclear weapons".


  22. \\Something that was never present can't disappear.


    Operation "Chrome Dome" that's Repoubliturds Propaganda??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))

    Korean and Vietnam Wars NEVER happaned???



    \\President Biden never proposed that Zelensky flee. US said it would help if that is what Zelensky decided


    Then dRump never proposed Ukraine to give compromat on Biden too. ;-P

    \\President Biden had no authority to demand Zelensky stay and fight.

    And even LESS authority to "suggest" to flee.

    \\Helpers of Putin.

    Like 0-bama or Bi-den??? ;-P

    \\OK then. Democrats helping Ukraine to win. But Qtard will continue criticizing.

    It... depends...

    \\Qtard: And??? Where that F-16s and Abramses?

    \\Being delivered.

    I maybe a foreigner. But even I know that "delivered" it a past tense. Means, it ALREADY HAPPANED.

    Which is NOT.

    Apparent demn-junky Derpy's lie. ;-P

    \\Qtard thinks US government should be expected to act faster for Ukrainian soldiers than it did for US soldiers?

    Was it YEAR and a HALF????

    To give ANY???

    \\Poland ordered (and paid for) tanks from USA.

    HALF of price.

    And to Ukraine your signed to send it via Land-Lease. MORE THEN a YEAR ago!

    Means -- hyporitical Demn LIEs... it all.

    \\Deal for Ukraine to get tanks in process. What is the lie?

    More then YEAR from Land-Lease signed.

    And more then HALF YEAR since ACTUAL delivering of modern Western armors started.

    Are USA army and government MORE incompetent than Germany and Britain???

    Or more lacking in resources and capabilities?


    Just MORE demn-hyporitical.

    Claiming they "help", while doing ALL to grag off and stagger. To help liliPut.

    \\Logistics still would have to be worked out. Who says this would be faster way to get tanks to Ukraine? Qtard knows? What's Qtard's proof?


    (opening map of the World)

    Poland, Poland, Poland? Oh, here Poland -- way-way far-away from USA -- over ocean and seas.

    And where's Ukraine???

    Oh, just ACROSS the border of Poland.

    Means, to deliver tanks to Ukraine it's like 100-200+ miles.

    In addition to 2000 miles of delivery to Poland.


    BIG LOGISTIC ISSUE!!! Fer SURE. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    In an idiot demn-junky mind, who knws NO FACTS and only listen to and believe liske that is holy scripture into Demn Propaganda.

    \\Qtard is confused again. Yawn.

    YET ONE words idiot dunno what it mean.


    EVEN, after dictionary article was provided to it.

    \\Important distinction. Ignored by Qtard because it doesn't serve its false narrative.


    I don't care.

    And because of it don't see it as "important distinction".


    Importance -- conditional uppon personal attitude.

    And... why it could or should be important... your inner political brawls... for a foreigner???

    Simple and self-evidant.

    But... not for idiots. :-))))))))))))))))))

    \\Joe Biden isn't a princess.

    Wise observation. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

  23. No Derpy's ravings? ;-P

  24. Qtard: \\Lie. Story I linked to concerned the Azov Battalion\\That is... the same\\Not\\Not in the eyes of idiots like you.

    In the eyes of smart people like me.

    Qtard: Demn-junkies, I saw enough time, that was repeating that liliPut's lie that Ukrainins are nazis and need to be denazified... because they read it in Demn media, lik that CNN article Derpy gave.

    Qtard never saw. Was a delusion. Because Democrats never repeated that lie. Refuted it. Like I have here. Many times. CNN article "Derpy gave" concerned the Azov battalion.

    Qtard: Period.

    Not. Period.

    Qtard: \\Some self-identifying Nazis in Azov battalion\\Witnessed by some biasded reporter, which DID NOT provided RAW data that it true, and we need belive to its words.

    Unbiased reporter gathering facts for story. Reporting story accurately without bias.

    Qtard: But I, I am not Demn-junky to belive "somebody-somebody who saying something-something", especially if it some biased Demn reporter.

    Qtard is rightturd-junky. Political affiliation of reporter not given in article. Qtard imagines it was a "biased" "Demn reporter" with no proof. Only because the reporter gave facts Qtard doesn't like.

    Qtard: More then one though not able to hold inside your deficient brain? Is that the reason you are idiot?\\Gibberish\\I deem it as "Yes!". **moronic laughter**\\Yes, Qtard wrote gibberish? Surprising confession\\Ctrl-Fing. **moronic laugher** But that is... Derpy, which said "Gibberish" here.

    Didn't. Qtard said it. Is Qtard's favorite "escape". Using it more and more frequently.

    Qtard: What a moron.

    Qtard admits being a moron? Agreed.

    Qtard: \\Never used the "nickname" "honorary judge"\\Very big difference. "Honorary" and "honorable".

    Huge difference. "Honorable" and "Honorary" are different words with different meanings. Look them up. I know the difference. Why I denied ever calling myself "honorary". Never did. Does not mean the same as "honorable".

    Qtard: FACTUAL comments of certain someone...\\I *DO* make factual comments\\ No.


    Qtard: You FACTUALLY DID... that moronic basdeless delusional comments... which anybody can witness being FACT. **moronic laugher**

    NOBODY but Qtard "can witness as being fact". Because only "fact" in Qtard's delusions.

    Qtard: \\Not strange that a deluded idiot denies delusions. At all\\Gibberish, as it is. **moronic laugher**


    Qtard: Idiotic inability to grasp context. Indeed.

    Like "believe" in religious context versus "believe" in fact/evidence based context? Agreed. Qtard is unable to grasp the distinction.

    Qtard: Or... did you meaned to admit being "deluded idiot" here?

    No. I never will be "admitting" any Qtard delusion.

    Qtard: Well, anyway... gibberish. Inability to grasp context.

    Like inability to grasp use of concept of "race" as a social construct in different contexts? ONLY context is that of racists' belief that the White race is better than other races? Calling me a racist even though I categorically REJECT the idea that any race is superior. Don't care about being compared with a Chinese person.

    Qtard: \\Qtard's tries to think end in failure. Almost every time\\**moronic laughter** Like idiot Derpy can judge, anything like that. **moronic laughter**

    Of course I can judge. I am an honorable judge. Though NOT an honorary judge.

    Qtard: \\Truth teller continuing to tell the truth (Me)\\ What it believes to be truth?

    Belief based on evidence and facts.

  25. Qtard: \\Qtard struggles to maintain its false narrative\\Yap. That there is that "bl_ack magic" called Logic of Aristotle.

    No. I never said logic of Aristotle is "black magic". Qtard doesn't use logic of Aristotle. Google says "The aim of logic is the elaboration of a coherent system that allows us to investigate, classify, and evaluate good and bad forms of reasoning". Qtard's reasoning is bad. Proven by its use of fallacious arguments. Ad hominem and others I have called Qtard out for.

    Qtard: Which revered as method to come to truthful conclusions by smart people for over 2000 years already. But... Wisest of the Wise Derpy... in its Unmesurable Wizdom... calls it "false narrative" **moronic laughter**

    No. Never called Aristotelian logic "black magic". Never said it is a "false narrative".

    Qtard: \\No "nastiness" to cover. Helpfulness\\Denm-Junky NewSpeak?

    No. I don't use NewSpeak.

    Qtard: \\Zelensky Thanks U.S. In Speech To Congress. The Ukrainian president thanked the United States for sending artillery\\"but calls for more"... in Derpy's own links.

    So? More given. More to be given.

    Qtard: That Ukrainians DO NOT want to win... and only want to "self-defend"???? With losing lifes, territories, economical resources\\Self-defending is winning. Lives, territories and resources already lost\\I-D-I-O-T. Yawn.

    Didn't happen? Then what the f*ck is Qtard complaining about? What are you trying to blame Democrats for?

    Qtard: It need protection from Nuclear Weapon. Protection... USA promiced in exchange for losing its Nukes\\No ability to stop Putin from firing nukes\\And? When? And why? USA LOST that ability???\\As soon as Russia acquired nuclear weapons. I-D-I-O-T. Yawn.

    Only way to stop using (FOR SURE) is to prevent from having. Duh.

    Qtard: It "acquired nuclear weapons" in the beginning of Cold War. Cold War happened because it "acquired nuclear weapons".

    OK. Qtard's point? Or just being "Captain Obvious"?

    Qtard: \\Something that was never present can't disappear\\Yap. Operation "Chrome Dome" that's Repoubliturds Propaganda???

    Dumb "deterrent" that risked nuclear armageddon via accident. Why it was ended. Though there were many close calls before ending.

    Qtard: Korean and Vietnam Wars NEVER happaned???

    As far as I know they did. Qtard thinks they were faked? "Demn propaganda"?

    Qtard: I-D-I-O-T.

    Qtard's signature.

    Qtard: \\President Biden never proposed that Zelensky flee. US said it would help if that is what Zelensky decided\\Yep. Then dRump never proposed Ukraine to give compromat on Biden too.

    No, of course not. Because something that doesn't exist can't be given. Unless it is faked. donald tRump wanted Zellensky to announce an investigation.

    Qtard: \\President Biden had no authority to demand Zelensky stay and fight\\And even LESS authority to "suggest" to flee.

    Never suggested.

  26. Qtard: \\Helpers of Putin\\Like 0-bama or Bi-den??? ;-P

    Obama and Biden are helpers of Ukraine. Ask Zellinsky. He wouldn't say Biden is helping Putin. I was referring to republiturds. Putin puppet donald tRump.

    Qtard: \\OK then. Democrats helping Ukraine to win. But Qtard will continue criticizing\\It... depends...

    On Qtard being alive? Can't criticize if dead? Qtard will continue criticizing as long as it lives.

    Qtard: And??? Where that F-16s and Abramses?\\Being delivered\\I maybe a foreigner. But even I know that "delivered" it a past tense. Means, it ALREADY HAPPANED.

    Being. Means "in process".

    Qtard: Which is NOT. Apparent demn-junky Derpy's lie.

    Linked to news stories saying Biden Administration approved both. I didn't lie about these news stories. Lie would be that tanks and planes AREN'T approved. Will NOT be sent.

    Qtard: \\Qtard thinks US government should be expected to act faster for Ukrainian soldiers than it did for US soldiers?\\ Was it YEAR and a HALF???? To give ANY???

    Dunno. PolitiFact says "bulletproof vests [were ordered] for every soldier. But it took 167 days to start getting those vests to soldiers due to production and paperwork delays. Some soldiers waited months more".

    Qtard: \\Poland ordered (and paid for) tanks from USA\\HALF of price. And to Ukraine your signed to send it via Land-Lease. MORE THEN a YEAR ago!

    Didn't. There was no land leased to Ukraine. LEND-lease.

    Qtard: Means -- hyporitical Demn LIEs... it all.

    Taking too much time to deliver on promises isn't "lies". Government bureaucracy.

    Qtard: \\Deal for Ukraine to get tanks in process. What is the lie?\\More then YEAR from Land-Lease signed. And more then HALF YEAR since ACTUAL delivering of modern Western armors started. Are USA army and government MORE incompetent than Germany and Britain???

    Dunno. It's MY responsibility to account for time it takes USA to deliver tanks and planes as promised? Maybe because it's logistically complicated? I am not in the military or the government.

    Qtard: Or more lacking in resources and capabilities?

    Could be. Biden did say they are running low on ammo.

    Qtard: Naaah. Just MORE demn-hyporitical. Claiming they "help", while doing ALL to grag off and stagger. To help liliPut.

    Bullshit. Would not help at all if that was the case. Agree with republiturds like Minus FJ that this isn't the USA's problem and USA should do nothing. Except maybe broker "peace" between USA and Ukraine (by urging Ukraine to surrender).

  27. Qtard: \\Logistics still would have to be worked out. Who says this would be faster way to get tanks to Ukraine? Qtard knows? What's Qtard's proof?\\Easy-Peasy. (opening map of the World) **blah, blah, blah** Means, to deliver tanks to Ukraine it's like 100-200+ miles. In addition to 2000 miles of delivery to Poland. YAP. BIG LOGISTIC ISSUE!!! Fer SURE.

    Poland doesn't want tanks it ordered and paid for? Poland can give them to Ukraine. Nothing stopping it.

    Qtard: \\Important distinction. Ignored by Qtard because it doesn't serve its false narrative\\Whatever. I don't care. And because of it don't see it as "important distinction". Yawn. Importance -- conditional uppon personal attitude.

    Qtard deploys its "I don't care" dodge/escape. Because ignoring this important distinction (and it *is* one) is vital to Qtard's false narrative.

    Qtard: And... why it could or should be important... your inner political brawls... for a foreigner???

    Because YOU decided to comment here. Because YOU made the argument that republicans are "storming" the White House to demand more aid to Ukraine. Now YOU think you can wave away my argument about it being (what Minus calls) "Deep state" republicans who are onboard with the aid while trump-republiturds are against it? Just because you don't care?

    Well, I don't care about Qtard being a foreigner. Why it could or should be important -- Qtard being a foreigner -- to me, a USA citizen??? Especially given that the topic of discussion here is USA politics? Including what Qtard calls "your inner political brawls"? Qtard doesn't want to talk about that? Then go away. Nobody is forcing Qtard to comment here. Involve himself in discussions here.

    Qtard: Simple and self-evidant. But... not for idiots **moronic laughter**

    That you'd go away if you have no interest in "inner political brawls"? Agreed.

    Qtard: \\Joe Biden isn't a princess. Wise observation. **moronic laughter**

    Qtard admits his comment about princess not pooping has nothing to do with the conversation? Why did Qtard bring it up then? Because... it is an idiot?

  28. \\Qtard: \\Lie. Story I linked to concerned the Azov Battalion\\That is... the same\\Not\\Not in the eyes of idiots like you.

    \\In the eyes of smart people like me.

    Thank you for confirmation. That you are idiot. ;-P

    And proud of it.

    \\Qtard never saw. Was a delusion. Because Democrats never repeated that lie. Refuted it. Like I have here. Many times. CNN article "Derpy gave" concerned the Azov battalion.

    Then... it would not be hard for you, to give quote. One of that "many". ;-P

    \\Qtard: Period.

    \\Not. Period.

    Yap. Idiot who proud of it... and want to achive NEXT score point. Of being imbecile.

    You are. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Unbiased reporter gathering facts for story. Reporting story accurately without bias.

    Bull Shit.

    \\Qtard is rightturd-junky. Political affiliation of reporter not given in article. Qtard imagines it was a "biased" "Demn reporter" with no proof. Only because the reporter gave facts Qtard doesn't like.


    I know that facts that reporter tryed to mangle.

    AND. I know as fact -- react of demn-junky of USA.

    And they DO talk with that lying words from CNN.

    What ELSE??? What MORE proofs I need?

    Especialy from YET ONE demn-junky which DO NOT know and DO NOT care about knowing ANY facts.

    And just repeats AFTER Propaganda? EVEN without checking -- from what ars hole it comes???

    \\Didn't. Qtard said it. Is Qtard's favorite "escape". Using it more and more frequently.

    THIS EXACTLY thread of comments... started with Derpy at FIRST writing "gibberish", then claiming that it was written by opponent, me.

    Which is Objective Truth. Open and Obvious, and easy to double-check for anyone... except total idiots, who cannot grasp how to use Ctrl-F EVEN... and trying to be stubborn with repeating such an EASILY and OBVIOUSLY revealed LIES. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00

    \\Qtard: What a moron.

    \\Qtard admits being a moron? Agreed.

    YET ONE time Derpy the IDIOT showing what a stooopid and lying scumbag IT is. With cutting out of context quotes, and trying to use am against much smarter opponent.

    Miserly idiot, pig tricks. ;-P

    \\Huge difference. "Honorable" and "Honorary" are different words with different meanings. Look them up. I know the difference. Why I denied ever calling myself "honorary". Never did. Does not mean the same as "honorable".

    Thank you for pointing me -- a foreigner. To that difference. ;-P

    \\Qtard: FACTUAL comments of certain someone...\\I *DO* make factual comments\\ No.


    Thank you for agreeing with my "no" here. ;-P


  29. \\Like "believe" in religious context versus "believe" in fact/evidence based context? Agreed. Qtard is unable to grasp the distinction.

    And where is difference???

    Christian saying "Jesus said it".

    Demn-junky Derpy saying "Locke said it".

    And Jesus, and Locke has died long ago. And CANNOT state opinion about any new events.

    But for Religious Bonker it poses NO problem. AT ALL.

    Thjerefore BOTH are Religious Bonkers here. Who "believe in facts".

    Just from different sources. Christian from Bible. Demn-Junky from Demn Propaganda.

    But that is not important for this case distinction. ;-P

    \\Like inability to grasp use of concept of "race" as a social construct in different contexts? ONLY context is


    "Race". As a "social construct", exist in a mind of racists.

    And Derpy here, just confirmed, YET ONE time. That Derpy the Racist is the Idiot TOO. ;-P

    \\Calling me a racist even though I categorically REJECT the idea that any race is superior.


    You just admittted. And used that racists termin "race".

    Even though, it said it... itself. That there is ABSOLUTELY no rational, scientifical or any other reason (except to base Racism on that idea) -- to separate people into different "races".

    \\Of course I can judge. I am an honorable judge. Though NOT an honorary judge.

    Derpy the Idiot just admitting impostering judge.

    But... it will start opposing it. And will be spreading false and filth.

    Scraming "I NEVER HAVE SAID IT!!!", from now on.

    As it was about many other its nasty claims. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    What an idiot. And lying scumbag.

    \\Qtard: And??? Where that F-16s and Abramses?\\Being delivered\\I maybe a foreigner. But even I know that "delivered" it a past tense. Means, it ALREADY HAPPANED.

    \\Being. Means "in process".



    Means it all hypocritical LIES.

    \\Qtard: Which is NOT. Apparent demn-junky Derpy's lie.

    \\Linked to news stories saying Biden Administration approved both. I didn't lie about these news stories. Lie would be that tanks and planes AREN'T approved. Will NOT be sent.


    You just repeating hypocritical lies of your Holy Bi-den. ;-P

    Like any faithful demn-junky.

    That is, factually correct.

    \\Qtard: \\Qtard thinks US government should be expected to act faster for Ukrainian soldiers than it did for US soldiers?\\ Was it YEAR and a HALF???? To give ANY???

    \\Dunno. PolitiFact says "bulletproof vests [were ordered] for every soldier. But it took 167 days to start getting those vests to soldiers due to production and paperwork delays. Some soldiers waited months more".

    Derpy just confirmed BEING idiot... who do not know arithmetics???

    How many months in 167 days???

    \\Didn't. There was no land leased to Ukraine. LEND-lease.


    \\Taking too much time to deliver on promises isn't "lies". Government bureaucracy.

    Even though, as I showed, that that is NOT "problems with delivery".

    To Poland Abramses ALREADY delivered.


  30. \\Dunno. It's MY responsibility to account for time it takes USA to deliver tanks and planes as promised? Maybe because it's logistically complicated? I am not in the military or the government.


    It's not responsibility if hypocritical scumbag.

    Cause hypocritical scumbag have no shame what so ever.

    \\Qtard: Or more lacking in resources and capabilities?

    \\Could be. Biden did say they are running low on ammo.

    But you don't care, and not interested to know more about such a lapses of military of your own country????

    Because you are idiot? And believe in Holy Bi-den? :-))))))))))))))

    \\Bullshit. Would not help at all if that was the case.

    Clearly an idiot. Oblivious to what cunningness and treachery is.

    \\Poland doesn't want tanks it ordered and paid for? Poland can give them to Ukraine. Nothing stopping it.

    Derpy the Idiot do not know about licensing and laws and treaties prohibiting to sell and spread weapon freely?

    Of course, cause it THAT idiot.

    \\Qtard deploys its "I don't care" dodge/escape. Because ignoring this important distinction (and it *is* one) is vital to Qtard's false narrative.

    Derpy the Idiot showing YET ONE time that there is other people, who can have differ attitudes.

    That's quite Religiously Bonkery, to boot. TOO. ;-P

    \\Well, I don't care about Qtard being a foreigner. Why it could or should be important -- Qtard being a foreigner -- to me, a USA citizen???


    You are right.

    You can have SUCH attitude.

    Idiotic. In many senses of the word.

    But still -- you can! It's your damn Natural Right.

    To be Demn Natural I-D-I-O-T. :-)))))))))))))))))

    \\Especially given that the topic of discussion here is USA politics?

    Is it? :-)))

    \\Then go away. Nobody is forcing Qtard to comment here. Involve himself in discussions here.

    But... there is CERTAIN someone... which trying to DENY me that...

    which is (attempt of) breach of my Freedom of Speach Right. ;-P

    \\Qtard admits his comment about princess not pooping has nothing to do with the conversation? Why did Qtard bring it up then? Because... it is an idiot?

    I just didn't knew it... (usual mistake among smart people) that you are THAT MUCH an idiot... and would not understand it, even after explanation provided.

  31. Qtard: Thank you for confirmation. That you are idiot. And proud of it.

    Lie. Only confirmation given is that Qtard is a proud idiot. Qtard has confirmed that many times.

    Qtard: \\Qtard never saw. Was a delusion. Because Democrats never repeated that lie. Refuted it. Like I have here. ... CNN article "Derpy gave" concerned the Azov battalion\\Then... it would not be hard for you, to give quote. One of that "many".

    Would not be hard for Qtard to give a quote. If, as it says, I spread propaganda in agreement with Putin that the Ukrainian government needs to be denazified. Idiot thinks all research (prove both what it says and also what I say) needs to be done by me. Idiot wants a paycheck to provide its own evidence to support its own claims.

    Qtard: \\Unbiased reporter gathering facts for story. Reporting story accurately without bias\\Bull Shit.

    Qtard's "bullshit" is bullshit. It provided zero evidence of reporter being biased in favor of Putin. Bias I see is bias in favor of the truth.

    Qtard: \\Qtard imagines it was a "biased" "Demn reporter" with no proof. Only because the reporter gave facts Qtard doesn't like\\Because... I know that facts that reporter tryed to mangle.

    Don't know. Proof is use of word "mangle". Facts were accurately reported. I have seen these facts confirmed by other news sources, not only CNN. But Qtard will just call ANY facts that are counter to the (false) narrative it likes "Demn propaganda".

    Qtard: AND. I know as fact -- react of demn-junky of USA. And they DO talk with that lying words from CNN.

    Don't. People the idiot calls "demn-junky" talk with that truthful words.

    Qtard: What ELSE??? What MORE proofs I need?

    Qtard gave no proofs.

    Qtard: Especialy from YET ONE demn-junky which DO NOT know and DO NOT care about knowing ANY facts.

    Qtard is rightturd-junky which DO NOT know and DO NOT care about knowing ANY facts. By its own admission... Qtard never said "dunno" or "I don't care". Or "don't care to know"? No. All things Qtard has said many times.

    Qtard: And just repeats AFTER Propaganda? EVEN without checking -- from what ars hole it comes???

    Propaganda never "repeats after" by me. Checked and confirmed with multiple sources. Azov soldiers' own damn words. Pictures confirming Azov soldiers using Nazi symbols such as "SS".

    Qtard: \\Didn't. Qtard said it. Is Qtard's favorite "escape". Using it more and more frequently\\THIS EXACTLY thread of comments... started with Derpy at FIRST writing "gibberish", then claiming that it was written by opponent, me.

    Yeah, I think I might have used the word "gibberish" first. Then Qtard copied my backbite. Began using it whenever it gets confused by my smart words.

    Qtard: Which is Objective Truth.

    Isn't. Objectively false.

    Qtard: Open and Obvious, and easy to double-check for anyone... except total idiots, who cannot grasp how to use Ctrl-F EVEN... and trying to be stubborn with repeating such an EASILY and OBVIOUSLY revealed LIES. **moronic laughter**

    Ctrl-F proves Qtard said "gibberish" in response to my non-gibberish comment. Perceived by Qtard to be gibberish because it is an idiot. Gets confused easily. Often can't understand written English.

    Qtard: What a moron.\\Qtard admits being a moron? Agreed\\YET ONE time Derpy the IDIOT showing what a stooopid and lying scumbag IT is. With cutting out of context quotes, and trying to use am against much smarter opponent. Miserly idiot, pig tricks.

    Miserly idiot, pig tricks Qtard uses. Says my disagreement is agreement.

  32. Qtard: \\Huge difference. "Honorable" and "Honorary" are different words with different meanings. Look them up ... Does not mean the same as "honorable"\\Thank you for pointing me -- a foreigner. To that difference.

    Qtard is a foreigner? News to me. Qtard has never brought this up before **sarcasm**.

    Qtard: FACTUAL comments of certain someone...\\I *DO* make factual comments\\ No\\Yes\\Thank you for agreeing with my "no" here.

    My "yes" was regarding my prior comment "I *DO* make factual comments". Qtard got confused, thinking I was agreeing with its "no". Because Qtard is an idiot. FREQUENTLY gets confused.

    Qtard: \\Like "believe" in religious context versus "believe" in fact/evidence based context? Agreed. Qtard is unable to grasp the distinction\\And where is difference?\\Christian saying "Jesus said it". Demn-junky Derpy saying "Locke said it". And Jesus, and Locke has died long ago. And CANNOT state opinion about any new events. But for Religious Bonker it poses NO problem. AT ALL.

    For a smart person it poses no problem at all. That texts of enlightened thinkers are still of value after the author has died. The Founding Fathers thought highly of Locke's writings. Even though (when the USA founding documents were being written) John Locke was dead.

    Qtard: Thjerefore BOTH are Religious Bonkers here. Who "believe in facts".

    According to Qtard. Idiot who thinks an insurrection attempt by sore losers in a fair and free democratic election is a "human right".

    Qtard: Just from different sources. Christian from Bible. Demn-Junky from Demn Propaganda.

    Idiot thinks any information it doesn't like is "demn propaganda". Why the IDIOT calls the writings of John Locke "Demn propaganda". Even though the USA Democratic party did not exist when John Locke was alive. Still (somehow) Locke wrote "Demn propaganda".

    Qtard: But that is not important for this case distinction.

    Important as proof of Qtard's idiocy. Confirms it.

    Qtard: \\Like inability to grasp use of concept of "race" as a social construct in different contexts? ONLY context is...\\ Yap. "Race". As a "social construct", exist in a mind of racists.

    No. Racists reject that race exists as a social construct. Racists believe there are real and meaningful differences between races. Differences they say make the White "race" superior. Non-racists (people like me) say the differences are superficial and no race is superior.

    Qtard: And Derpy here, just confirmed, YET ONE time. That Derpy the Racist is the Idiot TOO.

    The idiot Qtard confirmed that it is a racist. Thinks the problem of race-based discrimination be solved by pretending race doesn't exist. But that does not fix the problem. The whole point. Qtard the racist does not want it fixed. Does not want to be considered equal to THAT **insert Qtard's favorite racial slur here**.

    Qtard: \\Calling me a racist even though I categorically REJECT the idea that any race is superior\\Whatever. You just admittted. And used that racists termin "race".

    Qtard admitted. When it called itself a "nigga". Idiotically insisted "nigga" does not refer to skin color but social status.

    Qtard: Even though, it said it... itself. That there is ABSOLUTELY no rational, scientifical or any other reason (except to base Racism on that idea) -- to separate people into different "races".

    Did not say. Race (as per the dictionary definition) "is ascribed to individuals on the basis of physical traits".

  33. Qtard: \\Of course I can judge. I am an honorable judge. Though NOT an honorary judge\\ Derpy the Idiot just admitting impostering judge.

    Did not. Never impostered "a public official appointed to decide cases in a court of law". Never claimed to be this. Called myself a judge because I am able to "form an opinion or conclusion about". Qtard has done the same. Qtard impostered a judge?

    Qtard: But... it will start opposing it. And will be spreading false and filth. Scraming "I NEVER HAVE SAID IT!!!", from now on.

    Making an admission to "impostering judge"? ABSOLUTELY. I 100% never made any such admission.

    Qtard: As it was about many other its nasty claims. **moronic laughter** What an idiot. And lying scumbag.

    Lying scumbag Qtard makes nasty claims. Calling me a racist. Saying I spread Putin's propaganda. Lying about me "impostering judge". All nasty. All completely false.

    Qtard: And??? Where that F-16s and Abramses?\\Being delivered\\I maybe a foreigner. But even I know that "delivered" it a past tense. Means, it ALREADY HAPPANED\\Being. Means "in process"\\**moronic laughter**

    Qtard knows they aren't going to be delivered? Qtard KNOWS Joe Biden lied? HOW does Qtard "know" this?

    Qtard: Yep. Means it all hypocritical LIES.

    Means Qtard the idiot does not know what a "lie" is. Made up its own definition. Promise to do something but not doing it fast enough (according to Qtard) isn't a lie.

    Qtard: \\Linked to news stories saying Biden Administration approved both. I didn't lie about these news stories. Lie would be that tanks and planes AREN'T approved. Will NOT be sent\\Yap. You just repeating hypocritical lies of your Holy Bi-den.

    Believing truth-telling of our fantastic president, Joe Biden.

    Qtard: Like any faithful demn-junky. That is, factually correct.

    Democratic voter. Trust Joe Biden to tell the truth. Unless proven to have lied. Qtard just says "not fast enough". Thinks that is proof of Joe Biden being a liar. When Joe Biden NEVER said "delivery promised quickly enough to please Qtard".

    Qtard: PolitiFact says "bulletproof vests [were ordered] for every soldier. But it took 167 days to start getting those vests to soldiers due to production and paperwork delays. Some soldiers waited months more"\\Derpy just confirmed BEING idiot... who do not know arithmetics??? How many months in 167 days???

    Qtard ignored "Some soldiers waited months more". And that was for body armor. I looked but didn't find how long it took to get armor for vehicles. Or if the military (re the invasion of Iraq ordered by George bush) EVER got all the armor for vehicles it needed.

    Qtard: \\Didn't. There was no land leased to Ukraine. LEND-lease\\Whatever.

    Qtard uses its "whatever" dodge. What LAND does Qtard think Ukraine leased from the USA?

    Qtard: \\Taking too much time to deliver on promises isn't "lies". Government bureaucracy\\Even though, as I showed, that that is NOT "problems with delivery". To Poland Abramses ALREADY delivered.

    When did Poland order their tanks versus when was decision made to send tanks to Ukraine?

    Qtard: \\It's MY responsibility to account for time it takes USA to deliver tanks and planes as promised? Maybe because it's logistically complicated? I am not in the military or the government\\Yap. It's not responsibility if hypocritical scumbag.

    I *am* in the military or government? HOW would Qtard know? Qtard has no idea what it's talking about.

  34. Qtard: Cause hypocritical scumbag have no shame what so ever.

    Agreed. Hypocritical scumbag Qtard has no shame whatsoever. Blames a civilian for what the military does. Decisions and actions I have no involvement in. No ability to influence. Except to vote for Joe Biden who says WE WILL HELP. Versus donald tRump who says WE WILL NOT HELP.

    Qtard: Or more lacking in resources and capabilities?\\Could be. Biden did say they are running low on ammo.\\But you don't care, and not interested to know more about such a lapses of military of your own country???? Because you are idiot? And believe in Holy Bi-den? **moronic laughter**

    Who said I don't care? Another Qtard lie. I think tanks and planes need to get to Ukraine as soon as possible. But the logistics of accomplishing this? No, that isn't my job.

    Qtard: \\Bullshit. Would not help at all if that was the case\\Clearly an idiot. Oblivious to what cunningness and treachery is.

    How is breaking promises "cunningness"? "Cunning" is "having or showing skill in achieving one's ends by deceit or evasion". What ends would Joe Biden achieve by lying about delivering tanks and airplanes to Ukraine? Putin's victory? Why would Joe Biden want that? That is what donald tRump wants. Because he is Putin's puppet.

    Qtard: \\Poland doesn't want tanks it ordered and paid for? Poland can give them to Ukraine. Nothing stopping it\\Derpy the Idiot do not know about licensing and laws and treaties prohibiting to sell and spread weapon freely?

    Qtard suggested this. Pulled out it's map and gave mileage from Poland to Ukraine.

    Qtard: Of course, cause it THAT idiot.

    *I* am an idiot because of Qtard's suggestion that tanks delivered to Poland be sent to Ukraine? Qtard suggested it, not me. Qtard MUST be calling itself an idiot. A confession I agree with.

    Qtard: \\Qtard deploys its "I don't care" dodge/escape. Because ignoring this important distinction (and it *is* one) is vital to Qtard's false narrative\\Derpy the Idiot showing YET ONE time that there is other people, who can have differ attitudes.

    Attitudes don't make important distinctions not important. Or make Qtard's false narrative true. republicans supporting aid for Ukraine are non-trump republicans (republicans Minus calls "deep state"). That is STILL a fact, regardless of whether or not Qtard cares.

    Qtard: That's quite Religiously Bonkery, to boot. TOO.

    Pointing to facts is "religious bonkery"... to an idiot.

    Qtard: \\Well, I don't care about Qtard being a foreigner. Why it could or should be important -- Qtard being a foreigner -- to me, a USA citizen?\\yes. you are right. You can have SUCH attitude. Idiotic. In many senses of the word ... **moronic laughter**

    Qtard (by its own free will) is commenting on this blog. A blog where USA politics is discussed. INCLUDING what Qtard calls "inner political brawls". If Qtard does not care about "inner political brawls" Qtard can chose (of its own free will) to go away. That would solve the problem of Qtard not wanting to discuss (or care about) "inner political brawls".

  35. Qtard: \\Especially given that the topic of discussion here is USA politics?\\Is it? **laughs at its own stupidity**

    It is a self evident fact. Qtard doesn't know because Qtard is a fact-hating idiot.

    Qtard: \\Then go away. Nobody is forcing Qtard to comment here. Involve himself in discussions here\\...trying to DENY me that... which is (attempt of) breach of my Freedom of Speach Right.

    Isn't. Qtard can comment here all it likes. I have no ability to prevent Qtard from commenting here.

    Qtard: \\Qtard admits his comment about princess not pooping has nothing to do with the conversation? Why did Qtard bring it up then?\\I just didn't knew it... (usual mistake among smart people) that you are THAT MUCH an idiot... and would not understand it, even after explanation provided.

    Why the f*ck should I give a shit about princesses pooping or not pooping? Or give a shit about an explanation (that wasn't given)? Qtard the Idiot showing YET AGAIN that there are other people, who can have differing attitudes about princess poop..., not caring about princess poop -- versus Qtard, obsessed with princess poop. Also obsessed with Joe Biden pooping (in his pants the republiturd-lie-junky claims).

    "usual mistake among smart people" is NOT a mistake Qtard (as a confirmed idiot) is capable of making.

  36. \\Qtard: Thank you for confirmation. That you are idiot. And proud of it.

    \\Lie. Only confirmation given is that Qtard is a proud idiot. Qtard has confirmed that many times.

    "Many times"... but NONE can be demonstrated as quote?

    Means, CANNOT be pointed AT as EXISTING and self-evidant FACT.

    HOW CAN IT BE????????????????

    Only in ONE case -- if that is figment of Derpy's imagination. Merely a delusion. Fantasy. Hallucination. Pipe dream.

    And what it makes out of Dewrpy??? If not delusional idiot? ;-P

    \\Would not be hard for Qtard to give a quote. If, as it says, I spread propaganda in agreement with Putin that the Ukrainian government needs to be denazified.

    Go ask Google.

    Like "russain fakes about Azov" I just did.

    No, the members of Azov aren't neo-Nazis • Ukraїner - Ukrainer › azov-arent-neo-nazis
    This picture is fake, but Russian propaganda should not be underestimated. It is a systematic, professional, and convincing narrative — ...

    \\Qtard's "bullshit" is bullshit. It provided zero evidence of reporter being biased in favor of Putin. Bias I see is bias in favor of the truth.

    I pointed to it in that thread.

    And repeated many times -- NO RAW data was given.

    HOW we/I/anybody CAN be sure that THAT talk, described in that CNN article happened??? And ALL was exactly as described?

    Other then that, I know several undenyable facts:

    liliPut DO spreading propaganda about "Azov brigade" and "Ukrainians are Nazis".

    Well... THAT, is not news... USSR started spreading that false narrative about Ukrainian freedom fighters... after WW2.

    DO YOU know that facts??? No. You don't. And don't care.

    Do that reporter know that facts??? Most surely -- no.

    Do that reporter know Ukrainian language and realities ENOUGH to discern NEW Ukraianian freedom fighter saying "yes, I am nationalist"... and not reinterpriting it as "yes, I am nazi"??? VERY doubtful.


    Rule of Logic... YOU yourself pointed at -- that EVEN if there is some Ukrainians that somebody calling "nazis", or even they themself calling "nazis"... that is NOT allows ANYBODY to start a war to "denazify" ALL Ukrainians.



    What are you trying to prove here?

    That reporter... that REPEATS one-in-one what liliPut says... STILL NOT helping that liliPut to spread its LIES????

    \\Facts were accurately reported.

    And HOW you could KNOW that?

    While there is ONLY ONE way to KNOW somthing like that -- know ACTUAL facts.

    ONLY that way one can COMPARE that "accurately reported" AGAINST ACTUAL FACTS.

    But... you have NONE. You only "believing".

    \\I have seen these facts confirmed by other news sources, not only CNN.

    Like propaganda spreaders do not know it... and do not spread their lies trough ANY means possible?

    I remind you... that LIE, was spreaded by USSR from post-WW2 times.

    Means... there is lots of "sources", that like you internalised it, and continue repeating it like being fact.

    So... HOW you, can KNOW what is fact and what is NOT???

    If you have NO access to initial RAW sources of information -- facts itself, and only some people babbling something???

    Babbling, you do not double-check, do not want to double-check, do not know HOW to double-check... and in general crying anathema over anybody who dare to say that double-checking needed... because that babblers told you that "double-checking that blakk magic from Hell"??? %)))

    \\But Qtard will just call ANY facts that are counter to the (false) narrative it likes "Demn propaganda".

    There is only false Demn Propaganda Narrative... and no facts... behind your words here.

    More then that. That Demn Propaganda Narrative teaches dumb asses like you TO NOT SEEK facts, TO NOT DOUBLE-CHECK facts, DO NOT think logically and how to examine facts and own beliefs... and only trust and believe...


  37. I'll stop responding to other blurts outs in this thread.

    To give you some time to read, reread and try to understand what I just said.

  38. Well... youi answered in other thread.

    That "double-checking" (and self-doubting, examining own beliefs) is anathema to you.

    Even though YOU know perfectly well how UNTRUE that is... that's why you not answered here.

    Isn't it, Derpy? ;-P

    YOUR hypocrisy revealed YET ONE time. HERE.

    But... whatever.

    \\Qtard: And just repeats AFTER Propaganda? EVEN without checking -- from what ars hole it comes???

    \\Propaganda never "repeats after" by me.

    liliPut: There is Azov brigade in Ukraine. And they are Nazis...

    Derpy: I know (confirmed from many (propaganda) sources) that... there is Azov brigade in Ukraine. And they are Nazis...

    \\Checked and confirmed with multiple sources.

    It's not MY problem that you seeking for confirmation of your bigoted delusions from dirty posonous propaganda sources only.

    \\Azov soldiers' own damn words.


    \\Pictures confirming Azov soldiers using Nazi symbols such as "SS".


    Photoshoped by liliPut's Propaganda.

    And that fakes being thoroughly revealed in truthful sources... but, Derpy the Lying Hypocrite DO NOT CARE to double-check and confirm information.

    As that pig, that eats propaganda shit and calls it yammy.

    \\Yeah, I think I might have used the word "gibberish" first. Then Qtard copied my backbite. Began using it whenever it gets confused by my smart words.

    Go do that. Confirm that lie with quote?

    What??? You can't? :-)))))))))))))))))))

    Of course. It's natural. LIES CANNOT be confirmed with FACTS.

    Because... they are miserly lies.

    \\Qtard: Which is Objective Truth.

    \\Isn't. Objectively false.

    YET ONE time Derpy trying to use word meaning of which it don't know. ;-P

    \\Ctrl-F proves Qtard said "gibberish" in response to my non-gibberish comment.


    And where's quote? ;-P

    What a bonker. :-))))))))))))))))

    Keep repeating its wishful lies... without ability to CONFIRM any.

    \\Qtard is a foreigner? News to me. Qtard has never brought this up before **sarcasm**.

    Cringy idiot trying to fake being sacastic. :-)))))))))))))))))


    \\Qtard: FACTUAL comments of certain someone...\\I *DO* make factual comments\\ No\\Yes\\Thank you for agreeing with my "no" here.

    \\My "yes" was regarding my prior comment "I *DO* make factual comments". Qtard got confused, thinking I was agreeing with its "no". Because Qtard is an idiot. FREQUENTLY gets confused.

    Confused idiot do not know what CONTEXT is.

    And context is the last response. "No".

    If Derpy was not idiot, it would be able to devise it... itself. And direct it's blurt out properly.

    But, Derpy IS an idiot... and IT, will not be able to do that even after this EXPLANATION given to it. ;-P


  39. \\Qtard: \\Like "believe" in religious context versus "believe" in fact/evidence based context? Agreed. Qtard is unable to grasp the distinction\\And where is difference?\\Christian saying "Jesus said it". Demn-junky Derpy saying "Locke said it". And Jesus, and Locke has died long ago. And CANNOT state opinion about any new events. But for Religious Bonker it poses NO problem. AT ALL.

    \\For a smart person it poses no problem at all. That texts of enlightened thinkers are still of value after the author has died.

    Idiot, isn't it?

    We talking about "opinion of Locke". About NEW events.

    NOT about texts.

    Texts CANNOT state opinion. Only people can. Living one.

    Means. When Derpy says something like "Locke would agree with me" -- that is Derpy's idiotic OPINION. Not, cannot be, Locke's one. ;-P

    And thjat is obvious as that Sun rising in the morning.

    And IT even calls "smart person" those who would think that OBVIOUSLY IDIOTIC way. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Which ALSO allows to confirm that Derpy's "smart people" means "us, idiots".

    And vice versa... when it calls someone idiot, it admits that people intelligence is far beyond its miserly abilities. ;-P

    And therefore...

    \\Qtard: Thjerefore BOTH are Religious Bonkers here. Who "believe in facts".

    \\According to Qtard. Idiot who thinks an insurrection attempt by sore losers in a fair and free democratic election is a "human right".

    We can devise TRUE meaning of this blurt out.

    And that is that smart people can percieve truth behind natural people desire to seek justice and uprise against it... as they see fit.

    Because that is their Natural Inalienable Right.

    Nobody CAN to sewere em from... but many-many totalitarians tryed, and failed, and even more totalitarians wannabe... still dream to. ;-P

    And Derpy is one of em.

    \\Idiot thinks any information it doesn't like is "demn propaganda". Why the IDIOT calls the writings of John Locke "Demn propaganda". Even though the USA Democratic party did not exist when John Locke was alive. Still (somehow) Locke wrote "Demn propaganda".


    Because Demns like you. Trying to use that Locke as authority.

    WITHOUT his consent. ;-P

    That is... obvious propaganda trick.

    Like Religious Bonkers do... when they claiming doing something "in the name of Jesus". Or by his will.

    \\Qtard: But that is not important for this case distinction.

    \\Important as proof of Qtard's idiocy. Confirms it.

    EXPLAIN, how??? ;-P

    But you CAN'T. :-))))))))))))))))))))

    YET ONE proof of Derpy's idiocy -- inability to EXPLAIN, ELABORATE, CONFIRM its words with FACTS.

    \\No. Racists reject that race exists as a social construct. Racists believe there are real and meaningful differences between races.


    yet one example of inner contradiction. ;-P

    \\Non-racists (people like me) say the differences are superficial and no race is superior.


    But still. You call people White Suopremacists. ;-P

    Means, you admit em being White? And Supreme?

    \\Qtard: And Derpy here, just confirmed, YET ONE time. That Derpy the Racist is the Idiot TOO.

    \\The idiot Qtard confirmed that it is a racist. Thinks the problem of race-based discrimination be solved by pretending race doesn't exist.



    "Race" exist. Then NOT exist. Then exist again.

    Just the moment confused (with its brain) Derpy trying to pull itself out of tarpit of own lies. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))



  40. \\But that does not fix the problem. The whole point.


    Because all the point -- it's social injustice.

    Racist Derpy want to placate and keep it as it is -- for "other race people", minorities, victims of social injustice and prejudges TO STAY FIRMLY on their place... so "anti-racist" would "help" em... FOREVER! :-)))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard admitted. When it called itself a "nigga". Idiotically insisted "nigga" does not refer to skin color but social status.

    Racist Derpy keep insisting to call afroamericans "nigga"? Because of their allegedly skin color??? Even though it historical supestishion.

    Go figure, those racists...

    \\Did not say. Race (as per the dictionary definition) "is ascribed to individuals on the basis of physical traits".

    Yep. Dictinary meaning racists would die for to be perpetuated.

    To keep that "people of color" in their place.

    And that's why that racists devised that sneaky plan... of "helping" em.

    \\Lying scumbag Qtard makes nasty claims. Calling me a racist. Saying I spread Putin's propaganda. Lying about me "impostering judge". All nasty. All completely false.


    But it confirmed with QUOTES. EACH time. ;-P

    Unlike your wishful blurts. Of a delirious idiot.

    \\Qtard knows they aren't going to be delivered? Qtard KNOWS Joe Biden lied? HOW does Qtard "know" this?

    "Delivered". Past tense.

    So, where I can see F-16 with Ukrainain insignia?

    \\Qtard: Yep. Means it all hypocritical LIES.

    \\Means Qtard the idiot does not know what a "lie" is. Made up its own definition. Promise to do something but not doing it fast enough (according to Qtard) isn't a lie.


    That is nearly criminal, amoral behavior.

    Nothing biggy.

    Ordinary for Demns thing. ;-P

    \\Democratic voter. Trust Joe Biden to tell the truth. Unless proven to have lied. Qtard just says "not fast enough". Thinks that is proof of Joe Biden being a liar. When Joe Biden NEVER said "delivery promised quickly enough to please Qtard".

    Bi-den have said: "Ukrainains do not need F-16s".

    But corpses of innocent children... crying about it being L... ehm, NOT TRUE!

    Because that children COULD be saved by that F-16.

    But. AGAIN. Bi-den said: "Ukrainians DO NOT NEED f-16s".

    EVEN THOUGH. There was cry from the very beginning of the war -- to NATO, to USA -- PLEASE, HELP US!!!! CLOSE THE SKY over Ukraine!!!

    And that Demn voters... is all acomplices of it.

    But well, while they should care? They can be only happy -- to help liliPut to kill nazis in Ukraine... isn't it?

    \\Qtard ignored "Some soldiers waited months more". And that was for body armor. I looked but didn't find how long it took to get armor for vehicles. Or if the military (re the invasion of Iraq ordered by George bush) EVER got all the armor for vehicles it needed.

    So what?

    \\Qtard: Cause hypocritical scumbag have no shame what so ever.

    \\Agreed. Hypocritical scumbag Qtard has no shame whatsoever. Blames a civilian for what the military does. Decisions and actions I have no involvement in. No ability to influence. Except to vote for Joe Biden who says WE WILL HELP. Versus donald tRump who says WE WILL NOT HELP.


    dRump was sending Jevelines... when not asked, and not dare need of it present.

    While Bi-den NOT sending Abramses and F-16... when cryed to, and DARE BLEEDING NEED is apparent empatic being in the World.

    Would be dRump SAME cold-hearted -- who knws. BUT Bi-den SHOWED... that it ARE!!!

    FACTS... VERSUS pretentious and hypocritical wishful thinking.

    Which reveals Religious Bonker -- to which Pretentious Thinking is MUCH MORE important than FACTS!


  41. \\Who said I don't care? Another Qtard lie. I think tanks and planes need to get to Ukraine as soon as possible. But the logistics of accomplishing this? No, that isn't my job.

    WHEN that lEnd-lease was signed???

    How it corresponds with YOUR "as soon as possible"???

    And YOUR claim that YOU trust and support your Holy Bi-den?


    In a Hypocritical way.

    \\How is breaking promises "cunningness"? "Cunning" is "having or showing skill in achieving one's ends by deceit or evasion". What ends would Joe Biden achieve by lying about delivering tanks and airplanes to Ukraine? Putin's victory? Why would Joe Biden want that? That is what donald tRump wants. Because he is Putin's puppet.

    But... is it dRump who stalling delivery???

    No, it can't.

    It is NOT POTUS right now. And have NO influence over it.

    But Bi-den -- HAVE.

    And stalling.


    \\Qtard: \\Poland doesn't want tanks it ordered and paid for? Poland can give them to Ukraine. Nothing stopping it\\Derpy the Idiot do not know about licensing and laws and treaties prohibiting to sell and spread weapon freely?

    \\Qtard suggested this. Pulled out it's map and gave mileage from Poland to Ukraine.


    Cause it NOT Poland decision. Bi-den's one.

    Poland HAVE NO SAY in it. Bi-den -- is solitary persson on from which decision it depends.

    And its decision -- to stall delivery.

    Who knew for what reason. But what is CERTAIN -- it helps liliPut. BIG TIME.

    His ammunition and troops reserves is almost deplited. "Allies" like Iran, North Korea and China... not heisting to rescue. Economy breaking up.

    Basicly, only one FINAL... even not a blow, but finger pushing needed.

    And Bi-den DO NOT doing that.

    But... no-no-no-no, that is NOT helping liliPut. Not a helping hand... in a time where it MOST NEEDED.

    To summarise.

    Help to Ukraine -- NOT provided. Even MOST needed.

    Help to liliPut -- GIVEN. In MOST dare times.

    Buit... yeah.

    "Biden hepls Ukraine" Propaganda chants. Go BELIVE what Propaganda saying! Or else...

    \\Attitudes don't make important distinctions not important. Or make Qtard's false narrative true. republicans supporting aid for Ukraine are non-trump republicans (republicans Minus calls "deep state"). That is STILL a fact, regardless of whether or not Qtard cares.



    \\Qtard (by its own free will) is commenting on this blog. A blog where USA politics is discussed.

    Is it?

    I don't see it.

    I only see some idiot's blurt outs.

    Calling idiots babbling "discussing politics"... it's to big exaggeration. ;-P

    \\INCLUDING what Qtard calls "inner political brawls". If Qtard does not care about "inner political brawls" Qtard can chose (of its own free will) to go away.

    And... why????

    What rational reason for that could be???

    State any?

    It's "idiotic logic" demonstrated.

    Like if I don't care what they put into sosages... I should not eat em.

    WHY???? I like sosages!

    \\That would solve the problem of Qtard not wanting to discuss (or care about) "inner political brawls".

    WAT??? :-))))))))))))))))

    What problem? :-)))))))))))))

    That is visibly a problem for Derpy the Idiot -- as it struggling to backbite much more smarter opponent -- it's obviously and logically open -- why it like that opponent to "go away".

    But opponent is not cooperative. And that (may) look like a problem.

    To that miserly idiot. That dunno, that it can fix it... by going away. ;-P

    \\It is a self evident fact. Qtard doesn't know because Qtard is a fact-hating idiot.

    Self-evidant? To whom? ;-P

    To Derpy's Inner Idiot??? Screaming inside it bonker's mind??? :-))))))))))))))))))

  42. No admitting from Derpy being idiot in this thread too? ;-P

    Go come to here too. And say how you cannot grasp what to answer to questions HERE TOO, De-Ru-Pi. ;-P

  43. There never has been "admitting from Derpy being idiot". Not in this thread. Not in any thread. Maybe a voice in Qtard's head will admit it. While claiming to be the imaginary "Derpy".

  44. YOU... not answering to questions.

    While it directly stated -- that SUCH behavior would demonstrate your idiocy.


    YOU... only doubling-down on NOT answering that questions.

    Which only CONFIRMS your idiocy more. ;-P

    Continue-continue like that. Idiot Derpy. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))
