Saturday, July 1, 2023

Darkness Ahead?


  1. Qtard: \\Minus FJ doesn't believe Russia was the aggressor and Ukraine has the right to defend itself.\\Quotes! Quotes! Quotes!

    Quotes? What about a post? THIS ONE. Scott Ritter says Nato is waging a war on Russia. AKA Putin isn't the aggressor, but the victim. You think Minus FJ posted it because he doesn't agree with Ritter?

  2. Qtard: \\It's most of the posts here where Minus takes Russia's/Putin's side. You KNOW this.\\ No. I dunno. Show with quotes what do you mean. Pretty please. ;-P

  3. Still... that is not quotes...

    Your Captain Obvious. ;-P

    But I... have a bunch of quotes you run away from in previous posts. ;-P


    \\\\By donald tRump's OWN ADMISSION. "Obama spied on me" ...because I was colluding.

    \\Or... maybe because you in USA have that precedent. With Nixon. ;-)

    \\\\Anyway, the FBI spied on Russians and found they were talking to members of the tRump campaign.

    \\Hah... but you know it... itself, that idea of "legitimate spying".
    So much for your "breaking the law". :-))))))))))))))))))

    \\\\The "Russia Reset" was an attempt to improve relations with Russian president Dmitry Medvedev.
    \\\\Wikipedia says "he was regarded as more liberal than his predecessor".

    \\Means, Kremlin KGBs AGAIN duped Demn dopes. ;-P

    \\\\overthrowing democracy -- that's a "human right".

    \\Was Founding Fathers elected? By whom? How? ;-P

    \\Why De-Ru-Pi so against it??? He likes to provide quotes from some repoters and "experts". And ready to torn with his teeth, those who would point that that is just a "somebody-somebody who said something-something". ;-P

    \\\\ Like concocting fake quotes.

    \\Even though they are Ctrl-Fed and COPY-PASTED... they still "fake". :-))))))))

    \\Cause... as Wisest of the Wise De-Ru-Pun said... it do not reflect what Wisest of the Wise De-Ru-Pun MEANED

    \\\\The Nash Equilibrium explains why the US should remain a White Supremacist nation?

    \\Showed enough, that you far-far-away from discussing politics in terms of Game Theory. ;-P

    \\And NO amount of copy-pasting excerpts from Google can "prove" that you DO unaderstand what it mean. ;-P

    And etc.

  4. \\\\And Albert Einstein isn't "trully sophisticated". He can NOT do any "thought experiments". He is dead.

    \\Dead Einsain... still much more sophisticated than you, stooooopid.

    \\Can you solve such a simple quiz, even smart schoolboy can?

    \\\\It's similar to how republican party creators of trumpturd propaganda use some true things to disseminate their "nasty untrue payload" to the minds of willing idiots...


    Yap. If only you'd be able to admit that Demns do the same... there could be discussion about politics in between us here. ;-P

    But, naaah.... you can't, because you are Demn-jumky and idiot. :-)))))))))))))

    \\\\"Untrue payload" is that Joe Biden accepted bribes.

    \\What is FOR SURE -- if it NOT provided in court, as solid evidance -- most surely it is not exactly true, or even completele concockted story. Political trick. To destroy opponent chances during next elections.

    \\Oh... NOW you need to start calling ME Bi-den defender, yes??? :-))))))))))

    \\\\By viewing sensitive info in a SCIF and then holding a press conference in which she told the media about the sensitive info she had viewed. But, being a republican, she gets a pass. Nobody even really mentions it.

    \\Isn't that what Democratic Representative of WE, the People SHOULD DO???

    \\\\"You" is Qtard. Qtard doesn't understand science.

    \\Try me. ;-P

    \\But you can't. And you know that you can't. Cause you are ignoramus and idiot. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\And I can do.



    \\Go. Google for it. And then I will test you on what it mean. :-)))))))))))))

    \\But you won't, cause U R IDIOT. And you know it... itself. ;-P

    \\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...
    "Homeless Boom"... LOL. A homeless bum wouldn't owe any taxes. You only pay taxes if you have income.

    \\Anonymous Anonymous said...
    And how people became homeles booms? ;-P

    \\\\I am silently disagreeing.

    \\There is no such option. ;-P

    \\Well... EXCEPT... if you are inhabitant of totalitarian country. Or... carrier of totalitarian ideals... itself. ;-P

    \\\\That failed to convince me that sore losers can revolt just because they decided (for themselves) that they didn't like the results of an election.

    \\Because you are totalitarian wannabe.

    \\Who wholeheartedly support totalitarian idea of "human rights" -- "people allowed only that rights, somebody else (explicitly?) granted to them". ;-P

    \\\\Slavery doesn't exist? Slavery has never existed?

    \\"Clever argument" totalitarian would make.

    \\\\Keep insisting that J6 rioters were exercising their "human right" to overthrow democracy.

    \\Again. Democracy CANNOT be "overthrown"... as it is Rule of WE, the People.

    \\HOW you can overthrow WE, the People???

    \\It can only be succumbed by some populists and subverted by totalitarians wannabe. ;-P

    \\Anonymous Dervish Sanders said...
    No, they receive no grants. Climate change Scientists are all independently wealthy do-gooders who do all their research at their own expense.

    \\Anonymous Anonymous said...


    \\And princesses do not shit. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  5. \\Scott Ritter says Nato is waging a war on Russia.

    That Ratter... is known "useful idiot" of liliPut. On a salary even, probabaly -- I know that Moscovian TV shows him much... and they paying for that, as it usual thing to do, to pay to "experts" shown on TV?

    And I was pointing Joe to it, enough.

  6. Scott Ritter, if you listen to the podcast above, has been burned by the CIA far too many times to even consider going near Putin's pockets.

  7. Did either of you watch the John Mearsheimer video? He's a realist. Henry Kissinger is a realist. If ever there were experts in foreign policy, THEY are THE experts. And they don't blame Putin. They blame the military industrial complex pushing NATO expansion (weapons sales).

  8. We've crossed Putin's redline for nuclear war. And THAT was stupid.

  9. ...and in terms of Ukrainian deaths, CRIMINAL.

  10. Qtard ran away from the quotes of his I gave. Well, as expected.

  11. btw - I never said that Ukraine had no right to defend itself. I did say that it was wrong for the US to put Ukraine in a position (through promises) of having to defend herself in the 1st place. Ukrainians should know that the people who made those promises will pay for overstepping the bounds of a reasonable/ realistic foreign policy.

  12. I can't promise that retribution will come today. But it WILL come.

  13. ...and if it comes from Russia, we'll ALL pay dearly, and with our lives.

  14. When the clown show gets fully exposed, Derpi$$ bin §atan-§ander$666 will be seen sucking more than his thumbs.

    1. Minus: I never said that Ukraine had no right to defend itself.

      But you don't believe they should be defending themselves. You think they should be surrendering.

  15. I think that they should open some peace talks before they lose their whole country.

  16. In other words, find a way to end the war on the best terms they can (given US support)

  17. Minus: was wrong for the US to put Ukraine in a position (through promises) of having to defend herself in the 1st place.

    The Foreign Service Journal > October 2022 > Did NATO Expansion Really Cause Putin's Invasion? by Ken Moskowitz.

    By signing the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances in 1994, the Russian Federation promised not to threaten or use military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. ... Putin has promoted a narrative that the Western alliance took advantage of the chaos and weakness of Russia in the 1990s, and somehow pressured its former Warsaw Pact allies into joining NATO. But this was not the case at all. is clear to me that Russia has mostly itself to blame for the alienation of its former allies.

  18. Minus: was wrong for the US to put Ukraine in a position (through promises) of having to defend herself in the 1st place.

    The Foreign Service Journal > October 2022 > Did NATO Expansion Really Cause Putin's Invasion? by Ken Moskowitz.

    By signing the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances in 1994, the Russian Federation promised not to threaten or use military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. ... Putin has promoted a narrative that the Western alliance took advantage of the chaos and weakness of Russia in the 1990s, and somehow pressured its former Warsaw Pact allies into joining NATO. But this was not the case at all. is clear to me that Russia has mostly itself to blame for the alienation of its former allies.

  19. AT the Budapest moratorium the US gave the Russians assurances that NATO would NOT be expanded East-ward. They lied.

  20. ps, it's non-binding. The Budapest Memorandum was negotiated at political level, but it is not entirely clear whether the instrument is devoid entirely of legal provisions. It refers to assurances, but unlike guarantees, it does not impose a legal obligation of military assistance on its parties.[2][48] According to Stephen MacFarlane, a professor of international relations, "It gives signatories justification if they take action, but it does not force anyone to act in Ukraine."[47] In the US, neither the George H. W. Bush administration nor the Clinton administration was prepared to give a military commitment to Ukraine, and they did not believe the US Senate would ratify an international treaty and so the memorandum was adopted in more limited terms.[48] The memorandum has a requirement of consultation among the parties "in the event a situation arises that raises a question concerning the ... commitments" set out in the memorandum.[49] Whether or not the memorandum sets out legal obligations, the difficulties that Ukraine has encountered since early 2014 may cast doubt on the credibility of future security assurances that are offered in exchange for nonproliferation commitments.[50] Regardless, the United States publicly maintains that "the Memorandum is not legally binding", calling it a "political commitment".[22]

  21. The American Foreign Service Association: ...the eastward expansion of NATO particularly inflamed Putin, who has claimed that Secretary of State James Baker and other Western leaders assured Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev in 1990, at the time a unified Germany joined NATO, that the alliance would expand "not one inch eastward". ...the remarks of Secretary Baker or NATO leaders could be discounted because they were never part of a treaty or formal agreement. [Putin is guilty of the] violation of a formal agreement [not the US or Nato].

  22. As the US State Dept says vis 'Budapest'... "non-binding."

  23. \\As the US State Dept says vis 'Budapest'... "non-binding."

    Yawn. Whatever. Threaty of Versasles was "non-binding" TOO. ;-)

    \\...the eastward expansion of NATO particularly inflamed Putin


    Or that dudes are on salary of liliPut? FBI need to double-check their income. ;-)

    \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    ...and so does Scott Ritter.


    Only. He doing that for money. While you are for free...

    Go, monetise that your support. Like Stiven Sigal or Depardie. ;-P

    Wanna some cosy new flat... somwhere around Mos-Cow? And brand new passport of Soviet... err, I mean Rusha??? ;-)

    \\Scott Ritter, if you listen to the podcast above, has been burned by the CIA far too many times to even consider going near Putin's pockets.

    Go google yourself "Scott Ritter on RT". ;-P

    \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    Did either of you watch the John Mearsheimer video? He's a realist. Henry Kissinger is a realist. If ever there were experts in foreign policy, THEY are THE experts. And they don't blame Putin. They blame the military industrial complex pushing NATO expansion (weapons sales).

    liliPut's useless idiots? Yawn.

    \\We've crossed Putin's redline for nuclear war. And THAT was stupid.

    That is... what HE want you to think.

    Doesn't it feel strange for you -- to think what your sworn ENEMY want you to think?

    Isn't that Instant Defeat???

    \\Anonymous Dervish Sanders said...
    Qtard ran away from the quotes of his I gave. Well, as expected.

    BS talker. As ever. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    THIRD my comment in this thread -- what it is???

    THAT IS YOU... who trying to skirt that way ALL THAT quotes from previous posts I GAVE. ;-P

    And... you think it's smart thing to do -- because YOU ARE DEMN stooopid.

    JUST NOW... you just showed how much you FEAR to answer to all that questions. ;-P

    \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    btw - I never said that Ukraine had no right to defend itself. I did say that it was wrong for the US to put Ukraine in a position (through promises) of having to defend herself in the 1st place.


    Brutally Correct!

    But well, Ukraine itself in part to blame.... (as I have said to you -- you do not know History of Ukraine :-((()


  24. \\Blogger -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
    I think that they should open some peace talks before they lose their whole country.

    And what was happening in Stambul???

    Well, that is for naught. As TRUE GOAL of Rusha -- it is NOT Ukraine.

    That is dominance of USA in the World.

    First, by making USA throwing aside its alegiancy to help Ukraine.

    THEN... alegiancy to help NATO.

    THEN... to corner you out with Nuclear Threats to you Heartland.

    I have said it from the very beginning -- for WHAT(???) they have developeed their super-torpedo-Nukes??? "Poseidons"???


    Third World War hae started... but you keep playing childish "I don't hear you, I don't listen to you" game with it.

    Well... you general public. Your Deep State struggle to do something with it... strangled without that lack of general public understanding and support. Which are VERY crucial, under Democracy. Problem, your rivals, your foes, your sworn ENEMIES -- have no problem with it.

    If Xi of China would need to recruit 10 million army... he would not need to have discussion on TV about need of it, even.

    \\Blogger -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
    In other words, find a way to end the war on the best terms they can (given US support

    There is NO such option.


    Even swift defeat and disband of Rusha... would not stop heavy steps of Third World War.

    Would give you some more time to prepare. But not stop.

    \\Regardless, the United States publicly maintains that "the Memorandum is not legally binding", calling it a "political commitment".[22]

    Well... it is NOT legally binding -- to buy a child NEW icecream, if it's your (or even totally NOT your) fault that his/her previous fell on the ground.

    But... do try to not do it. ;-P

    Moral bindings are greater then legal.

    And pragmatical one -- even more.

    YOU, USA, have EXISTENTIAL bindings, in regard to this all problem. ;-P

  25. I hear your arguments, Q. It's the same as that of the Neocons. America is obligated to conquer the world and make it safe for global corporate capitalism and the men who go annually to Davos to meet. And I believe that the world would be much better off without them or their meetings.

  26. What would that world look like? I leave that to the world to decide.

    In G_d we trust, NOT Davos men.

  27. Then... it mean some narrow eyed mandarins would be doing it.

    I... do not prefer mandarin.

    That is... orbi and orbi ALL I could state here about MY IMHO here. ;-)

    Well. Anyway. To be a thing in this... or that World you envisioned -- USA would need New Tech under its belt. ;-)

    I deem it... as self-evidant. (that's how cranky crackpot I am ;-P)

  28. What will it do with that Tech? Make the world economy more fragile? Or anti-fragile? Or turn the economy over to metics and helots, and focus on developing more science/tech so as to employ more metics and helots until the science/tech can do ALL the work of the metics and helots? Then, of what use are metics or helots? Let them spend their days breeding freely and playing pickleball?

    You ever read Dan Brown's "Inferno"? Think covid was natural, or an accident?

  29. Know what mandarins are? Experts. Bureaucrats. America has MANY of them. Organized science is organized by mandarins. Only we call them "czars".

  30. Our "cranky crackpot" days are over. Your tech is a threat to them.

  31. \\What will it do with that Tech? Make the world economy more fragile? Or anti-fragile?

    Disrupt it? Redefine it?

    What your Unicornes Wannabe from Silicon Valley like to buzzword about???

    What your Elon Musk and bunch of his pawns want to?

    I have proposed it to you -- wanna know what it'll be? Go take sit at the wheel of control -- and go define it oneself. ;-)

    \\You ever read Dan Brown's "Inferno"? Think covid was natural, or an accident?

    I have read Lem. ;-)

    His reach much farther. ;-P

    \\Know what mandarins are? Experts. Bureaucrats. America has MANY of them.


    Your own.

    But would you like to bend your knees before FOREIGN ones.

    Literally. As that is common practice on the East -- to show own limp-dickness. Before One.

    Would you anticipate to became eunuch??? To be able to rise to some place in power hierarchy?

    That is ALSO old tradition on the East.

    And etc, and etc...

  32. So, how do YOU like being America's Janissaries, bowing and scraping to our mandarins? Oh, Senator Graham, Biden... let me give you my medal...

  33. Kissing? Not kicking?

    Because, for both physical presence needed. ;-)

    Well... Lem was writing about it too... about civilization(s) which emploded.

  34. ...physical presence needed. ;-)

  35. Then... you'd have that kiss delivered by proxies too. ;-P

    You MUST know it... Scots are in YOUR cultiral heritage. Not mine. ;-)

  36. Isn't that what the Blarney Stone is for? Proxy for Stone of Scone under throne chair/ king's a*s? It's why you must flip upside-down to do it. ;)
