Friday, June 30, 2023

The End...


  1. You must be so happy. You probably don't even care how corrupt the Supreme Court is now :(

  2. Your desire to always win knows and recognizes no limits... not even Constitutional ones. Systemic racism in America is FINALLY dead.

    1. Derpi$$ got trampled over when he was seen splooting near his meemaw's swamp.

  3. Your desire to always win knows and recognizes no limits. Why you have no problem with the supreme court being so corrupt. And the court's conservative justices stood up for systemic racism in America. With their ruling they said "we need more of it".

    1. Hey there Derpy! Did your 3 bimbo stooges (Sooty Maniac, Fat Cow and Voodoo Girl) get trampled again? 😄😄😄😄😄 Were they splooting when they got run over? Can't they take the heat anymore?

  4. As Q would say, "show me the quotes" that support that statement.

  5. What quotes support the claim you made about me?

    1. Hey Derpi$$ bin §atan-§ander$666, your Klan Drag Queens took a bigly dump in their burqas?😄😄😄😄😄

  6. Sounds like exact quotes for drawn or inferred conclusions are hard to come by. But then, I'm not the one always asking for them. Just performing a tit-4-tat from one who often does.

  7. The one who often does is Qtard.

  8. Err... that is look like quotes... but it isn't.

    That is just refs to what part of my comments it answers...

    Well, visually, it make look like one, but in the essence -- it is not.

    And that's the whole point. ;-P

  9. Our info world is increasing a world of appearances, not wisdom, knowledge or understanding.

    Where is the Life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?

    T. S. Eliot

  10. It's no longer even a useful substitute for life or living.

    Meden agan. Water is good. Too much water? You drown.

  11. \\Our info world is increasing a world of appearances, not wisdom, knowledge or understanding.

    If you'd forgive my quick googling. But, I think it's enough to show my point. ;-)

    'Children are now tyrants' said Socrates - he's wrong › news › children-...
    “Children; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. They no ...

    \\Meden agan. Water is good. Too much water? You drown.

    Go say it to inhabitant of desert.

    And all World have a good chances to became Desert... if we'd not do something... NOT stooopid.

    Because for now, we seems like doing that thing that making it Desert ONLY.

    \\Tech is good to. Too much tech?

    Let's try to achieve that "too much tech" state... and then decide. ;-)

    Because... for now it's like raving of that cromangnion -- "and for what we need that steamships???!" :-))))))))))))))

  12. /Let's try to achieve that "too much tech" state... and then decide. ;-)

    Too late...

    Hans-Georg Moeller: "A technologist approach to media. Technology shapes humans in a new way...first the medium is the message. The medium is the message is actually the title of the first chapter of the book "understanding media". And here he (McLuhan) writes, "many people would be disposed to say that it was not the machine, but what one did with the machine that was its meaning or message. In terms of the ways in which the machine altered our relations to one another and to ourselves, it mattered not in the least whether it turned out corn flakes or cadillacs." So Mcluhan's view here represents a certain switch from what I'd like to call modernist agency, to post-modernist contingency. A typical modernist discourse would be asking the question "what do we do with it, which meanings or messages do we create." And this is also how, Mcluhan was a Professor of English literature, literature was interpreted as somehow an expression of human ideas and thereby as an expression of human subjectivity and human productivity. There was a strong emphasis on content, on intentionality, the ideas we Express in novels or poems. An emphasis on spiritual or intellectual agency. A focus on the message. Now McLaren switches this around. He switches the focus to the medium. Now he's interested in the technology, not the mode of production and in how content is created with and through technology, for him. ideas are now just cornflakes or Cadillacs, high and low, advertising or Shakespeare, they are contingent and secondary. What is primary, is not what we do with the media, but what do the media to us or what does the medium or what does the technology to us. The medium is now the agent, and humans are subjected to it. It conditions humans. This goes against the modernist Narrative of the sovereign individual. Media are no longer primarily means of human creativity and agency but they condition humans. This brings us to the proclamation "we shape our tools and thereafter they shape us". This is actually a fake mcluhan quote. The quote is from a text written by one of Mcluhan's acquaintances, Father John Culkin in a text titled "a schoolman's guide to Mcluhan". This pronouncement expresses an emphasis shift from agency to a sort of human existential transformation. Mcluhan says the machine altered our relations to one another and to ourselves. Now the pronouncement "we shape our tools and thereafter they shape us" not only addresses this shift away from agency, but also if you look more closely at it, it also points out that machines are media, become tools for self-shaping, we shape them so that they can shape us, we shape them in order to use them to reshape ourselves. So in my language what this sentence expresses is that technological change brings about a change in identity technology, a change in the mode by which we produce ourselves."

  13. The damage is already assimilated and done. You can't unring the bell (like atomic bomb).

  14. \\/Let's try to achieve that "too much tech" state... and then decide. ;-)

    \\Too late...

    Naah. Too early. To the Thermodinamic Death of the Universe... oceans of time. ;-)

    Well... I have read Lem... what bigger news you want to tell me? ;-)

    What do you think about Technological Singularity?

    Ough. Don't worry, I do not propose to start discussing it. ;-)

    Just mentioned it to point to one pecular thing -- from a mouthes of prophets of it, it sounds like it can and should happen by itself...


    was there something like that before???

    Like, somebody declared "Age of Steam coming?"... and that happened.

    No. That always was this or that precise person, which did this or that.

    And then we started having that self-moving things and other gimmicks of covilization.

  15. \\The damage is already assimilated and done. You can't unring the bell (like atomic bomb).

    And so it'll be with every new tech...

  16. "Conservative, n: A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal who wishes to replace them with others."
    - Ambrose Bierce

  17. Was Churchil conservative? Ough, Yes.

    Was he inclined to build big guns and use ALL possible new techy gadgets to prevail? ;-)

    Moral of this story is simple: There is such kinds of old cosy comfortable almost as close relatives EVILS... that can be fought ONLY with new freaky new ones.

  18. It was opened long ago. Remember? ;-)

  19. But I'm still trying to get that last evil to move out of the box... not me go in with it.
