Friday, April 7, 2023

The Historical Pattern for Submission to American Oligarchy


Donald Trump’s indictment makes one wonder if the members of the Democrat party have ever picked up a history book, walked by one in a library, or accidentally heard an episode of the History of Rome podcast. I doubt it because if they had, they’d know that Rome didn’t transition from a republic to an empire overnight, and they’d be familiar with the modern iteration of the George Santayana adage: Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.

By the time Caesar became dictator in 49 BC, the Republic was already gone in everything but name only. The Republic’s collapse had been put in motion 80 years before with the murder of Tiberius Gracchus.

Gracchus was a populist Plebeian tribune, essentially the equivalent of being a member of our House of Representatives. Citizens loved him, and the aristocratic Senate hated him. His assassination points the way to Caesar:
[T]he oligarchy had introduced violence into the political system with the murder of Tiberius Gracchus and over the years the use of violence became increasingly acceptable as various political disputes in Rome led to more and more bloody discord.
With Gracchus’s death, violence became an increasingly common political weapon in Rome, with Sulla’s purges early in the 1st century BC as the clearest example. Sulla executed 9,000 rival Marian partisan supporters, without regard for age or sex.

Three decades later, Caesar would take control, only to lose his life at the hands of a cabal of his establishment rivals. This widespread political violence only came to an end (temporary as it might be) when his adopted son, Augustus, become emperor. Tellingly, however, Augustus achieved that peace only after executing thousands of his political enemies.

Rome devolved from a republic in which domestic politics were decided mostly by words and relatively objective laws, to a dictatorship where laws were anything but objective, and the emperor could take life and property on a whim.

The late Roman Republic had the equivalent of our “Swamp,” which it called the Senate. While ostensibly there were balancing powers of influence, such as the assemblies, two Consuls (a split executive office with a term of one year) and, occasionally, the appointment of a temporary Dictator, the reality is that the Senate, made up of the richest and most powerful citizens, ran the Republic. Even when one of the assemblies or one of the Consuls seemed to be ascendant, it was the senators calling most of the shots through their relationships with the state officials, familial connections to this or that general, and their control of the purse strings.

So, you have a body of rich and powerful citizens having ostensibly limited power through the visible levers of government, but actually exercising real power through the connections, relationships, and shared ideology of the apparatchiks in the bureaucracy, the opinion makers, and those who indoctrinate the youth who always act as the frontline shock troops. Sound familiar?

Things have changed a lot in 2,000 years, but the nature of man…not so much.
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. As with most things today, political changes happen faster than they did in the past.

It took 100 years—from Gracchus’s emergence on the Roman stage until Augustus’s ascendance—for Rome to transform from a republic to an empire. It has taken less than 20 years since Barack Obama promised to “fundamentally transform” America for the country to change from a functioning but imperfect republic into a farce of a country characterized by a banana-republic-level tyranny.

With a complicit bureaucracy, Obama used the IRS to target political opponents, the Justice Department to coerce banks into blacklisting businesses he didn’t like, and Obamacare to give government unprecedented control over Americans’ health decisions while doubling the cost. He unconstitutionally opened the immigration spigot that has now become a torrent.

Within six months of taking office, Obama would set the tone for an administration that would set race relations back 50 years. His “evolution“ on gay marriage would give cover to the spineless Supreme Court to impose that travesty on the country and lay the ground for the fascist LBTQ hellscape America endures today. And finally, he weakened two of the most foundational elements of American society: The military and residential communities.

Obama set in motion a new set of rules in America, and Trump’s indictment, the Soviet-style attack on J6 attendees, and the prosecution of Douglass Mackey combine to demonstrate exactly what those new rules are: Thou shalt not oppose the Democrat party, thou shalt not speak badly of or mock the Democrat party or its minions, thou shalt not push back against the regulatory state, and thou shalt not express traditional American values.

These sham “prosecutions” are really persecution. They are nothing more than the Democrats’ regulatory state wrapping itself around American citizens’ necks like the Burmese Pythons killing most native species in the Everglades. The indictment of a former president and current presidential candidate on such a weak and preposterous theory as this one puts the lie to the idea that the Constitution limits our government. This is nothing less than the established “swamp” inventing new legal theories while ignoring existing law to crush a political opponent. That foretells the end of the Republic.

Our Republic has survived for 230 years because most Americans believe in our Constitution and respect the laws that emanate from it. But the Constitution is nothing more than a piece of paper… it’s not a gun, it’s not an army, it’s not police state stormtroopers. It’s a piece of paper that states how the government should operate, limits that government’s power, and guarantees the citizens’ various inherent liberties and freedoms.

For most of our history, the Constitution’s words guided how our nation operated. Citizens had two ways to change the way the country was governed: voting and amending the Constitution. Today, however, neither works. The former has been undermined by a Democrat party that steals elections under the cover of night and calls you a conspiracy nut when you notice. The latter isn’t even a consideration because the Democrat party and the apparatchiks running the regulatory and security states are no longer constrained by its words.

America has become a tyranny where the people in power no longer feel the need to seek validation from the citizens. They decide on the outcome and manipulate the numbers to produce the result without even a fig leaf hiding their disdain for citizens. Whether it was Bernie Sanders in 2016, Donald Trump in 2020, or Kari Lake in 2022, the Democrat party and its entrenched government comrades have decided they no longer need to subject themselves to the will of the citizenry and, if anyone objects, they use the judiciary to crush that person.

America has been loosed from the anchor of the Constitution and the rule of law that kept our citizens free for two centuries. While the blood of the regime’s enemies may not yet be flowing in the streets, history very clearly tells us that, unless we change what’s happening, it will be. The question is, are there enough Americans who are familiar with history and willing to pull us out of our national death spiral before that terrible end is upon us? How Americans respond to Donald Trump’s persecution is the canary in the coal mine that will likely answer that question.


  1. When you see a number of Christian or Jewish Prophets rising in any nation to speak out for justice, you know that the nation is in serious danger. In the days before Jesus came as a man, God used prophets to warn of impending doom, in hopes of turning the people around to do the proper thing and turn from evil. We need to pay attention to history and do the right thing now, before trouble hits head on in a disaster.

    Right now, a number of prophets, famous and not so famous, are warning of the disasters headed this way towards those who oppose exposing world wide evil going on in multiple governments in several governments, including the USA and Canada. Several have said that Satan overreached his hands by having DA Alvin Bragg prosecuting Donald Trump on charges that have passed statutes of limitation, and the legal boundaries between state and Federal charges. Even a number of liberals who would normally attack Donald Trump have said that the prosecution has gone too far.

    This prosecution is going to become a rotten egg being splattered back into DA Alvin Bragg's face when it's over.

  2. Mystere: Right now, a number of prophets, famous and not so famous, are warning of the disasters headed this way...

    The people you refer to are lying fakes. They are not prophets.

  3. Delirious Derpy still thinking that there eixst some "true prophets"??? :-))))

    Most likely that is that "somebody-somebody who saying something-somthing" -- am I right, De-Ru-Pi? ;-P

  4. Replies
    1. "Delirious Derpy" as Q called him, is an utter fool in the sight of God Almighty. He has had the chance to look at the evidence for what is true, knows deep inside what the truth is, but rejects it. Horseface Dervish Sanders worships Satan, and chooses to spread wickedness.

    2. Der Teufel ist mein Puppenmeister, in den ich mich verliebt habe. SIEG HEIL DEM TEUFEL! SIEG HEIL DEM TEUFEL!

    3. Q-Anon, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! aka Qtard aka Rattrapper aka Mystere: ""Delirious Derpy" as Q called him, is an utter fool in the sight of God Almighty. He has had the chance to look at the evidence for what is true, knows deep inside what the truth is, but rejects it. Horseface Dervish Sanders worships Satan, and chooses to spread wickedness."

      Kiss my white @$$!

  5. That's the problem with prophesy. The prophet's advice is seldom heeded. Cassandra and Tiresias are fated to screaming into the winds...

    1. Regardless of what Christian Prophets are saying, one who isn't under far left wing extremist brainwashed delusions can see the trouble we're headed for. Fools like "The Honorable, Esteemed And Distinguished Judge Dervish Sanders (A High IQ Bourgeois Elitist)" as he calls himself want to see America completely changed to a one party ruled totalitarian regime, with no rights for opposition.

      I've noticed a number of these fools are now saying that the news clips of Joe Biden fumbling and bumbling in front of the camera are staged studio productions of "Right Wing Extremist Nazi Propaganda" being produced in studios and broadcast as news on "Right Wing Extremist" hate sites.

      As for the J6 persecution, the blueprint Nanshee The House Drinker followed was the blueprint that FDR and Army General John DeWitt hatched in the late 1930s in an attempt to deport all people of Japanese blood out of all of North, Central and South America. Back in 1982, I met a Navajo man, whose father was a Navajo decoder in the Army during WW2. The man I met was a young boy at the time when his father worked as a Navajo code speaker during WW2. This Navajo man told me about how FDR plotted to deport all those of Japanese blood from the USA and all territories of the USA, then get cooperation from Canada, Mexico and the other countries in Central and South America to follow suit. FDR and John DeWitt got the Hearst family to cooperate and spread anti Japanese propaganda to the public, fueling the intense hatred and blind desire to send the Japanese into prison camps built by the army. The plan almost worked; Panama's government deported the Japanese during 1943 to several camps in the USA, mostly to Poston Arizona, Topaz Utah, Rohwer Arkansas, Manzanar California and Tule Lake California. FDR's run for his 4th term as President was also his downfall and exposure to his dirty deeds done dirt cheap, as his VP Harry Truman had a sense of righteousness that FDR rejected for power. FDR & General DeWitt's tyrannical plot got foiled in 1945 when Truman became President.

      The Navajo man I met served in the army as a young man during the Korean War. While serving overseas, he met his bride in Japan, and started a family in the USA. I met his wife shortly after I met him. All these things he told me about the plans FDR and DeWitt hatched match the plans the House Drinker and Chuck Schumer hatched against those in the J6 prison camp. The conditions that the J6 prisoners face are even worse than the conditions the Japanese faced in the canps during WW2, which were inhumane as well. Everything being inflicted on the J6 prisoners is even more evil and cruel than what FDR and DeWitt inflicted upon the Japanese imprisoned in the WW2 prison camps. Had the Democrats won the house seats in 2022, the House Drinker would have run to be the speaker again to further inflict pain and suffering upon those falsely arrested on fake charges.

  6. My first boss out of college had been in the camps with his mother and brothers/ sisters as a kid. His dad had been separated from his family and suspected as a Japanese spy and was interned at a special camp somewhere around Chicago.

  7. I prophet here... Derpy will not comment on this. Toom self-revealing. ;-P

    1. "Derpy" has never commented here.

  8. Mathew 13:57 And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house.

  9. I did not write "No" on April 8, 2023 at 2:55 AM.

    I did not write "Der Teufel ist mein Puppenmeister..." on April 8, 2023 at 6:33 AM.

    I did not write "Kiss my white @$$!" on April 8, 2023 at 6:57 AM.

    Those are Fake Mystere-authored comments.

    I do not reject the truth despite knowing "deep down inside" what it is. I do not worship Satan and choose to spread wickedness.

    I am strongly opposed to America existing under a one party totalitarian regime with no rights for opposition. That is what Mystere (commenting here using his "Rattrapper" account) wants to see.

    I haven't noticed anyone saying that the news clips of Joe Biden fumbling and bumbling in front of the camera are staged studio productions. I haven't seen any clips of Joe Biden fumbling or bumbling. Any more than any person who spends a large amount of time in front of a camera.

    There were no J6 rioters falsely arrested on fake charges. The charges were genuine for actual crimes committed.

    I did not write (and have never written) about the existence (or non-existence) of "true prophets". I ONLY said that the "prophets" that Mystere listens to are fakers. Qtard's comment about what I'm "still thinking" is a LIE. Qtard never read my mind and discovered I think there are (or aren't) "true prophets".

  10. Actual crimes... like exposing the FBI and refusing to turn FBI "informant". The Jeremy Brown conviction (7 years) is just one more "Show me the man, I'll find you the crime" travesty of justice. It reminds me of Ruby Ridge (sawed off shotgun bs).

  11. I have NO problem with ex-Green Beret's (or any ex-military ground pounder) possessing hand grenades.

  12. ...or "classified documents" that Joe Biden has in his garage.

  13. \\I do not reject the truth despite knowing "deep down inside" what it is. I do not worship Satan and choose to spread wickedness.

    It... doesn't counts. As follower of Satan are self-proclaimed lyars -- so they can (and even must, by cannons of their faith) lie about their allegiances too. ;-P

    But well. I agree with u. You are honestly i.v.

    \\I am strongly opposed to America existing under a one party totalitarian regime with no rights for opposition.

    Yep... if that is Rightturd One Party.
    Because, if that'll be Demn one party -- that is totally another story -- demns cannot be totalitarian, isn't it?
    Because... HOW Demoncrats can be??? While they are called Demns. ;-P

    \\There were no J6 rioters falsely arrested on fake charges. The charges were genuine for actual crimes committed.

    Like... treason? ;-)

    \\Qtard's comment about what I'm "still thinking" is a LIE.

    \\The people you refer to are lying fakes. They are not prophets.

    \\April 7, 2023 at 5:03 PM
    \\Anonymous Q said...
    \\Delirious Derpy still thinking that there exist some "true prophets"??? :-))))

    STRUCTURE of your "rebuff" is such... that it suggest that there is, can be, you saw em or just give benefit of a doubt that there could be... some "true prophets". Or just "prophets".
    In any other then coloquial meaning -- as a people that could predict something on the base of their wisdom and experience... or just accidentally.

    Because... why would you try to rebutt that claim... so passionately??? ;-P

    \\Qtard never read my mind and discovered I think there are (or aren't) "true prophets".

    You are. Open book. To me. Derpy.
    No need to "read your mind". Just your babbling here is too much revealing and talks for itself. ;-P

    You could try to not be that apparent... but you plainly not that much sophisticated for that. :-)))
    My dear funny i.v.

  14. Qtard: You are. Open book. To me. Derpy.

    Bull Shit. Just like the rest of your comment. You have no idea what you're talking about.

  15. It is not surprising for i.v. to react this way. Monkey screams. Yawn.

    1. I agree with you completely regarding your description of yourself as a screaming monkey.

  16. :-))))))))))))))))))))

    And you think that would work on me???

    Or... you just that braindamaged down -- and cannot phatome simple truth -- that other people NOT the same as you, and will not react the same as you. ;-P

    Go throw more shit little monkey. Be MOAR laboureous. If you want to scare me out. Not. :-)))))

  17. Qtard: And you think that would work on me?

    Absolutely not. You are immune to facts. To you truth and facts are "shit" and "garbage".

  18. I have never even thought about trying to "scare you out" you delusional lying pos. This absurd claim is par for the course with you. Like your imagined "primal scream" (from me) when I helpfully suggested you go away to avoid involvement. Like I give a crap that you've chosen to comment on this low traffic blog. If it bothered me that much I would leave.

  19. \\Absolutely not. You are immune to facts.

    Whatever you'd say... I just canno keep up with swiftness of redefinition of the meaning of the world.

    And that adding up to me being foreigner too.

    To memorise all tha rediculous monkey scribs... hella big problem by itself.

    Especially if NEW meainings never to be found and must be conjured by oneself. :-)))

    \\To you truth and facts are "shit" and "garbage".

    Well... how could I know what sets of symbols "truth" and "facts" mean in YOUR vocabulary???

    I know only definitions from open and allknown one.

    But from that how you using em... well, shit and garbage, pretty much, it can be.

    I... was trying to give DEFINITIONS too.

    And encourage YOU to do the same. To avoid such misreading. ;-P

  20. \\Like your imagined "primal scream" (from me) when I helpfully suggested you go away to avoid involvement.

    "Involvment" you imagioned.

    And never able to explain -- what and why???

    \\If it bothered me that much I would leave.

    "Please don't go. The drones need you. They...look up to you."

  21. Never able to explain? You involved yourself via discussions (here, possibly elsewhere I am not aware of). Discussions that concern American politics. And you have expressed your strong opinions. This involvement is definitely not imaginary.

    FYI, I have never used any definition other than that provided by the dictionary. Old definitions provided by experts in the English language. UNLIKE you, with your constant misspellings. You are the one redefining words. Like your redefinition of "involvement" (re American politics) to not include people who can't vote in American elections.

    That is not a definition "open and allknown one". It is a "definition" known to nobody but you.

  22. \\You involved yourself via discussions (here, possibly elsewhere I am not aware of). Discussions that concern American politics.

    THERE IS NO law against discussions... even if it "concern American politics".

    Err... sorry. There IS such laws -- in Rahsa and China -- where such "involvment" can mean long-long sentences.

    Wanna have it in USA??? Go vote for Trump... or someone even worse than it. ;-P

    But... before that -- YOU HAVE NO rights to decide -- involved I, or not involved... ;-P

    \\And you have expressed your strong opinions.

    Like, which exactly? ;-P
    That Trumpo STILL not in jail? That's NOT opinion. That's FACT. :-)))

    \\This involvement is definitely not imaginary.

    Yep. For you. That is malfunctions of your demaged brains -- that is by all means real thing. I am ready to admit it. :-)))

  23. Qtard: "THERE IS NO law against discussions".

    I never said there were, you f*cking lying straw-man-constructing shithead. Qtard is the one with an obviously damaged brain.

  24. Go scream "go away", you hypocritical twip. ;-P

  25. That is another of your lies, asshole.

  26. \\I have never even thought about trying to "scare you out" you delusional lying pos. This absurd claim is par for the course with you.

    \\I never said there were, you f*cking lying straw-man-constructing shithead. Qtard is the one with an obviously damaged brain.

    And etc, and etc...

    So all this "honorifics" you trying tp spew in my direction, in hopeless try to wound me with your stupid little kindergarden-brain i.v. bad-mouthing.

    That is not "monkey screams"? Ah, De-Ru-Pi? ;-P

    Or... you just don't know that -- when monkeies start screaming -- exactly when they see a threat, and trying to scare it out -- with loud screams, and throwing feces -- immediately produced by their disturbed by fear stomathes. :-))))))


    De-Ru-Pi -- isn't that LOOKS LIKE your behavior here?

    That is not behavior of an adult.

    Not even of smart schoolboy.

    But level of puny kindergarden. One who still not learned how to behave in public.

    Or... a monkey. ;-P

  27. \\Anonymous Dervish Sanders said...
    Qtard: "THERE IS NO law against discussions".

    \\I never said there were, you f*cking lying straw-man-constructing shithead. Qtard is the one with an obviously damaged brain.

    Aha... you "never said" that.

    Only... in a manner of all Demn-jumkies, suggested that I SHOULD bind myself to your expectaion... because? just because.

    Because you devised some ad-hok "rule" of "involvment" -- not based on any law or even common sense.

    Because your religious cult of Demn-Jumkiesm proclaim that ALL NEED TO BEND their knees before MIGHTY Demns. :-))))))))))))

    Because it gave to all your -- faithful demn-junkies -- that Mighty Power -- to devise "rules" on your and only your whim.

  28. \\FYI, I have never used any definition other than that provided by the dictionary.

    Some secret dictionary of Demn-junkies? Or maybe, satanists?

    Well -- you are free to give excerpts from that dictionaries.

    You are able to use Google, isn't it?

    \\Old definitions provided by experts in the English language.

    And what about New Definitions?

    And who are that "experts in English lang"???

    You clearly are i.v.

    Language -- constatly changing entity. (well, if it not "dead" lang as Latin... but even it do change with time... perishing)

    There no "experts" -- only people who use this or that language, here or there or everywhere.

    And... you can start screaming and throwing your feces. AGAIN. My little monkey Ivi. ;-P

    Because -- that is utmostly and utterly, completely ALL WHAT YOU CAN do. :-)))))))))))))

    Not enough brains. So sorry.

    \\UNLIKE you, with your constant misspellings.

    So what? :-)))

    \\You are the one redefining words.

    You are free to show your WIT... and describe where and how I do that (which I don't). Or... how it is wrong.

    \\Like your redefinition of "involvement" (re American politics) to not include people who can't vote in American elections.

    That is YOUR redefinition -- that mere babbling in the Internet account for "political involvment".

    I only suggested WHERE and HOW that redefinition can make sense.
    Exactly in totalitarian states like Rasha and China.
    Like in Nazi Germany too.

    \\That is not a definition "open and allknown one". It is a "definition" known to nobody but you.

    Your definition of "involvment".
    On the base of which you tryed to order me to "go away".

    Which is not only NOT in your f*ng power.
    But also -- is utterly and utmostly AGAINST my unalienable Human Rights.

    Which reveals you as totalitarian control freak and dumbass i.v.

    Because that is i.v. exactly -- who feel themself vulnerable, because of their lack of wit -- so they fall for promices of any sects and cults that promice to em Power -- to eradicate, to thwart, to silence out,
    those who are smarter than u.

  29. Qtard: You clearly are i.v.

    I have no f*cking idea what you're talking about.

    Qtard: There no "experts" -- only people who use this or that language...

    LOL. Yet more proof that you are a moron.

    Qtard: On the base of which you tryed to order me to "go away".

    I have not been revealed as a "totalitarian control freak". Because this NEVER HAPPENED. You lie. You will continue to lie. Because YOU are a dumbass.

  30. \\LOL. Yet more proof that you are a moron.

    Yes, moron.
    They do not "Old definitions provided by experts in the English language."
    They A lexicographer studies words and compiles the results into a dictionary.

    Another word, for a such i.v. as you are to understand -- they DO NOT DEFINE words -- they doing research and scribe into dictionary EXISTING meaning.

    \\I have not been revealed as a "totalitarian control freak". Because this NEVER HAPPENED. You lie. You will continue to lie. Because YOU are a dumbass.

    Oh, sorry, I forget.
    That you are drowning in denial preak too. ;-P

  31. "A lexicographer studies words". The studying makes them experts in the English language. By "provided" I did not mean "made up".

    As for me being a "drowning in denial preak". I do not know what a "preak" is. I am absolutely "in denial" of your delusions, however.

  32. \\The studying makes them experts in the English language. By "provided" I did not mean "made up".

    a person who is very knowledgeable about or skilful in a particular area.

    Seems like right? ;-)
    There is a catch -- WHICH exactly kind of expert?

    Does expert biologist who know latin names for every live being on the Earth... can be accounted as... cowboy? :-))))))))))))

    \\As for me being a "drowning in denial preak". I do not know what a "preak" is. I am absolutely "in denial" of your delusions, however.

    Dictonaries... at your service. ;-P

    And... thank you for admitting being "in denial". :-))))))))))))

  33. Qtard: Seems like right? But. There is a catch -- WHICH exactly kind of expert? Does expert biologist who know latin names for every live being on the Earth... can be accounted as... cowboy?

    "A lexicographer studies words". The studying makes them experts in the English language. Your "catch" does not apply. I never said a lexicographer is a cowboy.

    Qtard: And... thank you for admitting being "in denial".

    My admission was in regards to your delusions. Since you thank me, I assume you AGREE that you suffer from them. So, thank YOU for that. Now I suggest you get help.

  34. \\"A lexicographer studies words". The studying makes them experts in the English language.

    They experts in:
    How to talk English? Or how to sing English?
    Maybe they became all encompased experts in how to translate English in any other language?
    Or maybe they became experts in using English in all kinds of special spheres, like: medicine, astrophysics, high math, plumbing, and etc???


    They are just "experts in wrting dinctionaries". ;-P

    \\Your "catch" does not apply. I never said a lexicographer is a cowboy.

    Of course. :-))))

    Because I never said such a moronity as "lexicographer is a cowboy".

    Pay attention. ;-P

    That was "biologist that know all latin names".
    Implying, that it doesn't matter that he know proper latin name of cow -- THAT IS STREICTLY not enough to be counted as cowboy. ;-P

    That mean -- experitse of an expert -- very narrow thing.

    That mean -- there is NO, and CANNOT be "an expert" or even whole bunch of "experts in the English language". :-)))))))

    Because... that is meaningless bunch of words. That "experts in the English language". :-)))))))))))))))))

    The same as with that "somebody-somebody who saing something-something".

    \\My admission was in regards to your delusions.

    By that is what you called "your delusions" is open and true logical inferences based on facts. ;-P

    That mean that you ADMIT... being in opposition to a truth and facts. ;-P

    Well, nothing new here. :-)))))))))))))

    But it's good that you started to admit your deficience. Even if in that form.

  35. Qtard: That mean -- there is NO, and CANNOT be "an expert" or even whole bunch of "experts in the English language".

    There can be and there are such experts. Even if your delusions say otherwise. Qtarded delusions do not negate expertise.

    Qtard: That mean that you ADMIT... being in opposition to a truth and facts.

    It doesn't.

  36. .

    \\There can be and there are such experts.

    That is just your baseless uneducated i.v.'s belief. ;-P

    \\Even if your delusions say otherwise.

    Go keep calling knowledge and education -- delusion.

    That way you'll only continue proving my expert point that you are mere i.v. :-))))

    \\ Qtarded delusions do not negate expertise.

    Yours??? :-))))

    And what is your experise? ;-P

    What is you job, Derpy? Some senior apprentice of some junior janitor? :-))))))))))))))))

    \\It doesn't.

    And you can confirm it with logical inferences and facts?


    Well, as I thought. ;-P

  37. Qtard: That is just your baseless uneducated i.v.'s belief.

    Proven fact.

    Qtard: Go keep calling knowledge and education -- delusion.

    Impossible. I cannot "keep" doing something I have NEVER done.

    Yours??? And what is your experise?

    No, not mine. The experts in the English language we were discussing. People your delusions tell you do not exist.

    Qtard: And you can confirm it with logical inferences and facts?

    YES. It is a FACT that I have never declared that I stand in opposition to truth and facts. I have never called facts "garbage". Unlike you.

    BTW, You keep writing "i.v." but it means nothing. As such I IGNORE it.

  38. \\Qtard: That is just your baseless uneducated i.v.'s belief.

    \\Proven fact.


    That is proven fact now, that you are uneducated i.v. :-)))))))))))))

    Congrats for understanding and admitting it. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Go keep calling knowledge and education -- delusion.

    \\Impossible. I cannot "keep" doing something I have NEVER done.

    Ctrl-F "delusion"

    1) delusional lying pos...

    2) ...I am absolutely "in denial" of your delusions, however.

    3) My admission was in regards to your delusions.

    Three times! Only in this thread. Lately.

    \\The experts in the English language we were discussing. People your delusions tell you do not exist.

    As an uneducated i.v. you not equipped to assess and confirm anybody's experise. ;-P

    Only "experise" of some lying crooks and snake oil merchants, who boasting "believe me, I'm an expert". :-)))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: And you can confirm it with logical inferences and facts?

    \\YES. It is a FACT that I have never declared that I stand in opposition to truth and facts. I have never called facts "garbage". Unlike you.

    You just proved, with your own direct words, that you FREAKINGLY oblivious of what "logical inference" is. :-))))))))))))))))


    It doesn't matter how many times. And with how many capsloked screams one'd declare: "It is a FACT that I have never declared".

    THAT IS *NOT* HOW you do refer to a fact. ;-P






    Ref to Reality.


    A grain of Logic -- it's purely IMPOSSIBLE to prove logically statements of "negative existance", like your: "I have never".

  39. .

    Derpy Derpy Do... Where R U???!!! :-P

  40. Qtard: Three times! Only in this thread. Lately.

    MORON! I used the word three times. Calling out your delusions is NOT "calling knowledge and education -- delusion".

    Qtard: Only "experise" of some lying crooks and snake oil merchants, who boasting "believe me, I'm an expert".

    I have never cited lying crooks or snake oil merchants who say "believe me" re their expertise. I've only cited ACTUAL experts. Proven via degrees earned and positions held. Qtard believes baseless and counter-factual ad hominem "proves" an expert is a "lying crook" because he is an i.v.

    Qtard: "It is a FACT that I have never declared". THAT IS *NOT* HOW you do refer to a fact.

    WTF? "It is a FACT that I have never declared"... that (you're claiming) is you quoting me? I never wrote that. In caps or otherwise.

  41. \\Calling out your delusions is NOT "calling knowledge and education -- delusion".

    ONLY... if that is really factually would be MY delusions. ;-P

    But down the road -- they all YOURS. :-)))))))))))))))))

    As I keep showing with PRECISE CITATIONS of your words -- and my witty observations of what it all means. ;-P

    \\I have never cited lying crooks or snake oil merchants who say "believe me" re their expertise.

    And who's that "somebody-somebody who said something-something" you like to refer to... while claiming that their words are facts???

    While that is preposterously not true.

    Somebody's unhindered observations or ckaims -- CANNOT be a fact. Ipso factum, Cause FACTS ARE open, obvious, self-evidant refs to Reality.

    And that somebodies DO NOT give refs to Reality. (And you like em for that, I suppose)

    Only their "opinions", "estimates" and etc FAT RICH BS. ;-P

    \\I've only cited ACTUAL experts.

    From what you know that they are experts? ;-P
    Only from their own words. :-))))))))))))))))

    \\Proven via degrees earned and positions held.

    dRump was f*ing POTUS... doen't that makes him... an expert? ;-P

    \\Qtard believes baseless and counter-factual ad hominem "proves" an expert is a "lying crook" because he is an i.v


    What that your i.v. spewing even could mean??? :-))))))))))

    \\WTF? "It is a FACT that I have never declared"... that (you're claiming) is you quoting me? I never wrote that. In caps or otherwise.

    Derpy-Derpy-Derpy. :-)))))

    That is YOUR shit. Just from comment above

    YES. It is a FACT that I have never declared that I stand in opposition to truth and facts. I have never called facts "garbage". Unlike you.

    April 18, 2023 at 1:44 PM

    It's such a shame... to be such a poor-minded i.v. ;-P

  42. Qtard: As I keep showing with PRECISE CITATIONS of your words -- and my witty observations of what it all means.

    *I* tell you what I mean. You telling me what I mean... that is you LYING about what I mean. Your "witty observations" are lies.

    dRump was f*ing POTUS... doen't that makes him... an expert?

    In what? Duping rubes into giving him a job he was dangerously unqualified to handel? When he was up for review he got fired for poor job performance. The voters judged him to be lacking in expertise. Why they hired Joe Biden. He has the expertise. From serving in the Senate and as VP.

    Qtard: What that your i.v. spewing even could mean???

    You insult experts. Just insults, never any evidence showing experts are wrong. Just the insults prove they are wrong, apparently. Like you calling me i.v. "proves" me wrong... in Qtard's delusions.

    Qtard: That is YOUR shit. Just from comment above.

    Partial quote. You left out the second part of my sentence. I have never talked about "a FACT that I have never declared". It is a fact that I have never declared that I stand in opposition to truth and facts. I was refuting your lie. Not talking about some mystery fact that I've never declared.

    Qtard: It's such a shame... to be such a poor-minded i.v.

    I agree. I'd feel sorry for you if you weren't such a narcissist self-deluded a-hole.

  43. \\*I* tell you what I mean.

    Oh... so are you Humptee-Dumptee??? :-)))))))))))))
    That would explain a lot.

    "When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, 'it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less."

    \\Your "witty observations" are lies.

    Why you cannot refute it? ;-P
    Anything of it.
    Even once.
    With facts and quotes, of course. As you empty claim that you "proved"... NO, "PROVED!!!" something -- doesn't counts.

    \\dRump was f*ing POTUS... doen't that makes him... an expert?

    \\In what?


    You said it YOURSELF.

    That your previous claim that, citing precisely: "ACTUAL experts. Proven via degrees earned and positions held."
    Doesn't counts.

    That "position and degree" -- NOT ENOUGH.

    "In WHAT?" is MORE important.

    Because. EVEN if one ARE true expert in something -- that DO NOT make him expert in everything.

    THAT's nature of "being expert".

    That's why "A lexicographer studies words" is not "experts in the English language" in general sense. Only "experts in making vocabularies"... maybe.

    Because that "experts in the English language" as general claim IS JUST MEANINGLESS.

    Because it is TOO DAMN wide for being expertise of anyone. ;-P

    And you would know and understand it... if you'd not be such a hopeles i.v.

    \\The voters judged him to be lacking in expertise. Why they hired Joe Biden. He has the expertise. From serving in the Senate and as VP.

    And what expertise have had O-bama? ;-P

    \\You insult experts.


    \\Just insults, never any evidence showing experts are wrong.

    That is what I doing here, for several months. In talks with you. That you doesn't see it... well, unsurprising.
    Cause you are mere i.v.

    \\Like you calling me i.v. "proves" me wrong...

    Of course not. :-)))))))
    Because that is NOT proof. That is just giving a name to your poor cognitive and thinking abilities.
    Just because.
    For everything there need to be a word.
    For clarity. ;-P
    Anbd intgrity. ;-PP

    \\I was refuting your lie.

    No, you are not.
    Because, there are no way to prove (or refute) UNEXISTANCE.

    And you'd know it... if you'd not be such an undeducated and unteachable i.v. From Logic. ;-)

    \\Qtard: It's such a shame... to be such a poor-minded i.v.

    \\I agree. I'd feel sorry for you if you weren't such a narcissist self-deluded a-hole.

    Go admit that you are Special Olimpic games contestant -- and I'll change my opinion of you. ;-P

  44. Qtard: Oh... so are you Humptee-Dumptee? "When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, 'it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less."

    "I tell you what I mean" isn't "I redefine words to mean what I want them to". That's your LIE. Totally invented. That I use words but don't mean what I say (because I secretly redefine the word). And Qtard "knows" what I really mean.

    Qtard: "witty observations" are lies. Then. Why you cannot refute it? Anything of it. Even once.

    Refuted every time. You just deny my refutations.

    Qtard: EVEN if one ARE true expert in something -- that DO NOT make him expert in everything.

    So what? That is why I cite DIFFERENT experts. Idiot.

    Qtard: Go admit that you are Special Olimpic games contestant -- and I'll change my opinion of you.

    I have never participated in the Special Olympics. FYI, people with physical disabilities participate in the Special Olympics. Not just people with mental disabilities. What you imply of me with your ad hominem insult. Proof Qtard is an FM. Also a bigot.

  45. \\"I tell you what I mean" isn't "I redefine words to mean what I want them to". That's your LIE. Totally invented. That I use words but don't mean what I say (because I secretly redefine the word). And Qtard "knows" what I really mean.

    I'll admit.
    You are not Humptee-Dumptee.
    Not that witty.
    You are more like that caterpillar. Smoking weed. :-))))))))))))))))
    Producing meaningless babbling.

    \\Refuted every time. You just deny my refutations.

    Screamning "you are wrong!", "you lie!" and etc -- THAT -- is not refuting. ;-P

    To refute means to show contradiction.

    Like I doing, practocly with every citation of your words.
    That they either not factual -- when you do incorrect quotes of my words especially
    Or have no, errorneous logic.
    Or... just meaningless. ;-P

    So, yeah... what I did in this paragtaph too. :-)))))))))))))

    \\So what? That is why I cite DIFFERENT experts. Idiot.

    Anydoby whose opinionated blurts you like -- that is not experts. ;-P

    \\What you imply of me with your ad hominem insult. Proof Qtard is an FM. Also a bigot.

    You declared that you need some special treatment.
    But I, see no reason in it.
    Maybe wrongly. Because I do not know your circumstances. And freakingly CANNOT know. You are just a bodyless nickname in a blog for me.

    If you'd claim that YOU are one who DECERVE some special treatment. It would be a firm reason for me to reconsider.
    What is biggoted in it???

  46. Qtard: Screamning "you are wrong!", "you lie!" and etc -- THAT -- is not refuting.

    I agree 100%. Do you agree? You must not, given your very frequent use of that tactic.

  47. \\Do you agree? You must not, given your very frequent use of that tactic.

    Citations! Citations! Citations!

  48. Derpy Derpy Doo, whereRu??? :-))))))))))
