Friday, April 7, 2023


Sundance, "Who's 'They?'" (excerpt)
If you think “Republicans” are the solution, then you don’t understand the construct of the ‘Big Club.’

Political parties were created to present you with: (1) a controlled outlet for your focus (pro-tip the Big Club “they” control it); and (2) the illusion of choice.

Now there are some differences between the two political parties – between the two wings of the same DC vulture.
The DNC wants power. The RNC wants money.
• The DNC uses money to get power. The RNC use power to get money.
The ideology of the DNC drives their donor activity. The ideology of the donors drives the RNC ideology.
This is the essential difference in their business models. This is also how the system works when you think about ‘money’ and raw ‘ideological power’.

Let me give you an example in current culture, around “wokeism“.

The social and cultural ideology of the left-wing is clear; they are pushing ideology. However, when you look at the right-wing corporate response, notice the focus is on money. The left is pushing a cultural revolution; the right is seeking to gain money in (a) corporate alignment, or (b) velvet-gloved combat against it.

The leftist ideology advances. Notice there is no ideological pushback against the cultural revolution from Congress. Why?… Money

Democrats know if they want to advance ideology, simply find a mechanism to pay Republicans. Easy peasy.
♦ Ukraine. IDEOLOGY: The agenda of the left-wing (Dems) is clear; they are pushing for an expanded totalitarian globalist agenda. MONEY: The right-wing response to the Ukraine ideology, is money. Congress funds the industrial military machine, the military contractors. The contractors repay politicians.
The globalist ideology advances. Notice, there is no ideological pushback against the White House and U.S. State Dept foreign policy from Congress.

Why?… money.

If you are an institution (or individual) and your enterprise needs power to advance your interests (think Big Tech), you align with Democrats. If you are an institution (or individual) and your enterprise needs money to advance your interests (think Wall St), you align with Republicans.

The left-wing wants power to advance ideology. The right-wing wants money. That’s why the Republicans never stop any of the Democrats’ ideological gains.
♦ Elections. IDEOLOGY: The ballot-harvesting agenda of the left-wing (DNC/dems) is clear; they have thousands of networked groups funded by donor activity (Zuckerbucks etc.), organized in every community to assemble ballots. MONEY: The right-wing response is to see the opportunity for fundraising…. Meanwhile, a massive network known as True The Vote, Catherine Englebrecht, with an army of skilled voter integrity grassroots operations, easily retooled to a ballot collection network, sits untapped.
This is the nature of the system that distracts us. Two wings of the same vulture. This is the inherent nature of U.S. politics in the big picture, and I can get as granular and specific as anyone might need – including the propositions for why club candidates are selected within the ‘illusion of choice’ game.


  1. The agenda of the left-wing (Dems) is clear; they are pushing for an expanded totalitarian globalist agenda.

    Opposing the invasion of a sovereign democratic nation by a totalitarian one is not itself totalitarianism. What idiotic bullplop.

    1. Your party is using your kind as useful idiots, Dervish.

  2. Your party is using your kind as useful idiots, Mystere.

  3. \\Opposing the invasion of a sovereign democratic nation by a totalitarian one is not itself totalitarianism.

    And how you do(???) oppose it? :-)))

    You/your Demn highereups ARE in one bed with totalitarians.

    Biden and Putin and Xi (and Trump) feel themself much more comfortable between each other.

  4. Mystere: I'm Rattrapper, not Mystere.

    "Rattrapper" is your account, Mystere. In any case, the "NO!" comment above is not mine. It is a fake Mystere comment.

    1. Your fixation and attempted stalking of Mystere is very unhealthy, Dervish. I am Rattrapper.

    2. You are fixated on, and stalking me, shithead.

    3. πŸ”ΊOh look! Another fake Dervish Sanders comment!πŸ”Ί

    4. The comment is not fake. I made it (and this one) using my phone. Blogger won't allow me to sign in on my phone. The "Google account" option is greyed out. That does not make the comment fake, asshole.

    5. πŸ”ΊOH MY! Dervish admits to being "Fake Dervish"πŸ”Ί

  5. Whoever is impersonating Dervy, please stop.

  6. iPhone?

    Or something with GPRS? :-)))))

    1. Be careful Q. Derpish might go on a "Qtard" rant. That will subject Derpy's pinhead to pop and splatter.πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

  7. Mystere: OH MY! Dervish admits to being "Fake Dervish".

    YOU are fake Dervish, asshole. I admit I made the comment you refer to. I am Dervish Sanders. Therefore the comment is not fake, you imbecile.

    If a comment made not using a Blogger account (which Minus allows) is fake, then ALL of Qtard's comments are fake. Yet you have never called him out.

  8. Minus: Whoever is impersonating Dervy, please stop.

    Mystere has not stopped.
