Friday, January 6, 2023

TwitterGate - How Democrats in Government Took Over the Mainstream/Social Media and Silenced their Republican Opponents


  1. Jimmy dore has zero intellectual integrity. He lies for money.

  2. Jimmy dore disagrees with Aaron Mate's lies? Why did he let him fill in?

  3. On his podcast? I'm pretty sure he never did. Because donald tRump never had a podcast.

    btw, why would the Democrats demand Twitter find "phony Russiagate" anything? If there were something that would prove Russian collusion on Twitter Democrats would want proof of it being real (which it is) instead of proof of it being phony (which it isn't).

  4. Democrats care about truth? I thought they only cared about Power. Who knew?

  5. ALL political parties care ONLY about Power. ;-P
    That's an axiom. ;-)

  6. Well... everybody like their own axioms. ;-P

  7. Power is a means to an end. It can be used to help ALL or used to help a select few (yourself, your friends and your donors). The Democratic track record for using power for the benefit of ALL is way better than the republican track record.

  8. lol! How's the Democrat's track record under Jim Crow and before 1786-1965?

  9. \\The Democratic track record for using power for the benefit of ALL is way better than the republican track record.

    Examples! Examples! Examples!

  10. How's the Democrat's track record under Jim Crow and before 1786-1965?

    That must explain why African American voters overwhelmingly vote for Democrats.

    Minus: I think he means the Chinese people and other globalists.


  11. The Chinese gave Trump $ hundreds of thousands? lol! Small potatoes...

  12. No factual provable claims from Derpy.

    Predictable. ;-P

  13. No factual provable claims from Qtard.

    Predictable ;-P

  14. Donations to the Penn-Biden center were made after Biden left the Vice Presidency. The donations to tRump were to his campaign. Federal law prohibits political donations by foreign entities. 

  15. Donations to the Penn-Biden center were made after Biden left the Vice Presidency...

    lol! So?

    Attorney General Merrick Garland shut down the FBI's so-called China initiative in February 2022 shortly after more than 160 members of the University of Pennsylvania faculty signed and made public an open letter demanding the program be shuttered, on the grounds that it amounted to racial profiling.

    ...Two weeks after the letter was sent, Garland announced the termination of the program, sending shockwaves through federal law enforcement.

    The "pro quo" that the money to the Penn-Biden Center bought with Chinese "quid" were performed WHEN BIDEN WAS PRESIDENT AGAIN.

  16. Kindergartner level backbites... that only makes me think that your mind is on a state of kindergartner, Derpy.

    No prob. I can talk with kindergardners too. Nigero/TC can say. ;-P

  17. Minus: Attorney General Merrick Garland shut down the FBI's so-called China initiative in February 2022 shortly after more than 160 members of the University of Pennsylvania faculty signed and made public an open letter demanding the program be shuttered...

    At the direction of Joe Biden? Because we should be continuing to "unfairly target Chinese and Chinese American researchers without evidence of espionage"? Certainly the Garland Justice Department couldn't have reached the conclusion on it's own that the tRump administration initiative should be discontinued :P

    It has to be a quid pro quo. Given that the generous Chinese donors to the Penn-Biden center KNEW Joe Biden would be president "again" (Biden is currently serving his second term? Who knew?). Because after leaving the vice presidency and deciding not to run in 2016, these Chinese donors naturally assumed Joe Biden would be president "again". LOL!

  18. At the direction of Joe Biden? Perhaps.

    Given that the generous Chinese donors to the Penn-Biden center KNEW Joe Biden would be president "again"

    What makes you think it wasn't in payment as services already provided when vice president. After all, the Biden-Penn Center was paying Joe $100's of k for a no-show affiliation.

  19. Correction to my prior comment...

    You claimed that Chinese donors have given bigly to the Penn-Biden Center. I took your word for it, but it turns out you were mistaken.

    According to Stephen MacCarthy, a spokesman for the University of Pennsylvania, "One hundred percent of the budget for the Penn Biden Center comes from university funds".

    So Chinese donors gave to the university. They gave nothing directly to the Penn-Biden Center :P

    "The Penn Biden Center does not accept any contributions or gifts" (as per a statement issued by the Center. Source: Wikipedia).

  20. A distinction with no difference. Does money paid to the Trump Corporation not go to Trump? Does money earned through gambling in Maryland not go to "education" (Since it's laundered through the "general Fund")?

  21. btw - Does the monthly paycheck from the Penn-Biden Center paid to Joe Biden come from the Penn-Biden Center or UPenn?

  22. Minus: A distinction with no difference. Does money paid to the Trump Corporation not go to Trump?

    Did money contributed to the tRump foundation go to donald tRump in violation of laws governing charities? :P

    I'm pretty sure there is no "monthly paycheck from the Penn-Biden Center paid to Joe Biden". Did he report this income to the IRS? If not there might be a problem when the IRS audits Joe Biden. As per the law governing presidents. Yet for some reason the IRS didn't audit donald tRump. Is the IRS a part of the "deep state" or not?

  23. Penn spokesperson Stephen MacCarthy says there are indeed job duties attached to Biden’s role, namely expanding Penn’s “global outreach” and “sharing his wisdom and insights with thousands of Penn students through seminars, talks and classroom visits.”

  24. they get to play SuperMario Karts with him in the basement of the Penn-Biden Center before the 5pm "hard caps"?

  25. It sounds to me like donald tRump was bigly overpaid by tRump University for his no-show affiliation. As per court transcripts, "Trump repeatedly indicated that he had never met instructors at Trump University, despite advertisements for the program indicating that its staff had been hand-picked by the real estate mogul".

    btw, Joe Biden left his position as an honorary professor in 2019, so the University of Pennsylvania isn't currently paying him anything. When you leave a job they stop paying you.

  26. Why he was named when the fraudulent "University" was sued. If he wasn't overpaid, why did "students" receive a 90% refund?

  27. I give up, but it does beg the question, "Why don't the students at most HBCU's receive a 100% refund?"

  28. So how come the average HBCU graduation rate is only 35%. That means 65% of students never got the degrees they went into debt for. If that isn't a fraud, I don't know what a fraud is.

  29. Urban Wire: "HBCUs and non-HBCUs graduate Black students at the same rate" [2/18/2022].

    Additionally, the dotard administration made fraud by for-profit colleges easier. Yet you go right to "fraud" at HBCUs. Because, with you, it's always about color. Or "colour".

  30. Not quite...

    As for graduation rates, HBCUs and non-HBCUs graduate Black students at the same rate. According to data from the Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BPS), among Black students who first enrolled at an HBCU in 2011, 39 percent graduated with a bachelor’s degree by 2017, which is the same six-year graduation rate for Black students who began at a non-HBCU.

    Two items of note... "Six-Year graduation rate" and "for Black students". HBCU's are just progressive academia's way of conning more students who should never attend college to attend college. The same scam as Trump U, only using "black pride" as the hook.

  31. Of course, the Government Subsidies for the latter minority rip-off have increased exponentially under Obama/Biden Adminstrations.

  32. When was the class action lawsuit filed?

  33. It's all part of the San Francisco Reparations Committee proposal.

  34. Besides, what would the sue for? Democrats felt so guilty about the fraud, they paid off all their education related debts related to the generally "for sh*t" educations they were given... e-r-r-r... suffered from.

    1. Minus lied: Democrats felt so guilty about the fraud, they paid off all their education related debts...

      Your link doesn't say that.

  35. Democrats felt so guilty... about the(ir) fraud...


    Here, I fixed it fer ya. ;-P

  36. Denial. Denial. Denial. ;-P

  37. Refutation of falsehoods.

  38. You would not recognise refutation... even if it'll be an elephant and would put its foot on your head. ;-P
    You'd still be babbling your: "Np. No. No. Not truth". :-)))

  39. Qtard loves falsehoods and liars who spread them.

  40. Dervy keeps trying to get innocent American citizens to pay for Democrats crimes against black Americans. But then again, you know their motto: "Privatize Gains, Publicize Losses".

  41. \\Qtard loves falsehoods and liars who spread them.

    Yep. Love to dissect and place in bottles. Can't deny that. :-)))))

    \\"Privatize Gains, Publicize Losses".

    Like ALL Commies. ;-P
