Saturday, January 7, 2023

A Parallel Universe has Been Born!

Stop video @ 9:30+ to see image below....


  1. The censorship algorithms must be catching up...

  2. Neil Oliver must not be making many friends in the Establishment.

  3. LOL. Just how deep is the river of DeNile you're standing in, Minus? I think that you're in over your head and drowning in it.

  4. Still quoting OLD fake news, Dervy? Wassamattah? Can't TWEET down the real thing anymore?

  5. The article was true when published and remains true.

  6. You obviously haven't read the actual Twitter documents, Dervy. But as you obviously know, it's always easier to hunt for your lost car keys at night under the streetlights.

  7. They don't say the deep state wanted to censor the free speech rights of Russian bots to spread misinformation ahead of the election in order to help tRump and hurt Joe Biden? Isn't that why you're outraged?

  8. LOL! You OBVIOUSLY didn't watch the video in the post above. They found and disabled those bots (an incredibly microscopic number) and then pushed to amplify the US government's bots influencing everyone else's elections (including our own vis Hunter Biden laptop). Is that why you're NOT outraged?

  9. Did they also disable the Chinese, Iranian and Brazilian bots?

    "They found and disabled those [Russian] bots... an incredibly microscopic number" = bullplop.

    "Between 1,500 and 2,000 Brazilian Twitter bots are currently engaged in spreading disinformation and fake news about electoral fraud in the US, tweeting in both English and Portuguese and often tagging real Twitter users, according to an analysis by AI-monitoring group BotSentinel. Other experts suggest the number might be higher, behind only Russian, Chinese and Iranian bots".

    "Hunter Biden's Laptop" was created via Russian-hacked data. It was the spreading of the fake laptop story that was an attempt to influence the election, not the suppression of the fake laptop story.

  10. Did ChatGPT 3.0 write that fictional blurb for you Dervy?

  11. Townhall Review @TownhallReview: Did memes change voter decisions at any scale in the 2016 presidential election?

    Hunter Biden's imaginary laptop was an issue in the 2016 election? Who knew? I was sure it was the 2020 election.

  12. Christopher Steele planted Hunter Biden's laptop? Who knew?

  13. Rudy Giuliani planted it. After placing a hard drive filled with hacked data supplied by Andriy Derkach into it. Christopher Steele wasn't involved.

  14. When did Rudy find time to hack it between drunken binges?

  15. Rudy isn't a hacker. I never claimed that he is. Video you link to is of lying Putin puppets minimizing the effect Russian bots and trolls had on the 2016 election.

    Russian bots had no effect BUT if the fake Hunter Biden laptop story hadn't been "censored" it would have bigly harmed Joe Biden's POTUS campaign = bullplop.

  16. Will Elon also buy YouTube and Facebook? It is the only way to completely save free speech 😆

  17. if the fake Hunter Biden laptop story hadn't been "censored" it would have bigly harmed Joe Biden's POTUS campaign = bullplop.

    Such bullplop that in 2022, a simple story about finding classified docs at the Penn-Biden Center had to get deep-sixed until AFTER the election...huh?

    Can Elon also buy the IRS? That's where the free speech of the future (financial) will be crushed by e-Dollars and 87,000 new IRS agents.

  18. So, "a simple story about finding classified docs at the Penn-Biden Center" isn't equivalent to the Orange Turd stealing, lying about and refusing to return (for months) hundreds more classified documents? :(

    The IRS needs more manpower to investigate wealthy tax evaders. Are you angry that wealthy tax cheats (people like donald tRump) might be caught and forced to pay up? Boo hoo. Ex-dotard corp CEO Allen Weisselberg only got 5 months :(

  19. When money no longer can purchase legal items its' possessor desires, yes, it has become "political" speech.

  20. It depends on where you live. Also if the employee servicing you has "religious objections".

    Wedding Cakes are legal. Yet it seems an owner of a bakery can refuse a customer's money to make one.

    Are these the kinds of legal purchases you were referring to? Digital dollars are one of the ways republiturds are going to impose their religious and moral values on the rest of us?

  21. Digy-dollars could, only without making anything "illegal". And they can be as arbitrary as the former censors at Twitter.

  22. Could? Or something that (in your paranoid delusions) Democrats will definitely do? When will Joe Biden demand that everyone turn in their paper money, Minus? Soon?

  23. "The Treasury Department [will] study the development of a new central bank digital currency (CBDC) and... produce a report within 180 days of the EO discussing the potential risks and benefits of a digital dollar".

    A report is not "definitely". Joe Biden ordered a report to look at possible reforms to the Supreme Court. The report was issued last year. So... the Supreme Court has definitely been reformed? It's in the process of being reformed? Or will the Supreme Court NOT be reformed?

    btw, the article notes that paper money is not being retired.

  24. It won't happen. Not in Joe Biden's first term. Extremely doubtful re Joe Biden's 2nd term. I mean digital money being issued. Phasing out paper money won't happen under Joe Biden. Period.

  25. US Crypto will probably feature Biden's nft.

  26. Biden's EO says (in part), "Recognizing the definite inevitability of a U.S. CBD to be implemented during the Biden administration..."

    My mistake. Looks like you were right.

    Oh no. Wait. It actually says, "Recognizing the possibility of a U.S. CBD..."

    Biden NFT coming soon. Oh no. Wait. Biden NFT actually coming never.

  27. lol!

    So none of those anti-fracking "studies" led to anti-fracking "laws". So Biden's just burning money on studies for the hell of it?

  28. You "doubts" is not facts. ;-P

    Captain Obvious for you.

    Don't thank.

  29. Why you so inclined to burge into others conversation?
    That was between me and Joe.
