Sunday, December 11, 2022

The Modern Fragile Woke Society vs...


  1. LOL! Says a fragile White whiner worried about "cultural genocide".

  2. Ehm... smirking bystender from unknown shores. ;-P

  3. I've never denied the existence of your White Supremacist culture.

  4. ...and wanna know the greatest example of it? Wokeism. People who feel so superior that they believe that THEIR own values are "universal".

  5. ...and so they deny their own culture.

  6. Yours isn't the same White Supremacist Culture? Who knew?

  7. Culture evolves. As an Progressive American I believe we should be continually striving for a more perfect union. That involves sending White Supremacy to the ash heap of history. Due to your White fragility you place a high value on White Supremacism. I don't have that problem and so you criticize me. Which I find to be quite absurd.

  8. Here's an interesting question... What exactly have "progressive Americans ever actually put in the "ash heap of history without disownining progressives of the past? Isn't Derpy just preening that he 's one of the accceptable eugenicists presuming to steer evolution?

  9. After all it was no accident that it was the intelligencia of American Progressivism that informed and prototyped Nazi "race laws." It's like Operation:Paperclip in reverse. American leftists taught the Nazis how to be racist assholes.

  10. Perhaps racist assholery is a shared value.

  11. After all it was no accident that it was the intelligencia of American Progressivism that informed and prototyped Nazi "race laws."

    That was Conservatives.

  12. We only "need" abortion clinics in poor black neighborhoods. No banks, no schools, no factories, no arts and entertainment areas. Just more cops and liquor stores Nice petri dish you grew Kanyer West in.

  13. That was Conservatives


  14. Pretty sure Margaret Sanger and Madison Grant were Progressives.The Nazis weren't shy about who they drew inspiration from.

  15. That was Conservatives.

    lol! That was "Democrats".

  16. The same Democrats that inflicted Social Security on America Conservatives? I think Derpy's been eating the bad acid again.

  17. Psst Derpy ..... the Nazis were progressive leftists

  18. Predictably.
    There'd be no Drepy after this line.
    Or... he'll return in his "do not see evil" glasses to continue commenting... like nothing like that was ever said. ;-P

  19. the Nazis were progressive leftists.

    Bullshit. NeoNazis marched in support of Confederate Statues (and donald tRump) at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. It wasn't a rally to "unite the Left".

    Psst Qtard... nobody calling himself (or herself) "Derpy" has ever commented.

  20. \\Psst Qtard... nobody calling himself (or herself) "Derpy" has ever commented.

    Then... you can call that name yours. ;-P Ahh, Derpy? Sounds good, IMHO. :-))))
    And SHORT.

    \\It wasn't a rally to "unite the Left".

    And who said to you... that Left can be united??? ;-P

    That is more impossible than prepetuum mobile. :-)))

    See... how Derpy tryed to derail it into usual slurr about "neonazis and drump"

  21. LOL. See how Qtard tries to deny facts by referring them as a "slur". Is it a "slur" to tell the truth about a White Supremacist like tRump? He just dined at mar-a-lardo with an antisemite and a White Supremacist.

  22. Which was which, dervy? Or can't Ye be a white supremacist in your books? ;)

  23. He is a tool of White Supremacists. A willing tool. Like Herschel Walker.

  24. That doesn't make him one? Wow, you don't give him much credit. Is it because he's black?

  25. \\LOL. See how Qtard tries to deny facts by referring them as a "slur".

    He-he-he... like I do not see your tactics, Derpy. :-)))


    the Nazis were progressive leftists.

    Bullshit. NeoNazis marched in support of Confederate Statues

    I'll ask again -- isn't it true that Nazis. True. Historical. With Hitler as their chief.
    Was left-aligned? ;-)

    Yes or no. And if no -- why?

  26. Nazism is a far right ideology.

    German historian and National Socialism expert Joachim Fest characterizes this repurposing of socialist rhetoric as an act of "prestidigitation":

    This ideology took a leftist label chiefly for tactical reasons. It demanded, within the party and within the state, a powerful system of rule that would exercise unchallenged leadership over the "great mass of the anonymous." And whatever premises the party may have started with, by 1930 Hitler's party was "socialist" only to take advantage of the emotional value of the word, and a "workers' party" in order to lure the most energetic social force. As with Hitler's protestations of belief in tradition, in conservative values, or in Christianity, the socialist slogans were merely movable ideological props to serve as camouflage and confuse the enemy.

    The proof was in the pudding. Not long after acquiring the reins of power, the Nazis banned the Social Democratic Party and sent its leaders and other leftists identified as threats to the National Socialist program to concentration camps. source.

  27. \\Nazism is a far right ideology.


    The origins, principles, and ideology of Nazism | Britannica › ... › Nazism
    Nazism, or >>>National<<>>Socialism<<< , Totalitarian movement led by Adolf Hitler as head of Germany's Nazi Party (1920–45).

    Is it "far right" or just "All right" ideology? :-))))

    Or... I know, I know... Britannica -- that is White Supremacists site, yes? :-))))

    \\German historian and National Socialism expert Joachim Fest characterizes this repurposing of socialist rhetoric as an act of "prestidigitation":

    Let's look into economical politics of Nazis.
    For example:

    "In October 1933, the Junkers Aircraft Works was expropriated. In concert with other aircraft manufacturers and under the direction of Aviation Minister Göring, production was ramped up. From a workforce of 3,200 people producing 100 units per year in 1932, the industry grew to employ a quarter of a million workers manufacturing over 10,000 technically advanced aircraft annually less than ten years later."

    Nationalization and boosting employment -- check.

    "The Nazis encouraged the development of synthetic replacements for materials such as oil and textiles.[254] As the market was experiencing a glut and prices for petroleum were low, in 1933 the Nazi government made a profit-sharing agreement with IG Farben, guaranteeing them a 5 per cent return on capital invested in their synthetic oil plant at Leuna. Any profits in excess of that amount would be turned over to the Reich."

    Boosting of new techs development -- check

    "Major public works projects financed with deficit spending included the construction of a network of Autobahnen and providing funding for programmes initiated by the previous government for housing and agricultural improvements."

    Build Back Better? ;-) Check?

    "Nazi Germany had a strong anti-tobacco movement, as pioneering research by Franz H. Müller in 1939 demonstrated a causal link between smoking and lung cancer.[388] The Reich Health Office took measures to try to limit smoking, including producing lectures and pamphlets.[389] Smoking was banned in many workplaces, on trains, and among on-duty members of the military."

    Not socialistic policy? ;-P

    "Nazi society had elements supportive of animal rights and many people were fond of zoos and wildlife.[398] The government took several measures to ensure the protection of animals and the environment."

    Not socialistic policy? ;-P

    And all other things. I will not dig it further.

    \\The proof was in the pudding. Not long after acquiring the reins of power, the Nazis banned the Social Democratic Party and sent its leaders and other leftists identified as threats to the National Socialist program to concentration camps.

    Oh... shuddup... :-))) And when only one Leftists was not at the throat of any other Leftists?

  28. Bullshit. NeoNazis marched in support of Confederate Statues
    According to George Fitzhugh, Southern slavery *was* Socialism... So socialist marched in support of statues of their fellow socialists...

    1. At a Unite the Right rally? How many republicans voted for tRump because they think he's a socialist? Why didn't they switch parties and vote for Joe Biden?

  29. Trump supporters are former Democrats that went apeshit when their party nominated a black man for President, They remained as left- wing as ever.

  30. The utterly racist."Obama is a Kenyan" conspiracy theory was first floated by fundraisers for Hillary Clinton, of which Donald Trump was one. There's no discounting Trump 's morbid obsession with being wrong The left owes the Dixiecrats Bill and Hlllary Clinton a debt of gratitude for their talking Trump into running for president as a Republican since Osamq bin Laden wasn't available

    1. as he is a self-identified Trump supporter think FJ has a morbid hatred of America that could probably be water-boarded out of him with enough Kerosene but that just makes FJ one of the respectable albeit misguided leftists that allegedly exist.

  31. I'm certainly not a Republican I opposed Trump arming the Russians untraceable Covid relief money

  32. No answer from Derpy. Again.

    Talking with facts and logic -- best repelent from demonrats. ;-P

  33. Qtard claims to be a foreigner with no interest in the partisan divide in the US, yet he uses terms such as "libtard" and "demonrat". I call BS.

  34. And what words I should use??? When using foreign lang and talk with foreigners... about their endemic topics. Ahh?

    You are just showed that you are really nothing else but severly cognitively imared retard, Derpy.

    And that means -- it is pointless to ask you to comment that factual points I gave above.
    I would like to have some more actual info about retard's brain inner working. :-(((

  35. Qtard: I would like to have some more actual info about retard's brain inner working.

    Make an appointment to see a psychiatrist.

  36. Perhaps he should talk to yours, Dervy.

  37. \\Make an appointment to see a psychiatrist.

    O.K. Give his address and/or phone number. ;-P
