Monday, December 12, 2022

Tax Broke, Baltimore's Dirty Secret

For 50 years, Baltimore city officials have trumpeted the use of tax subsidies for private developers as a way to catalyze economic development. As more and more public funds have gone into the pockets of the rich, the city’s prospects have only worsened. Hundreds of thousands of residents have left or been pushed out of the city, and numerous businesses have followed suit. In their new documentary, ‘Tax Broke,’ TRNN reporters Taya Graham and Stephen Janis team up with veteran Baltimore reporter Jayne Miller to tell the story of how capital has fed parasitically on taxpayer money for half a century. Stephen and Jayne join Rattling the Bars to share what their reporting in ‘Tax Broke’ uncovered.

Look for "Tax Broke" premiering on YouTube this January


  1. I hate to break it to you, but the last Republican Mayor of Baltimore, Theodore McKeldin, left office in 1967...

    Baltimore is the epitome of a Democrat run city.

  2. ,,,but yes, Trump got rich pulling this scam on Democrat Mayors in NJ and NY since time memorial.

  3. tRump is a former registered Democrat. Also still a bigly scammer. Did you send him money to "stop the steal"? LOL!

  4. He'll take money from anyone dumb enough to send it to him. I guess you haven't heard that the trumpturd organization got convicted on bigly tax fraud charges (17 counts).

    Next come the J6 criminal referrals. Ho-Ho-Ho, Merry Christmas :)

  5. And with that... all corruption will be eliminated? And new shiny kingdom of Jesu... err, Biden will be established? Yahoo!!! :-))))

  6. That is your ridiculous strawman, Qtard. Clearly you love them.

  7. I'm looking forward to the House Biden Crime Family investigations, myself... :)

  8. I wouldn't... given how bad Trump's lawyers showed themself.
    They unable to protect him... why do you think they'll work better brandishing arms for his sake?
    Given with what I... actually, that is common sense... knowing habits of a lawyers -- they are nobodies soldier. And vapours as a thin mist in the morning. ;-P

    \\That is your ridiculous strawman, Qtard. Clearly you love them.

    That was joke... Derv-tard. ;-P
    Joke that hits bull's eye.
    That's why you trying to dismiss it. So frantickly. :-)))))))))

  9. Minus is looking forward to the House Hunter dick pic investigations? Cause that is what they're going to be "investigating". I haven't seen any Hunter Biden dick pics, but I've heard he is a "big guy". Must explain why you're so excited.

    Qtard thinks his "joke" hits the bull's eye? Accusing Democrats of what republiturds do isn't funny. It is bigly stupid. But then, so is Qtard. Donald tRump is the "chosen one" according to the religious right. The Left only chose Joe Biden by voting for him.

  10. Minus: Trump needs MY money? Who knew?

    donald tRump. You buy any of his $99 NFTs? I heard they "sold out". LOL. Yet more proof trumpturds are the bigliest suckers ever.

  11. I bought all of them to trade for a Hunter Biden original painting....

  12. of his infamous "Dick Pics" (Sleep Joe portraits).

  13. The American People DEMAND a long and hard investigation of Hunter Biden's dick pics. Every single moment the House is in session the republiturd's sole focus should be Hunter Biden's penis. Because the midterm elections had nothing to do with inflation or the price of gas. The American People clearly sent republiturds to Congress to intensely study Hunter Biden's schlong.

  14. Coulda been worse, owning the trifacta of politics for two years Presidency/Senate/House and spending it all investigating past presidents instead or preventing inflation or the price of gas.

    btw - How's that Ukarine War helping keep inflation down.... you can't spend dead Ukrainians/Russians.

  15. Maybe Biden should escalate the war with Russia/Belarus to bring inflation down... the guys IS an economic GENIUS, after all.

  16. \\Qtard thinks his "joke" hits the bull's eye?

    Not me think. YOU show it... with you behavior, Dervy.

    \\ Accusing Democrats of what republiturds do isn't funny. It is bigly stupid.

    Little problem. Just don't be like em. But you can't. ;-P

    \\ But then, so is Qtard.

    (wide green)

    \\ Donald tRump is the "chosen one" according to the religious right. The Left only chose Joe Biden by voting for him.

    Yeah, yeah... and all that hailing "HE is the only ONE who will save as from oppression of Iro... Trump" was not from your side of the stadium??? :-)))))))))

    That's what makes that joke SO DAMN FUNNY -- because it became truier and truier with every next of your denials. ;-P

  17. \\Qtard thinks his "joke" hits the bull's eye?

    Not me think. YOU show it... with you behavior, Dervy.

    \\ Accusing Democrats of what republiturds do isn't funny. It is bigly stupid.

    Little problem. Just don't be like em. But you can't. ;-P

    \\ But then, so is Qtard.

    (wide green)

    \\ Donald tRump is the "chosen one" according to the religious right. The Left only chose Joe Biden by voting for him.

    Yeah, yeah... and all that hailing "HE is the only ONE who will save as from oppression of Iro... Trump" was not from your side of the stadium??? :-)))))))))

    That's what makes that joke SO DAMN FUNNY -- because it became truier and truier with every next of your denials. ;-P


  18. Escalate to kill more Russians. Logically Russia couldn't cause problems of Russia didn't exist.all that needs to be done to bring down inflation is reverse all of Trump's economic policies

  19. Well... Trump's policies was nothing else but continuation of Obama policies. ;-P

  20. Minus: Biden [hasn't fixed the damage caused by dotard quickly enough]. ... Maybe Biden should escalate the war with Russia/Belarus...

    It was the republican plan to sabotage any plan for economic recovery following the mismanagement of the pandemic by the dotard administration. How many republicans voted for Build Back Better? FYI, self defense (or helping someone defend themselves) isn't an "escalation".

    Qtard: Not me think. YOU show it... with you behavior, Dervy. ... "HE is the only ONE who will save as from oppression of Iro...

    Qtard's behavior (can't stop posting moronic comments) proves he is bigly qtarded. I voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary. I didn't believe Joe Biden was the only one who could save us from "Iro".

    What's "Iro" btw? Iron Man? Wrong universe (Marvel). Dotard thinks he is Superman (DC).

  21. "It was the republican plan..."

    Biden is implementing a Republican plan? Who knew?

  22. Nobody. Except perhaps Beamish. But (in reality) republiturds are opposed (and continue to oppose) all measures that would assist in any kind of recovery. Their sole agenda is to make the Biden administration and Democrats look bad by doing harm to the American people. And investigating Hunter Biden's dick pics.

  23. Sounds like they've succeeded. It would be hard to make Biden look any worse than he already does.

  24. 'A Plague On Both Your Houses', maybe? ;-P

  25. You can't outvote/wave rigged elections.

  26. Why didn't the Democratic riggers make sure the House was retained?

  27. They had Never Trumpers that will vote with the Democrats in the House. It only looks like Republicans own the House. McCarthy isn't going to vote to delay he Omnibus. He's already GOT his Uniparty bill.

  28. So the House isn't going to investigate Hunter Biden's dick pics? Will Hakeem Jeffries be elected Speaker?
