Monday, November 7, 2022




  1. Red..... ripple.

    Imagine how well Republicans could have done nationally if the baked in factors of traditional mid-term opposition party gains and how bad the economy has been under Biden's sedentary and faithful continuation of Trump policies if that were not mostly nullified by the statistical unlikelihood of Trump endorsing a candidate being anything but a kiss of death.

  2. Imagine how well they would have done had they imitated the Democrats and had simply paid for harvested ballots instead of expensive campaign ads...

  3. After nearly a year and a half of beclowning themselves with election denial "don't bother voting in a rigged system" nonsense, I think you're asking too much of the Trumpenproletariat to change direction on a dime.

    Should have had Putin rattle the saber with "Vote Republican or we will nuke you," but they're probably saving that for 2024.

  4. \\Should have had Putin rattle the saber with "Vote Republican or we will nuke you," but they're probably saving that for 2024.

    Yap. You trully know a thing or two about Russians... well, you can observe em from your basment, it seems. So, no surprise here. :-))))))

  5. SmartyPants pills ended again? :-))))) Where is your eloquency disappeared? ;-P

  6. Yep. That is dead simple and provingly idiotical way to shrug me off... boring repetitivnes. :-))))))))))))))))))

    Go make yet one mark in your Idiot's Achievments Stamp Book.

  7. Five spelling errors, seven grammatical errors, four groupings of letters that aren't even words, virtually no subject-verb agreement.

    Deductive reasoning would suggest you're trying to communicate in English the fact that you're an imbecile, which I've already acknowledged. If you're trying to communicate something else, you're going to have to do something about your illiteracy.

  8. \\Five spelling errors, seven grammatical errors, four groupings of letters that aren't even words, virtually no subject-verb agreement.

    Go demonstrate your intellect with complete analysis... or, that is just empty babbling of yours, Nigero. ;-P

    Engrish - Wiktionary › wiki › Engrish
    From the mispronunciation of the word English common to Japanese speakers, who have difficulty distinguishing "L" and "R" sounds. The Japanese transliteration ...

    There OVER 2 billions of asians on the Earth.

    And 300 millions of Ams... of which hardly 200 millions have English as mother tongue. ;-P
    And even less of those, who like you recieved thorough education in a catholic school, where they spank your asses for every misspelling. (Oh, what am I saying, you are gene-chimeric skunk-perrot Nigero, so what catholic school??? That must be thorough "teaching" in a secret cathacombs of KGB, where they'll leave you without supper for every err %-))))

    I don't wanna to disappoint you... but all odds is in favor that English of the Future will be... Engrish. :-))))
    Well, noting new to you bastardism of a language. ;-P

  9. Complete analysis? You're an animal raping imbecilic non-American failure at learning English. What did I leave out?

  10. Only that, that all this from point of view of gene-chimeric odditiy of a KGB vivisection experiments on skunks and perrots and who know what else animals(?) that sitting on mixtures from some shady shaman of unknown origins which makes it demonstrate belief into contre-factual things like that that it posess some homo sapience trait like: intellect, understanding of logic and facts and science, sense of humor, basic etiquette and moral values, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera... :-)))))))))))))))))

  11. \\Complete analysis?

    Complete list of said errs, dumbass. ;-)
    Or you do not know what word "list" mean?
    Everything can be, as you not once demonstrated inability to understand this or that word. And that is basicly impossible to you, to consult with dictionaries. ;-P

  12. How am I supposed to understand what you are trying to say in English when you yourself don't even understand English?

    Dictionaries do not contain misspelled garbled words, nor do they ignore the rules of grammatical construction.

    Here's a hint that may help you. If you really want to communicate in English, you should give learning English a try. I can forgive your fumbling idiocy for a bit because you were honest enough to admit you are an imbecile, but you're not even trying to improve yourself by renouncing the garbage non-American culture that is holding you back. Perhaps you should troll for farm animals to molest among your own kind?

  13. \\How am I supposed to understand what you are trying to say in English when you yourself don't even understand English?

    Yap-yap-yap, Nigero. It seems you consumed new doze of that mixture of yours. Which renewed your feeling of superiority.
    That's good.
    Maybe that way you'd be able to withstand for a little more, instead of showing your rear exit point while running toward and into closest bushes.

    So, let's begine.

    \\Deductive reasoning would suggest

    You babbled. But do you even know what that word "deductive" mean... that is kinda fun question to observe here. ;-P

    What do almighty Google say about it. Oh, yes.
    Deductive reasoning is the mental process of drawing deductive inferences. An inference is deductively valid if its conclusion follows logically from its premises, i.e. if it is impossible for the premises to be true and the conclusion to be false. For example, the inference from the premises "all men are mortal" and "Socrates is a man" to the conclusion "Socrates is mortal" is deductively valid. An argument is sound if it is valid and all its premises are true. Some theorists define deduction in terms of the intentions of the author: they have to intend for the premises to offer deductive support to the conclusion. With the help of this modification, it is possible to distinguish valid from invalid deductive reasoning: it is invalid if the author's belief about the deductive support is false, but even invalid deductive reasoning is a form of deductive reasoning.
    Ok, all important points seems like in-place.

    So, let's begin.
    "mental process of drawing deductive inferences"
    Mental process? Yeah, seems like that gene-chimeric skunk-perrot able to show something like that -- another way, how it would be possible to write your backbites here? Checked.
    But, is it anyhow resemble "drawing deductive inferences"?
    Let's see... "An inference is deductively valid if its conclusion follows logically from its premises"

    But what we see?
    "'re trying to communicate in English the fact that you're an imbecile..."
    Hmm... that seems like what you think is a "logical conclusion"...
    Buit where is that premices? Where is that logic? It based??? on, what? :-))))))))))))
    Ha-ha, hard task... but it makes it only more interesting.

    Let's make it by the method of exclusion.
    It, that "conclusion", seems like it consist of two parts.
    "you're trying to communicate in English"

    Word "communicate" exactly can mean:
    1. share or exchange information, news, or ideas.
    2. pass on (an infectious disease) to another person or animal.
    3. (of two rooms) have a common connecting door.
    4. receive Holy Communion.

    For now let's assume 1st.

    Here must be word "fact" is most dear to you.
    "the fact that you're an imbecile"

    FACT | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary › dictionary › fact
    Meaning of fact in English ... something that is known to have happened or to exist, especially something for which proof exists, or about which ...

    Basic structure of your "deductive reasonong" seems like deduced. ;-)

    to be cont.

  14. Continued.

    So, what we homo sapience do know about structure of reasoning, for it to be concluded to be "deductive"?

    Again, Ok, Google.
    In deductive reasoning there is a first premise, then a second premise and finally an inference (a conclusion based on reasoning and evidence). A common form of deductive reasoning is the syllogism, in which two statements — a major premise and a minor premise — together reach a logical conclusion. For example, the major premise "Every A is B" could be followed by the minor premise, "This C is A." Those statements would lead to the conclusion "This C is B." Syllogisms are considered a good way to test deductive reasoning to make sure the argument is valid.

    Let's assume that ""you're trying to communicate in English"" that is C.
    And ""the fact that you're an imbecile"" that is B.

    Like what.

    Every... ehm, something-something is ""the fact that you're an imbecile"".


    This ""you're trying to communicate in English"" is that something-something.

    Therefore "This C is B."

    Seems like plausible.
    THIS backbite of Nigero seems like have (can be concluded to have) logical sctructure. Yahoo!

    To be cont.

  15. Continued.

    But. Huh. That is only structure (and that is not fact that observed subject -- skunk-perrot Nigero, meaned it or knew what it babbles)

    So, what else there maust be so we could conclude it a sound and basicly a deductive reasoning at all.

    Ok, Google. What we should know more 'bout it?
    For example, "All spiders have eight legs. A tarantula is a spider. Therefore, tarantulas have eight legs." For deductive reasoning to be sound, the hypothesis must be correct. It is assumed that the statements, "All spiders have eight legs" and "a tarantula is a spider" are true. Therefore, the conclusion is logical and true. In deductive reasoning, if something is true of a class of things in general, it is also true for all members of that class.

    Deductive conclusions are reliable provided the premises are true, according to Herr. The argument, "All bald men are grandfathers. Harold is bald. Therefore, Harold is a grandfather," is valid logically, but it is untrue because the original premise is false.

    All question is what that A or "something-somthing" is?
    But that is not that hard to reconstruct.

    It must be "All X" where that X must be of SAME type as C -- ""you're trying to communicate in English"".

    What that could be? What a hard thing to deduce... not. :-)))))

    That is around lines "Everything my opponent saying" is "not true, false, foolish, imbecilic".

    But, yawn. That is obvious logical fallacy. Known as "circular reasonong".
    Or "if I'd like that something to be true -- it is true".

    Even withoug any epicycles.

    Bo-o-o-oring. :-))))))))))))))))))

  16. Except for your explicit admission that you're an imbecile. We have to start from common ground. We both agree you're an imbecile.

    Now you're trying to prove a negative that you are not an imbecile, which is a logical fallacy. The burden of proof is on the positive claim. You admitted to being an imbecile, and continue to overstuff the category of evidence that you are an imbecile. Best the dead horse that you're an imbecile. There's currently no new information that takes you out of the Venn circle of imbeciles. Are you wanting to narrow yourself to a very specific and exclusive type of imbecile?

  17. "Non-American coprophagic animal-molesting imbecile" is a bit cumbersome, perhaps in that there can be imbeciles while American and / or don't eat shit and / or marinate themselves in shit and / or declare their joys of having sex with animals. None of that narrowing down contradicts the established, readily obvious fact that you're an imbecile.

    I have made myself more than clear that I am not interested in having a discussion with an imbecile. I've already shut the door and thrown your toes in the trash. I'm not interested in a discussion with the Jehovah's Witness of Imbecility either.

  18. Yap.
    Of course.
    What idiot like you who do not have even tiniest clue what Logic is about whould do in responce to opaque logical inference.
    Double-downding on his idiocy. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

    Baka Nigero, ba-a-a-aka. ;-P

  19. Now you're trying to prove a negative that you are not an imbecile, which is a logical fallacy. The burden of proof is on the positive claim. You admitted to being an imbecile, and continue to overstuff the category of evidence that you are an imbecile. Best the dead horse that you're an imbecile. There's currently no new information that takes you out of the Venn circle of imbeciles. Are you wanting to narrow yourself to a very specific and exclusive type of imbecile?

    Seems like you tryed to pack as many "clever" words you remember how to spell correctly (that training in KGB cathacombs was harsh, but effective, it seems %-))))) into this missive.

    I need to praise your diligence. That is basics of pet training.

    Yet. With all that you only YET ONE TIME demonstrayed that you have NO FREAKING CLUE what that words really mean.

    ...Venn circle of imbeciles...


    You are so much fun, Nigero.
    Continue-continue your funny treaks. Which is so entertining.

  20. Is it illogical for me to continue to have a discussion with a self-identified imbecile when I have stated that I do not want to have a discussion with an imbecile? Perhaps, but I do acknowledge you have trouble with English.

  21. \\"Non-American coprophagic animal-molesting imbecile"

    Yeah. That's why I gave you that name -- Nigero. Neat and short. ;-P

    But. If you WANT it that much, SO I would call you this long variant... do pretty-please pose, you know, standing on your rear legs.
    And I will think about it.

    \\I have made myself more than clear that I am not interested in having a discussion with an imbecile.

    No, you not "not wanting". You freaking CANNOT. :-))))))))))))))
    As speciment with gene-chimeric traits do not posess abilities to have conversation with homo sapience. ;-P
    That is freakingly NOT your purpose in life.
    Your only excuse to exist -- entertainment of passerbyes with your funny idiotic treaks.
    Too idiotic even for a freak show. :-)))))))))))))))))

    Seeing a hoop, doing a jump. That is your destiny. Be proud of it.

  22. \\Is it illogical for me

    "Principle of explosion". In Logic.

    Means. There is NOTHING that illogical to such an existance as you are.

    You are EMBODYment of ill freakingly unexistant antithetic void of any reasons...

    As Einstain himself said:
    ""Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”"

  23. I self-exclude from the freak show, yes. I am very much not interested in having a discussion with an imbecile, especially any discussions with an imbecile that is nearly illiterate of English, especially any discussions with an imbecile that readily admits to enjoying wallowing in excrement and having sex with animals. I think that adequately samples the discussion you want to have. There are plenty of things I do begrudgingly and unwillingly. I can in fact do things I do not want to do, like get out of bed earlier to make time for defrosting my car on the way to work or engage in a discussion with an imbecile specifically about their imbecility. As many tragic instances of suffocated toddlers will attest, printing "this bag is not a toy" in English is perhaps inescapably inadequate. Certainly tedious. The people that scorch their hands on the oven door window marked "Do not touch glass while oven is hot" usually don't become addicted to repetitively finding out why, but you do have to understand the nerve damage the freak show is causing as these imbeciles burn themselves on different body parts to see if the warning applies universally. I have been exceedingly patient with your introspective exploration of your imbecility, but if this discussion must continue at your insistence, I'm not going to entertain absurdities like the alleged possibility that you are not an imbecile. You have built up quite an unassailable demonstration that you are an imbecile. For your part, you have been adamantly diligent in eliminating opposing conclusions. You admitted you are an imbecile, I accept your pronoun, imbecile. What more do you want from me?

  24. \\I have been exceedingly patient with your introspective exploration of your imbecility...

    As any idiot... you are not observant enough, Nigero. That is "your introspective exploration of your imbecility". Your and yours only. ;-P

    But, hardly you'd understand that. Even after being pointed out to that sad (for your lowly existance) truth. Because you are merely an idiot. (yawn)

    Seeing a hoop, doing a jump. :-)))))))))))))

    \\What more do you want from me?

    Continue-continue, your freakingly funny treaks. You, One Treak Pony.(hoh, now I know about YET ONE donor to your chimeric gene pool of KGB experiments abomination. And that is... pony. ;-P)

    And that treak -- denial of your idiocy. That do not allow you to cure it.
    Are you idiocy-addict? Or just geneticly predisposed? I dunno. :-))))))))))))))))))
    But it would be interesting to research it... deeper. Are you ready?

  25. Still learning English from Pee-Wee Herman movies? I don't want to be in a discussion with an imbecile, you say I can't have a discussion with an imbecile, and we yet both know I am in fact currently in a discussion with an imbecile, as you have admitted and leave no doubt about the fact that you're an imbecile.

    If you're trying to retract your admission that you are an imbecile, that means you've been intellectually dishonest with me this whole time, either in reinforcing your case that you are an imbecile after I have agreed with your admission, or now with your farcical attempts at denying your imbecility after firmly establishing it. After also firmly establishing that you are sexually aroused by the taste, texture, and viscosity of animal excrement, your attempts to characterize me as an animal you have trained to shit on you take on a more perverse level of information about you than I wanted to know, as I have stated from the start that I do not want to have a discussion with an imbecile. If this unwanted discussion had never occurred, neither I nor any other reader would know you train animals to shit on you and fantasize that other people are animals that shit on you. Dehumanizing people as animals is very German, as is the fetish for being shit upon. Do you have some war baby in your bloodlines?

  26. \\you say I can't have a discussion

    You freaking UNABLE to participate in a thoughtful intelligent discussion.
    As it seems.
    And that is what puzzling me to no end, as you seems like able to write cogent *literate* (as you like to brag about it, your achievments as a schoolboy, as it seems it was pinnacle of your intellectual development) comments.
    But. Freakingly unable to understand things even clever schoolboy ought to.
    Question -- why??? ;-)
    And my hypothesis, that keep giving positives after positives, is that you cought virus of idiocy... somwgere, somehow.

    \\I am in fact currently in a discussion

    No. You are not.
    Funny delusion you have here.
    Discussion mean exchange of arguments.
    But you are, freakingly UNABLE to devise even one even seemingly resembling one.
    And that is strange.

    \\ After also firmly establishing that you are sexually aroused by the taste, texture, and viscosity of animal excrement,

    Oh... thank you for that hint.
    It seems that you blurted out the reason, circumstances and time when you cought that virus if idiocy -- in your puberty, when you started consuming some animal feces.
    That is a great help for my researxh. Tnx.

    \\Dehumanizing people as animals is very German, as is the fetish for being shit upon. Do you have some war baby in your bloodlines?

    So? You suggest, that that is not some KGB cathacombs you was born in as an experiment in eugenics.
    That must be some nazi, cathacombs and experiments.
    That is telling.
    Again. Tnx.

  27. You admitted you are an imbecile, and I advised you that I do not want to be in a discussion with an imbecile. I assume you know why you admitted that you are an imbecile, and frankly it is difficult to imagine that you know anyone that has not discovered you are an imbecile. As I've said before, you aren't hiding your imbecility. Everyone can see it. It's out there in the open obvious imbecility.

    Even as I have been patient with your failure to grasp that you're too stupid to have a discussion with, I have been very mindful to not be disrespectful to your inferior and backward shit-eating culture. In a world that is so heavily polluted with the presence of non-Americans too prideful to renounce their pathetic cultures and seek the self-improvement that learning English can bring, I was willing take under consideration that your poor, underdeveloped zone of shit-eaters that we politely miscall a "country" might not have the means to educate imbeciles to speak proper English. I trust that Google and other products of superior American ingenuity can translate English into whatever screeches and guttoral noises your face makes when communicating with your fellow pathetic animal raping shit eaters. It has never been plausible that your backward culture was going to produce translation software to enable you to communicate with your English-speaking betters. Knowing you are an imbecile and from one of the thousands of useless non-American cultures on the planet, I at least expected you would reveal your shithole of origin so that I could tell you in your own language that I do not wish to have a discussion with an imbecile. I really am trying to accommodate your imbecility and be respectful and tolerant of the fact that you come from a hopelessly pathetic culture, and I am not without understanding that as far as pathetic non-American cultures go, yours is probably more embarrassing to claim than others. That's not American arrogance, as there aren't many cultures that venerate animal excrement as much as you do. Maybe you were removed from being taught English because you only concentrated on learning how to tell people that you enjoy having animals shit on you. Even in backward, primitive, atavistic societies such as yours, there probably is a taboo about telling outsiders that you enjoy having sex with animals. Surely there are people in your land much smarter than you (throw a rock, you'll hit one) that speak your language and can verify to you that Americans find your shit-eating fetish to be disgusting, and like me, do not want to be in a discussion with a shit-eating imbecile or any other kind of imbeciles.

    So, you do not understand English, and I have absolutely no interest in or use for learning whatever culturally inferior language your pathetic non-American people speak. I just want to tell you that I do not want to be in a discussion with an imbecile, and tell you this in the same language that you beg your family to shit on you with. Hopefully then you will understand, and apologize for being so slow to understand .

    So, which primitive non-American language is your native tongue?

  28. Seems like you changed your tactics, and trying to overwhelm me with sheer amount of your flood.

    But that is not problem of tactic, damb ass.

    That is Strategical Problem -- that you are idiot. And idiots freakingly CANNOT adapt their tactics, yet more, change their strategy. Because they are idiots. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
    Misson Impossible.

    But. You'll continue struggling. Because, and you proving that yet one time -- stubborness is definite trait of an idiot too. ;-P

  29. \\Even as I have been patient with your failure to grasp that you're too stupid to have a discussion with


    You are no end of fun.
    You dumby-duppy treaks is so funny.

    "Just when I think you couldn’t possibly be any dumber, you go and do something like this… and totally redeem yourself!" (c)

  30. Seems like you changed your tactics, and trying to overwhelm me with your flood.

    But that is not problem of tactic, dumb ass.

    That is Strategical Problem -- that you are idiot. And idiots freakingly CANNOT adapt their tactics, yet more, change their strategy. Because they are idiots. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
    Misson Impossible.

    But. You'll continue struggling. Because, and you proving that yet one time -- stubborness is definite trait of an idiot too. ;-P

    Hmmm... this post was removed.

  31. While you're trying to decide if I have "changed my tactics" or if I "cannot change my tactics" or "running away from discussion" while remaining precisely here discussing your imbecility, allow me to point out that despite my explicit statements that I do not want to be in an discussion with an imbecile, I fully recognize that your inferior culture has not prepared you to comprehend English and that you have up to this point relied upon your illiteracy with English to ignore the fact that I do not wish to be in a discussion with an imbecile. Life itself beats you down enough for you to seek to learn English and improve yourself, you really don't need me to point out your innate inferiority. I assume you know your pathetic circumstances intimately.

    I have politely expressed a willingness to inform you in whatever babbling noise your inferior culture speaks that I do not wish to be in a discussion with a shit-eating, animal-raping imbecile, but you continue to actually run away from revealing which of the many hilariously backward non-American cultures on our planet claims you as a citizen. All I want to do is make sure you understand in your own language that I do not want to be in a discussion with an imbecile like yourself, and especially don't want to discussion your passions for animal excrement. Tell me the language you actually know so we can hopefully conclude this matter.

    Why do you keep evading and running a simple.question? Do you not know which pitiful non-American shithole spawned you?

  32. \\While you're trying to decide if I have "changed my tactics" or if I "cannot change my tactics" or "running away from discussion" while remaining precisely here discussing your imbecility

    And what DID I said... just above. "You'll keep strugglig". ;-P
    And that is most funny.
    Will not understand the humor of the situation.
    Because you.

    Not because I say it.
    But because matter'o'factly -- you behave as one. :-)))))))))))))))

    \\relied upon your illiteracy with English to ignore the fact that I do not wish to be in a discussion

    Yep. Words like "illiteracy" and "fact" you do not know what they mean.
    The same as higher we agreed that you do not know what word "discussion" mean.
    EVEN after being provided with definition from dictionary.

    That is trully and definitely is the trait of an idiot. Very short actual vocabulery.

    \\I have politely expressed a willingness to inform you in whatever babbling noise your inferior culture speaks that I do not wish to be in a discussion with a shit-eating, animal-raping imbecile, but you continue to actually run away from revealing which of the many hilariously backward non-American cultures on our planet claims you as a citizen. All I want to do is make sure you understand in your own language that I do not want to be in a discussion with an imbecile like yourself, and especially don't want to discussion your passions for animal excrement. Tell me the language you actually know so we can hopefully conclude this matter.

    Well... meaning of word "politely" you do not know too.

    And, while your self-exposing revelations about your ancestry and living circumstances (that you "run away", have affinity to animals and their shit, that you have no own language, only that bardaric bastardisation of celtic, saxons, latin and who knows what else tribes sprachen not yet revealed by modern science... and etc, etc, etc) -- they are important, and will be put in a file.
    But, there is no new info in them.

    Try to wiggle for some more. Maybe some new pa will emerge from it. Some new and pecular revelation about yourself you'll blurt out. ;-P

    Continue-continue, my funny pet Nigero.
    You enteryain your master that way, just Ok.

  33. I have been very polite to you, despite my disdain for having discussions with imbeciles. For example, I advise you that your very limited understanding of English has had you insisting that you enjoy training animals to shit on you. This behavior is not something very common with Americans accustomed to speaking with civilized people, and I assume that despite the severe cruelty other cultures inflict on their children by not letting them know they are inferior to Americans, I'd like to think most other cultures have at least advanced to a common decorum to keep their proud shit-eaters out of public view, or at least self-segregated to a very specific type of pornography as the Germans do. So, wanting to think the best of you, I
    assume all your nonsense is a communication failure, and that translating your messages back into whatever language your pathetic and inferior non-American people speak will enlighten you that all of your admissions of being an imbecile that likes to have sex with animals have not presented a flattering portrait of your intellect, and that perhaps in the language of whatever shithole you call home you do not go around boasting of eating animal feces and dousing yourself with skunk spray and demanding people acknowledge that you are an imbecile. Inferior non-American though you are, I presume you've encountered people with dignity before and might like to acquire some for yourself. As I have said, I do notice that you are trying to communicate in English rather than the nonsensical noises of your developmentally stunted shit culture, and I appreciate that you recognize as I do that your culture is irredeemably worthless and only escaped by learning English. The sad thing is, you aren't learning English. You are failing at it.

    I am genuinely trying to help you, since we both know you have set out to learn English to improve your station in life above your peers in whatever dilapidated community of parasites you call home. You are making this more difficult than it needs to be by not revealing the language of the sewer you crawled out of. If I knew that language, perhaps I could let you know that I don't want to be in a discussion with an animal raping imbecile, because you don't appear to understand that when it is stated in English. I really am trying to clear up any confusion you have by telling you to go fuck yourself in your own language, but perhaps understandibly, you are either too embarrassed to reveal which shithole you are from, or your comprehension of English is even more worse than I thought. This doesn't make sense to me why you would be embarrassed to reveal which non-American shithole you're from. It's not like there are any non-American places that aren't shitholes. So it defaults to your illiteracy with English. Clearly you are not understanding my message in English, I would like to give you that same message in the language of your pathetic people instead

  34. ...specific type of pornography as the Germans do...

    Oh, now we know from which exactly source your learned that stuff about shit and animals.
    Tnx for clarification.
    Though... I am not sure that was exactly German one. Just that you THOUGHT that it was German.

    ...boasting of eating animal feces and dousing yourself with skunk spray...

    Tnx for that intimate details of how you doing it.
    But really, you could omit it. For posterity.
    But I understand, after commiting such uneasy coming-out, you cannot help it, you want to share all till the tiniest detail... of your nasty self-pleasuring practices.

    And... my condolences.
    To your hard labours... of how you trying to extract from your damaged brain that disturbing and nasty memories about your ancestry, about your upbringing and any other of hardships of your miserly life.
    Like when you "crawled out of sewer." Or when you was "calling parasites your home" -- I even cannot imagene how it can be? How you dispise yourself "I don't want to be with an animal raping imbecile" and trying to run away from self, because you are "embarrassed to reveal which shithole you are" even to yourself.

    I bet, you'll continue that work on yourself. And will share more of such details here.

  35. We've already established that you have trouble understanding English. For example, the statement "Q is illiterate with English" does not mean "Q is fluent with English." Your shortcomings with English have proven to be a barrier to getting you to understand even statements about how illiterate you are.

    This is why I ask you which non-American shithole you are from. I want to clear up the misunderstandings and tell you, in your own shit-eater language, that I do not want to keep making fun of your disabilities. I don't care that you have scatological sexual desires towards animals, and I don't need to keep reading over and over that you do. I believe you. You have convinced me. Go play with animal excrement elsewhere. Find someone that wants to share that hobby with you. I have no interest in you or what you like to do with animal shit.

    How do I tell you this in a language you actually understand?

  36. Amount of flood shrinhing. That's might be becaise that mixture ending? ;-)

    \\We've already established that you have trouble understanding English.

    Yes. We "established" that many-many words, that are in English dictionaries... you freakingly do not understand its meanings.
    I am glad that you asknowkedged your deficinecy.
    But that is too litle a step to cure you from that virus of idiocy.
    Long and steap, and bumpy path ahead of you, Nigero.
    And you will go by it proudly, my little pet -- wiggling and denying and running away of it. I have my faith in you. :-))))))))))))))))))))))
    That it'll be Neverending Story.

  37. I am glad that you asknowkedged your deficinecy

    You are glad that I what? What language are you trying to communicate with now?

    I'm sorry, I don't speak Imbecile. What are you trying to say?

  38. You keep pretending that you do not understand my words.
    Because of my "illiterate English".
    Well, I'll make it fall on its face. This pretentious claim of yours. ;-P
    With help from Google.

    What are the characteristics of a stupid person? - Quora › What-are-the-characteristics-of-a-stupid-person
    An intelligent person can make a stupid mistake from time to time, a stupid person exhibit signs of stupidity on a consistent basis. There are many types of ...

    5 Traits That Separate Dumb People from Bright Ones - Learning Mind › ... › Brain Power
    1. Blaming others for their mistakes · 2. Having to be right all the time · 3. Using anger and aggression to cope with conflicts · 4. · 5.

    7 traits of a stupid man and how to avoid them | by MariusRo | Medium › 7-traits-of-a-stupid-man-and-ho...
    7 traits of a stupid man and how to avoid them · 1. IGNORANCE — a big sign of stupidity is to be an ignorant person. For example, to say that ...

    Stupidity - Wikipedia › wiki › Stupidity
    Stupidity is a lack of intelligence, understanding, reason, or wit. It may be innate, assumed or reactive. The word stupid comes from the Latin word stupere ...

    The Most Brutal 7 Signs Of Stupidity

    If someone is stupid, trust me, no matter how much they try, they won’t be able to hide it. However, here are 7 signs of stupidity that you should look out for.

    1. Undermining themselves/being conceited
    There are two types of stupid people: those who struggle with insecurities due to their lack of intelligence and egotistic ones that have a very inflated, conceited self-image.

    2. Being critical and way too judgemental
    Dumb people always criticize everyone around them and pretend they’re smarter than everyone else.

    3. Poor vocabulary
    This is one of the most subtle signs of stupidity.

    4. A barrier to effective listening
    People with low levels of intelligence also have the inability to listen profoundly to others. It’s not that they don’t want to. It’s just that their mind gets overloaded very fast, and their thoughts wander off somewhere else.

    6. Disinhibition
    Dumb people have that inability to think before they talk. That’s why they may seem even more stupid than they actually are. They always say the first thing that comes to mind without thinking about it at all.

    7. Being easily influenced by others
    The fact is that people with a low IQ have no personality of their own. That’s why they’re so impressionable.

    See any resemblance? To that image in a mirror?

    I'm sure you not. :-)))))))))))))))))))

  39. You should use "help from Google" to translate the language you actually know into English. It probably won't contain the spelling and grammatical errors that have had you insisting that you like to have sex with animals for weeks. Unless these aren't grammatical errors and you truly do enjoy eating shit.

    I imagine much of your frustration could be alleviated if you'd stop stomping on land mines

  40. Now you imagining that you are "land mine", Nigero?

    No. You are pushy-squishy-softy-squeaky, my little funny dummy gummy pet.

    I empathise that you feeling "frustration" from it... but that is... factual truth.

    Nothing you can change.

    Except... khm... well, I shouldn't tell it... hmm... if only you'd come to seek for a help -- with curing your severe mental imparement.

    But you will not.

    Because that illness. Makes you stubborn toadmit it.


    Only fun. :-))))))))))))))))))))

  41. I'm just trying to give you the benefit of the doubt that your illiteracy with English is the reason why you keep announcing that you like to have sex with animal excrement.

    Even if it is your intention to keep telling us about your real fascination with scatological sex with animals, your English grammar and diction and spelling and punctuation are all lacking. Your understanding of English is dismal, and you're never going to find the English speaker you want to squat and shit in your mouth with your incoherent phrasing. I can only tell you that you are looking in the wrong place.

    If you weren't afraid of telling us which non-American shithole your defective birth occured within, I would be very happy to inform you in a language you actually understand.

    I don't understand all of your hostility towards me. Are all of your pathetic, backward primitive people this rude to their betters?

  42. \\the reason why you keep announcing that you like to have sex with animal excrement.

    Yeah. But only you are that one who keep babbling about it here.
    Didn't you even able to notice that funny truth??? :-))))))))))))))))
    That you revealing your fixation on sex and shit, and relations with animals here. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) That way.

    Your attempt of strawmaning backfiring spectacularly here.

    But, yeah, you are too low-brow of a person to even ascknowledge that fact.

    \\you're never going to find the English speaker you want to squat and shit in your mouth with your incoherent phrasing.

    Ooooooh... what an interesting information you giving about yourself here.
    About you innate desires.

    And about reasons of your fixation on "literacy in English" -- that way you think that you'll be able to find a sexual partner which would realise with you *that* your sexual fantasies.

    That is BIG progress. What can I say. You are exemplar pervert, Nigero. But well, our wild cousins -- animals, pf which you recived your chimeric genes, have all kinds of quirky habits... like eating shit or whayever

    \\I don't understand all of your hostility towards me.

    What hostality???
    I only continue praisng my little gunny pet here.

  43. I'm only remotely curious about how you can see a word spelled correctly on the screen in front of you, yet still fuck up the spelling... "hostality" instead of "hostility." The letters "a" and "i" are on opposite sides of the keyboard, and in spoken form don't even sound alike.

    I'm guessing your instructors in both English and typing have given up on you learning either.

    This is consistent with your admission of imbecility. The added nuisance of you constantly reminding me that you are an imbecile and your bizarre need to keep telling me you enjoy having animals shit in your mouth are tedious. You ignore that I don't want to converse with an imbecile, and you intentionally ignore that I'm not interested in reading about how you like to pet and molest animals that shit on you and in your mouth.

    I would like to believe your illiteracy with English is inadvertently causing you to declare a love for eating animal shit, but when you can't even spell English words in front of you it indicates an even more severe level of incompetence that education can't correct, not to mention making it impossible to believe you are accidentally telling everyone you enjoy eating animal shit. This conjures up the spectre of cruel child abuse. Not only did you parents not prepare you for life and reality and teach you that you are hopelessly inferior to Americans, even their keeping you in a cage and making you eat your own shit has stunted your social skills.

    It's sad, and I feel sorry for you, and I feel you really do need some help.

    But I won't help you, because I have already told you I am not interested in being in a conversation with an imbecile.

  44. \\I'm only remotely curious about how you can see a word spelled correctly on the screen in front of you, yet still fuck up the spelling... "hostality" instead of "hostility." The letters "a" and "i" are on opposite sides of the keyboard, and in spoken form don't even sound alike.

    Aha... that is Absolute Ceiling of your Intellect. QED.
    You have ability to spot that 'letters "a" and "i" are on opposite sides of the keyboard'.
    Nothing more. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But still.
    I will answer to you, as if you posess an intelligence here. Foor lulz.

    Great Vowel Shift - Wikipedia › wiki › Great_Vowel_Shift
    The Great Vowel Shift was a series of changes in the pronunciation of the English language that took place primarily between 1400 and 1700, beginning in ...

    The Great Vowel Shift: How We Know Language Now › Communication
    The shift is responsible for transforming English into the messy soup of pronunciations and spellings that it is today, with the spellings ...

    ...your bizarre need to keep telling me you enjoy having animals shit in your mouth...

    Only one little problem here -- that is YOU are that one who STARTED and CONTINUE talking about it.
    So, I conclude, you are pervert addicted to such things -- to that level you freakingly cannot stop talking about it... even though it blatantly self-revealing.


    \\This conjures up the spectre of cruel child abuse.

    Hah... you blurted it out. Finnaly.
    Why you keep talking about all this weird shit and reason you found in yourself that attraction to shit.
    Child abuse.

    Yeah, that is telling.

    \\even their keeping you in a cage and making you eat your own shit has stunted your social skills.


    And you even extracted from your shithead that unbearable memory -- that that is your own parents was doing that.

    May I suggest? That they was doing that during and for a greater effect of your education -- to make you forget your ancestry and native tongue, so you could blend-in with ordinary USA shitheads well. ;-P

    That's why your fixation on shit coincide with your ill-edvised fication on "literacy"... as it was beaten-in into you through such cruel methods.

  45. You can't spell a word that is on the screen right in front of you because you can't type with shit in your mouth? Or you started trying to learn English centuries ago and it changed while you were eating shit for centuries?

    I was satisfied that your admission of imbecility was enough. I didn't foresee that you'd eaten enough shit to hallucinate that your illiteracy with English was fluency with English centuries ago.

    But that merely explains why you are an imbecile. Slavic imbecility, yes? A people so pathetic that other ethnicities that enslaved them gave them an identity lol.

  46. Huh... no "clever" backbites again? What's up SmartyPants? Month going to an end, and that potent mixture from your favorite shaman going to an end too? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

  47. Or... that is just shortcuts of salary on Prigojin's Trollfarm.
    So you are forced to seek for some other work. Like in tiolets. Instead of toilet tubes. So your fetish would be fullfiled? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  48. ... I have already told you I am not interested in being in a conversation with an imbecile.

  49. "Conversation"? Not "discussion". ;-)
    Yay. You demonstrating ability to change your stance. Ability to not pose yourself as an idiot.
    What happend?
    That mixture ended, and you suddenly started to show some sobriety.
    Then, I am strongly suggest you to NOT drink it. Ever. ;-P

  50. My stance hasn't changed. Your illiteracy with English stymies communication, and I don't want to communicate with an imbecile like yourself anyway. You can ponder the differences between "conversation" and "discussion" on your next English vocabulary quiz at whatever shithole school is trying and failing to make you a better person. I don't care.

  51. \\My stance hasn't changed.

    Means, you still same proud and self-confident idiot, my little funny pet, Nigero.
    What a relief. :-)))))))))))))))))

    \\Your illiteracy with English stymies communication, and I don't want to communicate with an imbecile like yourself anyway.

    You CANNOT... be a side in a communication, take part in intelligent discussion.
    Because you are idiot.
    And there is NO excuses that can placate this sad (fer ya) fact, Nigero.

    That's why you clinging to that pinnacle of your intellectual development of a (not that, really) clever boy from catholic school... who can write "literate English" and able to spell all words letter by letter. :-)))))))))))))))))

    Though... that can do even parrots. ;-P

    While I, can *fix* my "broken"(from your catholic school pupil POV, which is hardly is level of expert to care about) English. Either by wasting more time on proofreading, or with help of programs.
    You... cannot fix your broken idiotic brain. Because you are idiot. Mission Impossible. Fer ya.

  52. .

    Did you watched movie "Idiocracy"?

    With what personage you associate yourself with?


  53. \\Cuz you're both acting like Clevon. :P

    Ref to K-pax again -- remember how Prot played with dog? Does it make him a dog himself? ;-P

  54. ... When the officer in charge is arrested for running his own prostitution ring under Upgrayedd's tutelage, the experiment is forgotten. ;p

  55. So all those adventures in the future couldn't have happened w/o him. ;P

  56. Ehm... so what? :-)

    For me, as fan of Lem that idea is not new at all. ;-P

  57. There is his text. Called "Catarrh".
    Exactly about that idea -- how some even distant and seemingly unrelated factors influence the process... whatever process.
    But, with Evolution in mind, of course.

  58. <a href='">tCoC</a>.

    Ever work in a bureacracy, Q? There's nothing "chance" about it... hence the terms FUBAR and SNAFU.

  59. \\Ever work in a bureacracy, Q? There's nothing "chance" about it...

    Know "Futurama"? Personage Hermes, the Burocrat, of 17th level ;-P

  60. About accidents.

    Recently, my monitor started glitching stranely.
    That damn type of glitches of electronics that can be fixed with "massaging". ;-P

    Today I opened it, and removed all dust and webs. Glitches disapeared.
    Go figure, what strange connections was their reason.

  61. this is what they said about Hermes (messenger of the G_ds)

    btw - Do you know Theuth? He is not Thamon.)

  62. Hoh... I missed that "clever" response from Nigero. :-))) Was it in spam?

    \\Or you started trying to learn English centuries ago and it changed while you were eating shit for centuries?

    Thanky-thanky, idiot. For showing to us some more of your idiocy... in more fine details.

    HOW that changes happen, dambass? ;-P
    If not because of "volatility" -- each one of us (well, see, I giving you benefit of a doubt you being homo sapience, or intelligent enough to be treated as one ;-P) brandish OUR OWN version of English (or any other language, or two, or more...).
    That's why changes not opnly happen through ages. They are EVER present.

    But you are free to commit with your lame backbite again, to that beyond obvious factual reason.

    I bet it would be hilarious -- idea of an idiot about how evolution of languages do happen.

  63. One of your comments, and one of mine were in SPAM, and have been republished.
