Sunday, November 6, 2022

Voices in the Wilderness...


  1. Hello; I found you in comments on "ALWAYS ON watch". You might like the post I made on Ukraine:

  2. Thank you... but I would prefer REAL HISTORICAL maps scans...
    like here.
    like this one, for example --


    And to your question.

    ""So who’s “right” or “wrong”? Why should we be involved in this war? Just saying…""

    Imagine that in year(s) before 1776 attitude of countries of the world would be the same:
    They mostly English, isn't it? So why they uprise against their king?
    And they self-identify themself with some unearthly barbarians, non-christians, pagans -- god save us from such aquitances.
    Why we, faithful and lawful christians should help them, anyhow???

  3. Thank you... but I would prefer REAL HISTORICAL maps scans...
    like here.
    like this one, for example --

    Lots of maps will lots of different and varied border configurations.

    And to your question.
    ""So who’s “right” or “wrong”? Why should we be involved in this war? Just saying…""
    Imagine that in year(s) before 1776 attitude of countries of the world would be the same:
    They mostly English, isn't it? So why they uprise against their king?

    Because the king began treating them like 2nd class citizens and not British citizens and taxing them unilaterally (and not doing the same to citizens in UK)... to "pay for their own defense"... like a mafia boss demanding "protection" (mostly from his own goons). Kinda sounds like Russia-speakers in the Donbass, huh?

    And they self-identify themself with some unearthly barbarians, non-christians, pagans -- god save us from such aquitances.

    Not sure I know what you are getting at here... Americans identifying as Native Americans because we were being treated as non_English citizens... just like the Native Americans?

    Why we, faithful and lawful christians should help them, anyhow???

    Not sure where you're at here, either... but I'll keep on this tack, because a nation's citizens shouldn't have a "caste" system? South America had the same problem.. there were the Spanish and creollos... who couldn't hold office because they had Indian blood (same reason Simon Bolivar revolted).

  4. Russian speakers in Donbass are like creoles/ creollos.

  5. In other words, being treated as "inferiors".

  6. Well, blah. Scott Ritter's predictions and analysis of the war in Ukraine has missed the mark so many times that I think we can remain skeptical of his input at least until there is some overlap with his expertise, say for example the Chechens and other Central Asian conscripts from the various 'stans (including Afghanistan) bring in their bacha bazi culture. And, eeeh no, I'll skip that lecture, thanks.

    Napolitano at least has my respect as a hard right libertarian of the Rothbardian "school." Rothbard's foreign policy was a bit out there but he held up Victorian England as his model of a "night watchman state." I don't know if Napolitano is a full-on anarcho-capitalist, but I can cynically offer that he's making some money from the Ukraine War by talking about it. Us chumps out here talk about it for free, to a few people lol. ;)

    The Russians are using Iranian drones and the Russian soldiers using them are being trained by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, a "designated terrorist organization" by American policy (a policy implemented by Trump and, as with all Trump policies, continued by Biden)

    So, we have a perfidious war of Russian choice in Ukraine (perfidious in both the dictionary and international laws of war senses) backed by a designated terrorist group. Russia has gone from falsely claiming the buildup of an invasion force was a training exercise to forceably conscripting more meat for the grinder. Can't say what the Russians are doing would fit on Murray "Conscription is a 100% tax" Rothbard's ideological salad bar.

    What would fit, however, is Ukraine issuing letters of marque and reprisal to American private military groups ;)

  7. If I had to make a wild prediction, I'd warn Russia to move as many troops east before China decides they want northern Manchuria back and only see an inept military in the way.
