Saturday, October 8, 2022

Useful Idiot's Report on Ukraine/ Russia

Wanna Play Biden Roulette?


  1. The podcast should be renamed "Putin's useful idiots".

  2. Dervy, Dervy, Dervy... so what are you, Zelenskyy's?

  3. I forced to agree with Dervy.

    Just three numbers. 300, 500, 1200
    That is roughly number of inhabitant in USA, Europe and China.

    WITHOUT Europe USA will be 300 against 4x bigger power.

    With Europe... yeah, that way you have a chance.



    Britain in the beginning of WW2 -- alone.

    And Brintain in the and of WW2 -- surrounded with allies.

    That is as simple as Arichmetics.


    If you still unable to groke it. Still trying to play contrarian... lame.

    But well, you are not decision maker here. ;-P

  4. See Q, I told you that libtards are your allies, not Trumpublicans.

  5. As for 4-1, Wanna know what America's kill ratio was in Vietnam with MiGs?

  6. \\As for 4-1, Wanna know what America's kill ratio was in Vietnam with MiGs?

    And in Korea? ;-) Where qualifed pilots was present?

    \\See Q, I told you that libtards are your allies, not Trumpublicans.

    So? You trying to reassure me that Reps are nobodies allies?
    Even to oneself? ;-P

    And where is your comments about my arichmetic? Toom complex. ;-P

  7. Where qualifed pilots was present?

    Vietnamese flew very few MiGs.

    Ukrainians are Irish to the Brits/US. Velites at best. :P

    And where is your comments about my arichmetic? Toom complex. ;-P

    Most definitely.

  8. So? You do not belive in bigger numbers needed to win?

    So, what's your point about Ukrain-Rusha war again?

  9. Technology is not enough for Ukraine to win. You need people who are trained to use it. And that takes years at best, decades at worst. Especially fighter pilots and SigInt analysts, even if they're only flying drones or directing fire support missions. And the moment the new tech shows up... the Russians will know (from its' effectiveness) just "who" is controlling it.

  10. "Know thy enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated. When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal. If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself, you are sure to be defeated in every battle."

    You are not first... and I am not sure about second.

    And you/USA arrogant to admit that Ukrainians able to give your first. And clarisy to you secind.

    Well, I'm sure you are not exemplar to impersonate USA. There in Pentagon peaople who are much more cunning and witty... I hope. For all of us sake.

  11. If the first million didn't give us the first, then I doubt another million will help.

    And I'm sure that the Pentagon and CIA people are much more cunning and witty than I am.

  12. \\If the first million didn't give us the first, then I doubt another million will help.

    Again. *Huerta* de Soto.

    \\And I'm sure that the Pentagon and CIA people are much more cunning and witty than I am.

    Maybe... but there sieving not that promising...

  13. \\And I'm sure that the Pentagon and CIA people are much more cunning and witty than I am.

    And well... they have trek record of being ignorant of insightful visionery predictions. ;-P

  14. Perhaps you've heard the term before, "Might makes right"? ;)

    Like I've said previously, Americans are hard kill fixated. The British, master of the soft-kill. I'd seek help from the British, were I, you.

  15. Recently... Russian started talking abouit hitting USA directly.(with some covert/falseflag/"all know who, bit have no hard proofs" attack -- and are you SURE they didn't have it prepaired???)
    To make THEIR point clear.
    But... you'll wait for next Pearl Harbor. I see.

  16. Go look your own USA news... about boats with cocain, your coast guard restlesly trying to catch.

    And imagine that that is not some craftsmens from jungle, but capable industry produced boat.

    With Tzar Bomb in it.

    On it's way to a Bay. Or... already there. Quietly laying in the deep.

  17. If we were to invade every country that posed a threat, we'd have to take over the world. We don't want the world. We've already screwed up our own nation enough.

  18. Quit bragging that you craziest out there... :-))))))))))

    There lost of ones who want to be first in that discipline too. ;-P
