Saturday, October 8, 2022

Madness & Insanity Escalate....

According to Russian news agency Tass, an explosion occurred in early Saturday morning on one of Putin’s prestige projects and Europe’s longest bridge, which connects Russia and Crimea.

“An object believed to be a fuel storage tank has caught fire on the Crimean Bridge, but the viaduct’s navigable arches sustained no damage, an aide to the head of Crimea, Oleg Kryuchkov, said on Saturday,” according to the news outlet.

According to preliminary information, a fuel storage tank is on fire… Navigable arches were not damaged. It is too early to speak about causes and consequences. Work to extinguish the blaze is underway,” Kryuchkov wrote in his Telegram channel.

Crimean Bridge, also known as Kerch Strait Bridge or Kerch Bridge, is a pair of parallel bridges, one road, one rail, spanning the Kerch Strait between the Taman Peninsula of Krasnodar Krai in Russia and the Kerch Peninsula of Crimea in Ukraine.

After annexing Crimea at the start of the Russo-Ukrainian War, Russia built the bridge. It is the longest bridge ever constructed in Russia, at 19 kilometers (12 miles), and the longest bridge in all of Europe.

Besides transportation, Russia’s motivation for building the bridge was to legitimize its territorial claims in Crimea.

The Guardian reported:
Images from the bridge showed a fiercely burning fire engulfing at least two railway carriages from a train on the bridge, accompanied by a vast column of black smoke, and one half of the parallel road bridge collapsed into the Kerch Strait.

The explosion, which witnesses said could be heard kilometres away, took place before 6am on Saturday while a train was crossing the bridge.

It was not immediately clear what caused it, however Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to the Ukrainian presidency, appeared to suggest Kyiv’s responsibility, tweeting: “Crimea, the bridge, the beginning. Everything illegal must be destroyed, everything stolen must be returned to Ukraine, everything belonging to the Russian occupation must be expelled.”

Damage to the road section of the bridge showed the carriageway appeared to have been cleanly severed with no obvious sign of a missile strike in the first images to emerge, leading some to suggest the attack on the bridge might have been a spectacular act of of sabotage.
According to Telegraph, Russia’s investigative committee said it had “initiated a criminal case in connection with the incident on the Crimean bridge,” adding that “a truck was blown up.”

“Russia’s National Anti-Terrorism Committee says a truck bomb caused seven railway cars carrying fuel to catch fire, resulting in a “partial collapse of two sections of the bridge.” The committee didn’t immediately apportion blame,” the outlet reported.


  1. About recent Crymea Bridge bombing.
    I will be advocating unintelligible even for me idea -- that RFia's FSB did it yourself.
    And you'll try to persuade me, that that was Ukrainian SpecOps with help of USA, Britain or Israel help. ;-P
    Is it Ok?

    Suicide bomber?

  2. The Russians will just have to swim back to Russia lol

  3. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    Ukraine takes ownership for blowing up the bridge.

    Naah. Just celebrating it. You wouldn't? To a problems of your foe. Yes, Of course, because you are noble man, isn't it?

    \\Suicide bomber?

    And how that prove Ukraine involvment?

  4. Heroes go on "stamps".

    \\Suicide bomber?
    And how that prove Ukraine involvment?

    Prove? It doesn't. But it's not an insignificant fact, which, if sufficiently investigated, could "prove" it.

  5. The safe bet is explosion under the bridge, which would have exploited structural weaknesses (bridges are designed to bear weight downward and wind side to side, forces from beneath going up, not so much)

    Probably a remote controlled boat or drone timed to blow up beneath a Russian fuel truck.

    "Crimea river" lol

  6. With territory on both ends of the bridge allegedly "under Russian control" this looks bad for Russia the same way the sinking of the Moskva did

  7. It was definitely a sound strategic move to cut off and isolate the Ukrainian "southern" front. But it's also something that they should have done BEFORE they launched their counter-offensive, not after.

  8. Only in the traditional sense that you should leave an enemy a route to retreat. Now the Russians in Crimea have two choices: Fight and die, or swim and die.

    Either way, Ukraine is taking Crimea back.

    The real fun begins when Kazakhstan and Georgia realize Vladolf Putler has no teeth.

  9. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    Prove? It doesn't. But it's not an insignificant fact, which, if sufficiently investigated, could "prove" it.

    In a way russian propaganda "proves" it?

    \\Anonymous (((TC))) said...
    The safe bet is explosion under the bridge, which would have exploited structural weaknesses (bridges are designed to bear weight downward and wind side to side, forces from beneath going up, not so much)

    And what hit railroad? Did you watched video?
    Well, how that mine could be installed???
    By invisible gnomes?
    Why it was not installed under all three passages?

    \\Anonymous (((TC))) said...
    With territory on both ends of the bridge allegedly "under Russian control" this looks bad for Russia the same way the sinking of the Moskva did

    Quite contrary.
    It helps to elevate their accusations against Ukraine.
    "Ukraine is terroristic state. See!!!"

    While JUST ONE pathway hit.

    And. If they'll manage to fix it less then in a month -- that'll be YET ONE self-evidante proof.

  10. Put gave his confession.

    That was specop of FSB... they already found traces up into Europe. In Bulgaria.

  11. If so, why would Ukraine still issue a stamp?

  12. Why net sell stamp space to corporations for ad placement and make more cash?

  13. Already!

    Bayraktar and Jawelline.

    HIMARSes too.

    But other still hesitating... dunno why???

  14. \\Waiting for T-90

    Do you mean "russian land-lease" to Ukrainians?

    \\ and T-14's...

    Aha... as well as Su-57 and other vaporware.

    Do you mean that Boing, Reinmetal and Lokhid-Martin produce nothing but vaporware ziz days too? ;-P

  15. I'd rather advertise new prototypes than 30 year old hardware, wouldn't you?

    btw - I started getting my pensions from Boeing, Lockheed-Martin and General Dynamics this year... so, thanks for the FMS's. :)

  16. So? Where is that prototypes?

    "breaking new" and edgy F-35 is more than decade old. Or two already?

  17. That is not prototypes... that is makets. ;-P

    They show Potemkin's Villages to you... and you Belive it.

  18. Or just... fake, fake and fake it... to your heart content. ;-P

    Or... there is no progress, without need. Apparent and biting.

  19. If you into Russian Propaganda THAT MUCH.
    Go watch Zvezda TV (if it is not blocked, yet)
    There lots of such shit there.

  20. The YouTube looks blocked... everything's a year old. ;P

  21. Yap.

    Well, there is RuTube. And ;-P

    If you wanna dive, go dive deeper. ;-)))

  22. You'd be better served watching romantic comedies.

  23. Go accustom yourself with Korean doramas then. ;-P

  24. Then... maybe I am not that worthless... in your eyes. :-)))

  25. A friend is never "worthless" Q. I just have to be honest with you. My people have promised you much more than they can deliver.

    As the tyrant once said, “Never deceive a friend.”

    — Hipparchus

  26. Again... you DO NOT know history of Ukraine. (sad smile here) :-(

  27. Well, there in YouTube there is that flicks like "history of this or that country in 5 minutes"... ;-)

  28. That is disingenious.

    That flicks produced by natives of respective countries.

    There is no wit in sticking same flashy stikers to everything without understanding -- does it fit to? (bored)

  29. I posted a 7 hour history of Russia by a Brit... you called it "malarkey". There's no pleasing you, is there? (bored).

  30. You saying that was historical documentary???

    From all premices that is completelly opposite. That is lame journalism.
    The type YOU YOURSELF protesting against here.

    From our previous talks I have no doubts that you KNOW the difference -- between true history and historism (using historical references for a political cause).

    Why you trying to gaslight me into need to admit that that apparent political "historism" as "true history", I dunno.
    But I do not see it as friendly, witty or worthy.

    Wanna gaslight me. You welcome. But you need to WORK MORE diligently and labourously. ;-P

  31. So how many examples of falsities did you produce? None. Pure ad hominem.

  32. That's why distinguishing true idiot from merely careless bullshit talkers are that difficult. ;-)
    Why I wasted so much time in that thread with TC, howdy think? ;-)

    Well. Still. This attempt to gaslight me is passable this time.

    No. There was critiques of sources, yes. That is different, tough can be assumed being ad hominem. If one desire so...

    There was critique of premices too. Directly. This sentence ""In the 1990s, Russia embraced an extreme economics that led to chaos and corruption.""
    Which is obvious bullshit... but, only if one know history of USSR or... for at least know and undestand(and that is two different things, as case of TC shows -- he knows many "smart" long words... but do not understand them) some economy 101.
    Because to such an opponent would be apparent -- that transition from State Planned Closed Economy into Free Trade Open one... freakingly CANNOT be a smooth ride.

    And about core of missive -- all that was done for the sake to blame Liz Trass for a problems with economy.
    Which again, is nothing but lame journalism, you criticizing yourself (or what, I understood you incorrectly, and you was PRO playing with false narratives of history, and not CONTRA???)
    Which is non seqiutur.
    Because it's try to compare uncomparable things.
    For the sake of political hype.
    Or, just because of idiocy of the autor.

  33. Perhaps you should research the author of the documentary. His name is Adam Curtis, and he's very famous in the UK. His intention was to provide many film clips with a minimal of editorialization, and allow the viewer to get a "feeling" for what it was like. I think I got the right "feeling".

    The economic policies of Yegor Gaidar were ultimately unsuccessful. He got sacked.

    Yes, this was released at a time where damage could be done to Liz Truss. Her policies have proven unpopular as well.

    But perhaps you begin to understand that the American economy is failing. It cannot afford a war with Russia. There is no one to "bail us out" like Russia and Ukraine get bailed out. When we fail, the world fails.

  34. ...and we've just gone through twenty years of useless and unnecessary wars costing us $trillions. We certainly don't need another.

  35. \\We certainly don't need another.

    It's not up to you to decide.
    No, that is not a threat. I hope you understand.
    This is merely a nog in direction of History.

    Nowhere, and never. It was a choice of ones who "don't need another war".
    Cuibis facis parabelum.
    But also -- when war comes knocking to your door, don't try to duck and hide from it.
    As one, maybe wise maybe not man have had said: "They chose shame. They will get war too."

    \\But perhaps you begin to understand that the American economy is failing. It cannot afford a war with Russia. There is no one to "bail us out" like Russia and Ukraine get bailed out. When we fail, the world fails.

    So what? RFia's economy failing even more.
    Well, that is why they started war in the first place.
    Same as Hitler in Germany -- he made so many sweet promices, that to cover that that he freakingly UNABLE to fulfill em, war was ONLY possible choise.

    But. That is not Russia/RFia you need to worry about. It is mere chain dog of certain other world power wanna be.

    So, if you'll allow to that dog to shit with a radioactive poop at your neighbour's lawn... YOUR lawn will be next.
    And pile of poop will be just enormous.

    \\The economic policies of Yegor Gaidar were ultimately unsuccessful. He got sacked.

    While in government, Gaidar advocated free market economic reforms according to the principle of shock therapy. His best-known decision was to abolish price regulation by the state, which immediately resulted in a major increase in prices and amounted to officially authorizing a market economy in Russia. He also cut military procurement and industrial subsidies, and reduced the budget deficit.

    That is explanation in terms of Western Economy science. But, remember, USSR was Planned Closed Economy in a Totalitarian country. There was NOTHING even resembling all that "price regulation", "industrial subsidies", "". And Market Economy in general.
    Markets in Soviet Union that was that places where some peasants was selling some little surplus of their crops. Everything else was part of Leviathan of Soviet Economy.
    No banks.
    No corporations.
    No private property.
    NOTHING, of what you feel without noticing. As air. As fish do not feel water, but only absence of it.

    So. He didn't broke it. Because to that time he came to power... there was NOTHING to break. :-)))
    There was remanants of Titanic still floating after main body already dived deep. And scared and histerical people who desperately trying to keep themself afloat.

    So, he was just a messenger who delivered bad news. Nothing more.

  36. \\We certainly don't need another.
    It's not up to you to decide.
    No, that is not a threat. I hope you understand.
    This is merely a nog in direction of History.
    Nowhere, and never. It was a choice of ones who "don't need another war".
    Cuibis facis parabelum.
    But also -- when war comes knocking to your door, don't try to duck and hide from it.
    As one, maybe wise maybe not man have had said: "They chose shame. They will get war too."

    Ukraine is still a war of "choice" for America.

    \\But perhaps you begin to understand that the American economy is failing. It cannot afford a war with Russia. There is no one to "bail us out" like Russia and Ukraine get bailed out. When we fail, the world fails.
    So what? RFia's economy failing even more.
    Well, that is why they started war in the first place.
    Same as Hitler in Germany -- he made so many sweet promices, that to cover that that he freakingly UNABLE to fulfill em, war was ONLY possible choise.
    But. That is not Russia/RFia you need to worry about. It is mere chain dog of certain other world power wanna be.
    So, if you'll allow to that dog to shit with a radioactive poop at your neighbour's lawn... YOUR lawn will be next.
    And pile of poop will be just enormous.

    No, Russia has the right idea. Gold reserves. It's economy isn't weakening. It get's stronger with every passing day. BRIC is rising while we circle the drain being "stupid" and trying to hold on to an empire that only benefits the wealthiest few. For America to "stay ahead"... it needs to go beck to doing what it does best. "Mind its' business". Small business. Anti-fragile business. China thinks it can step in with globalism? Let it destroy itself in THAT failing fantasy, too.

  37. \\The economic policies of Yegor Gaidar were ultimately unsuccessful. He got sacked.
    While in government, Gaidar advocated free market economic reforms according to the principle of shock therapy. His best-known decision was to abolish price regulation by the state, which immediately resulted in a major increase in prices and amounted to officially authorizing a market economy in Russia. He also cut military procurement and industrial subsidies, and reduced the budget deficit.
    That is explanation in terms of Western Economy science. But, remember, USSR was Planned Closed Economy in a Totalitarian country. There was NOTHING even resembling all that "price regulation", "industrial subsidies", "". And Market Economy in general.
    Markets in Soviet Union that was that places where some peasants was selling some little surplus of their crops. Everything else was part of Leviathan of Soviet Economy.
    No banks.
    No corporations.
    No private property.
    NOTHING, of what you feel without noticing. As air. As fish do not feel water, but only absence of it.
    So. He didn't broke it. Because to that time he came to power... there was NOTHING to break. :-)))
    There was remanants of Titanic still floating after main body already dived deep. And scared and histerical people who desperately trying to keep themself afloat.
    So, he was just a messenger who delivered bad news. Nothing more.

    Ah, but you see, once the Leviathan falls, those desperate little people with their tiny side-markets suddenly have some power to expand without being undercut... at least until the oligarch's re-organize. Unfortunately, that was Gaidar's mistake... allowing the oligarch's to re-organize instead of capping market capitalizations at $1m and selling off the individual factories/ or machines to individual peasants or peasant cooperatives (the old "soviets"). If he had, Russia would have millions of small entrepeneurs instead of a hundred fat oligarch's. His "radical reform" did not slay the legal/ governmental dragon in the room. Economies of scale... smaller markets. A "confederation" (vice union) of tiny independent soviets. Let the government provide tariff-free roads and railways between them, but let them organize themselves.

  38. \\Ukraine is still a war of "choice" for America.

    Because of Budapesht Memorandum, it's not true.

    \\No, Russia has the right idea. Gold reserves.

    Do you know word "liquidity"? ;-)

    \\It's economy isn't weakening.

    Their planes stopped flying.
    Their car makers in thread with their conveior workers cutting grass.
    Even their own government statistics, which NEVER was very truthful admitting 2.9% fall.
    But no, their "economy isn't weakening".
    Well, that is clealry maga-trumpian-qanon level of delusion.
    But I think people od USA would stangle him and started roasting on a low fire... if he'd tryed to play such "make believe" game with your fellow Ams. (homeric laughter)))))))))))))))))))))))

    There is that anekdote... from soviet times.
    When ordinary citizen mistakenly plugged fridge into TV-set connector... and suddenly lots of products magicly appeared in it... because there was non-stop propaganda on TV, that they have everything in abundance.

    And Russians still live that way -- believeing to what they have been said, but not to what they really have. :-)))))))

    \\It get's stronger with every passing day.

    Are you brain plugged into Russian TV propaganda connector too?

    But well, they not that delirious and counter-factual there. Yet.
    They learned well how soviet style propaganda can fail.

    \\BRIC is rising... China thinks it can step in with globalism? Let it destroy itself in THAT failing fantasy, too.

    Not My Problem.

    \\Ah, but you see, once the Leviathan falls, those desperate little people with their tiny side-markets suddenly have some power to expand without being undercut...

    But they did not. And they do not want it.
    All they want is some wellfare from government. ;-P
    As they accustomed to it from times of USSR.
    Because, You know, there was Socialism in USSR.

    \\Unfortunately, that was Gaidar's mistake... allowing the oligarch's to re-organize instead of capping market capitalizations

    What "market capitalization"???
    You coming to some aborigens from New Guinea, who still wore palm leaf as main or even single part of their clothes... and trying to find there Wallmart and McDonalds... :-))))) And toilet paper.
    Did you know that THERE WAS NO TIOLET PAPER in Soviet Ra'Sha???? :-))))

    \\ at $1m and selling off the individual factories/ or machines to individual peasants or peasant cooperatives (the old "soviets").

    They tryed. Many times.
    That peasants didn't liked it.
    Because. Genetical cleansing. All peasant who would "buy" it... was declared "kulaks" and was killed... in Siberia. With cold and hubger.
    Even Hitler was more merciful. As he was killing jews in flames.

    \\ If he had, Russia would have millions of small entrepeneurs instead of a hundred fat oligarch's. His "radical reform" did not slay the legal/ governmental dragon in the room.

    And WHO would ALLOW him? Yeltsin??? :-)))))) He maube was a drunkards... but not to the level of losing instinct of survival.
    And when "mighty forces" asked him to detrone himself -- he did as it was said to him -- proclaimed subsitute, Putin.

    \\ Economies of scale... smaller markets. A "confederation" (vice union) of tiny independent soviets. Let the government provide tariff-free roads and railways between them, but let them organize themselves.

    In Soviet Ra'Sha roads and railways "organize" people... by transporting em to/from Siberia. ;-P

    Do you know "Dune"? So I could refernce to a history of "sardaucars" here.

  39. \\Ukraine is still a war of "choice" for America.
    Because of Budapesht Memorandum, it's not true.

    Did the US Senate ratify it as a "treaty"? Sorry, Charlie.

    \\No, Russia has the right idea. Gold reserves.
    Do you know word "liquidity"? ;-)

    It doesn't get much more liquid than gold at 1064C.

    \\It's economy isn't weakening.
    Their planes stopped flying.
    Their car makers in thread with their conveior workers cutting grass.
    Even their own government statistics, which NEVER was very truthful admitting 2.9% fall.
    But no, their "economy isn't weakening".
    Well, that is clealry maga-trumpian-qanon level of delusion.
    But I think people od USA would stangle him and started roasting on a low fire... if he'd tryed to play such "make believe" game with your fellow Ams. (homeric laughter)))))))))))))))))))))))

    Pay me in Rubles then, please. I'll take them over US bitcoin.

    There is that anekdote... from soviet times.
    When ordinary citizen mistakenly plugged fridge into TV-set connector... and suddenly lots of products magicly appeared in it... because there was non-stop propaganda on TV, that they have everything in abundance.
    And Russians still live that way -- believeing to what they have been said, but not to what they really have. :-)))))))

    Yes, we call that "hyper-reality" like US economic statistics since 2008, Global Warming evidence, the Green Energy Economy.... or the demographics tracked in the FBI Crime Statistics Database that creates the American sense of HyperNormalism.

    \\It get's stronger with every passing day.
    Are you brain plugged into Russian TV propaganda connector too?
    But well, they not that delirious and counter-factual there. Yet.
    They learned well how soviet style propaganda can fail.

    I can read. Can you?

    \\BRIC is rising... China thinks it can step in with globalism? Let it destroy itself in THAT failing fantasy, too.
    Not My Problem.

    Not mine either.

  40. \\Ah, but you see, once the Leviathan falls, those desperate little people with their tiny side-markets suddenly have some power to expand without being undercut...
    But they did not. And they do not want it.
    All they want is some wellfare from government. ;-P
    As they accustomed to it from times of USSR.
    Because, You know, there was Socialism in USSR.

    ...and soon there will be a universal guaranteed income for all the Americans and Europeans... and we'll see who then will work for a "surplus" salary.

    \\Unfortunately, that was Gaidar's mistake... allowing the oligarch's to re-organize instead of capping market capitalizations
    What "market capitalization"???
    You coming to some aborigens from New Guinea, who still wore palm leaf as main or even single part of their clothes... and trying to find there Wallmart and McDonalds... :-))))) And toilet paper.
    Did you know that THERE WAS NO TIOLET PAPER in Soviet Ra'Sha???? :-))))

    The Russian oligarch's are/were also government bureaucrats? Who knew?

    \\ at $1m and selling off the individual factories/ or machines to individual peasants or peasant cooperatives (the old "soviets").
    They tryed. Many times.
    That peasants didn't liked it.
    Because. Genetical cleansing. All peasant who would "buy" it... was declared "kulaks" and was killed... in Siberia. With cold and hubger.
    Even Hitler was more merciful. As he was killing jews in flames.

    They didn't know that the oligarch's were making billions and weren't being sent to Siberian gulags? They must be REALLY stupid.

    \\ If he had, Russia would have millions of small entrepeneurs instead of a hundred fat oligarch's. His "radical reform" did not slay the legal/ governmental dragon in the room.
    And WHO would ALLOW him? Yeltsin??? :-)))))) He maube was a drunkards... but not to the level of losing instinct of survival.
    And when "mighty forces" asked him to detrone himself -- he did as it was said to him -- proclaimed subsitute, Putin.

    Yeltsin, yes. All it would take is one asshole, like Trump, with a mission to "Drain the Swamp". It wouldn't happen overnight.

    \\ Economies of scale... smaller markets. A "confederation" (vice union) of tiny independent soviets. Let the government provide tariff-free roads and railways between them, but let them organize themselves.
    In Soviet Ra'Sha roads and railways "organize" people... by transporting em to/from Siberia. ;-P

    Railroads did the same here in the US in the 1800's. Ever hear of an Oklahoma "Sooner"? A 49er? A Homesteader? The railroads became so powerful that a whole movement arose to take them on. The "Trustbusters" of the "Progressive" movement. We need a little more "digital" trust-busting, today.

    Do you know "Dune"? So I could refernce to a history of "sardaucars" here.

    That's what you get when things become "too big to fail". You have to "break them".

  41. \\Did the US Senate ratify it as a "treaty"? Sorry, Charlie.

    Either you wanna be Big Boss... and even your mere word means something. Or... ;-)

    Well, mere structure of it, binds USA.
    If you do not want nukes flying, you need to take it into concideration.
    Well, not you, Pentagon. And CIA. And POTUS.

    \\\\\\No, Russia has the right idea. Gold reserves.
    \\\\Do you know word "liquidity"? ;-)
    \\It doesn't get much more liquid than gold at 1064C.

    Ignotance it is bliss. I know.
    Understanding Liquidity and How to Measure It - Investopedia › Trading Skills › Trading Basic Education
    Liquidity refers to the ease with which an asset, or security, can be converted into ready cash without affecting its market price. · Cash is the most liquid of ...

    \\Pay me in Rubles then, please. I'll take them over US bitcoin.

    You even do not know what bitcoin is, isn't it?

    Well, to send you some rubles... delivery would cost more.
    So, you can print it for yourself on your color printer, I will send you a link to an image of it. ;-P
    Value if it will be even bigger then that of a real thing. :-))))

    \\Yes, we call that "hyper-reality" like US economic statistics since 2008, Global Warming evidence, the Green Energy Economy.... or the demographics tracked in the FBI Crime Statistics Database that creates the American sense of HyperNormalism.

    Do that say to you that your fridge is full, while it is empty... or even you have none. ;-P
    Then... you have a BIG span for a futher progress. ;-P
    Tht would not be pinnacle.
    There is North Korea.
    And historical examples even greater.
    So... stop this lame humnble bragging. ;-P You CANNOT win against masters in this sport discipline. Of self-delusioning. :-)))))))

    \\I can read. Can you?

    Stupid journalists feed their malarkey to you... and you believe it? :-)))
    Go examine some real world facts, would ya?

    \\\\\\BRIC is rising... China thinks it can step in with globalism? Let it destroy itself in THAT failing fantasy, too.
    \\\\Not My Problem.
    \\Not mine either.

    You are not POTUS, isn't it?
    So, yeah, that is true. That scale of problems is not for a small fish in an aquarium. Like you and me. Well, I am probably even smaller. :-P A tiny shrimp.
    That is whales and sharks in the Ocean problems. ;-)

    \\...and soon there will be a universal guaranteed income for all the Americans and Europeans... and we'll see who then will work for a "surplus" salary.

    Go say it to some libtards -- they'll be pleased. Because they do not believe it themself. And scolding Biden for not doing it. Immediately. ;-P


  42. \\The Russian oligarch's are/were also government bureaucrats? Who knew?

    "Russian oligarchs" that is friends and favorites of Putin.
    State buroctats are much-much lower critters.

    Well, O.K. I will spell it to you. Hierarchy of power in RFia. Current one. It is not that different from any other historical variant. But historical names would not be speaking to you.

    So. Let's start.

    Putin, of course. Aka Tzar. As Russians started spouting openly, recently.

    Then, his closest peers. Medvedev, Shoigu and etc.

    Then, his lackeys. Names like Kadyrov and Prygojin mentioned often recently.

    Then, highest of "siloviki".

    Then, all kinds of governors...

    Well, I became bored. There 10-20 layers more. And they are unimportant.
    Only thing you need to know here -- bottomest bottom is... no, not criminals or bums/homeless. Ordinary citizens. Like school teachers and medics -- are in the base of that "stong and sturdy" pyramid. ;-P

    \\They didn't know that the oligarch's were making billions and weren't being sent to Siberian gulags? They must be REALLY stupid.

    You already told me enough times -- that you do not care to know history of eastern hemisphere. ;-P
    No need to come to such frantic means to demonstrate it.

    What "oligarchs"??? In Soviet Union. State of proletariat and peasants. Brughtest City on the Hill. Holly Mountain of Socialism. :-)))

    \\Yeltsin, yes. All it would take is one asshole, like Trump, with a mission to "Drain the Swamp". It wouldn't happen overnight.

    Don't get it?
    That Putin was "draining the swamp"???????
    What a exceptionally rare and luxurious... bullshit. :-)))))

    \\Railroads did the same here in the US in the 1800's. Ever hear of an Oklahoma "Sooner"? A 49er? A Homesteader? The railroads became so powerful that a whole movement arose to take them on. The "Trustbusters" of the "Progressive" movement. We need a little more "digital" trust-busting, today.

    That was NOT meaning of that words.
    Well, it allowed Moscovia to grow into Russian Empire, yes. To have access to Far East.
    But that is beyond stupid to take North American realities... and apply em to a white bear part of Eurasia.

    \\\\Do you know "Dune"? So I could refernce to a history of "sardaucars" here.
    \\Tht's what you get when things become "too big to fail". You have to "break them".

    That is not what it meant.

  43. \\Did the US Senate ratify it as a "treaty"? Sorry, Charlie.
    Either you wanna be Big Boss... and even your mere word means something. Or... ;-)
    Well, mere structure of it, binds USA.
    If you do not want nukes flying, you need to take it into concideration.
    Well, not you, Pentagon. And CIA. And POTUS.

    No, unfortunately un-ratified treaties, no matter who signed them, are only "binding" if ratified by the US Senate. The agencies you cite need only feel morally bound, until the day comes that the US Senate & House cease FUNDING them, at which time they will be forced to BREAK those moral obligations.

    \\\\\\No, Russia has the right idea. Gold reserves.
    \\\\Do you know word "liquidity"? ;-)
    \\It doesn't get much more liquid than gold at 1064C.
    Ignotance it is bliss. I know.
    Understanding Liquidity and How to Measure It - Investopedia › Trading Skills › Trading Basic Education
    Liquidity refers to the ease with which an asset, or security, can be converted into ready cash without affecting its market price. · Cash is the most liquid of ...

    ...and Bitcoin is even "quicker". No need to print bills or mint coins. But like I've said in other places, efficiency (quickness). Liquidity can also be reflected (subsumed into) in the market price (bid/ask).

    \\Pay me in Rubles then, please. I'll take them over US bitcoin.
    You even do not know what bitcoin is, isn't it?
    Well, to send you some rubles... delivery would cost more.
    So, you can print it for yourself on your color printer, I will send you a link to an image of it. ;-P
    Value if it will be even bigger then that of a real thing. :-))))

    Do you take NFT's? ;P

    \\Yes, we call that "hyper-reality" like US economic statistics since 2008, Global Warming evidence, the Green Energy Economy.... or the demographics tracked in the FBI Crime Statistics Database that creates the American sense of HyperNormalism.
    Do that say to you that your fridge is full, while it is empty... or even you have none. ;-P
    Then... you have a BIG span for a futher progress. ;-P
    Tht would not be pinnacle.
    There is North Korea.
    And historical examples even greater.
    So... stop this lame humnble bragging. ;-P You CANNOT win against masters in this sport discipline. Of self-delusioning. :-)))))))


    \\I can read. Can you?
    Stupid journalists feed their malarkey to you... and you believe it? :-)))
    Go examine some real world facts, would ya?

    Les non-dupes errent. ;)

    \\The Russian oligarch's are/were also government bureaucrats? Who knew?
    "Russian oligarchs" that is friends and favorites of Putin.
    State buroctats are much-much lower critters.
    Well, O.K. I will spell it to you. Hierarchy of power in RFia. Current one. It is not that different from any other historical variant. But historical names would not be speaking to you.
    So. Let's start.
    Putin, of course. Aka Tzar. As Russians started spouting openly, recently.
    Then, his closest peers. Medvedev, Shoigu and etc.
    Then, his lackeys. Names like Kadyrov and Prygojin mentioned often recently.
    Then, highest of "siloviki".
    Then, all kinds of governors...
    Well, I became bored. There 10-20 layers more. And they are unimportant.
    Only thing you need to know here -- bottomest bottom is... no, not criminals or bums/homeless. Ordinary citizens. Like school teachers and medics -- are in the base of that "stong and sturdy" pyramid. ;-P

    Are citizens lower than illegal immigrants? If so, welcome to America 2022. Only the names below siloviki (Intelligence Community/ IC) are Facebook, Twitter, etc.), GM, Ford, ...

  44. \\They didn't know that the oligarch's were making billions and weren't being sent to Siberian gulags? They must be REALLY stupid.
    You already told me enough times -- that you do not care to know history of eastern hemisphere. ;-P
    No need to come to such frantic means to demonstrate it.
    What "oligarchs"??? In Soviet Union. State of proletariat and peasants. Brughtest City on the Hill. Holly Mountain of Socialism. :-)))

    In America, moms & pops once owned the local grocery store on Main Street. Now they're "proletariates" working for Danish company that owns ALL the "SuperMarkets" and being paid minimum wage. America, soon to become home of CEOs, proletariate, and peasants. Brightest City, DC Swamp, where corporate lobbysists write the laws and politicans pretend to have power. :P

    \\Yeltsin, yes. All it would take is one asshole, like Trump, with a mission to "Drain the Swamp". It wouldn't happen overnight.
    Don't get it?
    That Putin was "draining the swamp"???????
    What a exceptionally rare and luxurious... bullshit. :-)))))

    Putin was the swamp. Yeltsin was a drunk with too little honor and only a small asshole.

    \\Railroads did the same here in the US in the 1800's. Ever hear of an Oklahoma "Sooner"? A 49er? A Homesteader? The railroads became so powerful that a whole movement arose to take them on. The "Trustbusters" of the "Progressive" movement. We need a little more "digital" trust-busting, today.
    That was NOT meaning of that words.
    Well, it allowed Moscovia to grow into Russian Empire, yes. To have access to Far East.
    But that is beyond stupid to take North American realities... and apply em to a white bear part of Eurasia.

    Maybe. But it is 2,500 miles between NYC and SF. And before the railroads, a lot of empty space in between. The difference is, we gave the railroads right of ways up to 10 miles on both sides of their tracks to have and use as they saw fit, and some Like James Hill did so "wisely". My uncle's GGF worked for Leland Stanford.

    \\\\Do you know "Dune"? So I could refernce to a history of "sardaucars" here.
    \\Tht's what you get when things become "too big to fail". You have to "break them".
    That is not what it meant.

    Spice monopolies are the best monopolies?

  45. As for the Sardaukar being the best warriors... I would merely point out that "harsh training" doesn't necessarily mean "best" training...

    Plato, "Laws"

    ATHENIAN: Let us see if we can discover what comes fourth and fifth.

    MEGILLUS: I think that I can get as far as the fourth head, which is the frequent endurance of pain, exhibited among us Spartans in certain hand-to-hand fights; also in stealing with the prospect of getting a good beating; there is, too, the so-called Crypteia, or secret service, in which wonderful endurance is shown,—our people wander over the whole country by day and by night, and even in winter have not a shoe to their foot, and are without beds to lie upon, and have to attend upon themselves. Marvellous, too, is the endurance which our citizens show in their naked exercises, contending against the violent summer heat; and there are many similar practices, to speak of which in detail would be endless.

    ATHENIAN: Excellent, O Lacedaemonian Stranger. But how ought we to define courage? Is it to be regarded only as a combat against fears and pains, or also against desires and pleasures, and against flatteries; which exercise such a tremendous power, that they make the hearts even of respectable citizens to melt like wax?

    MEGILLUS: I should say the latter.

    ATHENIAN: In what preceded, as you will remember, our Cnosian friend was speaking of a man or a city being inferior to themselves:—Were you not, Cleinias?

    CLEINIAS: I was.

    ATHENIAN: Now, which is in the truest sense inferior, the man who is overcome by pleasure or by pain?

    CLEINIAS: I should say the man who is overcome by pleasure; for all men deem him to be inferior in a more disgraceful sense, than the other who is overcome by pain.

    ATHENIAN: But surely the lawgivers of Crete and Lacedaemon have not legislated for a courage which is lame of one leg, able only to meet attacks which come from the left, but impotent against the insidious flatteries which come from the right?

    CLEINIAS: Able to meet both, I should say.

    ATHENIAN: Then let me once more ask, what institutions have you in either of your states which give a taste of pleasures, and do not avoid them any more than they avoid pains; but which set a person in the midst of them, and compel or induce him by the prospect of reward to get the better of them? Where is an ordinance about pleasure similar to that about pain to be found in your laws? Tell me what there is of this nature among you:—What is there which makes your citizen equally brave against pleasure and pain, conquering what they ought to conquer, and superior to the enemies who are most dangerous and nearest home?

    MEGILLUS: I was able to tell you, Stranger, many laws which were directed against pain; but I do not know that I can point out any great or obvious examples of similar institutions which are concerned with pleasure; there are some lesser provisions, however, which I might mention.

    CLEINIAS: Neither can I show anything of that sort which is at all equally prominent in the Cretan laws.

    ATHENIAN: No wonder, my dear friends; and if, as is very likely, in our search after the true and good, one of us may have to censure the laws of the others, we must not be offended, but take kindly what another says.

  46. The Spartans may have won the Peloponnesian War, but the corruption of the Spartan Commanders, having been so far from home for so long in their alliance with Persia, soon led to their ruin.

    Of course, without the duplicity of Alcibiades...

  47. \\No, unfortunately un-ratified treaties, no matter who signed them, are only "binding" if ratified by the US Senate. The agencies you cite need only feel morally bound, until the day comes that the US Senate & House cease FUNDING them, at which time they will be forced to BREAK those moral obligations.

    Not My Problem.

    \\...and Bitcoin is even "quicker". No need to print bills or mint coins.

    You just showed that you do not undersatand that term "liquidity".
    ONLY money/cash are THE TOP "liquid" active. Because they EASILY can be exchanged.
    Bitcoins -- not.


    As I told you. ;-)

    \\Les non-dupes errent. ;)

    Well. While that is not threatening one's life condition -- one can assume whatever beliefs one like, but... that is dangerous path, because nobody knows when and what belief can become threatening.

    Like, do you know that story about Socrates? That was in fear of some plant... to that extent that when he was chased by his enemies, was unable to cross a field of that plant, and was cought.
    See? Is it wise?

    \\Are citizens lower than illegal immigrants? If so, welcome to America 2022. Only the names below siloviki (Intelligence Community/ IC) are Facebook, Twitter, etc.), GM, Ford, ...

    Not My Problem.

    \\America, soon to become home of CEOs, proletariate, and peasants. Brightest City, DC Swamp, where corporate lobbysists write the laws and politicans pretend to have power. :P

    Not My Problem. It seems it's time to shortcut it.
    So, NMP. ;-P

    \\Putin was the swamp.

    Was??? :-)))

    \\\\But that is beyond stupid to take North American realities... and apply em to a white bear part of Eurasia.
    \\Maybe. But it is 2,500 miles between NYC and SF.

    That's it. Now you can look at it yourself. On the map.
    While your railroad was uniting both sides of continent.
    In Russia in was "uniting" european part... with Syberia.
    It was uni-directional.
    So, they was forced to "invent" what they could deliver in other diection too.
    And they found it in jiffy.
    And in this war with Ukraine PLAN was the same -- they declared building SEVERAL cities, completely anew, with million of inhabitants in each, close to a North Polar Ocean shore.

    How do you think, WHERE they planned to take that millions from?

    \\\\\\Do you know "Dune"? So I could refernce to a history of "sardaucars" here.
    \\Spice monopolies are the best monopolies?

    If look at it from that POV.
    It would be monopoly, but not on spice... on violence. State as Stationary Bandit and all that. ;-P

    \\As for the Sardaukar being the best warriors... I would merely point out that "harsh training" doesn't necessarily mean "best" training...

    But. Why Herbert thought that is??? Why since then minds of English-readers was deseminated with that bogus idea?

    And well, I already pointed to Machiavelli, his work where he explained -- how to make best army. ;-)

    \\CLEINIAS: I should say the man who is overcome by pleasure; for all men deem him to be inferior in a more disgraceful sense, than the other who is overcome by pain.

    Trump? :-)))

  48. \\...and Bitcoin is even "quicker". No need to print bills or mint coins.
    You just showed that you do not undersatand that term "liquidity".
    ONLY money/cash are THE TOP "liquid" active. Because they EASILY can be exchanged.
    Bitcoins -- not.

    lol! You don't know Bitcoin.

    Like, do you know that story about Socrates? That was in fear of some plant... to that extent that when he was chased by his enemies, was unable to cross a field of that plant, and was cought.
    See? Is it wise?

    I don't recollect ever having heard that story.. What's it from? Was the plant "hemlock"?

    \\\\But that is beyond stupid to take North American realities... and apply em to a white bear part of Eurasia.
    \\Maybe. But it is 2,500 miles between NYC and SF.
    That's it. Now you can look at it yourself. On the map.
    While your railroad was uniting both sides of continent.
    In Russia in was "uniting" european part... with Syberia.
    It was uni-directional.
    So, they was forced to "invent" what they could deliver in other diection too.
    And they found it in jiffy.
    And in this war with Ukraine PLAN was the same -- they declared building SEVERAL cities, completely anew, with million of inhabitants in each, close to a North Polar Ocean shore.
    How do you think, WHERE they planned to take that millions from?

    That's the problem with Russians, they don't know how to market anything. They should have simply advertised "free homes with ocean views". There would have been a million Americans there within in a week.

    \\\\\\Do you know "Dune"? So I could refernce to a history of "sardaucars" here.
    \\Spice monopolies are the best monopolies?
    If look at it from that POV.
    It would be monopoly, but not on spice... on violence. State as Stationary Bandit and all that. ;-P

    It has always been thus.

    \\CLEINIAS: I should say the man who is overcome by pleasure; for all men deem him to be inferior in a more disgraceful sense, than the other who is overcome by pain.
    Trump? :-)))

    I don't think you know Trump as well as you think you might. He is the product of a military school education. He attended an "agoge" as a child.

  49. \\\\\\...and Bitcoin is even "quicker". No need to print bills or mint coins.
    \\\\You just showed that you do not undersatand that term "liquidity".
    \\\\ONLY money/cash are THE TOP "liquid" active. Because they EASILY can be exchanged.
    \\\\Bitcoins -- not.
    \\lol! You don't know Bitcoin.

    No. You just don't know, do not understand. And Being rebelous about learning new things.
    "Liquidity", that is NOT about technical easiness of exchange or paying, trading, putting in a bank, etc. ONLY. And while that easiness is part of it. Like, to exchenge paper bills is easier then golden coins. And to exchange money through Internet yet easier (if you and your counterpart have all needed equipment and soft, and connection is secured).
    That is not ALL what it mean.

    Basicly. Topmost liquidity means -- that you can walk by a street, and then ask some stranger to split $100 bill in smaller. And he will be able to do that, and cooperative, and without any additional fee, explicit or implicit.

    Am I informative enough?

    \\I don't recollect ever having heard that story.. What's it from? Was the plant "hemlock"?

    Have read from some random paper book/journal long ago. :-(
    No, some peas. Was hemlock planted on the fields?

    \\That's the problem with Russians, they don't know how to market anything. They should have simply advertised "free homes with ocean views". There would have been a million Americans there within in a week.

    Quite contrary.
    They advertise. Learned from you.
    And quite eagerly.
    For example "acres, For Free"... in some bear county.
    Or, for a decent money, but close to Moscow.
    Or... whole cotteges for "rich" people... in withinity of conflict, on Ukrainian soil. ;-P

    No, they learned to mimic YOU very well.
    To the level you have nothing to teach em anymore.
    Maybe that is the reason they turned their faces toward China. ;-P

    \\I don't think you know Trump as well as you think you might. He is the product of a military school education. He attended an "agoge" as a child.


    No, not him attending such school. Such a fact is quite possible.
    That he learned something from it (apart from slacking from duties) -- that is, unbelievable.

  50. No. You just don't know, do not understand. And Being rebelous about learning new things.
    "Liquidity", that is NOT about technical easiness of exchange or paying, trading, putting in a bank, etc. ONLY. And while that easiness is part of it. Like, to exchenge paper bills is easier then golden coins. And to exchange money through Internet yet easier (if you and your counterpart have all needed equipment and soft, and connection is secured).
    That is not ALL what it mean.
    Basicly. Topmost liquidity means -- that you can walk by a street, and then ask some stranger to split $100 bill in smaller. And he will be able to do that, and cooperative, and without any additional fee, explicit or implicit.
    Am I informative enough?

    You have a valid point, up to a point. Many people and business now accept Bitcoin payments (even my nephews). And to the degree that people "accept" Bitcoin, it's even "more liquid" than "cash". And now, the US Federal Reserve is in the process of developing e-CASH. But their reason is to prevent money for being used to fund causes of which they disapprove... thus LIMITING the exchangability and therefore utility/liquidity of their currency. I'll gladly take Bitcoin dollars before I'd accept an e-CASH one. It will, in the future, be MUCH more "liquid".

    Speaking of liquidity, are you familiar with Salvador Dali's "Birth of Liquid Desire?" The fetishtic "feet" of his Gradiva? ;)

    \\I don't think you know Trump as well as you think you might. He is the product of a military school education. He attended an "agoge" as a child.
    No, not him attending such school. Such a fact is quite possible.
    That he learned something from it (apart from slacking from duties) -- that is, unbelievable.

    I suspect that you have to have "been there" to understand it. I did Four years at a military academy. You do learn a few things. Things like "rules/ laws don't matter... they can (and will) do ANYTHING that they want with you". They're trying to do that with Trump now... but it's much harder when you're "ready for them" and can't be "blind-sided".

  51. One does not remain "naive" when going to Court, like Shylock in Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice". One extracts his "pound of flesh" from enemies in subtler ways.

  52. \\You have a valid point, up to a point.

    I was explaining meaning of termin.
    Well, still, who knows, if maybe some economy professor would give me B- for not being absolutely right...

    \\And to the degree that people "accept" Bitcoin, it's even "more liquid" than "cash".

    Its not.

    \\Things like "rules/ laws don't matter... they can (and will) do ANYTHING that they want with you". They're trying to do that with Trump now... but it's much harder when you're "ready for them" and can't be "blind-sided".

    Go read some news. Watch some vids. About RFia's invasion into Ukraine.
    THAT is "rules/ laws don't matter... they can (and will) do ANYTHING that they want with you"

    Trump -- whiny toddler. ;-P On such background.

  53. \\And to the degree that people "accept" Bitcoin, it's even "more liquid" than "cash".
    Its not.

    Why not?

    \\Things like "rules/ laws don't matter... they can (and will) do ANYTHING that they want with you". They're trying to do that with Trump now... but it's much harder when you're "ready for them" and can't be "blind-sided".
    Go read some news. Watch some vids. About RFia's invasion into Ukraine.
    THAT is "rules/ laws don't matter... they can (and will) do ANYTHING that they want with you"
    Trump -- whiny toddler. ;-P On such background.

    Ah, but that's only the "original sin" that creates the State and then "disappears" as the vanishing mediator, LAW, replaces it.

  54. War is the real of violence that leaves "law" and the "threat of force/ future violence" in the hand's of the victor of that original conflict

    Hesiod, "Works and Days"

    [202] And now I will tell a fable for princes who themselves understand. Thus said the hawk to the nightingale with speckled neck, while he carried her high up among the clouds, gripped fast in his talons, and she, pierced by his crooked talons, cried pitifully. To her he spoke disdainfully: `Miserable thing, why do you cry out? One far stronger than you now holds you fast, and you must go wherever I take you, songstress as you are. And if I please I will make my meal of you, or let you go. He is a fool who tries to withstand the stronger, for he does not get the mastery and suffers pain besides his shame.' So said the swiftly flying hawk, the long-winged bird.

  55. \\\\\\And to the degree that people "accept" Bitcoin, it's even "more liquid" than "cash".
    \\\\Its not.
    \\Why not?

    Because Ultimate Liquidity sit is occupied. By cash. ;-P
    Detrone that king, and only than you are king.
    King of his own pile of rubbush -- is not a king, but loser.

    \\Ah, but that's only the "original sin" that creates the State and then "disappears" as the vanishing mediator, LAW, replaces it.

    Yeah, it's easy to discuss such thing, looking at them from afar.

    \\War is the real of violence



    That people in that twin towers of NY... 11th of September.
    Was they hawks? Or nightingales? And at which exactly point they flipped from one state into another? ;-)

  56. Or people in Pearl Harbor?

    Or multitude of kings in history... which heads has fall down.

  57. \\\\\\And to the degree that people "accept" Bitcoin, it's even "more liquid" than "cash".
    \\\\Its not.
    \\Why not?
    Because Ultimate Liquidity sit is occupied. By cash. ;-P
    Detrone that king, and only than you are king.
    King of his own pile of rubbush -- is not a king, but loser.

    Then why is the US Treasury Department moving away from cash, and towards e-CASH?

    \\Ah, but that's only the "original sin" that creates the State and then "disappears" as the vanishing mediator, LAW, replaces it.
    Yeah, it's easy to discuss such thing, looking at them from afar.

    When a neighbor gets/comes to close, it feels almost like "harassment"...

    \\War is the real of violence


    That people in that twin towers of NY... 11th of September.
    Was they hawks? Or nightingales? And at which exactly point they flipped from one state into another? ;-)

    The were nightingales, and then they were eaten by the hawk. Later, an Eagle came and ate the hawk.

  58. Hesiod, "Works and Days"

    [248] You princes, mark well this punishment you also; for the deathless gods are near among men and mark all those who oppress their fellows with crooked judgements, and reck not the anger of the gods. For upon the bounteous earth Zeus has thrice ten thousand spirits, watchers of mortal men, and these keep watch on judgements and deeds of wrong as they roam, clothed in mist, all over the earth. And there is virgin Justice, the daughter of Zeus, who is honoured and reverenced among the gods who dwell on Olympus, and whenever anyone hurts her with lying slander, she sits beside her father, Zeus the son of Cronos, and tells him of men's wicked heart, until the people pay for the mad folly of their princes who, evilly minded, pervert judgement and give sentence crookedly. Keep watch against this, you princes, and make straight your judgements, you who devour bribes; put crooked judgements altogether from your thoughts.

    [265] He does mischief to himself who does mischief to another, and evil planned harms the plotter most.

    [267] The eye of Zeus, seeing all and understanding all, beholds these things too, if so he will, and fails not to mark what sort of justice is this that the city keeps within it. Now, therefore, may neither I myself be righteous among men, nor my son -- for then it is a bad thing to be righteous -- if indeed the unrighteous shall have the greater right. But I think that all-wise Zeus will not yet bring that to pass.

  59. \\Then why is the US Treasury Department moving away from cash, and towards e-CASH?

    "Progress" :-))))

    \\The were nightingales, and then they were eaten by the hawk. Later, an Eagle came and ate the hawk.

    Naah. Eagle swallowed some worm. ;-P
    Who funded that worm -- still unclear.
    Marketing is Everything. As you yourself said. ;-P

    But well, that is NOT what I asked.
    Question was -- WHEN exactly they did became nightingales??? ;-)

    \\and evil planned harms the plotter most.

    Putin? Trump? ;-)

  60. Progress...

    No. Control.

    \\The were nightingales, and then they were eaten by the hawk. Later, an Eagle came and ate the hawk.
    Naah. Eagle swallowed some worm. ;-P
    Who funded that worm -- still unclear.
    Marketing is Everything. As you yourself said. ;-P
    But well, that is NOT what I asked.
    Question was -- WHEN exactly they did became nightingales??? ;-)

    lol! The "mystery" of applying "absolute values" to "relative ones". Simple. The moment the relative "power" positions reversed and S1 became S2. Master/University/Hysteric/Analyst (4 discourses)

    from Zizek: S1, the self-mastery of the subject; S2, scientific-expert knowledge in its different guises

    Truth, then, is the driving force in the discursive machine, and the four elements that constitute this machine can be set down as follows:

    truth --> agent --> other --> production

    See what happens when you ignore the location of "power'?

    \\and evil planned harms the plotter most.

    As they say, "Be careful what you wish/pray for"... you just might get it.

    Putin? Trump? ;-)

    ...and everyone else as well.

  61. WHEN exactly they did became nightingales??? ;-)

    The difference between FORM-al power and ACT-ual power.

  62. \\\\Progress...
    \\No. Control.

    Again. Quote marks ignored.
    Well, illusion of control. ;-P

    \\\\Question was -- WHEN exactly they did became nightingales??? ;-)
    \\lol! The "mystery" of applying "absolute values" to "relative ones". Simple. The moment the relative "power" positions reversed and S1 became S2. Master/University/Hysteric/Analyst (4 discourses)

    Difference between mathematicians and physics. ;-P
    First can just admit that "solution is possible" and declare problem solved.
    While second need to find EXACT physical moment, in experiment.

    While engineers standing aside and snearing at both.

    While technologist watching from his window and shaking his head in dismy. ;-P

    \\...and everyone else as well.

    Yeah. But I trying to avoid saying truisms...

    \\\\WHEN exactly they did became nightingales??? ;-)
    \\The difference between FORM-al power and ACT-ual power.

    I prefer to think in terms of Work. ;-)

  63. \\\\Progress...
    \\No. Control.

    Again. Quote marks ignored.
    Well, illusion of control. ;-P

    control/progress... synonyms for some.

    \\\\Question was -- WHEN exactly they did became nightingales??? ;-)
    \\lol! The "mystery" of applying "absolute values" to "relative ones". Simple. The moment the relative "power" positions reversed and S1 became S2. Master/University/Hysteric/Analyst (4 discourses)
    Difference between mathematicians and physics. ;-P


    First can just admit that "solution is possible" and declare problem solved.
    While second need to find EXACT physical moment, in experiment.
    While engineers standing aside and snearing at both.
    While technologist watching from his window and shaking his head in dismy. ;-P

    Poetry:Narrative::Abstract:Discrete::Right brain:Left brain::whole:part
    ...and Crossing the corpus callosum to calculate "difference" in one OR the other (not "both"). ;)

    \\\\WHEN exactly they did became nightingales??? ;-)
    \\The difference between FORM-al power and ACT-ual power.
    I prefer to think in terms of Work. ;-)

    Like my school motto: Acta non Verba!

  64. Hegel says the same thing, although with the accent shifted in the opposite direction: Spirit is itself the wound it tries to heal; that is, the wound is self-inflicted."

    Lem/Golem in that lecture said the same... but more clearly, and with possibility to build it up. Or cure, if you'd like to see it as illness.
    And... without empty, but mindboggling, paradoxes. ;-)
    Source of which he clearly highlights. ;-P

    What this also means is that communism should no longer be conceived as the subjective (re-)appropriation of the alienated substantial content - all versions of reconciliation which take the form "the subject swallows the substance" should be rejected.

    Blah-blah-blah... meaningless chain of words, devised for that exact reason -- to mindboggle people into submission. (yawn)

    the very failure to deliver the message properly is the sign of its authenticity.

    Yay! Guilty as Hell. With devils and fiends. :-)))))))))) Gar-gar-gar!

    Were the message delivered smoothly, it would only invite suspicion that it is part of a calculated approach

    Yeah... but this observation is totally separate from stated above mindboggling malarkey...

    PS Thank you. Though it mostly devoid of merit. But still, there is golden nugget in it too...

  65. PS Thank you. Though it mostly devoid of merit. But still, there is golden nugget in it too...

    Laugh while you can manque boy! ;P

  66. It wasn't intended as an insult, but as a clue as to what I felt was the "golden nugget" in the post. You obviously received an unintended/ miscommunicated message. Sorry.

  67. \\It wasn't intended as an insult, but as a clue as to what I felt was the "golden nugget" in the post. You obviously received an unintended/ miscommunicated message. Sorry.

    No need.
    We are different.
    And I am grown up enough to understand that Reality.
    I just thought that maybe words *I* used was little bit too corrosive.
    You have your experience. And your preferences. And though they different, it doesn't mean they are wrong.

    And well... I am not too proficient with delievering response to such refined messages...

    Another word. Communication with you is a new thing for me. So, sometimes. Most of the time, I'm not that sure how to react.

    Yoroshiku onegaishimasu. ;-)

  68. \\The link within the link (nugget).

    Maybe I did not get much of it.
    But what I got, sounds to me as Lem, again. ;-)

  69. A "lack" or "void" is Lacan's Objet petit 'a (object cause of desire). It's the primary reason how men can be lead away from their reason/rationality.

  70. I'll try to support conversation here. But, do not wait for too much.

    We have MRI tomography today. We explore and trying to symulate connectome.
    Like, when we discovered that there can be a single neuron for recognition and liking of kittens. ;-)

    Another word -- our brains is just a spagetti of neuro-nets.
    And we even can simulate (still small) neuro-nets on our computers.

    So? What merit of that all psychoanalysis today?

    For Lacan, 'it is not enough that the analyst should support the function of Tiresias. He must also, as Apollinaire tells us, have breasts'[10] – must represent or incorporate the (missing) object of desire.

    Absolutely not a problem, today. :-)))
    Just a little surgery needed.

  71. We have MRI tomography today. We explore and trying to symulate connectome.
    Like, when we discovered that there can be a single neuron for recognition and liking of kittens. ;-)

    It's not that simple.

    Another word -- our brains is just a spagetti of neuro-nets.
    And we even can simulate (still small) neuro-nets on our computers.

    One is being used as a model for building the other. But the model we're building doesn't come close to replicating all the functions present in the original, especially those which give "meaning" to the sensory inputs received. Vocal? check. Visual? check. Smell? ... Taste? ... Touch? ... and their "transference" to impressions (pain/ pleasure-joy-jouissance) and temporal expectations like "fear" or "hope"...

    What merit of that all psychoanalysis today?

    What is the harm? :P

    For Lacan, 'it is not enough that the analyst should support the function of Tiresias. He must also, as Apollinaire tells us, have breasts'[10] – must represent or incorporate the (missing) object of desire.
    Absolutely not a problem, today. :-)))
    Just a little surgery needed.

    Fine. I'll get the surgical implants now, all we'll "transfer" them to you the following week. :)

  72. \\It's not that simple.

    Of course it's not!

    Do you know/remember Avogadro's Number. ;-)

    \\One is being used as a model for building the other. But the model we're building doesn't come close to replicating all the functions present in the original, especially those which give "meaning" to the sensory inputs received. Vocal? check. Visual? check. Smell? ... Taste? ... Touch? ... and their "transference" to impressions (pain/ pleasure-joy-jouissance) and temporal expectations like "fear" or "hope"...

    Well, that is only question of time(well, if we'd have that time)... and development of technologies.
    In 1980, remember? IBM PC was something marvelous. ;-)

    \\\\What merit of that all psychoanalysis today?
    \\What is the harm? :P

    Ehm? Wasting of time, maybe?

    \\\\For Lacan, 'it is not enough that the analyst should support the function of Tiresias. He must also, as Apollinaire tells us, have breasts
    \\Fine. I'll get the surgical implants now, all we'll "transfer" them to you the following week. :)

    That is YOUR Lacan stated the problem. I just proposed technological solution. ;-P

    Well, so far I see no merit in diving into that PA deeper.
    Technological approach of Lem can explain it much better and with more details grasped.
    Like that, psyuchology (of a woman, for example) stems from her physiology -- basicly, that is (nearly to) impossible for a woman to rape man -- for the goal of reproduction, because that is bured Evolution yoked us with.
    That's why she need to adopt that passive-agressive mode of sexuality, we -- men see as so dearing. Teasing, aluring, flirt and fun-service.
    Co-evolution mechanism known from Darwin's times as sexual selection made us that way.

    Am I productive opponent with that said?

  73. \\One is being used as a model for building the other. But the model we're building doesn't come close to replicating all the functions present in the original, especially those which give "meaning" to the sensory inputs received. Vocal? check. Visual? check. Smell? ... Taste? ... Touch? ... and their "transference" to impressions (pain/ pleasure-joy-jouissance) and temporal expectations like "fear" or "hope"...
    Well, that is only question of time(well, if we'd have that time)... and development of technologies.
    In 1980, remember? IBM PC was something marvelous. ;-)

    I sincerely doubt it.

    \\\\What merit of that all psychoanalysis today?
    \\What is the harm? :P
    Ehm? Wasting of time, maybe?

    No, an explanation of how the brain re-wires itself, and what happens when a wire or two go astray ('hysterical symptoms'). Psychology is like the OS/DOS of the mind, and a psychologist is a tech troubleshooting the system through system queries and stimulation of the growth of "white wires" to drain-off trapped currents in over-active/ stimulated circuits. He also helps the owner to re-write his own code.

    \\\\For Lacan, 'it is not enough that the analyst should support the function of Tiresias. He must also, as Apollinaire tells us, have breasts
    \\Fine. I'll get the surgical implants now, all we'll "transfer" them to you the following week. :)
    That is YOUR Lacan stated the problem. I just proposed technological solution. ;-P

    Lacan wasn't proposing lobotimies and surgical (technological) interventions.

    Well, so far I see no merit in diving into that PA deeper.
    Technological approach of Lem can explain it much better and with more details grasped.
    Like that, psyuchology (of a woman, for example) stems from her physiology -- basicly, that is (nearly to) impossible for a woman to rape man -- for the goal of reproduction, because that is bured Evolution yoked us with.
    That's why she need to adopt that passive-agressive mode of sexuality, we -- men see as so dearing. Teasing, aluring, flirt and fun-service.
    Co-evolution mechanism known from Darwin's times as sexual selection made us that way.
    Am I productive opponent with that said?

    You should be an American. You're all hard-kill and so skeptical/dismissive of soft-kills.

  74. Computers are hardware and software. You need both to get a useful tool (and yes, firmware can substitute, but you need eeproms and a simulation environment to reprogram it in anyways, so you can't ignore the software forever.

  75. \\I sincerely doubt it.

    And what is the base for that doubt? I dare to ask. 'Cause, you know, I am not starry eye romantic of it either.
    There are million and a one reason why it can NOT happen. Or happen in absolutely different way...

    \\No, an explanation of how the brain re-wires itself, and what happens when a wire or two go astray ('hysterical symptoms'). Psychology is like the OS/DOS of the mind, and a psychologist is a tech troubleshooting the system through system queries and stimulation of the growth of "white wires" to drain-off trapped currents in over-active/ stimulated circuits. He also helps the owner to re-write his own code.

    I sincerely doubt it. ;-)

    Well, this is damn good topic to discuss. ;-)

    \\Lacan wasn't proposing lobotimies and surgical (technological) interventions.

    Yes. In his time it was wise.

    \\You should be an American. You're all hard-kill and so skeptical/dismissive of soft-kills.

    You saying it that way, like Ams are somewhat different from other homos...

    \\Computers are hardware and software. You need both to get a useful tool (and yes, firmware can substitute, but you need eeproms and a simulation environment to reprogram it in anyways, so you can't ignore the software forever.

    Should you know, that I know a thing or two about computers.
    So, I cannot see it as shallow analogy or metaphor here.

    First -- computers are mostly software. You know, Turing's Machine.
    Till today, even most sophisticated computers -- is just realisation of Turing's Machine in an electronic circuits...

    Second. Computers defined by their place, devices they attached to.
    Can it be ordinary home computer. Or laptop,smartphone. Or some industrial controller.
    The same is with neuro-nets.

    Third. I see that you mean only apps under software. Though you mentioned eeprom... but that is too lowlevel and unimportant... well, important, but only for specialists.
    Because it need to be standard thing... for any levels above to work at all.
    That is instincts and somatic reactions -- they are the same in all living creatures.
    Like, do you know why we yawning? That is reflex from times our ancestors was... fish. ;-)

    So... what is this analogy about, again?

  76. \\I sincerely doubt it.
    And what is the base for that doubt? I dare to ask. 'Cause, you know, I am not starry eye romantic of it either.
    There are million and a one reason why it can NOT happen. Or happen in absolutely different way...

    Because most computers cannot do this.

    \\No, an explanation of how the brain re-wires itself, and what happens when a wire or two go astray ('hysterical symptoms'). Psychology is like the OS/DOS of the mind, and a psychologist is a tech troubleshooting the system through system queries and stimulation of the growth of "white wires" to drain-off trapped currents in over-active/ stimulated circuits. He also helps the owner to re-write his own code.
    I sincerely doubt it. ;-)
    Well, this is damn good topic to discuss. ;-)

    Myelin in an insulator. The better the insulator, the better the axon's electrical connection. Neural circuits seldom used have little myelin coating. Well-travel/often used ones have more. The requirements for data "flow" through these circuits can vary over their lifetime, as "learning" occurs, so an ability to both add/remove insulating myelin is needed. The "motor potential" is also proportional to cell body size The process is "analog". And learning mostly trial and error.

    \\You should be an American. You're all hard-kill and so skeptical/dismissive of soft-kills.
    You saying it that way, like Ams are somewhat different from other homos...

    I'm saying that they are. Do you know what chaff or a SRBOC is? Do you know what a CIWS is? A typical British naval officer will employ the former, and then the latter. Most American naval officer's would prefer to have 2 CIWS and dispense with the former entirely. Softkill vs. hardkill. They don't "trust" the former, even when its' probability of success against an incoming target may be higher than the latter's. I once worked a proposal for a NATO AAW system. The differences and system preferences between the two nation's navies was pretty apparent. The Americans have an innate bias favoring hardkill, the British, for an "intelligent" softkill.

    \\Computers are hardware and software. You need both to get a useful tool (and yes, firmware can substitute, but you need eeproms and a simulation environment to reprogram it in anyways, so you can't ignore the software forever.
    Should you know, that I know a thing or two about computers.
    So, I cannot see it as shallow analogy or metaphor here.
    First -- computers are mostly software. You know, Turing's Machine.
    Till today, even most sophisticated computers -- is just realisation of Turing's Machine in an electronic circuits...

    Yes, and men mostly program the computer software for the machine whilst the brain programs itself.

  77. Second. Computers defined by their place, devices they attached to.
    Can it be ordinary home computer. Or laptop,smartphone. Or some industrial controller.
    The same is with neuro-nets.

    Except the neural net can be attached to all nearby devices and must be paired with a like functioning device in it's L/R opposite hemisphere to either simply share its' result (in one case) or use the the other's and compare the signal to its' own (in the other case) and pass the results of this new "higher level" signal intelligence on depending on whether the process is intended to be deductive (focused on deconstructing the parts) or inductive (focused on building a knowledge of the whole).

    Third. I see that you mean only apps under software. Though you mentioned eeprom... but that is too lowlevel and unimportant... well, important, but only for specialists.
    Because it need to be standard thing... for any levels above to work at all.
    That is instincts and somatic reactions -- they are the same in all living creatures.
    Like, do you know why we yawning? That is reflex from times our ancestors was... fish. ;-)

    The point is that an eeprom's programming is done on another computer that has its' own unique hardware and software, like in the other brain hemisphere

    So... what is this analogy about, again?

    That the brain is not like a computer. It's a system of billions of computers. It's an internet that wires itself, and optimizes its' connections as it goes.

  78. \\Because most computers cannot do this.

    Do they need to?
    Again. Turing's Machine. ;-)

    \\Myelin in an insulator. The better the insulator, the better the axon's electrical connection.

    I am aware of that trivia.
    But isn't that too big a distance between myelin... and "Psychology is like the OS/DOS of the mind". ;=)

    \\The Americans have an innate bias favoring hardkill, the British, for an "intelligent" softkill.

    That is cultural differences.

    \\Yes, and men mostly program the computer software for the machine whilst the brain programs itself.

    Yay! That is just EXCELLENT topic for discussion.
    Only, I hope you are not one of that... ehm, people, with their "chinese room argument"? I hope not.

    \\That the brain is not like a computer. It's a system of billions of computers. It's an internet that wires itself, and optimizes its' connections as it goes.


  79. \\Because most computers cannot do this.
    Do they need to?
    Again. Turing's Machine. ;-)

    A human mind is anti-fragile. You damage it, scramble the code, it learns and gets stronger. Like kintsugi. A computer? It crashes and stays "crashed".

    \\Myelin in an insulator. The better the insulator, the better the axon's electrical connection.
    I am aware of that trivia.
    But isn't that too big a distance between myelin... and "Psychology is like the OS/DOS of the mind". ;=)

    Psychology (the Analyst) can induce new neural pathways to form in the (Analysand's) mind's supporting "symbolic network" (phonetically/language or viually/writing), connect thoughts that were once isolated and cut off, and then insulate them with myeline through access/use (Freud, "Psychopathology of Everday Life"). In many way's, he's re-writing the Hysteric's "code" (through the symbolic netwrok - language) and re-progrmming him (linking Angular gyrus (visual)/Wernicke (hearing)-Broca (speech genertion)).

    \\The Americans have an innate bias favoring hardkill, the British, for an "intelligent" softkill.
    That is cultural differences.

    Perhaps, but one "well myelinated" through habit in the British.

    \\Yes, and men mostly program the computer software for the machine whilst the brain programs itself.
    Yay! That is just EXCELLENT topic for discussion.
    Only, I hope you are not one of that... ehm, people, with their "chinese room argument"? I hope not.

    What is a Chinese Room argument?

  80. \\A human mind is anti-fragile. You damage it, scramble the code, it learns and gets stronger. Like kintsugi. A computer? It crashes and stays "crashed".

    Because... computer freakingly do not need to. ;-P

    Lem said all about it. As Golem, and earlier, in Summa Technoliogiae.

    \\In many way's, he's re-writing the Hysteric's "code" (through the symbolic netwrok - language) and re-progrmming him (linking Angular gyrus (visual)/Wernicke (hearing)-Broca (speech genertion)).

    That is very crude way.
    That is as if instead of surgery... doctors would be punching patients abdomen... with hope that some of that punches would push intestines into their right place... with idea that they lost their "right" place was the reason of illness. ;-P

    \\What is a Chinese Room argument?

    Ogh... well, that is not topic we could discuss, if you do not know even that trivia...

    \\\\Yes, and men mostly program the computer software for the machine whilst the brain programs itself.

    Well, computers, accordingly programmed. (you know? "everything is a program"... for a Turing's MAchine) Can symulate that way of "brain programs itself"...

  81. \\\\Yes, and men mostly program the computer software for the machine whilst the brain programs itself.
    Well, computers, accordingly programmed. (you know? "everything is a program"... for a Turing's MAchine) Can symulate that way of "brain programs itself"...

    It senses another computer's physical proximity and automatically seeks to establblish a link to communicate with it? Wow, that's pretty smart.

  82. \\It senses another computer's physical proximity and automatically seeks to establblish a link to communicate with it? Wow, that's pretty smart.

    Go check your smartphone. There is buton called Wi-Fi. ;-P

    But well, you would not like for it to communicate just from any other computer... promisciously. ;-)
