Sunday, September 4, 2022

Citizens for Sanity


  1. A more honest name for their group would be "citizens for hate and lies".

  2. btw - How's the membership drive for the Self-Hating White's Club going?

  3. ...because Steele's skin colour only has currency with your club.

  4. The first duty in life is to be as artificial as possible.
    What the second duty is no one has as yet discovered.

    ~Oscar Wilde

  5. ...because Steele's skin COLOR only has currency with your club.

    Republicans gave him the job as head of the RNC, not Democrats. This was when Obama was presiden. "Look, we have a Black guy too! We aren't racist".

  6. Steele's skin color had currency with YOUR club. "A Black guy was just elected president so that must be what The People want. Look, we have one too! Proof we aren't racist!".

    But the transparent rouse didn't work. The voters (at large) saw through it. So the republiturds went in the other direction. By embracing the Orange White Supremacist their racist magaturd base demanded.

    Democrats = diversity, representation and inclusion.

    republiturds = White Power! Though you lie and say you only desire the "best" person for the job (a White man).

  7. Trump the Democrat-Reform Party-independent is many things, but I think the best description is "Republican in name only."

  8. My club didn't make Steele the chairman. Beamish's globalist RINO club did. :)

  9. The flaw in the Trumpist reasoning here is that the people they call RINOs have been Republicans longer than most of them have been alive.

    It's as if they don't have a clue what they're talking about, but talk anyway.

  10. When you hear a Trumpist / Methhead / same thing start calling Mitch McConnell, Karl Rove, even Liz Cheney a RINO, break out the methadone drips. You're in for a long wait for the detox to kick in. These are Democrats still pissed off that a black man became President.

  11. I am a Democrat who was very happy that a Black man was elected president. It was republicans who were angered. I don't know wtf Beamishderp thinks makes them Democrats. They didn't vote for Bill Clinton. They didn't vote for Al Gore. They didn't vote for Hillary Clinton. They think Hillary Clinton should be locked up for a myriad of imaginary crimes (including child sex trafficking).

  12. They're called RINOs because they're Neocons. I'm a paleocon, a "real" Republican.

  13. I don't recall you praising Joe Biden for getting us out of Afghanistan.

  14. I applaud the goal, but not his method for achieving it.
