Saturday, September 3, 2022

Biden Wants YOU to Switch to 'Republican Lite'... the SAFE De-MAGAfied Republican Alternative

So Enjoy 'DeSantis (R)*' - the SAFE non-MAGA Republican alternative!

Do it for your COUNTRY!

...the one that has lost its' SOUL...

...and goes along to get along with Democrats.   :(

*DeSantis (R) contains RINO, which if imbibed in excessive quantities leads to progressive polices, taxation, and in extreme cases, a complete loss of Liberty.


  1. If DeSantis were truly opportunistic, he'd wait for the Trumpenproletariats to get defeated in the elections this November.

    Oh, wait, he is.

    He's insufficiently anti-Trump for my tastes, but he seems to understand the concept of never stopping a rival from discrediting themselves.

  2. Who has more visible anti-Trump credentials? Hogan or DeSantis? Asking for a friend.

  3. This post is such bullshit. Desantis is 100 percent maga, not any kind of "safe" "maga-lite" republiturd. Desantis is anti-trump but fully pro-trumpism. Anti-trump because he wants to BE tRump. But I don't think that is what Beamish meant when he said "he's insufficiently anti-Trump for my tastes". I think Beamish meant that Desantis is anti-trumpism and anti-maga. PROOF of Beamish's bigly derpness.

  4. Take you racist "white progressive gaze' someplace else, dervy. The world isn't seen by others the same way you see it. :P

  5. I think that this is the REAL reason Trump supporters HATE the "white progressive elitist gaze". It's like living in some progressive Hollyweird director douchebag's 'dream become nightmare', only it's real instead of a film. You can't just walk out of the theatre and feel the nightmare fade away. It's everywhere.

  6. It's especially present whenever you go home and then turn on the television or listen to NPR in your car.

  7. It's time that the "culture industry" stopped marketing white elite progressivism, and picked a few new models for "saner/ less consumerist" people.

  8. Trumpism is the "working man's gaze". It scared the sh*t out of corporate globalist elitists and their rich white bankers.

  9. ...and DeSantis (R)* is the epitome of the latter class' chief representative.

  10. Trump, on the other hand, is more of a 'family" than "corporate" brand.

  11. ...and wealthy 'families' are what Trump supporters aspire to becoming.

  12. Actually, no, Derpy. I always mean what I say. DeSantis is insufficiently anti-Trump because he has squandered many opportunities to demand the Republican Party platform become an anti-Trump manifesto, which will be necessary if the GOP wants to regain national relevance. (As a humorous observation, you'd think so called "nationalists" would have figured that out, but...) DeSantis is pro-DeSantis, maybe he'll become more anti-Trump when the results of the mid-term election in November leaves the presence of Republican politicians even smaller in DC, but that just makes DeSantis just a rudderless opportunist battling the Whataboutisms of "what about that time you licked Trump's asshole and told us it was ice cream." DeSantis is a joke, objectively speaking. That's not necessarily a strike, America elects jokes all the time.

    But the GOP isn't going anywhere with the smell of Trump's political corpse smeared all over it. They need a bath. With a power washer. Filled with bleach.

  13. If the Republican Party wanted to win the 2020 Presidential election, they would have bothered to nominate a viable candidate from the many they didn't allow to challenge Trump.

  14. I think that this is the REAL reason Trump supporters HATE the "white progressive elitist gaze"

    Nah. Trump supporters get the side-eye from people born and bred into nearly 100 years of generational American anti-Communism.

    The relieving yet simultaneously disturbing fact is only 7 out of 10 Americans want Comrade Trump to go away, back to the manure heap of history. That's not as close to 100% as it should be, even in a country with a left-wing smart enough to hobble Bernie Sanders.

  15. Trump's "suffering" is mythologized in the Sorelian and Gramscian sense of promoting ideology through myth. Trump is the pretend business success "crucified" by the government and now he's "on the cross" for the "working man," as happens to limousine liberals.

    How does one study the left-wing roots of Fascism by way of Sorel, and the Frankfurt School overlap with that via Gramsci, and *NOT* see Trump as yet another America-hating far leftist idiot?

    The dots and the crayons are all there.

  16. republiturds are friends to the rich man. tRump fooled the stupid into believing he is for the working man. As a conservative republican, tRump hates the working man. Just as he hates the religious right who supports him. He laughs at them all.

    African American voters put Biden over the top. Along with White voters who saw through tRump's charade. tRump is no Leftist. He is a rich man who likes it that things are rigged in the rich man's favor. And he wants to keep it that way.

    How does one study the right-wing roots of Fascism and *NOT* see tRump as yet another America-hating far right idiot?

    Yale philosopher Jason Stanley: In the past, fascist politics would focus on the dominant cultural group. The goal is to make them feel like victims, to make them feel like they've lost something and that the thing they've lost has been taken from them by a specific enemy, usually some minority out-group or some opposing nation.

    This is why fascism flourishes in moments of great anxiety, because you can connect that anxiety with fake loss. The story is typically that a once-great society has been destroyed by liberalism or feminism or cultural Marxism or whatever, and you make the dominant group feel angry and resentful about the loss of their status and power. Almost every manifestation of fascism mirrors this general narrative.

    Part of what fascist politics does is get people to disassociate from reality. You get them to sign on to this fantasy version of reality, usually a nationalist narrative about the decline of the country and the need for a strong leader to return it to greatness, and from then on their anchor isn't the world around them — it's the leader.

    Trump... is very clearly using fascist techniques to excite his base and erode liberal democratic institutions... Vox, 12/15/2018.

  17. Tell us you've never heard of Georges Sorel without telling us you've never heard of Georges Sorel.

  18. Dervy thinks that the deterritorialisation of nationalist culture and reterritorialization of immigrant's culture in situ during a period of corporate globalisation and resulting multi-culturalism is just some "fake losses". We should all just accept (and not resist) the New World Order.

    Now go eat the bugs, and if you can't afford a Tesla, ride the bus.

  19. ps - And tell your kids that the Lolita Express needs some under-age bi/ trans stewardesses.

  20. *philosophical concepts courtesy of Deleuze & Guattari.

  21. I can hardly wait until the mediator (white European culture) "vanishes" (Hegel).

  22. It can remain unique and distinct and doesn't require "blending" to meet some corporate marketer's focus group's expectations.

  23. least, not in the "heartland". 'F up the coasts all you want.

  24. Minus views the world through "the White regressive gaze".

  25. sure beats the "privileged white elitist" gaze.

  26. In the past, fascist politics would focus on the dominant cultural group. The goal is to make them feel like victims, to make them feel like they've lost something and that the thing they've lost has been taken from them by a specific enemy, usually some minority out-group or some opposing nation.

    And now, DO substitute it with "socialist".

    In the past, sociaist politics would focus on the dominant cultural group. The goal is to make them feel like victims, to make them feel like they've lost something and that the thing they've lost has been taken from them by a specific enemy, usually some minority uppity-group or some opposing class.

    But... as any true socialist you'll start crying No True Scotsman here. :-))))))))))))))

  27. "Kulak" that is not self-proclaimed designation.

    To be one, there need to be bunch of prols sneaking nearby. Eager to expropriate the expropriators. ;-)
