Thursday, July 7, 2022

Media Silence Crushing Dutch Proles


  1. Just wondering can we find anything positive anymore in the news? At this point I am thanking God I am still alive and grateful for every day. Seems all the other stuff is just dung!

  2. Are you giving Jimmy 5 or 10 dollars a month as he requests or are you a freeloader? I bet most of Jimmy's donations come from trumpturds. So, if you're watching but not donating I think you may be an outlier.

    Does Jimmy want the protestors to arm up and get violent? Sounds like maybe he does.

  3. (((Thought Criminal)))July 9, 2022 at 6:08 AM

    I think I could sit down with Jimmy Dore and have a good time, even if we fundamentally disagree on most political things. Sometimes he's on point, sometimes he's way off in looney leftist land. He's done what nobody from the right was equipped to do, and that was to faceplant TYT and Vaush and others and step on the backs of their heads on the way out. That makes him likeable in my book. We may not agree on all things or even most things, but he's not actively trying to bullshit anyone.

    I'm not quite there with Zizek or some of the other chain-smoking Frenchies that FJ has brought to my attention, but my thoughts have been provoked on many occasions by all of them. Malcolm Gladwell owes FJ at least a dollar for making me a fan.

    I'm just here, taking it all in. I'll spit when I need to.

  4. Jimmy Dore is actively trying to bullshit everyone.

  5. Jimmy Dore makes bank actively trying to bullshit everyone constantly.

  6. No. And Jimmy Dore isn't a Progressive. He's a fake Lefty.

  7. (((Thought Criminal)))July 11, 2022 at 8:40 PM

    Who is the gatekeeper of leftism?

  8. Dore got kicked off The Young Turks. Dore vigorously defends tRump re the proven Russia collusion. Dore attacks and slanders Bernie Sanders for realizing the obvious fact that Democrats had to rally behind the nominee to stop tRump. Dore uses his platform to spread vaccine disinformation. Dore is a Biden critic.

    This "gatekeeper" idea of your's isn't a factor. Dore proves he isn't a Lefty by his actions.

  9. (((Thought Criminal)))July 14, 2022 at 7:40 AM

    Leftists can't be stand up comedians?

  10. (((Thought Criminal)))July 14, 2022 at 7:43 AM

    Did Dore get kicked off TYT for not reporting about Britney Spears' vagina?
