Tuesday, May 31, 2022

U.S. Institutional Confidence Reaches "Zero" - The Proof is in the Pudding

Sundance, "Jury Verdict, Clinton Lawyer Michael Sussmann Found Not Guilty of Lying to FBI"
All media reporting of this case will be done through the prism of their own cooperation in the perpetration of the fraud. The MSM knew along with everyone else inside and outside of government, that their efforts to create the Trump-Russia conspiracy and collusion narrative were based on fraudulent pretext manufactured by the Clinton campaign. They all knew it. They all acted collaboratively, and they all engaged purposefully.

Michael Sussmann was accused of lying to the FBI about working for Hillary Clinton at the time he took fraudulent information to the FBI about Donald Trump. A Washington DC jury has found Sussmann NOT GUILTY.

While Sussmann was pushing fraudulent information into the open hands of FBI Legal Counsel James Baker, another Clinton campaign contractor, Glenn Simpson from Fusion GPS, was pushing similarly constructed fraudulent information -including the Christopher Steele dossier- into the media and DOJ via Bruce Ohr.

The not guilty verdict simply means the FBI knew, or should have known, Michael Sussmann was delivering the fraudulent Trump-Russia collusion nonsense directly from the Hillary Clinton team. The FBI claims they didn’t know, the jury by finding Sussmann not guilty, says the FBI did know.

The BIGGER question is, what’s next?

Durham constructed this case around the premise the FBI and DOJ was duped or tricked by Hillary Clinton operatives, specifically including Michael Sussmann. It would be very weird if Durham now flipped the premise and began targeting DOJ or FBI officials around the premise they were “not duped.”

Therefore, I still think Durham stays exclusively focused on the outside actors and ignores all of the corrupt internal DOJ and FBI activity.

The prosecutorial approach by John Durham positioned all of the corruption outside the institutions of government, thereby protecting them.

The bad guys, the corrupt lawbreakers, are the people directly connected to the Clinton Campaign and all of the political and legal agents in/around the Clinton political machine.

As the Durham narrative unfolded, the brave and honorable institutions of government were victims to the horrible, terrible activity by the Clinton outsiders.

Pay no attention to the aligned politics and weaponization of the White House, DOJ, DOJ-NSD, FBI main, FBI-CoIntel, CIA, Senate Intelligence Committee, or memberships therein. The entire apparatus of the most robust, capable, excellent and diligent intelligence apparatus in the history of all mankind, along with all the oversight mechanisms that exist to support that apparatus, was duped by Hillary Clinton’s team.

Bill Barr was the bondo, John Durham is the spray paint.


  1. ((!Thought Criminal)))May 31, 2022 at 11:47 AM

    This still doesn't explain how Stanley Kubrick faked the moon landings with technology extracted from the Roswell UFO crash.

  2. Would there have been any redemption if I had?

  3. The MSM knew along with everyone else inside and outside of government, that their efforts to create the Trump-Russia conspiracy and collusion narrative were based on fraudulent pretext manufactured by the Clinton campaign.

    They didn't because the narrative is true. As confirmed by the Senate intelligence committee report. Why Sussmann was found not Guilty of the bogus charges. The FBI and the public needed to know that dotard donald was colluding with a hostile foreign power. Also why HRC wasn't locked up when the dotard donald administration was in charge. The chant was only to rile up the magamoron base.

  4. (((Thought Criminal)))May 31, 2022 at 8:24 PM

    What purpose did Trumpworld's original defense serve - We tried to collude with Russia, but they had nothing on Hillary Clinton, besides collusion isn't illegal whatabout Ted Kennedy...

    Putin hung Trump out to dry. Shit happens to amateurs all the time. Should have paid his loans back.

  5. Glad you're both okay with fixed elections and justice systems.

  6. But then again, the jury's verdict was the correct one. Michael Sussmann wasn't lying to the FBI. He was working "with" them in a public/ private partnership at Perkins Coie.

  7. (((Thought Criminal)))June 1, 2022 at 6:06 AM

    Glad you're both okay with fixed elections and justice systems.

    You sound like that Trumpette in Georgia that lost by over 70% yet won't concede lol.

    Occam's Razor. The most simple explanation that adheres to all the facts available is that Trump supporters are fucking stupid. Sorry, bruh. Electricity really does taste shocking. Stop tongue-kissing the light socket. The lottery ticket lost. Stop scratching it.

  8. So why was there a secure FBI workspace at Perkins Coie? Ask Ockham.

  9. As the Romans would say, "Cui bono?"

  10. (((Thought Criminal)))June 1, 2022 at 9:53 AM

    Hmmm. The gas station down the street has a county police substation in it. They even have their own ink pen on a ball chain. You may be on to something here.

  11. I think that the FBI may have been engaged in performing a little "parallel construction" for "fruits of the poisonous tree" (aka - NSA database).

  12. ...and using Perkins Coie to provide the parallel constructions.

  13. Who says there a "secure FBI workspace" at Perkins Coie? I did a Google search and all I see pop up are trumpturd "news" sources. Was this confirmed the same as Hunter Biden's imaginary laptop was "confirmed".

  14. (((Thought Criminal)))June 2, 2022 at 12:13 AM

    ...there's an ink pen on a ball chain.

  15. Who says there a "secure FBI workspace" Perkins Coie in response to a Congressional Inquiry (Jordan/Gaetz).

    In response to a letter sent by Rep. Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan, Perkins Coie, the legal arm of the DNC and Hillary Clinton, admitted they have been operating an FBI workspace in their Washington D.C. office since 2012.

  16. ps - Secure means SCIF, beamish. At a minimum, a safe and a STU to dial into the NSA database with.

  17. In response to a letter sent by Rep. Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan, Perkins Coie, the legal arm of the DNC and Hillary Clinton, admitted they have been operating an FBI workspace in their Washington D.C. office since 2012.

    If this happened, what are the details? What form did this "admission" take? Where can I listen to or read a Perkins Coie representative making this "admission"? Or am I just supposed to take Matt and Jim's word for it that an "admission" was made?

  18. (((Thought Criminal)))June 2, 2022 at 11:59 AM

    I've worked in a place with a SCIP in place, but it wasn't law enforcement or intelligence related.

    I don't think the dots are fully connected there. For all we know, the FBI leaked the DNC server to Julian Assange lol

  19. Given their relationship with taking the DNC and taking Crowdstrike's "word" for Gospel instead of investigating... you may be right. btw - Who DID kill Seth Rich?

  20. ...and when are the British going to turn Julian Assange over to American authorities for assassination... e-r-r-r-r.... prosecution?

  21. (((Thought Criminal)))June 3, 2022 at 9:24 AM

    Hmmm. I thought Assange had already been extradited.

  22. On 20 April 2022, Chief Magistrate Paul Goldspring of the Westminster Magistrates Court formally approved the extradition of Assange to the US and referred the decision to the Home Secretary Priti Patel.[425] If Patel approves the court's order, Assange can appeal the decision by judicial review

  23. (((Thought Criminal)))June 4, 2022 at 4:33 AM

    Maybe BoJo is slow-walking it ;)

  24. (((Thought Criminal)))June 5, 2022 at 10:15 PM


  25. Was he in US custody? The British would have released him had Trump pardoned him?

  26. Biden isn't going to release him if he is extradited to the US. Whereas, if tRump had pardoned him, there would be no reason to extradite him. The reason tRump issued no pardon is because he does not give a shit about Julian Assange. He did his useful idiot part and is now useless to tRump.
