Thursday, May 12, 2022

The Cloaking of Gyges

Phases of the Image:

1. It Reflects Reality
2. It Masks Reality
3. It Masks the Absence of Reality
4. It has no Relation to Reality Whatsoever
- Baudrilliard

Paul Krause, "The Leftwing Insurrection"
According to the propaganda narrative of the media, Donald Trump and the Republican Party foment insurrection and illegitimacy in American politics. Only the noble left, with its commitment to democracy, can defend America and its institutions and rule of law. This is hogwash and anyone free from the tyrannic propaganda of the media knows it. In reality, the left peddles insurrectionist language and promotes the idea of American illegitimacy so as to endorse insurrectionist behavior—“in the name of democracy” though.

Joe Scarborough, one of the most annoying individuals to ever purvey television propaganda, has recently called the Supreme Court “illegitimate.” So have other liberal opinion writers. And what does all this talk of Court illegitimacy bring? Insurrectionist beliefs. It is an announcement for haters of America to begin burning property and launching violent protests aimed at desecrating the rule of law in the United States. It is the go-ahead for the army of Bolshevik street-warriors to assail American institutions and the freedom they uphold.

I was just a child, but I do recall the hoopla over the 2000 election. Memory is short, but liberal writers and activists militantly wrote opinion pieces decrying the “stolen” election. Jonathan Chait, 12 years later, in New York Magazine, wrote that the 2000 election was stolen. Even more recently, Terry McAuliffe, the ungracious loser of the 2021 Virginia gubernatorial election, spewed that the 2000 election was stolen. Twenty years after the election, many liberals cannot—will not—accept the 2000 election. Their language of a stolen election implies what? Insurrection and illegitimacy.

Though George W. Bush won his 2004 reelection with a majority of the popular vote, expanding and building upon his support for the War on Terror and the toppling of Saddam Hussein at the time, Christopher Hitchens of Vanity Fair wrote of election irregularities in my native state of Ohio—a full two years after the fact. The concern over irregularities didn’t just fade away after the election and inauguration.

I recall sitting in class the morning after the nationwide election with the classroom television on as my teacher was watching the continued count before the election was called. Despite Bush’s victory, Barbara Boxer and other congressional Democrats voted against certifying the Ohio election results. No one complained then and called Barbara Boxer a traitor.

Not only has the left consistently claimed election fraud and illegitimacy, but they also now claim the entire country is illegitimate. The United States is an illegitimate nation, an “unworthy republic,” a country that has pillaged and stolen its way to power. Freedom is an illusion. Our institutions are corrupt and rotten to the core. They must, because they are illegitimate and unworthy, be destroyed. So much for protecting American democracy and the rule of law. The very language of the left implies insurrection and in some circles, there are open calls for it.

If the left cared about the United States, as some in the media claim they do, then they wouldn’t use language that implies the opposite. But that doesn’t matter because we all know the façade. They present themselves as holier than thou, the true guardians and defenders of the made-up American spirit they’ve conjured out of the lust of their distorted hearts and seek to impose that spirit on the rest of us. Those who seek to stop the coming totalitarian imposition by the left are pilloried as totalitarians. Double-speak at its finest.

By arguing and subtly-to-now-explicitly condemning the United States and calling entire institutions of the country illegitimate, the left is preparing the real insurrection against America. If there is nothing legitimate about the country, if all institutions, including the last institutions against totalitarian restructuring, are demonized and destroyed in the court of public opinion. Then the burning and looting of America we saw just a few years ago and the continual low-scale looting of America permitted by Bolshevik Democrats today, can manifest in full force.

America must burn because all of its institutions and laws were originally enacted by white supremacists. There can be no redeeming such institutions and laws. Only by destroying America can a “new” America be made. But that won’t fly. So softer language is sometimes used. “Transformation.” “Reform.” “Realizing our ideals.” That is mere sophistry to distract from the destabilizing and totalitarian policies the left aims to actualize.

The real insurrection brewing in America isn’t on the right despite the constant talk and promotion of this view. It is meant to hide the reality. It is from the left that the real insurrection is brewing and coming.

“Transformation” of the Supreme Court (destroying the Supreme Court). “Transformation” of the Presidential election process (destroying the Electoral College). “Transformation” of the First and Second Amendments (destroying the First and Second Amendments). “Transformation” of the economy (destroying the market economy and replacing it with government control and cronyism). The talk of “transformation” hides the insurrectionist mentality of the left.

The left wants to destroy and alter the organs and institutions of American government to suit their own tyrannical desires. Patriotic conservatives, derided by Joe Biden as “ultra MAGA,” seek the restoration of the promise of American self-governance and the autonomy of states and communities from the federal leviathan. The left wants to implement its one-size fits all California politics across the entire country. Patriotic Americans want to be able to live their lives as they see fit without the interference of San Fransickos telling them how to live.

The militant and violent venom now directed at the Supreme Court is because the left sees, and has long seen (since the days of FDR), the Court as the last bastion of the rule of law preventing their totalitarian and insurrectionist ambitions from becoming reality. By delegitimizing the Court, the left opens the final door to their political insurrection and enacting their totalitarian agenda. The Court, with its duty to uphold the Constitution, is the last institution committed to the rule of law, upholding the American republic, and defending the true democratic spirit of America: self-governance independent of Beltway Bureaucracy.


  1. "Patriotic conservatives ... seek the restoration of the promise of American self-governance" = bullshit. You seek permanent minority rule. Admitted by you with your honest labeling of donald tRump as an authoritarian.

  2. You're living proof that 50% of Americans are below average in intelligence, dervy. That's why we elect "representatives" to our government, and not idiots like you. We're lready governmed by a "minority" dervy... and hopefully, we always will be.

  3. A lot of dumb people voted for tRump in 2016. The extremely stupid voted for him in 2020. Only the exceptionally stupid would vote for him in 2024.

    FYI, the Supreme Court has been delegitimized by the right. It is packed with far right justices who do not represent the American people. fyi, 5 justices (3 illegitimately installed) taking away rights from tens of millions of people is decidedly undemocratic.

    Paul Krause = unAmerican stinker.

  4. lol! That's what we said back in '73 when your Court decided Roe.

    1. The original decision was 7 to 2 and bipartisan.

      "Your court" = legitimate court. Before tRump stole the presidency and Mitch McTurtle stole 3 supreme court seats.

  5. (((Thought Criminal)))May 13, 2022 at 9:57 AM

    Now we know what party Trump got his systems are rigged / critical election theory from

  6. (((Thought Criminal)))May 13, 2022 at 9:58 AM

    Trump's still pissed about McGovern losing to Nixon lol

  7. The supreme court makeup has definitely been rigged. Dotard should have had 0-1 appointments. Mitch stole one appointment from Obama and one from Biden. Though, given that dotard donald's "win" was illegitimate, the court should currently lean Left. Because all the recent vacancies should have been filled by president Hillary Clinton.

  8. The original decision was 7 to 2 and bipartisan. lol!

    Democrats controlled the Senate from 1955-1981

  9. ...and the House from 1949 to 1993.

    There's was nothing "bipartisan" in our government back then.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. The vote for Roe v. Wade was 7 justices for and 2 against legal abortions.

    For: 2 Democratic appointees and 5 Republican appointees...
    William O. Douglas (FDR D)
    Thurgood Marshall (LBJ D)
    William J. Brennan Jr. (Eisenhower R)
    Potter Stewart (Eisenhower R)
    Harry Blackman (Richard Nixon R)
    Lewis Powell Jr. (Richard Nixon R)
    Warren Burger (Richard Nixon R)

    Against: 1 Democratic appointee and 1 Republican appointee...
    Bryon White (JFK D)
    William Rehnquist (Richard Nixon R)

    In factual terms, it was the Republican-appointed justices what actually allowed the right to a legal abortion to become the law of the land. (source).

    The decision was bipartisan. Zero justices appointed by Democratic presidents will vote to overturn.

  12. (((Thought Criminal)))May 14, 2022 at 2:59 PM

    Nearly 50 years and millions of aborted pregnancies later, the Supreme Court has figured out it had no constitutional grounds to create abortion rights from thin air in the first place. This will not be the first time the Supreme Court has reversed a prior decision that was grounded in Constitutionally indefensible warbling. What's the big deal?

  13. "the Supreme Court has figured out..."

    Bullshit. The Supreme Court was radicalized via 3 stolen seats. The anti-choice cloak has no relation to reality whatsoever.

  14. You probably shouldn't making appeals to reality in the same comment that implies Presidents can't nominate and Senates can't confirm Supreme Court justices to the job of interpreting the US Constitution in judicial matters that come before them.

    Just exactly how much meth did you smoke today, Derpy?

  15. I didn't imply what you say I implied. How much meth did you smoke today?

  16. (((Thought Criminal)))May 15, 2022 at 1:02 AM

    Apparently not enough meth to believe the Supreme Court is radicalized (i.e. left-wing) and was made that way by three stolen seats. The Supreme Court isn't bent really any particular way (they regularly disappoint every faction) and all of the justices got their seats legitimately via the Constitution.

    So, I haven't smoked meth. How much meth made your comment deviate from the observable universe so much? Look, I enjoy honest debate, which is why I constantly remind you that you're a blithering idiot. I have confirmed this by the sheer volume of times I've had to remind you that you're a blithering idiot. I'm being as courteous and patient as I can be with someone of your obvious intellectual disabilities. I wouldn't lie to you. You are a blithering idiot. Please don't stymie yourself further with meth smoking. Please. Pretty please with sugar on top.

  17. Re me believing "the Supreme Court is radicalized (i.e. left-wing) and was made that way by three stolen seats".

    I never said or implied the court was radicalized "i.e. left-wing". The three stolen seats went to radical right-wingers who were appointed by a radical (and illegitimate) republiturd predisent. All the current justices appointed by Democrats support a woman's right to choose.

    FYI, I have never and will never smoke meth. Or crack. My comments don't have anything to do with me being a "blithering idiot". Because I am not. I am an informed Progressive Democrat.

    You have proven yourself a blithering idiot with your comments about Black people being less intelligent due to generations of cannibalism, the covid vaccine containing antifreeze, nuking Russia, getting teabagged by Caitlyn Jenner, etc. All comments that deviate wildly from the observable universe.

    You strike me as the kind of person who like to hear himself talk because he thinks he is so smart. All you do is convince most people you're a blithering idiot. Unless (in real life) you stay quite... in order to conceal this fact about yourself.

  18. (((Thought Criminal)))May 15, 2022 at 1:36 PM

    Adding "radical" to "right-wi","startng" creates an oxymoron, like "jumbo shrimp" and "intelligent progressive." The superlative adjective you're groping for is "reactionary right-wing." Calling a right-winger a "radical" is the epitome of succinctly demonstrating that most boxes of instant mashed potatoes know more about political theory than you.

    Trump may have been "radical" (i.e. far left), but he wasn't "right-wing" by any standard that would exclude Hillary Clinton, much less Fidel Castro.

    As for the rest, I'll leave it to you to provide an alternative argument for why you think black people are less intelligent, that propylene glycol isn't a poisonous substance that causes heart damage especially when it bypasses the digestive system in an injection, that nuking Russia wouldn't solve more problems than it would cause, and what you would prefer Caitlyn Jenner to do with his testicles. Bring science.

    As for "how I strike you," I just point the arrow at some left-wing barnyard animal, pull the string, and listen for the thought someone else recorded for you. The "social justice rooster" one is pretty fucking hilarious.

  19. (((Thought Criminal)))May 17, 2022 at 6:48 PM

    Yep, that's the sound the social justice rooster makes.

    Check out the "transgendered grammar Nazi" one

    ::pulls string::

  20. Beamishderp earns the LOL for his insane beliefs. As previously mentioned. I already brought science when we had these discussions initially. I'm not interested in more beamishderp blithering idiocy on these topics.

  21. (((Thought Criminal)))May 19, 2022 at 9:29 PM

    See! I told ya! There's the guy claiming sex is not the same as gender but wants you to chemically castrate children anyway.... He even included the lisp.

    Now let's go for "Critical Race Theorist Sheep."

    ::pulls string::

    Hit it, Mammy....

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. IDK WTF guy you're talking about. My guess is that Beamishderp was in the midst of an episode when he wrote the above inane comment.

    "The period of time where people experience psychotic symptoms is known as an ‘episode’ of psychosis. Some people only experience a few episodes of psychosis, or a brief episode that lasts for a few days or weeks. Others will experience symptoms more frequently, in association with a longer-term illness such as schizophrenia".

  24. (((Thought Criminal)))May 20, 2022 at 9:01 PM

    Oops that was "Gulag Goose," who honks that all her political opponents are mentally ill.

    Let me try "Critical Race Theorist Sheep" again.

    ::pulls string::

  25. Not all of them. Only the ones who say Democrats want to chemically castrate kids and keep young boys as catamites. Though you are only mentally ill if you believe that. If you're just saying it then you are a f*cking liar.

  26. Does your child suffer from ANWE?

    Ass Not Whooped Enough is a serious nationwide problem staying the social development of America's youth. Only you can help beat the dickens out of ANWE.

  27. Beating a child should result in Social Services removing the child from the abusive home. This is a real problem. As to your imaginary "grooming" bullshit.
