Friday, May 13, 2022

Kathy Barnett for U.S. Senate!


website: Kathy Barnett for US Senate

Appearing regularly on national TV and radio, Kathy Barnette is a veteran, former adjunct professor of corporate finance, sought-after conference speaker, and conservative political commentator. Next up — Kathy is taking on Washington D.C. and is running for the U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania.

Kathy served her country proudly for 10 years in the Armed Forces Reserves where she was accepted into Officer Candidacy School. She worked with two major financial firms in corporate America and sat on the board of a pregnancy crisis center for five years. She also authored the book Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain: Being Black and Conservative in America. Her book explains why liberal policies have failed the Black community time and time again — and will fail the larger American community as Democrats rush to the hard Left of the party. But her most cherished opportunity, to date, is being a wife and mom to her two children (whom she had the privilege of homeschooling for six years).

Once elected, starting day one, I pledge to:
I. Protect Individual Liberty – Our rights come from our Creator, not from government. I oppose censorship, Free Speech Zones, and all other efforts to curb the exercise of our rights. Election integrity is central to defending liberty and I will defend our right to free and fair elections. My office will be transparent; constituents will know what we are doing and that we have read and considered bills before voting on them.

II. Protect Fundamental Rights – The 2nd amendment preserves Constitutional rights and the right to self-defense. I oppose gun control legislation and will pursue national concealed carry reciprocity. I oppose civil forfeiture and will seek to curb its practice.

III. Defend the Right to Life – Life begins at conception. Every life is precious and possesses inherent dignity. I will promote legislation that bans late-term abortions, bars the use of federal funds to deliver and promote abortion, and protects organizations and institutions from mandates which infringe on their religious liberties.

IV. Protect Our National Sovereignty – The essence of national sovereignty is control of national borders and we are stronger and better for structured, organized immigration. I will promote our business interests and those of legal immigrants, pursuing strong border and internal enforcement actions. My office will insist on long-term plans to tackle the border crisis, address systemic problems that encourage illegal immigration, and confront the national security and public safety threats of unchecked smuggling.

V. Restore Energy Independence – America has been a significant energy exporter and it is in our interests to leave all energy options on the table as we pursue environmental goals. Energy independence is crucial to security, essential to preserving international affairs and central to economic development. It makes no sense to squander our abundant energy resources so China and India can ramp up their use of coal. I will promote clean nuclear and fossil fuel options, alongside renewable energy research and development.

VI. Remain True to My Oath and Root Out and Punish Corruption – Conflicts of interest undermine our right to honest government. Those who serve us in government must be subject to the highest standards of conduct and should suffer serious consequences for enriching themselves from their positions. I will pursue stringent ethics rules for those who are in our government, and I will not be manipulated by special interests or foreign actors. My husband and I will not hold or trade in individual stocks and will only invest in mutual funds, thereby removing the self-interested investment motivations that corrupt others. I will serve only two terms in the Senate; the term for which I am seeking election and one additional term.

VII. End Government-Imposed Income Stagnation and Wealth Inequality – The Federal Reserve wrongly believes too many people working and getting raises causes inflation. This has caused more than 20 years of unjust income stagnation for the bottom 90%. At the same time, the government doesn’t think twice about printing money to create asset bubbles which enrich the top 10%, exacerbating wealth inequality. This is the underlying force tearing the country apart and fueling the reactionary lurch towards Socialism. Unfortunately, Congress has abdicated its responsibility to clearly define the Fed’s role. I will lead the charge to require that the Fed stabilize the dollar as its sole operating target, a function best suited to achieving the very purpose for which the Fed was created.

VIII. Promote Peace Through Strength – America approaches international affairs in a way that is counter-productive and makes State, Defense, and Commerce policies mere extensions of party politics. International affairs must be governed by long-term planning, based as much upon and as close to objective assessments of global and regional realities as possible. I will insist that the White House present the Senate with three- and five-year plans which promote prosperity and peace, while protecting American interests in ways that transcend mere partisanship and last longer than the administrations do.

IX. Restore Healthcare Autonomy – Americans should control healthcare decisions. That can only happen if the federal government cedes power to states and private industry. We need an innovative and flexible system, and the federal government has demonstrated that it is incapable of promoting either goal. Instead of conducting important research and providing advice, HHS, the CDC, and the NIH have been hijacked by politics. I will seek to limit their regulatory and enforcement powers and will insist that they empower citizens with decision-making information, not subject us to mandates which rob our freedom.

X. Promote American Agriculture – Agriculture is one of our most important economic sectors and it is time for Pennsylvania to again have a Senator on the Agriculture Committee. I will represent Pennsylvania’s farmers, recognizing that our contributions to the nation’s food supply are crucial to our success as a nation. My office will be the voice of Pennsylvania when I go to Washington.
btw - Don't believe everything you hear on Faux News


  1. (((Thought Criminal))?May 13, 2022 at 11:16 AM

    What? Is she beating Trump's joke candidate Dr. Oz that bad? 😂

    She does say favorable things I would support if I were a PA citizen, if not for all the squandered opportunities to demand Trump voters move to Siberia.

  2. (((Thought Criminal)))May 13, 2022 at 11:21 AM

    "insufficiently Trump opposing"

    One "Trump should eat a bag of dicks" would make her Presidential material lol. It isn't a high bar.

    Dr. Oz never had a prayer, and then Trump gave him the kiss of death (a Trump endorsement)

  3. Kathy Barnett is opposed to protecting fundamental rights :P She surely isn't going to get the Muslim vote. Why don't you like Dr. Oz? LOL.

  4. (((Thought Criminal)))May 14, 2022 at 4:20 PM

    When Trump endorsed Dr. Oz, Dr. Oz failed to tell Trump to go fuck himself, clearly demonstrating Dr. Oz can't even make easy ethical decisions.

  5. Her and Oz are both terrible. Hopefully the Democratic candidate wins.

  6. (((Thought Criminal)))May 15, 2022 at 6:19 PM

    You should probably canvas the western Pennsylvanian Amish communities and make sure they get out and vote for abortion, catamite grooming, castrating "women," higher inflation, free crack pipes, and against the devil's electric car guru shutting down left-wing troll farms.

    1. I won't. If I did it would only be because I switched parties and decided to embrace republiturd lies. Which I will never do.

      "the devil's electric car guru shutting down left-wing troll farms" = further proof of your insanity.

    2. (((Thought Criminal)))May 16, 2022 at 3:07 PM

      If Twitter can prove less than 5% of its subscriber base are fake accounts, Elon Musk will go ahead and buy them lol.

      If they can't, Twitter tanks.

  7. Yes, the Democrat who just had a stroke? I'm sure his speeches from a hospital bed will be well received.

  8. Fetterman said he expects a "full recovery", vowing that it won't slow down his campaign.

  9. Forgive me if his live Tweet didn't fill me with confidence...

  10. If he were to die after being elected the Democratic governor would appoint his replacement. If I lived in PA and his name was on the ballot I'd vote for him. Even if he died shortly before the election and there wasn't time to get someone else on the ballot.

    I don't remember that Gabby Gifford, after being shot in the head, issued a statement that said she expected to fully recover.

  11. - Massachusetts' 7th District Rep. Ed Markey, at 7:28 p.m.:

    Today’s news of the shooting of my colleague Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, members of her staff and her constituents is shocking and horrifying, and my deepest condolences go out to the families of those who lost their lives today in such a senseless and tragic event. Gabby is a true Congressional Superstar – savvy, sharp, sincere and as sunny as the state she heralds from. Gabby was doing today what she loved best, and what all of us in Congress consider a great responsibility and a true honor - to meet with and listen to our constituents. My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family, and with all of those wounded today in the hopes for a full and speedy recovery.

  12. Doctors "very, very encouraged" by Gifford’s responses to commands

    January 9, 2011 at 12:00 a.m. | UPDATED: August 28, 2017 at 9:57 a.m.

    TUCSON, Ariz. – Doctors treating wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords provided an optimistic update Sunday about her chances for survival, saying they are “very, very encouraged” by her ability to respond to simple commands along with their success in controlling her bleeding.

    The FBI said law enforcement could bring charges against the gunman as early as Sunday, and House Speaker John Boehner said normal House business this week has been postponed in the aftermath of the shooting.

    Surgeons said a bullet went through Giffords’ head on the left side of the brain, but she is still able to respond nonverbally to commands such as squeezing a hand or showing two fingers. They credited several reasons for her survival, including good luck and the fact that paramedics got her to surgeons quickly – in under 40 minutes.

    “This is about as good as it is going to get,” said Dr. Peter Rhee, a trauma surgeon. “When you get shot in the head and the bullet goes through your brain, the chances of you living is very small and the chances of you waking up and actually following commands is even much smaller than that. Hopefully it will stay that way.”

    Surgeons worked to reduce pressure from swelling in her head by removing bone fragments, and they also removed a small amount of badly damaged brain. Giffords cannot speak because she is on a ventilator.

    Dr. Michael Lemole of the University Medical Center in Tucson would not speculate on her degree of recovery. “We talk about recovery in months to years,” he said.

    Hmmm... how many years...cuz it certainly wasn't "months"...

  13. John Fetterman wasn't shot in the head. Gabby Giffords never said she expected a full and speedy recovery. As per your confirmation. There is no comparison to be made.

  14. Replies
    1. John Fetterman HIMSELF says he expects to fully recover. I would trust him and vote for him if I was a PA voter. There really isn't any other option anyway. Your favored candidate is horrible. And unfit to serve. She does not believe in the Democratic process and therefore should not be allowed in government.

  15. You don't get to decide who gets 'allowed" into government EXCEPT through the democratic process. Are you afraid to let it work?

  16. ...or are you in favour of the veleyat al fiqh? The guardianship of the jurists for your secular capitalist realist theology?

  17. It's the only way you'll ever again enforce your ideals of Faucian infallibility.

  18. Participation in insurrection disqualifies a person for running for office. But it does not look like (at this point) that could keep her off the ballot. I meant she should not be allowed by the voters to be rewarded with a political office.

    Anthony Fauci has never claimed infallibility.

  19. No, he's merely claimed to be "Science" personified.

  20. ...he's merely claimed to be "Science" personified.

    He hasn't.

    Dr Oz is a huckster. He's moved from selling phony weight loss products to selling phony political arguments (as a republiturd wannabe).

  21. You don't get to decide who gets "allowed" into government EXCEPT through the democratic process.

    donald tRump: "I mean honestly, she shouldn't be allowed to run. no she shouldn't be..." (She = Hillary Clinton).

  22. He never claimed to "represent Science" I must have been in the Gamma Dimension where that happened...

  23. Manipulating and lying to Government Officials shouldn't prevent anyone from running for office? Good to know, Dervy.

  24. "Manipulating and lying to Government Officials shouldn't prevent anyone from running for office".

    You're saying you think Rand Paul should be prevented for running again? :P

    Representing science is Anthony Fauci's job.

  25. Anthony Fauci represents the CDC by representing science.

    The republican candidate will be either Mehmet Oz or Dave McCormick. Not Kathy Barnette (there is an "e" at the end of her name. Your post title spelling is wrong).

  26. lol! I wonder what the real Scientists over at the NSF have to say about that.

  27. Fauci doesn't represent the "science" of CDC. He represents the often arbitrary administrative policies that misuse the science and say on Monday, "masks aren't needed," and on Tuesday, "now they are".

  28. ...and tells people, "we have a vaccine" when it's only a short-acting therapeutic disguised as a vaccine.

  29. (((Thought Criminal)))May 19, 2022 at 2:50 PM

    Made from antifreeze and syphilis

  30. Anthony Fauci developed the covid vaccines himself? Who knew? I thought it was that Malone guy who cracked it. Then decided his invention is going to give everyone cancer. Though Ron Johnson says the vaccines cause AIDS. That is Beamishderp level idiocy.

  31. (((Thought Criminal)))May 19, 2022 at 9:16 PM

    The "vaccinated" test positive for syphilis why? The "vaccinated" risk myocardial infections such as found in syphilis patients why?

    The same reason Raisin Bran tests positive for raisins. And bran.

  32. (((Thought Criminal)))May 19, 2022 at 9:19 PM

    "coz that's what the fuck is in it"

  33. What is in the two above Beamishderp comments? Proof of his insanity.

  34. Minus: "yes dear, I will get the jab containing antifreeze and syphilis which might cause myocardial infarctions and/or cancer. My boss is paying me $500 to do it!"


  35. The republican candidate will be either Mehmet Oz or Dave McCormick. Not Kathy Barnette.

    I already wrote that once, but you never responded to it. Despite it being about the topic you chose. I thought my comment might have been deleted, but it's still there. So what's with your non sequitur about "hormone injected beef"?

  36. ...only because your deranged mind makes no logical connections.


  37. ...only because your deranged mind makes illogical connections.

  38. ...which is exactly what your deranged mind would believe.

  39. ...also, Kathy Barnette will still definitely not be the next senator from Pennsylvania.
