Saturday, May 7, 2022

Say Goodbye to Democracy!


  1. Calling a government controlled economy "capitalism" is retarded. Does this guy get around to saying something resembling intelligent?

  2. He was once Greece's Finance Minister. He says lots of intelligent things... although he's a huge DiEM 25 supporter.... which sometimes clouds his judgement.

  3. Greece is the G in PIGS... Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain... the countries that social spended themselves to death.

    Like most people that badmouth capitalism, first he throws away the actual definition of capitalism and uses his own. Very unethical treatment of strawmen.

  4. It's not a strawman if the economists are still calling what we have now, "capitalism".

  5. (((Thought Criminal))May 9, 2022 at 11:08 AM

    Appeal to authority fallacies are still fallacies. Taxing people (at real or implied gunpoint) so a government can transfer your wealth to a favored entity isn't capitalism. Capitalism would put machine gun vending machines in elementary schools where they are desperately needed.

  6. That's a free market, not capitalism.

  7. (((Thought Criminal)))May 10, 2022 at 7:33 AM

    Only in a "who cares how the sausage is made as long as we get sausage" sense. The sausage that doesn't include rat droppings will sell better, forcing the other sausage makers to go rat dropping-free without a government regulation.

    The downside of course, is I thought tuna tasted better when it had a little dolphin in the mix. There should be a choice. I'd pay more for tuna canneries to leave a little Flipper in the mash.

  8. (((Thought Criminal)))May 10, 2022 at 7:35 AM

    Now you have to go to Subway to get artificial tuna for that authentic dolphin taste ;)

  9. (((Thought Criminal)))May 10, 2022 at 7:45 AM

    Don't get me started on how we have to order Campbell's Pepper Pot soup from Canada to get the right amount of tripe. THE Creole-inspired soup that won the American Revolutionary War isn't mass produced and canned in America anymore. It's outrageous.

  10. The way it gets made is the ONLY thing that's important.

  11. Free means as much dolphin in the tuna as "the market" wants.

  12. (((Thought Criminal)))May 11, 2022 at 10:34 AM

    At least Bumblebee Tuna occasionally has a Mexican janitor in it.

  13. "The sausage that doesn't include rat droppings will sell better, forcing the other sausage makers to go rat dropping-free without a government regulation".

    Libertarian bullplop.

  14. ^^wants sausage kept out of his rat dropping purchases^^
