Thursday, May 5, 2022

Progressives Losing Ground in Democratic Party to 'Hollywood' Left


  1. Did Derpy watch the same video? JD wants progressives to win. His problem? Sanity and progressivism rarely occur in the same individual.

  2. I've watched all of the many Jimmy Dore videos Minus has posted. 3 candidates (with two of them splitting the Democratic vote) means the republiturd wins.

  3. Derpy didn't watch it because "Derpy" does not exist.

  4. Dervish thinks that you can change the Democratic Party by always going along with the Corporate Establishment neoliberals.


  5. I don't. Progressive Democrats like myself need to fight for change within the Democratic Party. As Bernie Sanders has. Jimmy Dore pretends he is a lefty in order to fool other lefties into believing we can win by losing. I say we win by winning.

  6. Bernie Sanders sold out, even after being double crossed and cheated by Hillary in the primaries.

  7. You're just a "useful idiot" Dervy. No change comes without conflict.

  8. Politics is the "art of the possible." It was very possible to not be Trump in the last election. Progressivism needs to find a way to not be as repugnant as Trump... But America is a center-right nation. Nothing rallies voters to defeat you like trying to move that needle.

  9. Is Bernie Sanders a "Democrat" now? Last I heard he was still one of those socialists that owns three houses to better represent the poor and downtrodden.

  10. Like I've said in the past, beamish, I'd vote for Ralph Nader if I thought he could break the Democratic Party's neoliberal stranglehold on Government.

  11. Jimmy Dore is a sellout. And a fraud. Which the Young Turks have accurately pointed out. tRump voters are useful idiots. Bernie Sanders is a progressive champion who has made much more change from the inside than he ever could have if he had gone the Jimmy Dore third party route (none).

  12. America is a center-left nation that keeps only electing center-right politicians? Lol

  13. Some people shouldn't read their own propaganda...

  14. Further left than any President America has had since FDR.

  15. ... with a shit ton of state governors and legislatures all around that are center-right.

  16. Trump is Upgraayedd? Lol

  17. Fiscal irresponsibility is one of the big reasons tRump is such a good fit for the republiturd party. Democrats are the party of fiscal responsibility.

  18. 54.8% of eligible voters cast ballots in 2016, the election that installed the far right candidate (dotard donald). While in 2020, 62% of eligible voters cast ballots... And elected Joe Biden. Proof that, when more people vote, Democrats are elected. America is a center-left country with an apathy problem.

  19. Democrats are the party of fiscal responsibility. So where are all the new taxes on the rich? You own all 3 branches of government, Dervy.

  20. We would have them but for the filibuster, Manchin and Sinema.

  21. (((Thought Criminal)))May 9, 2022 at 11:42 AM

    Democrats are the party of fiscal responsibility.

    You wrote that with a gay face. There's no way you wrote that with a straight face.

  22. ...but for democracy you could rule. LOL!

  23. The filibuster isn't in the Constitution. Gerrymandering is anti-democratic. As is senators from low population states having power equal to senators from high population states. You're the one who voted for and supports the potus candidate who tried to overturn the results of an election he lost.

  24. The filibuster is unconstitutional? Someone should tell SCotUS.

    ps- If Gerrymandering is so "undemocratic", how come the People's Republic of Maryland is on the the most gerrymandered states in the Union?

    btw - You do know that we live in a republic and not a democracy, right?

  25. The United States is a representative democratic republic. I believe we need to work to make it more representative, while you believe our government should be less representative. Why you support further restricting the vote (which you justify with voter fraud delusions).

    The filibuster is undemocratic, not unconstitutional. That the Senate makes it's own rules is in the Constitution. I don't know why anyone should tell the Supreme Court. I'm sure everyone who works there knows such basic facts about how our government functions.
