Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Will "The Big Guy" Get Indicted?


  1. I REALLY hope so. Because the fat turd definitely deserves to be indicated and convicted.

  2. The REAL big guy, donald tRump, is almost 100 pounds heavier than Joe Biden.

  3. btw, WSJ Newsroom Found No Joe Biden Role in Hunter Deals After Reviewing Bobulinski's Records. ...texts and emails ... given to the publication by Tony Bobulinski, a former business partner of Hunter Biden, the son of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, provide no evidence that Joe ever used his political standing as a former vice president to aid Hunter's business dealings in China.

  4. So far, the Hunter Biden laptop thing seems to me to be a nothing-burger.

    Hunter Biden avoided income taxes (but eventually paid them with late penalties), so... nothing.

    Hunter Biden registered under FARA, so... nothing.

    Hunter Biden stressed to his foreign employers that he has no influence over Washington policy and that his services were not selling that... nebulous, but not illegal, so... nothing.

    This scandal was juicier when it was mysterious.

  5. I hate to even paraphrase the dunce Cenk Uyghur (sp?) but "Thanks righties for exposing the fact that the Bidens did no wrong."

    You'd think they would have learned from all the Trump investigations that exonerated Hillary Clinton, but...

    We need Tucker Carlson to remind us that he has been sitting on Hunter Biden's laptop and not telling us what it contains, waiting for the right moment for you to forget he claimed that.

    The post-Trump Republican Party deserves all the abuse of the mentally challenged it is getting.

    I long for the days the GOP stood for something.

  6. Emails Found on Laptop From Hell Reveal Joe Biden Wrote College Recommendation Letter For Son of Hunter’s Chinese Business Partner

  7. Wait, that bastard recommended some kid for an American college? Did he hate the kid or something?

  8. Number of emails found on the imaginary laptop = zero.

  9. Believe it or not, beamish, some people still want to see their kids indoctrinated into the cult of liberalism.

  10. Believe it or not, some people still want to see their kids indoctrinated into the cult of White Supremacy.

  11. What's wrong with Biden indoctrinating Chinese kids into White Supremacy?

  12. Joe Biden doesn't want Chinese kids indoctrinated into republicanism.

  13. I'm sure that they'll get an excellent communist indoctrination. :)

  14. The Chinese kid will just quote a book when you ask him what he thinks.

  15. Ooooh... shouldn't that be Wikipedia? The info in books can't get edited in real time to suit the moment.

  16. We've never been at war with Wikipedia editors.

  17. Oh they probably do. They suck at individual blogging though.

  18. Yeah making all those crazy word-signs has GOT to be difficult. I'd hate to see their keyboards...

  19. "Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.”

    It's like the French not having a word for 'entrepreneur.'

  20. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith is really about a guy who is denied a promotion at work so he kills all of his co-workers.
