Friday, February 4, 2022

The DC Honkening Begins...

Meanwhile in Ottawa... 
Making January 6, 2021 look like it was something for Pikers...


  1. It's just the beginning of the End of the Covid NAZIs. :)

  2. Nazis killed people. You say an effort to save lives makes people "Nazis". QED you're full of shit.

  3. Timcast: "If millions of people show up in DC, Trump isn't going anywhere. If 10 million people really do show up in DC, I believe Trump will be president for another four years. And I mean it".

    Timcast = moron.

  4. No, your commitment to put people in "quarantine camps", indoctrinating children in racist philosophy, wishing for covid passports and restriction of free travel, make you want-to-be Nazis and you need a good physic so you can live in a match box.

  5. Whoopi Goldberg should be Biden's Supreme Court nominee.

  6. She IS the most "qualified" (aka "Popular").

  7. The NY Times, newspaper of record for mass psychosis.

  8. LOL. Cult indoctrination is the opposite of deprogramming.

  9. "In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs, it is the rule." -Nietzsche

  10. Does it explain the Canadian truckers? The Australian truckers? The gilets jaunes in France? Or just the globalist elites?

  11. lol! It explains the Pfizer/CDC employment revolving door even better.


    "Indeed, the process has been so widely commented upon that one writer postulated a common life cycle for all of the attempts to develop regulatory policies. The life cycle is launched by an outcry so widespread and demanding that it generates enough political force to bring about establishment of a regulatory agency to insure the equitable, just, and rational distribution of the advantages among all holders of interest in the commons. This phase is followed by the symbolic reassurance of the offended as the agency goes into operation, developing a period of political quiescence among the great majority of those who hold a general but unorganized interest in the commons. Once this political quiescence has developed, the highly organized and specifically interested groups who wish to make incursions into the commons bring sufficient pressure to bear through other political processes to convert the agency to the protection and furthering of their interests. In the last phase even staffing of the regulating agency is accomplished by drawing the agency administrators from the ranks of the regulated." [p.p. 60-61]

  13. tRump said NO to the vaccines? The government isn't buying any? If "Operation Warp Speed" was President Joe Biden's (bad) idea, why does donald tRump take credit?

  14. You see a large crowd, I see a suicide bomber magnet.

  15. Trump wanted to inject disinfectants, remember dervy?

  16. Apparently you've forgotten all about "warp speed". And that it was tRump who said he had to shut down our economy. And you just ignore that tRump is now admitting to being vaxed and boosted.

    FYI, some people did end up in the hospital (with a couple dying) because of tRump's moronic comments about injecting disinfectants.

  17. tRump wasted a bigly amount of taxpayer money stockpiling a supply of hydroxychloroquine that will likely expire and be thrown in the trash, remember Minus?

  18. Trump was supposed to throw himself in front of Fauci and the rest of the Deep State? Were Democrats in Congress going to back him up if he did (between impeachments)?

  19. I don't know why he didn't fire Fauci. He said he was going to. He fired Comey. Also, "warp speed" was actually Fauci's idea? So why does tRump continue to take credit? If it was a bad idea I'd think he wouldn't want the blame.

    "throw himself in front of Fauci and the rest of the Deep State" = bullshit.

  20. I still want to know which of Trump's impeachment lawyers would have otherwise been handling a response to Covid-19 or if Trump really thinks the public is that stupid.

  21. I give up, how many Covid mtgs did Trump have to cancel to meet with his Impeachment lawyers instead?

  22. tRump being impeached caused him to admit to Bob Woodward that he knew covid was serious but he was looking to downplay it anyway? Bullshit.

  23. Democrats correctly impeached Trump for the Ukraine call, but missed the mark on what they charged him with. There were more applicable accountability laws in the books concerning withholding the supplies Congress had paid for without notifying Congress that he had done so and why that would have nailed his ass to the wall. Democrats took impeaching Trump on real shit almost as less seriously as the Republicans did their oath to be impartial jurors.

    Still, I don't think losing Republican control of the Senate was worth not finding Trump guilty.
