Friday, February 4, 2022

Farmers Join Truckers in Ottawa...

Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly held a press conference on Friday announcing measures to combat the continued Freedom Convoy protests in the streets, and to block any additional protesting support from arriving. [Full Presser Here] In essence, the Ottawa police are going to use domestic terrorism authority against the Canadian freedom protest groups.

The outlined measures include deploying an additional 150 municipal police officers and undercover federal agents to infiltrate the protest and gather intelligence useful for the purpose of eliminating their effort.

Chief Sloly outlined that federal intelligence authorities will be “collecting financial, digital, vehicle registration, driver identification, insurance status and other related evidence that will be used in prosecution.”

The jackboots will focus on using acts of mischief, hate, harassment, intimidation and other threatening behaviors, whether real or created by Canadian intelligence operations, to target the protestors.

Additionally, a “surge and contain” strategy will be used to isolate the protest in the red zone area in front of Parliament Hill. Ottawa police will use heavy concrete barriers as barricades, to create no-access roadways throughout the downtown core, and they will likely close highway off-ramps and bridges to stop additional support and/or protest groups from arriving.

The goal is to isolate the current protest groups, cut off their supply and support logistics and pick them off.

Further, any police officer who is caught aiding, assisting, supporting, sympathizing with or facilitating the ongoing freedom protest in the city will be removed from duty and subject to arrest. All Ottawa police officers are to regard the protesting group as an unlawful, extremist and hate-filled mob and have a duty to comply with the instructions of the command and control structure. WATCH:

Welcome to Canada folks.

This is what happens when we let the totalitarian state -and all the politicians who benefit from it- grow over years, unchecked, until it reaches a point where your freedom is doomed to perish.

Everyone in the USA should be paying close attention.

This is exactly how Fascism and Communism rise inside the walls of a previously free and independent system. Canada is the literal representation of George Orwell’s Animal Farm. The novel projects how the people of Russia Canada can so easily fall prey to a totalitarian regime while their dreams were for a freer country with greater equality.


  1. "This is exactly how Fascism and Communism rise inside the walls of a previously free and independent system".

    It isn't.

  2. Sure it does. It's called "entryism" and the commies invented it.

  3. Entryism has nothing to do with why the pro-covid crowd protests.

  4.'s the way that Democrats undermine government agencies and philanthropies.

  5. lol! It sure isn't Republicans running the Ford Foundation.

  6. Subverting the will and intents of the voters and donors is never "better".

    1. You donate money because you like what the Ford foundation is doing. If you donate money not liking what the foundation is doing - then say your "will and intent" for that money was subverted - you are an idiot.

  7. Robert Conquest's 2nd law of politics...

    "Any organization that is not explicitly right-wing will become left-wing over time."


  8. lol! The Ford Foundation HAD a lot of money... hence the entryism.

  9. The US political system is baked-in two party. The president has to be a republican or a Democrat... hence the entryism (aka the republican party being fully taken over by White Supremacists).

  10. ps- The KKK owns the Democrat Party. Jim Crow never left.

  11. Bernie Sanders acknowledges reality and works within the system we have.

    The KKK owns the republican Party. Richard Nixon pursued and welcomed the White Racist vote. donald tRump implemented an amped up version of the Southern Strategy. White grievance on steroids.

    Black citizens know this. It is the reason they bigly vote for Democrats.

  12. Oh wow. So Southern racist Democrats are responsible for Social Security and Medicare passing?

  13. They voted bigly for Democrats under Roosevelt when they were the party of segregation and Jim Crow, too

  14. They are all dead. The racists are all trumpers now.

  15. The most directly democratic of elections an American voter can participate in are elections for the US House of Representatives and state Governorships.

    Why didn't Republicans win southern state governors and representation in Congress from southern states until 20 years after Reagan was President? Nixon's Southern Strategy?

    The argument for that "southern welfare statist Democrats became conservative Republicans" is so stupid no one educated uses it anymore. Why does Derpy still use it?

  16. It's the talking point. Facts don't matter if they contradict the talking point.

  17. Is the talking point that racism is an immortal condition that only goes away if Republicans repeal the Democrats' Jim Crow laws? What?

  18. The argument for that "southern welfare statist Democrats became conservative Republicans" is so stupid no one educated uses it anymore. Why does Derpy still use it?

    I don't. The Democratic politicians you refer to died and were replaced by racist republican politicians.

    If Democrats' Jim Crow laws are still in effect -- why do Black citizens overwhelmingly vote for Democrats?

  19. Republicans started winning in the South after the voting rights of blacks was enforced what?

  20. Yes, that's the chronology of exactly what you're arguing. The effect of protecting voting rights for black people in the South was precisely Republicans winning more elections.

  21. How did Black citizens voting for Democrats help republicans?

  22. Democrat run metropolitan areas became shitholes?

  23. Why do black people, who typically aren't liberals much less progressive leftists, vote for Democrats?

  24. The appeal of black people voting for Democrats when most of them are neither liberal nor progressive left.

  25. Who isn't progressive left? The Black voters or the Democratic candidates? As for appeal, ask them. The FACT is that Black citizens overwhelmingly vote Democratic.

  26. The only thing black people overwhelmingly do on Election Day is stay home, not voting at all.

    Those that do vote tend to vote Democrat, despite not really supporting liberal and progressive left politics. Why is that?

  27. That likely makes you happy because higher turnout in the African American community would result in more Democrats being elected.

    "...despite not really supporting liberal and progressive left politics. Why is that?"

    I don't know that is true. Also, not all Democrats are liberal/progressive.

  28. I'm not convinced higher black voter turnout would benefit either party.

  29. It's self evident. Higher voter turnout (regardless of race) benefits Democrats. Why republican state legislatures are passing laws making it harder to vote.
