Saturday, February 5, 2022

On the Fine Art of Political Scapegoating...


  1. How our society falls into tyranny = allows donald tRump back into the White House.

  2. Fiscal incompetence and geopolitical ignorance aren't tyranny though?

  3. Our society falls into tyranny when the voters can no longer question the vote counters.

    1. Our society falls into tyranny when lies about stolen elections cause deluded people to conclude that getting rid of democracy is the solution. Or violence like we saw on Jan 6.

      FYI, you questioned and your accusations were proven baseless. The Cyber Ninja "audit" that confirmed Joe Biden's win - for example.

  4. Many vote counting deficiencies and discrepancies were revealed, enough, moreover, to effect the outcome.

  5. No they were not. Re your example of voting databases showing that people were born in 1900... all the people with a date of birth of 1900 who voted for Biden would not have voted tRump if only their record contained their actual date of birth.

  6. That was a different State's audit.... and it's still a deficiency there that remain uncorrected. :)

  7. It was proof of a vulnerability to voter fraud in the range of hundreds of thousands of votes.

  8. It's proof that many people keying in lots of data will make mistakes. You want to use those mistakes (which aren't the fault of the voter) to try and disenfranchise as many voters as possible. If tRump had won Joe Biden could have made the same argument... And you would NOT have accepted it. HRC could have proffered the same concerns in 2016. You'd have cried "sore loser" and mocked anyone making the SAME arguments. QED f*ck off. Joe Biden is the legitimately elected president of the United States.

  9. lol! Vote counter "mistakes" are acceptable to you? Good to know when Trump gets 400 million votes in 2024.

  10. Mistakes are unacceptable when it comes to counting MY vote(s).

  11. It doesn't matter how many votes tRump (if he runs) gets. Kamala Harris chooses the next president. Pence had that power (according to tRump) but declined to exercise it. Kamala (if need be) should use it.

  12. Yes, that zero mistakes part was a laugh riot...

    Right now the election error probability is +/- 20%.

  13. Minor data errors don't equal fraud. And, like I said, Hillary Clinton could have made the same argument in 2016. She didn't because it's ridiculous. How the f*ck does someone not recording a voter's DOB or transposing a digit in a voter's address equal a vote stolen from tRump?

  14. I don't know where you're getting 20 percent from. My "minor" was in regards to the type of error, not the quantity of them. And it certainly isn't Democrats' fault that such minor errors exist. Nor is it proof of fraud of any kind.

    This BS is just a pretext for disenfranchising as many voters as possible.

    The proof is that you ignored my question... How does an election worker not recording a voter's DOB or transposing a digit in a voter's address equal a vote stolen from tRump?

  15. One in 14 voter registration errors is hardly a minor problem.

    Official explanation for why there are 119,283 "active voters" in WI who have been registered for over 100 years "does not hold water"

    569,277 voters have 1/1/1918 registration date, amounting to 1 out of every 14 voters in the system

    115,252 of them voted in November 2020

  16. What percentage of those are clerical errors vice fraudulent entries?

  17. No one knows. But according to Dervy, no one should care, either.

  18. "What percentage of those are clerical errors vice fraudulent entries?"

    Most fraud is voter impersonation. There were a number of tRump voters who were caught doing this in the last election. Fraudulent entries? Give me one example. If there are any they are assuredly statistically insignificant. Same as the voter impersonation fraud.

  19. You can't solve crimes that you never investigate... that's law enforcement 101.

  20. They caught the trumpers who committed voter fraud.

  21. You can't solve crimes that you never investigate... that's law enforcement 101.

    You can't prove a baseless (negative) claim either. That's Logic 101.

    Smash all the globes you want. The Earth ain't flat.

  22. Isn't an absence of cheating the establishment claim? Obviously an absence of errors isn't part of it... and plenty of uncorrected errors and deficiencies have been pointed out... so FIX THEM if you still want to lend any credibility to your "absence of fraud" claim.

    In the intelligence field, all you need to prove is a "capability"... and there's a huge "capability" and "motive" for fraud.

  23. Such as sending faked elector slates to the National Archives and trying to get the Vice-President to count those instead?

    It would have been less convoluted if the Republican Party had run a viable Presidential candidate in 2020.

  24. Have you ever made an in-store purchase and the cashier asked for your phone number? Let's say you pay, the cashier asks for your phone number but then keys it in wrong. Does that mean you robbed the store?

  25. Cashier? Use the self checkout and scan a pack of bubble gum while bagging up a plasma screen TV you can flip on EBay.


  26. They won't give you the "store discount" if the phone number gets keyed in wrong. But they let you vote...


  27. 740,000 ballots in Maricopa County couldn't be traced through any chain of custody. So where did they come from?

    How hard is it to write numbers down and sign custody transfer slips in the interest of preventing cheating and improper counting?

  28. They came from voters. Duh. Where else would they have come from? How many were votes for tRump?

    You think these were the ballots printed on bamboo paper in China?

    "Sorry, your vote won't be counted due to clerical errors". How is it democracy if we're throwing out people's votes?

  29. The results were certified by officials empowered to decide that.

  30. No, they looked into it and found very little voter fraud.

    "The review found individualized cases of voter fraud in each state: 198 in Arizona, 64 in Georgia, 26 in Pennsylvania, 31 in Wisconsin, 56 in Michigan and around 98 in Nevada".

    Actual voter fraud was far to insignificant to tip the election in favor of Biden. Especially given the fact that many of the people caught were trumpers :P

  31. The guys with the rubber stamps appointed and or elected as Republicans lol

  32. The big lie is well past its sell by date. It's time to start picking off Republican politicians that continue to squander the opportunity to make condemning Donald Trump a permanent clause in the party platform.

  33. ...if you still want to lend any credibility to your "absence of fraud" claim.

    What gives the claim credibility is the prosecution of people caught committing voter fraud. Which I support. I do NOT support allegations that minor record-keeping errors proves fraud. Or disenfranchising voters based on these minor errors.

  34. Currently Over 5 Million Questionable, Unlawful or Spurious Ballots Identified in 2020 Election in PA, GA and AZ — Will the Democratic and Republican Parties Do Anything or Will They Allow this to Continue?

    Of course they'll allow it to continue. It keeps them in power.

  35. Of course they'll allow IT to continue. They have no power over your delusions.

    IT being voter fraud that didn't occur. Because there weren't 5 million questionable, unlawful or spurious ballots identified. The real number was under 1000.

  36. Screaming at the refs like the John McEnroe of politics

  37. The Ref's NOT interfering in elections is the great unwritten rule of democracy. No one but Trump is willing to charge the mound anymore.

  38. Well, if the Bengals are stuck in traffic trying to get to SoFi they probably have to forfeit.
