Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Honk if you Love Canada!



  1. Honk if you hate Canada as these anti-vax fools do.

  2. Don"t want to settle political matters with a vote? To block traffic like a left-wing asshole.

  3. Block traffic like an asshole left-winger.

  4. You're having way too much fun goose-stepping to Fauci's latest brain-farts, eh?

  5. FYI, "Vaccination rates among Canadian truckers are roughly in line with the national average, which is in the 83% to 87% range, according to the Canadian Trucker Alliance".

    The stupid anti-vax truckers are a MUCH smaller minority in Canada than here. In the US 50 percent of our truckers are stupid.

    IMO anti-vax truckers who block traffic and impede commerce should be dealt with harshly. Arrested, vehicles impounded, lose their jobs, etc.

  6. How quaint. "Arrested, impounded, unemployed..."

    We have A-10 Warthogs with 30mm autocannons for this shit.

  7. Beamish thinks constitutional rights (which even morons have) are "quaint". Even dictatorships realize murdering citizens results in bad press. Which doesn't mean they don't do it. They do, but then they deny it. Blowing away truckers with autocannons would be hard to deny.

  8. Why deny it? One of the legitimate functions of government is to keep trade and transit routes open and free of terrorism.

  9. A single 30mm depleted uranium high explosive round fired from a GAU-8 hits a human body with the same amount of joules as being thrown to the pavement from a 45 story building. Think of a grape being hit by a sledgehammer 65 times every second. It wouldn't leave a mess that birds, ants, and scrap metal haulers couldn't clean up.

    But more importantly, dumbasses would stop mistaking government and law enforcement kindness for weakness. It might even curb jaywalking too. Win-Win.

  10. Did you support Black Lives Matter protesters blocking highways or did you hop in your car salivating at the chance of plowing through them at the speed limit?

    Same principle, except big rig trucks need to be hit harder.

  11. As I said in the other thread, I don't care who is protesting or why. Once they start blocking roadways it's time to mulch them with autocannons.

  12. Someone stuck in the middle will want out. "Protest" becomes hostage situation. Tactical units swoop in, lots of people die.

    I'm making popcorn.

  13. Swoop in... just like they did in in Kenosha and Portland. lol!

  14. Salt and butter with a bowl of picante sauce to dip in

  15. The only ones doing any "swooping" were a couple of kids with AR-15s.

  16. I wouldn't assume everyone affected by shutting down highways to make a political point are the superstars of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

    These truckers are pissing off the wrong people.

  17. Shutting down 80% Democrats in DC with a Honkening sounds like something the residents should be happy about... after all, they've been mandating it for two years now... only w/o the noise.

  18. That hasn't happened yet. Let's stick to what has happened and is happening. A point of entry into the United States has been blockaded, affecting trade and manufacturing in Michigan. This is now a national defense issue that should be dealt with swiftly. Nearly 4,000 Michigan businesses are part of the United States defense, defense aerospace and homeland security industries. This blockade is an act of war by paranational terrorists and needs to be dealt with as such.

    Churn and mulch the bastards with autocannons. Make sure the flying body parts are caught on video.

  19. If it were a national defense issue, the parts would have been made IN Michigan. Crying about Canadians now is just be an admission of DOD incompetence.

  20. It's still an illegal blockade on trade and travel. It doesn't matter who is doing it and it doesn't matter why. It's an attack on the sovereignty of the United States and therefore must be destroyed.

  21. Didn't Trudeau close the border for over a year? Why didn't we invade then? Talk about your germophobes. They're worse than Trumpian-racist xenophobes...

  22. People were trying to smuggle Covid-19 out of Minnesota. Everyone knows American Covid can kill drunk drivers. It saved lives.

    Justin is his daddy's son.

    "Just watch him."
