Wednesday, December 22, 2021

More Faucian Hereseys Proven True Against the Cult of Covid


  1. I think the Faucists need to apologize to China for getting them framed for the development of Covid.

    I also think they should be held accountable to the American taxpayer for being funded and assigned to come up with a deadly pathogen and only producing weak sauce like Covid-19. Billions should be dead by now. This is bullshit. I want money back.

  2. What a great weapon to stave off populism...

  3. Well we're not going to achieve quality genocidal bioweapons relying on domestic unionized labor.

  4. I think Beamish's family members need to apologize to the world for not institutionalizing their dangerously mentally ill relative. Someone Beamish is related to must have noticed the tinfoil hat he wears and been subjected to his insane rambling. Clearly they are standing by and doing nothing. Even though their relative speaks of murdering people by shooting them in the face.

  5. That sounds like a pretty good place to shoot someone. Jes' sayin'!

  6. You're not upset that your government spent millions on developing a coronavirus into a human-communicable, mutagenic bioweapon and all they could come up with was weak ass Covid 19?

    We could have deorbitted asteroids into kinetic kill devices with all the money wasted and had a respectable body count to show for it.


  7. Shooting people in the face usually terminates all the writhing and squealing for socialized medicine that a center mass torso shot can cause.
