Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Why are we Vaccinating People with Natural Covid Immunity?

,,,because Sleepy Joe says so.


  1. Mayo Clinic: A recent study showed that unvaccinated people who already had COVID-19 are more than twice as likely as fully vaccinated people to get reinfected with COVID-19. Recent research also suggests that people who got COVID-19 in 2020 and then received mRNA vaccines produce very high levels of antibodies that are likely effective against current and, possibly, future variants. Some scientists call this hybrid immunity.

  2. According to your logic, all vaccinated people need to get vaccinated, too.

  3. ...because vaccinations make Leftist Karen's and Snowflakes feel better.

  4. Vaccinations and masks make pro-covid magaturd anti-science Karen Snowflakes angry.

  5. That's quite a froth there Derpy. Someone trying to put a nativity scene in front of city hall?

  6. I have no idea if that is an issue where I live. I don't think so. I haven't heard anything. A google search says some churches are already putting on live nativity scenes. I went to see one a few years ago. Churches are where such things are appropriate. Though some group thinking they should be shoving Christianity down the throats of non-Christians (while I wouldn't agree) wouldn't work me into a froth. That's the right's go-to response. rightest politicians have found they can get their base quite frothy with lies about people not being able to say "Merry Christmas", Dr Seuss being cancelled, and other culture war bullshit.

  7. ^^Wants to jab people who are already immune and have recovered from Covid^^

  8. ...(so that he can "justify and keep" an "official list" of specially privileged Americans)

  9. Are you sure you're authorized to work in the United States? Which border crossing did you evade to earn that right?

  10. I don't want to jab anyone. Especially "people who are already immune"... given that such people don't exist.

  11. They're "more immune" than anyone you've jabbed.

  12. I suppose. Given that you're talking about imaginary people.
