Tuesday, October 5, 2021

FY October - It's Feeding Time Again in DC...


Obama's Porkulus has Nothing over this year's $3.5 trillion "reconciliation" bill


  1. The price tag isn't zero. Nancy Pelosi said the bills added zero to the debt. Because the bills also raise taxes. But clearly republicans are incapable of understanding this. republicans lie about their tax cuts adding nothing to the debt. "They will pay for themselves" is the never true pitch. Whereas these investments actually WILL pay for themselves. Via increased economic activity. With infrastructure this is a proven fact.

  2. Republicans know the difference between "productive" and "consumptive" investments. Democrats are clueless.

  3. Universal preschool pays back zero. Green investments triple the cost of non-green investments, with NO environmental benefits.

  4. If the Left were serious about saving the environment, they'd be building 100 new nuclear plants instead of banning oil/coal.

  5. Republicans are clueless. They continue to think increasing the wealth of rich people will benefit us all. Despite all the evidence which proves that the greedy wealthy don't use their money to benefit society (growing companies, creating jobs) but seek to hide it and horde it. To the detriment of society.

    Democrats know that universal preschool pays back bigly and that nuclear power is extremely dangerous. We don't support it because we don't want to risk completely destroying the environment.

  6. Democrats know that universal preschool pays back bigly

    lol! The effects of preschool disappear within two years. THAT is a FACT!

  7. The results of these studies are remarkably consistent in at least two respects. First, preschool programs commonly raise children’s IQ-test scores initially, but the effects decline after program exit and eventually disappear. The Perry Preschool program is no exception in this regard--despite an initial gain of 12 IQ points, there is no significant effect on IQ left by 3rd grade. Second, many of the preschool programs were found to improve school outcomes such as grade retention, special education, and graduation rates.

  8. The Case For Universal Pre-K Just Got Stronger (excerpt)... ...kids [who attend preschool] were less likely to get suspended from school, less likely to skip class, and less likely to get in trouble and be placed in a juvenile detention facility. They were more likely to take the SATs and prepare for college.

    The most eye-popping effects the researchers find are on high school graduation and college enrollment rates. The kids who got accepted into preschool ended up having a high-school graduation rate of 70% — six percentage points higher than the kids who were denied preschool, who saw a graduation rate of only 64%. And 54% of the preschoolers ended up going to college after they graduated — eight percentage points higher than their counterparts who didn't go to preschool. (NPR 5/18/2021).

  9. lol!

    You mean kids with a "father" in the home less likely to get suspended from school, less likely to skip class, and less likely to get in trouble and be placed in a juvenile detention facility. They were more likely to take the SATs and prepare for college.?

  10. The article concerns kids who attend preschool. The article doesn't mention fathers.

  11. ...yet they achieve the same results as those being claimed for pre-schools.

  12. I'm sure a good home life is beneficial and there may be some overlap. But, that those benefits are exactly the same as if the child attended preschool is bullshit. And what about kids without two parents?

  13. Sounds like a factor that needs to be controlled for and wasn't.

  14. In addition to forcing pregnant women to carry to term, do you think marriage between two parents should be mandatory? Should divorce be illegal? What if one parent dies?

  15. It's not fair that Democrats want to spend money on social programs to stop crime. I want to be paid to not commit crimes too.

  16. You like crime and want more of it? No, what you want is to spend more money policing and incarcerating people. Instead of less money on programs to prevent crime and improve people's lives. Everyone's lives - the people who don't turn to crime and their potential victims. So stupid.

  17. How about reducing crime by abolishing laws? Who's really making money here?
